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Everything posted by DogLover

  1. Kevin and Sara Guigou have three grown children ... twins named Micah and Grant and a daughter named Dottie, all married. Victor Wierwille is John Paul's son....so Sara would be Victor's uncle. SOWERS is sort of part of the ministry that Kevin is ordained in in Tipp City, Ohio .. the one John Shroyer started when he was kicked out. The name escapes me momentarily.
  2. Two times during the Fall Block at Emporia in 1984, large numbers of the Corps came down with Strep Throat. It passed quickly from person to person because we lived so closely. Both times the campus was quarantined for a few days. Those of us that were sick (I was both times) were put in rooms together, usually on the same hall, so that those that were not sick would not get sick. John Lynn was in the Rotary Club with one of the pharmacists at the drug store nearest Owens Hall (there was one on the other side of the campus near Emporia Hall also) .. and arranged with the guy to get antibiotics for ten days for anyone who had Strep. We were responsible to give a note with our name on it and $5, including a special note if we were allergic to penicillin so that we could be given an alternative antibiotic. The meds were delivered to us with our name on them. As I said, this happened twice. People came into the rooms where we were staying with our meals, wearing the bandana over their nose and mouth that had been required on the What to Bring list, looking much like the outlaws that robbed banks in the Old West. The Corps program closed down for about three days both times, as I recall. Previously, when I thought I had strep throat and had been given raw potatoes to eat by Third Aid, I got dressed, walked across to the other pharmacy and asked for what I wanted, explaining to them that my father had been a pharmacist (he died just before I came into the Corps in 1982) and owned a drug store (which he had) and that I knew penicillin was what I needed. He gave it to me for $4 for a ten-day dose. Evidently, the Rotarian made a bit more of a profit.
  3. I just checked the Amplified Bible... In Genesis 2:5-6. it states: (5) When no plant of the field was yet in the earth and no herb of the field had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not yet caused it to rain upon the earth and there was no man to till the ground, (6) But there went up a mist (fog, vapor) from the land and watered the whole surface of the ground-- Then it goes on to say that "Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground...etc." Later on, in Genesis 7:11, it says, "In the year 600 of Noah's life, in the seventeenth day of the second month, that same day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up and burst forth, and the windows and floodgates of the heavens were opened." There is no biblical evidence to support the idea that the mist went up from the land to water the whole surface once man had been formed, made, and created.
  4. Rottie Grrrl ... Check your private messages for the answers to what you were wondering.
  5. I remember both those things. I was introduced to Steed Engine Oil Additive at the ECU Way Home in Greenville, NC in 1972 at a Leaders' Meeting. It was my first meeting there, and I could not quite see the relationship between Steed and the Bible. Two of my WOW brothers washed windows in Chicago in 1980-81, one for part of the year and one, the Corps fellow, all year long. You can imagine how very cold it was to wash windows in the winter in Chicago ... he had to use straight antifreeze with no water ... the window-washing stuff you put in your car's windshield washing thing is what he used. He got his first account from a Corps grad from the area who owned a window-washing business, and for those accounts, he had to pay JN a percentage, but any accounts he got on his own, he kept the full amount. It was hard work, but it was an ideal situation for him ... he could always get off for WOW or Corps stuff and he really had no other marketable skills. My WOW sister and I worked in offices. I think back on a lot of the folks that I knew that washed windows, and often it was done for those very same reasons ... flexibility and no other good way to make enough money.
  6. Wayfers would sing that to anyone who had been visiting and was leaving and wave their napkins at the end.
  7. I was never on setup at the Rock of Ages, but if I remember correctly, that setup crew had to string chairs for the entire Big Top (and I guess in all the other big tents with chairs, too) between teachings. What a humongous waste of manpower and people's time! When I was at Gunnison in early 1985, our twig was in charge of setup in the meeting room above the dining hall in the Gunnison. I remember one night in particular that we had set up, checked, and rechecked the chairs, then went back to our cabins to get dressed for the meeting. We were called back by T*m Jen*in*son and yelled at because the chairs were all in disarray ... and they were! I think to this day that he did that himself just so he could yell. Hard to imagine he had time for that later when he was trying to get a married friend of mine to service him when he was at Emporia. The husband of the woman wanted her to go along with it so he would be able to move up in the Corps. That eventually let to their divorce ... I mean, how could someone really love his wife and let that b*st*ard anywhere near her? It amazes me that Mrs. TJ now is a marriage counselor ... what a joke! But I digress from stringing...
  8. I belong to a local fellowship that is just as described. We help the members of our spiritual assembly and we help others in other places...and we give money monthly to Wounded Warrior Project, Heifer International, and voice of the Martyrs. We are not tax exempt, and do not even have a name (by our choice). Each six months we get together for a general church meeting (we meet in the home) and decide as a group what we want to do for the next six months. It is a wonderfully intimate group of people with new folks coming in also. We are not affiliated with any Way or former Way group and learn from whomever we can. It's terrifc!
  9. Happy, happy birthday, Socks! Loved your music....still have several of the JN albums both on vinyl and cassette tape.
  10. I was in the Way from April 1972 until January 11, 1996...I remember Walter Cummins doing a really GOOD teaching on those words for evil....so she most likely plagiarized that research, too...since it's been around for awhile.
  11. Amen to that...excited about having a new body at the return of Christ!
  12. It is 2:15 am as I sit here in front of my computer thinking about RFR leading, "If you're ugly and you know it, hit your face." A mind picture is worth a thousand words! Edited for spelling...it is, after all, 2:15 am
  13. Excie, Crimes of the Heart is one of my favorite movies....sorry if this is off-topic....
  14. The same thing happened to me years ago (I left TWI on January 11, 1996). I ran into a woman and her daughter at Eckerd Drug and I was leaving as they were in line to check out. She was so freaked out when I said "Hi" to the girl that she left the line, did not check out, grabbed the girl's hand like the Devil himself had greeted her, and RAN out the door. Surprised me, but she was such a loon that it didn't really bother me. Interestingly, she left TWI about five years ago herself. I taught elementary school at the time and had ALREADY requested from the principal that her daughter not be in my class. Not fair for the child or for me to have to deal with nutty parents. A month or so later, just before school rolls were posted for students to know whose room they were in, the woman came to talk to the principal about not having Alyssa in my room...he told her it was already taken care of. Didn't hurt my feelings a bit.
  15. DogLover

