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Everything posted by Twinky

  1. Noticeable that there is no button saying "If they acknowledged their past wrongdoings and said (and meant) "Sorry" " nor one that says "If they offer genuine help with sorting out the problems that have been caused"
  2. ExWC: Well actually the title is as it is because sometimes if things don't sound a little controversial at GSC they don't get answered. I genuinely wanted to know and am most interested in the response. I've messaged John in case he had taken offence (which was never intended), and it seems rather than take offence he is both pleased at the kind comments people have made, and amused by the ire of others. It's no bad thing to be enquiring about/checking the credentials of any "expert" and perhaps if we had been a bit more enquiring at PFAL stage, and allowed to question what was claimed, many of us wouldn't have been quite so messed up in the head at a later stage. The blatant hero-worship and blinkered view of VPW and the intolerance of contrary views or clarifying responses should have been an alert at an early stage. But if you're hungry, you will eat anything... Some here respect John; some clearly have less respect. But anyone here has the opportunity to consider what he says, to take into account what he presents in light of contrasting opinions, and to formulate an unblinkered view. :)
  3. This thread has become a little derailed by tales of sexual abuse. I believe those tales: too widespread over too much of a timespan. As well as which, I experienced my own rather more limited taster of the same. I just wanted to know a little more about the man who has had a lot to say about TWI. John Juedes is clearly well respected by many who have posted here, people whose posts I have come to respect. John: I very much appreciate that you took the time to write a long response yourself. TWIers have heard so much from TWI criticizing other ministers/organizations/beliefs and I did not know if you were the same or someone of a different mould, out to help and not out for your own ends. Clearly from the comments on this thread, you are someone different. Thank you for your help to so many. May I buy you a drink in the Cafe?
  4. T-Bone, post 15 Penguin - post 16 ... me too... We all ended up with so much nonsense in our heads. But some good stuff too. God is so great, he can work it out for us and show us what we need to know. If we let him really be a part of our life. Maybe you remember (LCM) saying that what you learn in the WC you will be drawing on in 10 years' time? Dunno about you, but I am drawing a lot on what I studied in rez (as opposed to what I was forcefed) and on the things I did for my dissertation or thesis or whatever they called it. Which strangely enough turned into very much a consideration that a leader should live the life and be an example - a topic that came directly from LCM himself when he demanded I study "An answer of truth in the face of accusation." It is not accusative to look at the lifestyle of someone purporting to be a leader or teacher or minister and see that it does not line up with the word; and thn to view with caution what that person teaches. They disqualify themselves. God's love and grace truly do see us through every situation. Even when we don't acknowledge him! Reading the Bible just for the sake of reading it can itself be just "works". We here (esp WC) pretty much all know enough scripture to ponder for many years and if we think on that, meditate on that, we give God space and opportunity to show us what he really means. Pondering with a genuine attitude of, "Dad, show me what this really means," is showing yourself approved, whether as a leader, minister, pastor or whatever; or just as a humble believer who wants to know. I saw something awesome in the Sermon on the Mount stuff that somebody mentioned on this thread and I'll put it together soon on a new thread.
  5. Twinky

    Your Avitar...

    Twinky… (Twinkletoes) arrived as a tiny kitten, so tiny he could sit on the palm of a hand. He was just on my doorstep one evening. He strolled in and out at he felt like it, visiting not just me but many neighbours, but finally settled with me and next door. When she moved into a care home, he became mine to care for, fulltime. Twinkletoes arrived a year or so after I got M&A’d. I was so messed about that I could hardly speak to people. I knew I needed something to love – an animal seemed a good idea, I simply couldn’t handle being with people (and they couldn’t handle the weirdo that I’d become) – and so his arrival was perfect timing. A Godsend, without doubt? He is now a huge sleek critter and obviously has a chunk of Siamese in him. He has the Siamese sort of build and can be quite vocal at times. He’s wary of people, but when he knows you he's very affectionate, tactile, totally endearing, occasionally skittish, loves company and follows you around. He loves being outside, is partial to sunshine and curry, and catches lots of rats. You can't make him do anything, but if you're kind he finds unique ways to let you know how much he enjoys being with you. (So he's kinda like me... but the rats are humans.) As to what that says about me…? I just wanted an anonymous sort of handle for the Café and chose the name Twinky. Then when I was sharing the black cat with Chas and it caused some confusion, I thought I’d see if a nice Twinky picture would suit instead. So maybe the avatar says that I’m willing to give place, or fit in with others - or maybe just that I like my cat. Interesting thread, this. There are some people I'd love to hear about.
  6. Thanks, all, for your comments. Yes, Dooj and White Dove, I'm just trying to avoid another guru. Most people have some sort of agenda and I wondered what his was. I have no dispute with the man, just wondered where he was coming from. He's clearly helped a lot of people here to recover their sound minds. People coming out from TWI certainly did or do need help. God bless him for being one that shines a light on the darkness. I haven't listened to GS Radio (haven't had facilities till recently) but sounds like it would be worth a visit. Thanks for the pointer, Belle. (edited to add the bit about GS Radio)
  7. Yes, but why him? I would never have heard of him until I found GSC. Though he has been around a lot longer, longer also than GSC's predecessors. Is he for real, though? Are his opinions genuine, or is he just attacking someone not of his religious persuasion? (Sorry, a bit of Waybrain intruding here, y'all know the teaching.)
  8. Twinky


