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Everything posted by outofdafog

  1. Dude, you got it goin' on. Congrats!!
  2. Especially with the residivism rate that is so high in this particular criminal activity. 90% Why do we keep track of these statistics if we don't ever put them into law?? Go Texas, you got it goin' on as far as this particular criminal activity goes!
  3. sharon - you are cracking me up with these one-liners :D-->
  4. Florida did pass that law yesterday that would allow citizens to defend themselves with a gun. Since the criminals seem to have all the rights now adays, I say that levels out the playing field.
  5. Sharon - that's too funny hahahaha
  6. outofdafog

    Gay Teenagers

    Cindy, that definition of tolerance was rally cool. I am going to remember that when I start hearing someone talk about "tolerance" toward others that are different than them. I am sure that is a great little tidbit for x10 to share with her daughter also. I don't allow my daughter to participate in name calling or bullying of what some kids consider "geeks" or "nerds" or "too fat" or too skinny" or "too poor" or "to rich" to fit in. Thank you HAP - for saying what I was going to say, probably way better than I would have said it. There ain't gonna be no prayers over her head, casting out demons, speaking in tongues or excorcisms. Not even therapy, because trying to "fix" something that they don't think needs "fixin" can cause a whole 'nother set of problems. She feels really good about herself as a person and is totally comfortable with who she is. I accept her totally as the person that she is. As I believe I stated earlier in this thread, God did not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality, but because of inhospitality. RED FLAG RED FLAG.Maybe some churches oughta consider the consequences of their "inhospitable" attitude toward those who are in their eyes "different". And Jbaraxx - with all due respect, I still wouldn't let her go to church with you. If she's feeling really great about herself, why would I send her to church (which is supposed to be an edifying, all inclusive place) and have her come back home thinking she is possessed by devil spirits and needs to be ministered to. Thanks but no thanks. Perhaps some "christians" need to consider why homosexuality makes them so uncomfortable and why they feel the need to fix it for God. I am sure God will have it all sorted out on his timetable. Thanks EX10 for letting me share on this thread. It has been very helpful for me as well. It helps to see the vast opinions out there regarding this topic and will help me to rear her with more of a "hospitable" attitude toward those who are different than her.
  7. outofdafog

    Gay Teenagers

    I only injected my child's personal life into this post because the original question in the thread was about gay teen-agers. As the mother of one, I guess I felt I might have a little insight into it on a practical level. Especially when it comes to school and such (she is a freshman in high school). The thread went on to gain the momentum of a raging theological debate. I guess I just wanted to inject the fact that these children are real humans with the same emotions, wants, likes, dislikes, fear of failure, fear of rejection, self-doubt, roller coaster hormones and feelings. Have I sorted out where or how she bacame gay? Not really. Sometimes I think that it is the same as a birth defect (oh my God I know that makes me sound like a bad mom) but truly, if she had been born with a cleft lip or deformed hand, I wouldn't nor couldn't love her any less than I do now. I don't know all the answers, just that we all need and desire love and acceptance and that is the best I can teach her. Peace Shellon - you are a cool lady. Galen - you're ok for a navy guy hehe :)-->
  8. outofdafog

    Gay Teenagers

    Shellon: This is a discussion forum and I put my 2 cents in. I just think it's funny how they spew all their righteous indignation out at gay people, but they don't know the reality of living it day to day. Why don't they ask that? It sounds so wonderful and flowery and godly when they spout their bible verses. You know darn well gays are discriminated against. And so if I take a stand and discuss it, it ultimately leads me to being a better mother and helping her along the way. And no, I do not go around introducing my daughter as a gay teenager. Or telling everyone she is gay. You got me all wrong about the point I was trying to make. But that is nothing new here on GS.......
  9. outofdafog

    Gay Teenagers

    johniam, I agree, I have seen this movie before here on GS. Nobody changes their opinions (and that is what they are because no one has any proof to validate their argument). Some of these answers give me flashbacks to STS in the auditorium with Loyboy spitting all over himself and others in his rage against homosexuality. All I know is that I have a gay daughter and I love her with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and would fight to my death for her. My child is no different than yours, she gets all A's and B's, works part-time after school, has lots of friends, goes to parties, shops for clothes, chats on the phone, internet and listens to her MP3 player. According to some of you posters, she has demons, or I sinned in a previous life or some other crap like that. I notice that since I posted about my child, not one person has really directed their comments at me. They preach their little sermons all around and sound so self righteous. If you ain't gotta live it, then don't worry about it. She's not gonna pollute your little self-righteous gene pool, nor would I ever let her go to church with you. Whoa to you scribes and Pharisees and hypocrites! My bible teaches that the "law of love" now supersedes the law. Oh I am sorry except for homosexuals, God really didn't mean that when it comes to them. Shame on you!
  10. www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,154652,00.html Talk about stupid people breeding, these two guys were too drunk to realize that one of the kids was missing...... Now there is another amber alert in Florida...
  11. Rev. Al Sharpton is on his way to Florida to do his own investigation. It does somehow seem that the AP is almost intent on directing this child. For over 20-25 minutes or so the tape is running until someone else gets there. I just don't get it.
  12. outofdafog