    AC 79

    Well said!! J*m F and J*m D**r, this describes you to a T.
  16. Seems he still is ... his current "ministry" teaches that people can lose their salvation ...think that doesn't give him and others control over their flock? At least we DID have the assurance of incorruptible seed and not being able to lose your salvation ... until Craig came along, got mad, and said differently. I feel confident taking MY chances with the Almighty God, who made the promise. Okay, off soapbox.
  17. DogLover


    I'm very familiar with it .. it was written by Carol Hamby Welch, a friend of mine. She was formerly a regular at GreaseSpot and blogs at other places online ...not in the Way now, not in any offshoot of the Way. It makes for an interesting read.
  18. How many people graduated from the Corps last year, just out of curiosity?
  19. There's an interesting episode of M*A*S*H in which one of the clues they use to figure out that Frank Burns has lost his mind is that he has the condiments all lined up in a row in the Mess Hall ... which was done three times a day at The Way C of E, as I recall ...not to mention the chairs, the plates, etc ...
  20. LEAD was a joke ... trying to make something spiritual out of camping out and rock climbing and hiking is straining at a gnat while all the shenanigans at the Root locales were like swallowing the camel ... nothing gross intended ....
  21. Old Skool, You put it very well...lots of people in the Way's leadership mistook kindness for weakness.
  22. ============================================== a la prochaine, on Sep 5 2005, 04:24 AM, said: WW, Yes, I wanted state that very thing you asked...but thought maybe I should let readers make their own conclusions. I find it very 'strange' that she stayed at the 'Y'. If she was such a dear friend,then why did she not stay with VP at his home??? Perhaps they wanted 'privacy'" ============================================== I think I may know the answer to that one ... the house where they lived in Van Wert was quite small for a man, his wife, and at that time, three children ...there would have been no guest room, I suspect. The "Y" where Rhoda Wierwille lived for so many years was right next to their home and would have been quite convenient for guests ... I'm not excusing or refuting anything else that's been said here, but from my one snowy day Way International Historic Tour during my interim year in the Corps, I do have some insight onto this particular question.
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