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Everything posted by outofdafog

  1. hey i wrote this post of wordpad and wanted to copy and paste into this reply box. i can't find any edit features on the reply toolbar or copy and paste features. how do you guys do that. thanks for the help if anyone knows. i would hate to have to type the post over into this reply space. :)-->
  2. excie: this place is really going to the *dogs* :D--> sorry just a play on words anyways, after geek's explanation it just feels like it was a drive by experiment with us as the guinea pigs. hope we aren't this weeks sermon at CFF --> is it okay not to capatalize when posting? just funnin', just geting over not feeling good, the vet said is was "distemper"
  3. hi shelly - nice to see you too :)-->
  4. hey song: this might be off topic but when satori said "outofthedog" it made me think of the time when i was pregnant and dreamed that I gave birth to a litter of puppies.
  5. hi excie: glad to see you are still here and thanks :P--> satori - i forgive you - hehehe
  6. wow rascal, you have total class me percieves catcup is on too much on the defensive, one should not have to defend what one so vehemently believes in catcup someone hasn't forgiven or else they wouldn't have taken this so too heart (read that in a sing song type of way) - PLUCK the beam from thine own eye (man I love to talk with that biblical accent, that sh@t is cool) you know rascal: some people have to be controlled (ie: leaving a cult and joining another). one cannot really explain why another feels the need to do so. i guess it is just feeling safe, you know the old familiar comfortable shoe. some people are leaders and some are followers. those who have the need to follow or self-righteously lead, need to join cults in order to feel safe and in control (i know that doesn't make much sense to us, but to them it does in some deep phycological way ((oops hope the spelling cops are not around) i don't think i spelled that right (oh my god, will i be thrown off this thread???) speaking of spelling cops, does it ever get on your nerves that some people on this site have made it a spiritual mission to correct people on spelling, paragraph style (that's what I like to call it - you know when their paragraphs go on and on and they never take a break you know what i mean grammer etc etc etc. i think from here on out I will try to forgive those who make grammatical errors because going on and on about it is annoying to most people, you know how some people just seem to go on and on pounding the same point over and over and over again you know the kind that just get on your nerves with their self righteousness and how i wish catcup could see herself now on this forgiveness thread and she has the most venom of all you know how people just go on and on and i am just going to keep on and on until the paragraph cops or the period (end the sentence) cops come by and make me stop!!!!!!!. I know God would want it that way.
  8. it's like the song that never ends yes it goes on and on my friends some people started singing it not knowing what it was and you'll be busy singing it forever just because............. it is the song that never ends yes it goes on and on my friends some people started singing it not knowing what it was and you'll be busy singing it forever just because.................. for all you Barney fans out there ;)--> WE NOW RETURN TO OUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED THREAD WHICH IS BECOMING UNBELIEVABLY UNFORGIVING ROCK ON MY GOOD FRIENDS
  9. Chas - it's four days later and I am still laughing my butt off. Remember, once all the research for changing a light bulb is done at HQ, now they must implement this spiritual truth throughout the household fellowships. The branch coordinator and his spouse will hold a special teaching day on Sunday for about 3 to 4 hours - do not forget your index cards so that afterwards you can praise their spiritual performance in being so sharp on this lightbulb thing (then it will be necessary for everyone to run home and change so as not to be late for Sunday service) where again the MOG will espouse and spit and spew the truth regarding darkness and how switching on the light bulb in our lives will remove the darkness. A weekend spayshul will be planned after of course all household fellowship coordinators have been briefed to inspect each believers home to see that the offending light bulbs have been changed or have been scheduled to be changed. Said believer must report back to fellowhip coordinator, who must report back to branch coordinator, who must report back to region coordinator, who must report back to cabinet blah blah blah. With this report, believer must include first payment installment toward the upcoming weekend spayshulwhose children's attendence is also mandatory. After all, the children are the next generation of light bulb changers at HQ and must attend. If you are unable to pay, you must consider mortgaging your house (oh that's right) you can't own a house! Sell your car? In addition, there will be several nights of study groups prior to said special in order for the eyes of your understanding to be "enlightened". Children who are unable to attend must write the MOG an apology letter and say 4 hail mary's (oops wrong cult) These study nights will be on off fellowship nights (ie: if you have fellowship Mon, Wed, Fri and Sun, you must schedule these study sessions on Tues, Thurs and Sat. God I am tired..............
