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Everything posted by dmiller

  1. Here's the name of the seller, DWBH. It was on page one of this thread. :) "I've got a cookie jar and NO, I won't let you reach into it!" Daddy.
  2. Caint fugg with the *flagship teaching*, ya know? :unsure:
  3. Shucks. I have a ton of SNS tapes here at the house ranging from 1975 to somewhere in the mid 1980's. I was also a member of University Of Life, and I have some of those tapes here as well. I paid for all of them. I sent in my money, twi sent me the tapes. I never signed anything. For all the *legal beagles" out there -- can I sell these without recrimination from twi?? Regardless what the answer might be from the nay sayers --- I think I can. I'm guessing that the *class* belongs in a different dispensation, eh??? :blink:
  4. Hey there White Dove. I don't know how to operate the *search* function here to isolate posts (like some folks can do), but I do recall Galen saying that he was given the class to run at sea, while in the Navy (way back when), as a submariner. I (also) seem to recall, he runs the class regularly in his area, since it was given to him to do so, and it's his property (courtesy of twi). Certainly he isn't in Colorado, and I don't think he's sell it. Teach it/ run classes?? Yes. But sell it?? No.
  5. Woops --- just took a look at the ad again. I see it's from Ft. Collins Co. That wouldn't be Galen. He's on the east coast. :)
  6. Shucks --- and I thought 85 bucks was expensive to listen to it for the first time!! I'm thinking (correct me if I'm wrong), that Galen is one of the few here who has rights to pfal distribution. ;)
  7. One/ Four/ Five works really good in Bluegrass too! (Are you sure you don't want to add some 7th and 9th chords in there too??) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was a picker when I got in twi, and (yes), it was suggested that I put down the instruments in *favor of the Word*. After ignoring their suggestions, and being pressed to do so in repeated confrontations --- I told them to stuff it. They (the local twig/ branch/ etc.) liked it well enough when I played for the functions, but didn't want me doing it any time else. Moved to Minney-soda as a WOW in 1978, and found some bluegrass pickers up here and started a weekly jam here in a local pub. In 78 - 79, there were 5 WOW families up here, and they all came to the jams to listen to the music and witness to the crowd. Since we (the pickers) all sat around a round table while playing there at the jam, I was accused of sitting in with a *circle jerk* by my WOW family leader (who couldn't carry a tune in a bucket). While being castigated for *abandoning the Word* (because I chose to continue to pick with these folks on twig night), all Wednesday twigs were moved from the home fellowship locations to Sir Ben's (the pub), where there was music/ people/ beer/ and wine. Shucks -- I coordinated and ran these jams where everyone was happy and having fun. More folks were signed up for pfal there during those jam sessions than anywhere else in town. I still scratch my head (these many years later) and think --- "What were they (twi) complaining about?" The (not so ironic) thing about this is --- after 31 years, that Bluegrass jam session is still going on every Wednesday night/ as well as a different one I started for Old Time Music in 1993 (at the same establishment every Thursday night) 16 years ago. The *circle jerk* (two nights now instead of just one) lives on. There is no twi here anymore. The ORG is gone, the music lives. Far as I am concerned --- Music is a gift given to some folks. Just like any other aptitude that any one else might have. I never saw twi asking Hayes Gahagen to give up his political ambitions, and concentrate on the Word only. Nor do I remember docic asking those two pro football players (I think they were with the New England Patriots -- correct me if I have this one wrong), to give up the *pro* life, and concentrate ONLY the Word. Nor did they ever ask Doctors to stop practicing medicine in order to *get their priorities straight*. Why did they single out musicians, and our love for music, and not others, eh?? Cripes. They should of asked lcm to give up his dancing career -- woops. Wait a minute. That's an oxymoron. :) Short of the long of it is --- It's YOUR life!!!! Live it any dang way you want to! I've got some nice instruments here, and I take it VERY unkindly if I'm told I SHOULDN'T be playing them. Anyone tells me what to do with my life ---- I tell them to TAKE A HIKE! Of course -- they may not be into hiking, so if they choose not to, that's their decision. I'll give them the option of making that decision, just as they should allow me mine. :)
  8. For what-it-is-worth WhiteDove has a lot of music/ teachings/ etc. that he will give out for free. I can attest to this first hand.
  9. dmiller

