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Everything posted by dmiller

  1. dmiller

    Lonnie Frisbee

    Jim Doop passed away a year or so ago. There's a lot of info here on GSC about him and his ministry and how docvic stole it away.
  2. Ya know --- If you ever DON'T have anything to do on Father's day weekend, come on up here to Duluth Minnesota. About 15 years ago, a bunch of home brewers got together (on that day), to celebrate being fathers, and to sample the various brews they had each been crafting. I'm neither a father, nor a brewer, but they liked my fiddle/ banjo/ guitar/ mandolin playing enuf that they invited me to invite some of my picking friends over to their *little get-together* which has been held now for all these years. It's a *dream job* for me. Getting a chance to pick, and sample some of the area's finest???? If you think good beer is ONLY German made, you are sadly mistaken. :)
  3. dmiller

    Lonnie Frisbee

    Steve Heefner, and Jim Doop. Docvic did an admirable job of hijacking the Jesus Ministry from these two.
  4. That's baloney. There's lot's of good micro-breweries around this country (not to mention home brewers) that turn out a superb product. :)
  5. So much for Monasteries - - - - - >>>> A young monk arrives at the monastery. He is assigned to helping the other monks in copying the old canons and laws of the church by hand. He notices, however, that all of the monks are copying from copies, not from the original manuscript. So, the new monk goes to the head abbot to question this, pointing out that if someone made even a small error in the first copy, it would never be picked up. In fact, that error would be continued in all of the subsequent copies. The head monk says, "We have been copying from the copies for centuries, but you make a good point, my son." So, he goes down into the dark caves underneath the monastery where the original manuscripts are held as archives in a locked vault that hasn't been opened for hundreds of years. Hours go by and nobody sees the old abbot. So, the young monk gets worried and goes down to look for him. He sees him banging his head against the wall and wailing, "We missed the "R", we missed the "R". His forehead is all bloody and bruised and he is crying uncontrollably. The young monk asks the old abbot, "What's wrong, father?" With a choking voice, the old abbot replies, "The word was CELEBRATE!" :biglaugh:
  6. John -- Thanks for your reply. I'm glad you saw my post as an honest question (which it was), rather than an accusation. That's a good point. I didn't think of that.
  7. Jeff --- I don't mind at all. Glad I could help (if you want to call it *help*). :) I had been in aware of what JAL had been doing (back then - - - visiting any and all areas) due to two friends of mine (both now deceased) who were a lot closer to him in those days. JAL has a memory that's like a steel trap. He remembers names, and folks. JAL was the minister that officiated at my wedding back in 1975. He remembered and knew who I was 20 years later, even though I hadn't spoken to him in all that time. So that's why I was surprised by his phone call when I got it that day. The gig we had was to be playing at some sort of rendezvous *mountain man* re-enactment. I was driving down with one of the band members, and I asked if it was OK to drop her off there at the job site, and then disappear for a while to go to Victor's house and be a part of the meeting. That was cool with her as long as I made it back in time to play the gig, and give her a ride back here to home after it was all over. So I showed up at Victor's house (it was pretty nice --- if I recollect correct), and settled in for an afternoon of teaching. One thing I noticed right off --- Victor had an air of arrogance and a know-it-all-aloof-attitude that I didn't like. Greg was easy to talk to, and JAL was the same as Greg. I never did equate bible verses (Pharisees, etc.) with these guys. I figured I'd judge the book by the cover, and then let them show what was on the inside pages. Out of the three, Greg did the best job. That was back in the 1990's. Seems Vic baby has gotten worse and more demanding since then. Of course I only met him that one time (I wouldn't know him from Adam if I met him on the street), but I would equate him (and his outfit) to mold growing off of the twi *culture* that spawned it.
  8. Wolves bearing *gifts* - - - - >>> (The pic is clickable.)
  9. Docvic never knew the meaning of *borrow*. He stole and *copyrighted* other's works, plain and simple. He wasn't content with *sharing knowledge* or crediting others. He had to take credit for it, all of it. Just my IMO, but a valid one, eh? <_<
  10. I gave (more than) my share over the years. I got raked over the coals more than once for deciding where my *ABS* was gonna go. I made it a point to point out (to an inquisitive branch leader inquiring about my ABS) that I gave more to corps sponsorship than I did to the twig so that I could help *leadership in training*. I was (as you can guess) told in no uncertain terms, that that was unacceptable. Twi came first (docvic/ head honchos/ hdqtrs./ etc.), and corps sponsorship was somewhere way down the *totem pole*. I don't take $h!t from anyone, and I didn't then either. I had a very *interesting* talk with my branch leader about the subject, and (thankfully) he backed down. Twi was getting the money in the long run, wasn't it? I guess they looked through a different set of glasses than I did. The fuggtards there at hdqtrs got more money than they knew what to do with, and still looked for more. What's that verse about the *thirsty snake*?? It's applicable.
  11. If you want pfal, it's *available* from various sources. I haven't a clue what BS they are teaching today, but I'm willing to bet it's not *the original* docvic stuff. Newer/ better/ *present truth*/ don't cha know. :unsure:
  12. Not trying to be a jerk or anything, but are those phone calls from this site, or from the Mochat site (where you posted the identical *request for help*)??? And --- have you also posted this on other sites as well?? I'm supposing that this will mean money in your pocket, while dispensing advice to *toxic cultists*. Will there be any monetary remuneration to those who decide to participate? Eh? Given my past experience in twi (and splinters thereafter), I'm extremely leery of anyone who encourages me to *open up*, and expect to make a living off of it. No offense meant --- but this comes cross as a *shameless plug* to make some cash off of other's stories. (imo) Perhaps I'm reading you wrong, and if so --- I apologize. Call what I've got a *gut feeling*.
  13. Jeff --- yup I hear that. I was there that day as a spectator only. Like I said --- it was kinda ironic that I got that call from JAL right before I was going to be in the same area (specifically geographic) where we were going to be playing a square dance the same day. I was being facetious about the *snow on the gas pumps thing*, but I have to admit my curiousity was piqued. Greg taught, Victor taught, and JAL taught during the course of that evening. If I recollect correct (and I do), Greg taught on how it's *available* for multitudes to be speaking in tongues all at once in a meeting (and genuinely praising God), and Vic taught on how the church was going to be the bride of Christ (I remember him saying he was going to stand FIRM on that teaching, and NOT back down on it), and JAL ran the Athletes of the Spirit video, and made comments about what was * right and wrong*. Like I done did say --- I wuz jest a spec-tater there. :P Like some old guy in history once said: Veni, Vidi, Vici. :)
  14. I've heard that joke before but told better, and it involved different characters. The persons involved were two politicians in Washington DC *doing lunch*, and the *choking patron in the restaurant* was a disreputable trial lawyer. There was one memorable line (after the *hind-licking* comment), that made the joke most apposite. (No --- that's not a typo). :) If you can't guess what the last line was (or HAVEN'T HEARD IT IN THE ORIGINAL), try googling it.
  15. dmiller

