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Everything posted by dmiller

  1. dmiller

    Happy Mothers Day

    Happy Mothers Day --- All. :)
  2. Docvic passed from the drink and into the brink in 1985. It'll be 25 years in 2010. Say ---- I'd love to come to this party too, but I want to come IN STYLE. Anyone got a spare Harley-Davidson (preferably all tricked out) that I can use, so that I can make a grand entrance to this shindig?? :spy:
  3. Does anybody really know? Does anyone really care?? Choices in life are there for the taking. They took theirs. They made their bed, let them lay (or is it "lie") in it. :)
  4. Doesn't anyone read the thread? John screwed up in his posting of the URL, and I re-did it, so folks could get to his site, and get registered in this web-cam thing. Seems like one person ONLY took the time to click on what I posted, and got right through. John might be a competent counselor, but (imo) he has some serious LACK of social skills when it comes to thanking someone (anyone) who fixes a link for him to recoup his investment of $700.00 to do this seminar, since he was online here AFTER I did that for him. Dot -- I re-did that link so you could get into it, with no problems. Did you click on it?? I guess not, eh? Potato did. No matter. If he makes a living counseling on the web, he should try to get (at least) his links right. And --- have a bit of common courtesy when it comes to re-couping his "investment". He can do neither. Have fun, who ever decides to join this "conference".
  5. dmiller

    Song of the moment

    Crooked Still is a great group!!! :)
  6. John -- I fixed re-did it for you. It's in my post above. :)
  7. Hey --- No problem, Potato. :) I have no desire (or need) to be there, but for those that do --------- glad to help out. :D
  8. http://KnappFamilyCounseling.com/woundswebinar.html That link will work. It's the original one posted, minus the extraneous letters and such that kept it from working.
  9. dmiller

    Song of the moment

    And - - - here's some friends of mine, from here in Minney-soda, that I get together with every once in a while. :)
  10. dmiller

    Song of the moment

    Congrats!!!!!! What kind did you buy?? I've got two. A 1962 Gibson RB-250 Mastertone, and a 1974 GTR RB-250 "Masterclone". The older I get, the slower (and more melodic) i.e. "simpler" tunes are more pleasing to me. Here's one (Jens again).
  11. I was in one Way home, and one only. Chr!s Gr@nlich was in charge of it. Nuff said.
  12. dmiller

    Swine Flu

    I heard it's being passed between humans and not from pig to people, as the people who have it here in the US haven't been around any pigs. Don't kiss anyone that looks like this. :P :P (edited to add - - - - >>> Click the Pic.)
  13. True. That link has been "dead" for quite some time. Fox had it pulled, due to copyright infringements.
  14. Monday is a holiday?? Oh --- Sure!!! That's right. It's 4/20! :B)
  15. dmiller

    susan boyle

    String Bean managed that 70 some years ago and became famous as a result. Lot's of folks liked him. YMMV. :)
  16. My 2 cents. If you make it to the "top of the food chain", and remain there successfully -- *victim* becomes an oxymoron. :wacko:
  17. That was a "painful read", just to get to the last two lines of the interview. :unsure: :blink: :)
  18. The $10,000 question --- Are these folks headed in, or out??
  19. Well. You've got your opinion, and I've got mine. Glad to hear you got a coupla bucks for your "overt evidence of the detrimental effects of credulousness". :)
  20. dmiller

    Song of the moment

    Have been listening to the Kruger brothers from Switzerland (Jens on banjo/ Uwe on guitar/ and Joel Landsberg on bass). Jens is playing his Deering banjo, with a "revolutionary" tone ring in it Jens got hold of the Rüetschi Bell Foundry to produce a new tonering for the banjo, using 600 year old techniques. The sound of the banjo is superb, and Jens does it justice. :)
  21. I'll need an X-Large Tall size, were I to take you up on that offer. ;) I agree with Leafy. I'm not validating the *ministry* by being pleased I found the thing after all these years. It is merely a manifestation in the senses realm of a spiritual reality that happened long ago.
  22. No. No WOW VET jacket. Just the pin. Don't suppose I'd wear the jacket, even if I had one (these days). :)
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