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Everything posted by Ca_dreaming

  1. Happy Birthday, Hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. We also have attended mega churches, and smile. They have a good thing going. Our church when it gets to big then splits and a new one is started. So the main starter church will not be over whelmed with people. It may take the offshoots 2-5years to grow to the point of building a church. In the meantime we have met at a high school. There is aways something for anyone and everyone to participate in. Accountability is a key in the small group settings, and that is just in your growth and relationship with the Lord. If you need help in that area. It's NOT about your dress, the way you raise your kids, blow your nose etc. It's a good thing. I would encourage anyone to check them out and you decide. Don't let your Way experience talk you out of it. Thanks for letting me bend your ear awhile. :)
  3. Right on target, the Midland for me.
  4. I enjoyed the food and fellowship with friends and making new friends all over the U.S. I remember when people would sell their wares, and the wonderful things you could find to purchase. I liked camping and sweating, everyone else stunk too, so it was accepted. Looking on the message board for friends from far and wide. Wasn't around when all the BS got going.Decide to part ways, Last rock saw Athletes of the spirit, down hill from there. How c.m thought he could compare himself to John Travolta is beyond me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. You are in my prayers!!!!!

  6. I have enjoyed her in so many movies, she is such a beauty. I liked her in the Quiet Man, her and John Wayne worked well together.
  7. Does everyone agree that Tulips know best. I think not! Sudo what a tangled web you weave.
  8. Reason I left the Way: 1.For the hard work on teaching people day after day" the milk of the word" it was about time they found there own teet and did it themselves. 2.My Husband had a melt down that lasted 10 years. 3.So I would not have to clean my house so clean that if Jesus came by everything would be in order. 4. So I would not be under a microscope on how I raise my kids. 5. For all the work we did and supplied to others not a $ was given to offset the cost. Yes, I know that the Lord will bless me on those things, But the Way International could have cared less. 6. No more cookies, banana bread, etc. coffee and juice. to keep me awake each night. No more baking to hone in my cooking skills. 7. I am so happy I left.................. 8. It's Word over me and my walk, not the walk of the World. Yes I believe evangalism is important but hand holding for 20 years is out of the question. 9. To grow and go where I am being led to go........ 10. Can't think of any thing else at the moment.
  9. Ca_dreaming

    Guitar Talk

    If you want to hear Leo you'll have to come my way. He plays in our town once a year at our Opera House. Always a sold out crowd.
  10. It was 1973....I had collected all of the albums and at the time my boyfriend liked them, so I gave them all to him. Found out after we were married that he had sold them all. Pooh! The things guys do. Still have a turntable for the thousands of albums we have. Love that vinyl! Don't like the space it takes up now days. Wasway you are up, Tom you are funny!
  11. Tom, it was a well done painting. Not a bad form kinda pic. Sorry to get you all riled up there. Wasn't sure how to show Eve since she is always naked until...............the apple incident.
  12. I hope you don't mind if I go! This one hit the top 10 on the Billboard as a single. In what year did this come out and what album? After what you've meant to me Ooh baby now, I can make it easily, I know that we both agree Best thing to happen to you The worst thing that happened to me,
  13. Hmmmmmm! I thought it went a little like this: I had a girl, Donna was her name Since she left me I've never been the same 'Cause I love my girl Donna, where can you be? Where can you be? Oh, Donna, oh, Donna Oh, Donna, oh, Donna
  14. Well, I'll be. Wasn't what I thought it was. Good going!
  15. If we are going to move on, please tell us the name and artist of the song, please.
  16. Cloris Leachman The Beverly Hillbillies Lea Thompson
  17. sounds like a movie theme,,,, from Pirates of the Carribean. Don't know?
  18. Welcome, grab a drink and kick up your feet and stay awhile. Look forward to hearing what you have to say!

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