  10. Just thinking, hahahahahah If it weren't so true it would be soooo...funny. Man, you nailed that one. outofdafog
  11. Okay, Kit, if God is Jesus and Jesus is God, the trinity, then all of this would make sense. You could substitute Jesus for God in the above mentioned list. I think that is what the article is trying to say. That eventually we all see that everything is all, and all is everything. Just a thought.
  12. Hey Kit, First I want to say that from your posts you are one of the "best up here". I admire so much of the things that you contribute to a thread. I love seeing both sides of every issue. Your honesty and integrity shows up in all the posts I have ever seen you post. Peace, outofdafog
  13. Our] biggest fallacies about God are: 1. God needs something. 2. God can fail to get what God needs. 3. God has separated you from God because you have not given God what God needs. 4. God still needs what God needs so badly that God now requires you, from your separated position, to provide it. 5. God will destroy you if you do not meet God's requirements. [Whereas] this is what God is actually like: 1. Tomorrow's God does not require anyone to believe in God. 2. Tomorrow's God is without gender, size, shape, color, or any of the characteristics of an individual living being. 3. Tomorrow's God talks with everyone, all the time. 4. Tomorrow's God is separate from nothing, but is Everywhere Present, the All in All, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Sum Total of Everything that ever was, is now, and ever shall be. 5. Tomorrow's God is not a singular Super Being, but the extraordinary process called Life. 6. Tomorrow's God is ever changing. 7. Tomorrow's God is needless. 8. Tomorrow's God does not ask to be served, but is the Servant of all of Life. 9. Tomorrow's God will be unconditionally loving, nonjudgmental, noncondemning, and nonpunishing. This saying is from an article on the web site www.beliefnet.com regarding the spirituality that will transform our socity in the next 25-30 years. Does anybody think this is true based on the events of 9/11/01. I have always felt that 9/11 was a spiritual birth for our nation. 9/11 wass a glimpse of evil that none of us have ever seen in our lifetime.
  14. You guys are a trip. Paw just asked that the quibbling be stopped. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pat, why do you persist in acting like such a jerk? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "An opinion not shared by all. Why do you and your friends have to find fault in stuff like this to begin with? Most of this thread is about you shouldn't have done this, or shoulda have done it this way. My style is mine and if some have another opinion of how to do it, you are entitled to that opinion. Why don't we discuss the mindset of the person who wrote the e-mail and how TWI has them convinced that things are looking better? That was the reason for this thread." AMEN AND AMEN PAT Pat I have to agree with you, it seems everytime that you post something, several others just have to turn it into a personal attack against you. I read your posts for the content and gosh I don't always agree with you, but the current trend of bashing you every time you open a thread, is really childish. No wonder some folks are afraid to post up here, and remain lurkers. They often see how others are attacked for speaking out. Many others open questionable threads, but their personality is NOT attacked each time. God folks, give it a rest. It is his life and whatever he wants to do is his choice. Yes you are allowed to disagree, we all are, but you do not have to make it PERSONAL.
  15. I thought that was probably how it went Pat. Keep up the good work!! :)-->
  16. I was kicked out for allowing a member of my "earthly family" to live with me and in a meeting with TC's and BC, I refused to throw my family member out as requested. This family member did not want to take THE CLASS. What a trip now that I think back on it. -->
  17. Long gone says: "Pat sought out TWIM. Pat informed TWIM of TWI’s trademark applications. He also provided TWIM with other information" Just curious Pat, did you do this? Not that it matters, just curious if these facts are accurate if you care to answer. I mean I guess it matters to some, but I am not sure why, just curious.
  18. I don't understand what is wrong with this question. How is it different than anything else that is discussed here? I agree that these are issues that could help someone make an informed decision regarding their status in the Way. These types of things might matter to people. Alot of folks post 10X the amount of information that PJ posts yet he is always being accused of being "obsessed" or "having no life" or being "out of the realm and having hidden agendas in his vandetta against TWI." I applaud that he has made a decision to help others with their involvement or non-involvement in the Way; so maybe he has made a few mistakes along the "way" but so have all of us. Give the guy a break. Maybe this is his calling in life. Who knows?