    Been reading a little bit lately in 1 and 2 Timothy. It always struck me that in his last epistles, Paul hands on the mantle (as it were) to Timothy … and then we never hear of Timothy again. There’s no Epistles of Timothy; no Gospel according to Timothy; nothing. Where did his life go? What happened to him? “All Asia” hearing the Word seems to have ground to a halt, if not gone into reverse gear. Anybody remember this poem? http://www.cruising-america.com/bridge.html A certain Founding President used the poem as a “bridge” when he handed the mantle to his successor. A big thing was made of it. A life-size statue of Timothy was erected in the Auditorium. And since such handover, everything has gone into reverse gear in a big way. Wonder if that statue of Timothy is still there? Come to think of it, perhaps I should have looked at the statue better. The statue had a face. Did it look like anybody we know, is anybody aware? Comments on the sole of a sandal, please…
  9. For you, mstar: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumex_obtusifolius
  10. Definitely stinging nettle. Take a stout stick next time and beat a path through them. The traditional Brit remedy for nettle stings is to rub the affected part(s) with dock leaves. Usually can find some growing nearby (now you're going to ask me what dock looks like, aren't you? :) ) Notice in the video clip how those cunning nettle eaters (got to be completely mad) are only eating the leaves. The really stingy bit is on the stem. The leaves are generally all right. Young nettle leaves can be added to salads (!). See, you could have had a picnic on the river bank! Apparently the ancient Roman invaders used to thrash themselves with nettles "to improve their circulation." (Perhaps the "conquered" Brits were having a joke at the Romans' expense?)
  11. Not expert at this, but this is the guy who won. Perhaps somebody can paste it in better. Not a patch on Connie, though.
  12. What absolutely awesome voices, Connie and Bianca. Awe-some!! No doubt the record labels will have tried to get long-term contracts and stop both the kids from singing publicly for years to come, like Kate Bush. If that's 6 and untrained, what a treat for the ears in the future we can look forward to.
  13. Twinky

    My Exciting News

    Beauty pix, Dooj. Congratulations on your success. Well deserved.
  14. Just a thought. Well, two actually. Why is John Juedes so vigorous in his opposition to TWI? 1. Is he a former Wayfer? Did he have a run-in with VPW? Is it some personal vendetta? Sometimes the tone of his criticism seems almost as virulent as VPW/LCM's own rantings. Is/Was he a deprogrammer? Why does he seem to hate TWI so much? 2. He calls himself "Dr" Juedes. Is his own doctorate legit? Please, somebody, tell me he didn't also go to Pike's Peak Seminary...
  15. Only reason to want to know where, is to know where to avoid.
  16. Cortright site might help but is very much out of date. Check out Find a Friend on GSC
  17. Twinky


    Don't sit woodenly still throughout entire meeting. Get up quietly and visit the smallest room (or even just wander about outside). You may return to meeting with a glass of cold water. Don't stand up for the rev. Don't applaud the rev as he walks on stage. Remain seated with hands folded in lap. Select a non-KJV version of Bible to take to meeting. If wished, point out subtle differences to person sitting next to you. Attend meeting in shorts and T shirt. Shoes optional. Feel free to show respect to whom respect is due. Feel free not to show respect to whom none is due. Feel free.
  18. I seem to have missed something here. Isn't the greatest leader the greatest servant? Shouldn't therefore the leadership be "hupotasso-ing" the rest of us? (tongue in cheek) (Shove over, THW and dmiller, I need to lie down too...)
  19. and Roy So what exactly are you talking about here, Mo and Roy? What is "the real"?? :huh:
  20. Yeah, he did make some prognostication that he was going to cut down on the bad language. I think he did ease it a bit, as well, at least for a while. Y'know, at one time I thought he was "passionate for the truth" (and perhaps he was at one time) but being passionate about something (anything) and being foul-mouthed are poles apart. If he carried on like that in a public place, he'd probably be arrested for obscenity.
  21. J, the friend of a friend of a friend, witnessed to me at a party held in the back room of a pub. J was on his WOW year at the time. I was impressed with J's knowledge of and confidence in God. I saw that what he prayed for - happened. I wanted what he had. But I hated the PFAL class.
  22. Oh, guys, you are all so funny! The TWItanic, excellent. And yes, any survivor would have to think long and hard about getting on the like. Perhaps providing own safety equipment to be carried at all times. Waysider: maybe a coracle, then.
  23. Nah, they're just looking for the yellow wellies.
  24. Everyone crammed into the same tight-controlled environment. A great big stumbling block in the route Catastrophic collision Families separated People falling out or falling off. Landing in the depths of despair. Swimming, sinking, drowning, drifting. Clutching at any old flotsam that came their way. No life rafts or life belts – you should believe God to meet your needs Icy water – it’s cold out of the household A struggle for survival, sanity Long-term trauma for the survivors Some didn’t survive Some are still lost at sea A few random thoughts inspired by another thread. Reads a bit like a poem but it was just as the thoughts occurred. Was the demise inevitable? (Seems to be still sinking) Are there any life rafts (job security, pension arrangements) for people still on board (apart from the head honchos)? …When the captain was shoved off the ship, did it make any difference? Or was it just a paddle boat, thought it was the Titanic? (But really I am concerned about the people who suffered, not the organization)
  25. Back to the regularly scheduled topic... Thanks, Paw, for the hard work you put into this place. Here's to the next seven years (NO WAY, he screams!). Scary that this place is still picking up survivors.
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