    Guitar Talk

    And --- happy birthday to multi-instrumentalist Norman Blake. He turns 71 today, March 10th.
  10. Just telling you what I heard. Not kidding at all.
  11. If I recollect correct, Branded was originally called Made In America. Rumor has it that docvic changed it from that to Branded. Seems he (with his "usual-perverted-thinking-mindset") thought that might construe a sexual connotation, thus the change. Trust him to think of something like that, eh? Of course I could be wrong about this, but that was the *word on the street* back then. Sorry for the de-rail with this trip down memory lane. ;)
  12. dmiller

    Song of the moment

    I'm in a melancholy mood tonight. A good friend of mine that I used to pick with and camp with at bluegrass festivals in the past, passed away yesterday. This was one of his favorites to do around the campfire late at night after most of the *sensible* folks went to bed. We'd stay up till 3 or 4 in the morning picking music (figuring we'd suffer the consequences the next day), but had a hell-of-a-lotta-fun doing so regardless of that fact. The following is one that we used to do in the *late-night* sessions. No You Tube of us doing it, so this will have to suffice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So long Tony. You made your living picking guitar and banjo and though never famous, you were good enough for me and the audience at hand, and a treat to pick with and listen to. God speed in your journey. You'll be missed.
  13. If you didn't try Maker's Mark in your *tasting*, you weren't tasting whiskey. :P (Kentucky Straight Bourbon is *where it's at*). :B) (P.S. - - - I don't drink this anymore because I like it too much). ;)
  14. dmiller

    The Way

    Yawnnnnnnnnnnnn! Multi-gift ministry?? What!!?? He drank something besides Drambuie?? (Manifestation/ imbibing of *Spirits*, don't cha know). ;) TWI wasn't without it's problems??? Hmmmmmm. Can you say "There's a dog that don't hunt?" :spy:
  15. I remember that he (and Kit Sober) were the two who always reminded us all of that fact. :)
  16. dmiller

    Guitar Talk

    Happy belated birthday to Doc Watson. Yesterday (March 2nd) he turned 86 years old, and is still inspiring generations of pickers. :B)
  17. dmiller

    Sheriff Joe

    Hey there Garth. How be ye?? :)In post #13 I asked for sources from Rocky; In post #18 I said I was willing to believe Rocky, if he would provide sources for what he was saying; In post #19 I said *give that man a medal* for dealing with illegal immigration. Now - - - if you care to peruse the thread, you might notice that NOT ONE SINGLE LINK was given until now I see did so in post #20. In post #33 I said I was looking at the links provided (with NO comment pro or con on Sheriff Joe); Then Rocky said: For what it's worth --- I did think Sheriff Joe was an OK kinda guy. Now I'm hearing different things about him from folks who have first hand evidence to back up their claims. Should I take those claims at face value, simply because they are *first-hand*? According to Rocky first hand evidence isn't applicable without links to other sources provided, and in spades (unless it's done by himself). So I asked for links providing evidence. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't see anywhere here that I support Sheriff Joe's *agenda* (as you claim), other than my saying give him a medal for working against illegal immigration before any links were provided showing what he was truly capable of. So -- you (with your assertion I'm still defending Sheriff Joe), and P-Mosh (who jumped on me about *thinking all Hispanic people being illegal immigrants - - - WHICH I NEVER SAID OR EVEN IMPLIED!) are both wrong. Just as Rocky is wrong for not following his own advice/ mandates to provide proof for claims made here in cyber-space. It's ironic that NOW there are some links being provided, eh? Should have been done on page one, rather than two or three. So there you have it. My posts have been more about producing *proof*, rather than supporting/ denigrating Sheriff Joe.
  18. HA! :biglaugh: Naw -- I had a pic I wanted to post, and for some reason the link didn't work. Looking back at it, it was no great loss! ;)
  19. dmiller

    Song of the moment

    :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: Great video, mstar! I love competence in music, and it's surely shown there! :) Here's a *mind-boggler*. How they pull this off so flawlessly is beyond me! :unsure: Two Men and One Guitar Playing Mozart
  20. dmiller

    Sheriff Joe

    :biglaugh: :biglaugh: Classic!!!
  21. Hmmmm. The link wouldn't show up here.
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