    Gay Teenagers

    Galen: Cheers fellow landlord. I hear you from whence you come. Prior to having this conventional complex, I had 179 HUD units. Man all I can say is, keep good records. We now return to your regularly scheduled thread.......
  13. If no interpretation comes forth, then obviously this was meant to edify Song.....him or herself
  14. outofdafog

    Gay Teenagers

    Excuse me...you write many a wise thing....
  15. outofdafog

    Gay Teenagers

    Satori001 - You do write man a wise thing.....
  16. Hey MikeK Dude, that's a great idea for an invention. Okay I will give you six weeks to patent and then it's mine ;)-->
  17. Abigail: I am kind of a news hound. I am always watching Fox News....that's where I have been hearing this stuff.
  18. outofdafog

    Gay Teenagers

    Jabarrax: HOLY POPE BATMAN, I guess I need to hire me an exorcist to exercise them demons out of her. Did you know that Sodom and Gomorrah were not destroyed because of homosexuality, but because of inhospitality.......? Hmmm........
  19. Additional facts about the case: Not the first time the police have been called on this child at school. Mother under eviction. Does anybody feel that there are probably alot of problems at home that would make this child act out like this. I do.
  20. outofdafog

    Gay Teenagers

    Nowadays, children tend to be more tolerant than back when we were teens. I believe they are more tolerant because they have been raised in a culture where being gay and/or being different is more acceptable. This probably doesn't wash with some parts of the country and with some right wing conservative groups. Probably is different in different parts of the country. My child is 15 and gay and the other day was walking down the hall, and a couple of girls called her a dyke as she passed them. This doesn't appear to be the norm though at her school and we live in a rural town and the school she attended before was even smaller and more rural than this one. She has always had alot of friends because the kids tend to look at her personality more so than her sexual preference. I can only speak to our experience.
  21. Interesting side note: My 15 year old was telling me that one of their teachers is on paid administrative leave. Apparently one of the gals in his class threw a pencil and he told her to pick it up. She got up and began to walk out the door of the classroom and the teacher tried to stop her by grabbing her arm. His grabbing her left a bruise and you know the rest of the story. Someone brought this up before about how parents defend their children whether right or wrong. I wonder if the parents even addressed the girl's behaviour before they cried about him being fired, or reprimanded or something. We do a grave dis-service to our children when we back them up when they are wrong and punish the teachers for trying to control their classrooms. Appears to me they have little rights compared to the students. Again, political correctness run amuck. Until we address those issues, it can only get worse.
  22. I am sorry, but I do blame our judicial system and those in the social services who have gone overboard on this issue. As a former certified daycare provider, I have seen countless instances where the child has told the parent that if they spank him, they are going to go and tell the school that the parent hit them. They teach this from kindergarten on. And at that age a child can't separate parenting from abuse. Some children use this as a form of blackmail toward their parents. The problem began years ago when instead of discipline (and I ain't talking abut beating them) they decided it would be best to reason with little Johnny and let him express himself. I have seen these children expressing themselves when they have literally struck out at the parent with their hands, or feet and the parent does nothing. Just puts him in time out for 5 minutes like that is going to help. Abigail - I can certainly imagine your frustration at times with the system. Seems they really put you through the ringer. I am sorry it has been so difficult for you. I did have some true AD kids in my daycare, so I do understand where you are coming from. In order for a system to be fixed, somewhere along the way the problem needs to be identified. Call that blame if you will, or don't call it blame, I am just saying that somewhere along the way, a breakdown has occurred in our system and really needs to be addressed. If you read my other posts, I say the child is the least one to blame. And she was sitting calmed down when the cops came in and put the cuffs on her, which just got her totally freaked out again. And who took the corporal punishment out of the schools?
  23. And yes I have two children, so I believe I am qualified to form an opinion.
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