    Song of the moment

    the link didn't work.
  16. Here's a stow-ry (a true one --- by the way!) about myself, and these *havens*. So --- the year was (somewhere) in the mid 1990's. I was well out of twi by that time, and concentrating on playing music. Depending on the tune being played (I worked in a square dance band), I was responsible for either fiddle/ mandolin/ or rhythm guitar. We had a job playing at some dance down near the twin cities of Mnpls/ St. Paul. Believe it or not --- out of the clear blue sky I got a phone call from JAL letting me know that he was going to be at a *fellowship* about 15 miles where my band was going to be picking for a buncha folks kicking up their heels that night. It might've been snow on the gas pumps for all I knew. It was just too coincidental. So I said --- "Sure --- I'll come to the meeting. I'll listen to what you have to say". This was back in the days when he traveled around the countryside letting everyone know about what twi was really like. He held his meeting at the house of Victor Barnard, and had a visiting pastor by the name of Greg Pharis (from a Georgia southern Baptist persuasion) teaching as well. Well -- Victor had his own opinions about the bible, and they didn't mesh with JAL's. Greg was a firm believer in Jesus Is God, and he didn't mesh with JAL either. However --- Greg was *teaching* JAL about personal prophecy, Victor had a house with a buncha folks familiar with twi, and JAL (imo) used those entities to get new recruits. I was offered (strongly suggested) that I do the Momentus trip by JAL, but I looked him in the eye and said "Not for me!" Greg gave me a personal prophecy, and it shook me to my bones. It was that right on. No spiders or anything like that. I've got to admit I've hung out with CES (I guess they are STFI now), but them there days are gone. The best thing you can do when being confronted with a *splinter*, is walk the other way. :)
  17. dmiller

    Song of the moment

    From *Across the Pond*
  18. Todd -- You're welcome to your opinion, and God bless you for it. Mike has (and will continue to) evade/ dodge/ and flat out deny any and all legitimate questions asked of him. I guess you haven't dealt much with him in the past, because if you have/ had done so, you would quickly realize that anything you said (in all honesty) would be relegated to his *Table Of Challenge* where you would would have NO chance of rebuttal at all. Mike isn't interested in hearing anything remotely resembling *truth*. He's fixated on docvic, and the *written word* of pfal. Steve Lortz has given an honest assessment of the mental state of Mike. You may not agree with that, but that's up to you. IMO, Mike has mental problems, but I'm guessing he might say the same about me. :)
  19. Ham --- Mike has problems when confronted with facts. Especially facts that come from the *holy writ* of pfal. :)
  20. And -- when you (or I) are under water, how is it that we instinctively know which way is up, eh?? <_< Can you say -- some things are subject to *natural law*???
  21. Mark --- you made my point exactly! Docvic's *research* was so shoddy that anything could've been proven given the time and effort he put into it. :)
  22. Sitting around a campfire at 2 AM with KENNY BAKER picking music, and passing a jar of *clear liquid* around. Sitting backstage with Norman, Nancy, and James sharing a *leafy green substance*. Being invited to the hotel of Grant and Ginger Boatwright (Red, White, and Bluegrass Band) to -------- , and to learn how to blow darts through a 3 foot tube towards the target pinned on the motel room door. (Dave Sebolt -- the bass player kept repeating --- "Do NOT inhale dart. Do NOT inhale dart"!! Oh -- wait a minute. This thread is a "hypothetical", not something that's already happened, eh? :lol: ;) :lol:
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