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Everything posted by nolongerlurking

  1. Johnny, you don't know me, and frankly there is no reason for you to listen to my advice, but DO NOT TRADE ALASKA FOR TEXAS. Do yourself a favor and take a vacation down there first for 3 or 4 weeks. Do it in July or August. Only after you have done this should you seriously consider the move. Alaska is absolutely stunning. I wouldn't even consider such a move. Just my two cents worth.
  2. I am fighting this same battle. Now I know I'm not alone. Peace to you JJ.
  3. WordWolf, I think you've hit on the exact number one reason I left TWI. Somehow hanging with them got me to a place where I didn't have a healthy relationship with myself, and I couldn't live that way. Thank you for stating the obvious.
  4. Long and Winding Road Lennon/McCartney - Beatles
  5. Joey's lung tumors were BENIGN. Yes. Yes. Yes. I imagine his mom and dad slept very well last night.
  6. George Aar, you crack me up. I agree, it is absurd. Often times I think that the Bible, along with other "holy" books, goes alot further toward making people disbelieve in God than believe in him/her. I have saved the other website links y'all included and will puruse them later. Thanks.
  7. I have some questions that I have never resolved and that hamper my belief in the Bible still. Here are four of my biggest problems: 1. People living to be 900-something years old. 2. Noah finding 2 of every single species on earth and jaming them onto a 450 boat. 3. Fossil evidence of plants and creatures much, much older than genesis. 4. Fossil evidence of an evolving human kind, and the very very slow increase in human kind's intelligence and creativity. What's up with this? Did anybody ever "research" this stuff?
  8. I have some questions that I have never resolved and that hamper my belief in the Bible still. Here are four of my biggest problems: 1. People living to be 900-something years old. 2. Noah finding 2 of every single species on earth and jaming them onto a 450 boat. 3. Fossil evidence of plants and creatures much, much older than genesis. 4. Fossil evidence of an evolving human kind, and the very very slow increase in human kind's intelligence and creativity. What's up with this? Did anybody ever "research" this stuff?
  9. My goodness! Look at the size of that little guy. And us human mammas think giving birth is difficult! Congratulations Rascal!
  10. I was in the apprentice corps. My moment of zen came when I found out that in residence I would be expected to leave my young daughter in the care of the Way and its leadership while I was continually kept busy doing (sometimes dangerous) corps "assignments" like going L.E.A.D. and hitchhiking across country and back to do so. I realized in an instant of time that I did not trust them with the life of my child. That was my que to exit stage left. That was back in 85 or 86. Never been sorry a day since I left. I DID have a desire about 3 years ago to make it back to one more Rock of Ages, just to take it's temperature and see what was up. This only because I, like many of you, had fond memories of the Rock. So I searched the internet trying to find info on the Rock. That was when I stumbled upon the fact that the Rock had been cancelled, along with all the other "enlightening" updates on the doings of TWI over the last 20 years. Needless to say, my eyes popped WIDE open, and I probably spend about a month doing nothing in my spare time but reading up on all the s*it that had taken place since I left. I was so thankful I didn't go into the crops. So thankful.
  11. I have never seen this video. Does anyone know where it can be seen?
  12. Thanks for remembering Jardinero! We're having a birthday bash here at our house this afternoon for me and two other members of Dave's band who also have birthdays in March. Should be fun. Sky is clear and blue, temperature is going to be in the mid 60's, and we're having margaritas and bbq steaks. I'm looking forward to it.
  13. Or, perhaps it was a delusional/psychotic VPW hearing voices inside his own head. This is nothing new. Lots of psychiatrists make their living treating patients who exhibit the same phenomenon. Let's face it. People who hear audible voices that nobody else can hear are not all that uncommon. So, the question becomes, is it GOD talking to you? The Devil? Or brain chemistry gone awry? Hmmmmmm.....
  14. The Lutheran Church I have been checking out recently has congregational members vote on important decisions as well. Works for me even tho I am not a member and don't vote. They also have several discussion meetings regarding the upcoming vote before it is taken. Plenty of time for everyone to get all the facts and mull it over. Not every member is required to vote either. Only if they want to. Also works for me after seeing twi mandate stuff for people.
  15. I remember those things. They all sounded interesting enuf at the time. Now I think they were nothing more than just one more man's take on the "original" holy writ. I've been going to a local Lutheran Church for about 2 months now. Really great people. Humble people, searching people. Two really really great pastors. One about my age and a young one, late 20's early 30's or so. He really reminds me of one of the young Way Corps folks from my first twig. Really bright, really loving, really funny, and a really great entertaining spellbinding teacher of God's Word. Anyhow, these guys do something I find helpful and interesting. Instead of doing their own "literal according to useage" stuff, they have different people in the congregation read the same verse from the various translations that happen to be present in church that day. After all, aren't these various translations just various people's "literal translations according to useage"? Of course they are! And many of these other translations have really opened up for me verses that I never really saw in the King James. These pastors SUGGEST that their people try a new bible version if and when the one they have been using gets to be "same o same o" for them. It can really rekindle things. Try it sometime if you haven't already.
  16. Hi Chas. I LOVE my corgis, but we are an all adult household, so I don't know about kids. Corgis are herding dogs, and they are good at it. So, they may try to herd kids. Mine try to herd me. They do it by following behind you and nipping at alternate heels as you walk. Seems instinctive because when I admonish them for doing this, they give me that "oh, yeah, I forgot, I'm not supposed to do that here" look. Most dogs I know that are raised with kids end up being good with kids. Corgis are neato doggies. I would suggest finding a local breeder or owner of a corgi and taking the kids to meet them/him/her and see how it goes.
  17. This is Bill. He's 12 years old and weighs about 22 pounds. He's a velcro cat. Sometimes annoying but also very sweet.
  18. Hi Belle. Beatrice and Buddy thank you for the compliments. Your little Vixen is a cutie as well. Is she as precocious/devious (sp?) as she looks? Just so you all know we are not partial in this house, each of our dogs has a cat. Bill, Otis, Abner, and Timmy. Here is Timmy. For some reason he is really attracted to sinks. I often arrive in the kitchen to find him sitting there in the sink staring at me. I'm thinking of getting him a sink to sleep in instead of his cat bed. Here's one of him in the bathroom sink.
  19. Finally, here is Heidi. She's our old lady who, at 14, is still going strong. We've had her since was 8 weeks old.
  20. (((Radar))). Good to hear from you and You Rock Too! Yes, I do love my Corgis. I also have two other doggies. This one is Buddy the Aussie. He grew up with Agnes the Corgi. I rescued them as a unit a year ago in January. One of the few stellar decisions I've made in my life. It's hard to get a good picture of Buddy because he's ALWAYS in motion.
  21. Agnes the cow, oops, I mean corgi. Seen here exercising.
  22. Beatrice in her tank top. Note the ruffled sleeves :)
  23. The Pembrokeshire Welsh Corgi, hands down.
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