  19. "not ALL corps were "nasty/evil/boot-licking/a$$hole"... look around here... there's quite a few around here who weren't..." True, true, true - the four mentioned above were not even close to that kind of junk. And they loved God, not Gog (oops).
  20. "I always felt that if the good leaders were treating people with goodness it was because they were NOT doing what they were told to do by the higher ups. Sooner or later they'd be sniffed out and given the TWI leadershi+ ultimatum... shape up or ship out." True, true, true Two corps couples that I know of - great love and compassion for their people R*b and Kat*y H*owe Nat* and N*ancy Pi*lsbur* Both just out of the blue - gone. If you guys are out there, we love you and you did a GREAT job loving us. These people really loved Gog and the people they oversaw. It was so obvious. outofdafog
  21. Way out 70's: Please check your private topics. :)-->
  22. It's been almost four years since being M/A for me. I keep wanting the small fellowship atmosphere as opposed to a large congregation. I am freaked out about being controlled by any organization. This is a really sore spot with me. I have needed a minister twice in the past four years, once for my wedding and once for my mother's memorial. There is a wonderful pastor at a small church here in town (we live in Mayberry) who did perform our wedding and the memorial service. I remember we had to go to three counseling sessions with him and they were great. Made me want to go to his church, but the fear of control again keeps me away. I do remember him telling my husband and I that he takes his responsibility toward God and his job very seriously, but even if we never attended his church he would always feel spiritiualy responsible for our oversight because he counseled and married us. That is why I felt so comfortable with him at mom's memorial service. And two years after our marriage he was there for us. I keep wanting to go but the fear of someone trying to control me always stands in the way. outofdafog
  23. "When somone says I was in for twenty years and this happened and I allowed this and then that happened and the story is gross and ugly it proves the fact they should have never been in such a wonderful ministry in the first place and the way just had to clean the house to make it as good as it is." Since I have been the one to share the twenty some years experience, I am just jumping to the conclusion that you are talking about me. Never should have been in a "wonderful ministry in the first place", you have got to be kidding. I won't even respond to this devilish doctrine that you promote. If it is such a wonderful ministry, why did you get "marked" so early and if it is such a clean and wonderful ministry, why don't you fellowship regularly with them?? Or do you? Hey at least tell the truth if you are going to post here like you know everything about TWI. And can defend them, no matter what your twisted logic. I thought maybe you and I could converse, but you are like someone else on another thread mentioned, like talking to a fence post. Because you already think you are better than everybody else. outofdafog :D-->
  24. Mj12, I say this in the nicest way possible, but you seem to be very condescending to what people say here. It is okay to be in disagreement but you come off as if you know what decision we all should have made, but because we were not as strong or as wise as you, we were tricked. Just remember, at some time you must have been very tricked too, since you claim that you were totally involved at some point but got "marked early". You state that you have taught your children thus and thus from the beginning as though, those of us that might have more "gray" areas in our life, have not been very good parents. At least not as good as you, because you taught your child early about homosexuality. As if doing this made your child less prone to the influences of homosexuality. Of course this is what you would believe because you believe it is a choice. Your self-righteousness flows over into many areas of your writings. You have much fear in your life, you just don't know it because you cover it up with your self-righteousness. outofdafog :(--> outofdafog
  25. Mj, I know areas could be alot different than others, depending on who was in a leadership position. I only lived 20 minutes from headquarters and was absolutely obligated to attend STS and my youngest be in children's fellowship. So I sat in the auditorium every Sunday and listened to LCM rant and rave etc. etc..I also know it was mandatory for others to travel even way farther than that on a Sunday afternoon. Did you know that all the believers in a 50 miles radius were the ones responsible to God for keeping LCM safe by our prayer and our stand. We were supposedly "first line defense". That was alot of responsibility when you thought of LCM as the man of God. Some people are stronger than others, and you appear to be that type, I am glad that it has worked out so well for you. I was real happy myself when "I grew up" and decided nobody was going to make any decisions for me ever again. Then I got married hahahaha just kidding, not about the marriage part but the implication LOL So I have noticed that where a person lived has made some differences in how intense maybe their involvement was. Maybe not, just rambling out loud (or on screen). :D--> Thats my story and I am sticking to it.
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