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Everything posted by Ham

  1. I dunno. I think Splinter work is the Wierwille legacy if one is trying to obtain money, fortune and fame from it.. filthy lucre.
  2. I like Carlos Santana's take on forgiveness. If I send you to hell for what you did to me, I send myself as well. A couple of years ago I asked a few folks what they though that they owed me an absolved the debt. Give a Christian acid and see what happens.. maybe you get more than you want. treat me like crap and I can forgive you. I can't make the same negotiation for the rest of the humans that you have messed with- you're on your own.
  3. Freedom of obligation, freedom of conscience. freedom of guilt, freedom to travel freely.. freedom, in general.
  4. the only freedom I have, at least at the moment- is to be able to free others from debt or obligation to me. I cannot expect any other living human in this existence to reciprocate with the same offer.
  5. From my parts to your parts, I salute you.. heh Sleep well. Cannabis sometimes helps. :)
  6. Hey- how is everybody out there in Ex wayland doing? have not been around for a while. Are you enjoying life? Except for a few human failures it has been pretty well here.. Well.. other than dragging a bunch of parts of myself around from a generally broken life.. but no real complaints. Heh. God Bless you all...
  7. Personally- I would ask more serious questions. Does God really want to be in charge of this convulated mess.. would you? No, I would not- but weekly, daily it comes back asking questions and justification.. even in this limited temporal life.. maybe we need to read Jeremiah again. I think Bullinger had it partially right-God is not in the business of repairing that which man has broken.. if it isn't broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, well..
  8. I dunno. sometimes, the best is all that any of us can do.. sometimes it is damned pitiful.. I've had my share of this.
  9. My personal experience here.. I'm overworked and overloaded. The venues I personally work in- the requirements and requirements within the last couple of years have easily tripled along with reduction to half the salary. What about you? Retirement is a pipe dream, as they say..
  10. Might actually be true. Who am I to cast God's characteristics to my particular logical framework, and believe me, I have tried. Getting across quickly never seems to work well. Ask a student in the middle of a calculus course sequence.. nope. takes a frigging eternity to figure it out right.. heh
  11. As I do. I'd rather be frigging dirt poor.. but then I am. Too many comments to read here.. Hi Mike. Hope all is well with you and the rest of the Greasespotters.. Hey- how are you all doing? Haven't been around for a while.
  12. What a good question.. if He is anything like us.. and He claims such (we created in His image) I wonder if this is true..
  13. Generally, I have avoided Ghee. I buy the butter on a discount, and then freeze it. Frozen butter, little bacterial growth, no Buterates, hence, no Ghee. The butter is nice on sprouted breads in the morning with a little bit of local honey. Sorry to ruin an otherwise useful recipe thread.
  14. I would join the Ghee Club, but no one has invited me.
  15. cast iron certainly is helpful.. just hit the bacteria laden soup with enough heat, and All is Well. :)
  16. Holy Smokes- that is a high price for rancid butter.
  17. ah, yes. Rancid Butter. Have to look up a few Firesign Theatre references to make sense of this.. have to look for the Electrician or Somebody like Him for the answer..
  18. The topic might be similar to "Do you really have freedom of will.." I suggest- you are only entitled to give freedom to another. Freedom cannot be claimed or assumed, only given. I think that the common thought in this country is that freedom is a birthright. That we are entitled.. I deserve it.. as long as that there is another living breathing soul on this planet other than oneself, I think that this is an impossibility.
  19. Do we really have free will.. 20 years ago, I had absolutely no idea that I would be doing what I am doing today. Free will? I floated into this particular phase of existence.. I think.. or do I. The free will part was a very small agreement, Along The Way. No pun intended. I showed up as a shipwreck on the shores of a community college about 12 years ago, and they were not exactly amused.. heh. The four year college offered me shelter this year..
  20. Anger, Sadness, Joy, Love, Hate, .. seems pretty convenient to try to limit God's characteristics with a little known figure of speech, Anthropopatheia. Yet He created us in His image. I have a few problems with this. Among which, I cannot find "anthropopatheia" in the bible itself. I would suggest that this kind of doctrine is of human origin. Not of the Creator.. who am I, to cast God's characteristics in terms of what that I think that He should not be..
  21. Bertrand Russel tried the approach of Logic and some kind of basis of only rule for Faith and Practice- mathematically speaking. But his research came up with one Paradox after another. Whos career did he ruin at the last moment.. just as the book was ready for press. Can't remember the name at the moment. I think Christians regard him as some kind of heretic, Godless unbeliever. History shows he hated violence and Mob Rule. Would not follow a politically motivated mob to embrace yet one more Godless War. I think that he was a true Christian. I think that Godel shows us the way out of all of this, Philosophically, Theologically and Mathematically. How do we apply this to Biblical Truth. I don't entirely know. There is a Larger System than Us. Before Godel, there was Cantor. Cantor rattled their cages.
  22. I like the simpler questions, like Where did we all come from? I kind of like the idea that we were all one, at least at one time. Yep, here comes more new age stream of consciousness BS. Imagine a World where one can Magically summon whatever one desires- law of believing. I like to give the reply to the question, "what do you want" with "Nothing. I already have far more that than I need."
  23. I hope that the audience does not object to this Stream of Consciousness one post after another proceeding.. :L) You know.. human nature and understanding is so what's the word.. depraved? Merely by agreeing to some definition of God or reality we seem to alter the rules of the game. Usually not for the better. Even trying to improve this existence.
  24. In a weird sense, I think Math might be Religion. Certainly has a lot of the same characteristics. Now the Postulates of Religion. There is one God. I don't necessarily think that the Creator of the universe is a projection of my psyche.. Is Math a tool or guide. I think neither. It provides tools.. and maybe logical guidance. Religion. Is it a tool or guide? Definitely a guide. There are a definite number of Postulates and common assumptions one must agree with in order to proceed to the Next Phase of the Operation..
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