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Everything posted by dmiller

  1. Hey there Abi. Docvic had a convoluted teaching that was both in pfal and the ADAN book dealing with Enoch and Elijah. I've got the same ADAN version as Waysider does (1971) which I bought new at the hdqtrs book store back in 1975/ 76. Enoch (according to the gospel of docvic) was so pleasing to God, that he never literally *saw* someone one die. God was so impressed with Enoch and his "walk" that He *translated* Enoch so that Enoch would never have to SEE (according to docvic the word "see" is *eidon* which means to literally see someone die) (page 68 ADAN) and the word used in the KJV about Enoch's *journey* provided by God, is the word translated. Of course --- all modern day evangelical Christians talk about *translation at the Rapture" (these days), so they equate this episode in the bible as a passing from here to there bypassing death in the process. Docvic said "It ain't so!" Not sure where docvic got his info from, because on the same page 68 of ADAN, docvic states: Then docvic (in a lucid/ non-lucid) moment decided to list the occurrences of Enoch in the Bible, at the bottom of the page. (Page 68 --- ADAN) Gotta admit. Docvic was right. Nowhere did he (Enoch) see death. Also gotta admit --- by searching those scriptures about Enoch (so well supplied by docvic) ---- Enoch must've never drank wine with his buddies, never had a house he could call home, never had a wife or kids/ never did a whole lot of things that one might ascribe to *life as we know it*. What's that FAMOUS line from docvic??? Something about: YOU CAN LEARN MORE FROM WHAT IS NOT WRITTEN.. Nother words -- docvic saying (in the 1971 version of ADAN), that he is conjecturing, and preparing a bill of goods for sale to the highest bidder, eh? Short of the long of it is --- Docvic gave up the "seat of power" to the Okie Leatherhead back in (what -- 1982??), and from the moment he did -- his *teachings* were quickly eroded/ changed/ and forgotten in order to promote King Okie and his *interpretations* of everything he had heard and learned previously, but with a new spin in order to show who was *boss*. This is a case in point. This session by docvic about masturbation (as the original sin) was only run PRIVATELY by the time I got in. Perhaps he was too ashamed to admit that he actually allowed that to be taped, but (conversely), I bet he might have thought it would work to his *advantage* too. Craigger's had to go it one better, and given the allegations about D and R, I wonder what his impetus for doing the teaching he did entailed (no pun intended!). What a sick buncha folks. I'm glad I walked away when I did, before the superficial injuries became permanent.
  2. That site used to be open to the public (if I recollect correct). Wonder why the change, eh?
  3. My favorite is the local Summit Extra Pale Ale (made in St. Paul, Mn.) Micro-breweries beat the major ones hands down. :)
  4. I chose a long time ago. Vpw was weighed in the balances, and found wanting.
  5. Go out back of the Budweiser brewery, and you'll see where their beer REALLY comes from.
  6. 27.) Check your mind with the attendant at the door.
  7. Speaking of dyslexia ---- It could be that docvic was a charter member of DAMM. Drunks Against Mad Mothers. Just my IMO. :unsure:
  8. dmiller

    Song of the moment

    Says it all. :)(Except for Lance Armstrong)
  9. dmiller

    Song of the moment

    This whole election process is appropriately named in the title of the next tune - - - - - > > > THE BIG BUG SHUFFLE :unsure: :blink: :unsure:
  10. Heh heh! I think most folks are a little dyxlesic every now and then, eh? :lol:
  11. Congratulations!!! :beer: The client at the house I work at that has Pradar - Willie syndrome lost 300 pounds, but it took 14 years to do so. Good luck on reaching your goal. :)
  12. dmiller

    GSC and Oprah

    Dr Phil is one rung lower/ or on an even keel with Oprah. Can you say they both S -- U -- C -- K?? Opportunists, acting like God on a Stick (or something). Fugg em both. I've no use for either of them. Do I hear some *cult* following here on your part? Just curious.
  13. dmiller

    GSC and Oprah

    You don't even want to know my (imo) opinion of Oprah.
  14. Think what you want. Say what you will. It's all BS.
  15. edited --- cause it just ain't worth the fight. You do and say what ya gotta say Mike.
  16. Privileged info. Kinda like twi. :blink:
  17. For what it's worth --- John J asked a simple question. Somehow it degenerated into a squabble about a damm syllabus, and who got what info, and when, depending on their *status* in the ORG. To me that's a bunch of elitist BS that shows how *departmental* twi really was ---- nother words --- join the right group, get this info here that no one else has access to. Perhaps a new thread should be started about who joined what solely to get *privileged* info, due to their *commitment*, ABS, and die hard dedication to the fuggtard ORG selling them the false *bill of goods* being promoted by twi. Anyone from the corps site care to comment??
  18. True. I saw the deleted session of the CF&S class at Hdqtrs at an *excellor session* (sp?) about masturbation. Docvic mentioned that a lot (guess it was because he wasn't getting any), While LCM mentioned the Homo part of it since his wife (IMO) chose Rosie over him. :D :
  19. Oh yea --- wasn't there a deleted section of the CF&S class about the original sin??? Hmmmmmm?
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