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Everything posted by potato

  1. I have noticed the different systems are shockingly bad at exchanging information, even when I've signed releases at both ends. I will start asking for copies of everything and keep them all together. it's awesome that you're getting help for your son so young. I think AS can often look like ODD, but they're not defiant for the sake of defiance. I think my son would have a much easier time of it if he hadn't suffered so much for being blamed for things he can't control. we're still fighting that... it's like people seriously cannot understand that a kid will inevitably melt down if you consistently and cruelly push them beyond what they're able to do. even normal kids will, it's just that with sensory issues we reach the breaking point faster. that's why when I was in twi I was so depressed all the time. shutting down was the only way to deal with it.
  2. I've been thinking of building one ever since I saw it on mythbusters.
  3. actually I was very Aspergerian before joining twi. the promise of "logic" appealed to me. I kept taking the classes because the next class was supposed to answer everything thank you everyone for your encouraging words. I'm so glad we all escaped! it's so sad what they do to kids :( now I tell mine "think, discuss, decide, act". I love them and all their quirks just the way they are. well, you know... except when they're driving me up a wall
  4. I've been really quiet lately because I've been going through some rough battles recently, including getting a psychological assessment by my own choice. I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder approximately a year after leaving twi, and have been in therapy ever since. because of things that were said to me in closed door meetings and the abuse by leaders and by my ex-husband, my PTSD symptoms were fairly severe. because of the way he ran our house, my older child was also very damaged. it turns out that both my child and I have pervasive developmental disorders. my recent assessment shows I have Asperger's Syndrome. my child probably does, too, but is in the process of assessment so we can get an appropriate IEP in place for him. sadly, the symptoms were evident when my son was a toddler, but because of the expectation that we all have a consistent outward appearance, the symptoms were ignored or "disciplined" until they were so out of control they required hospitalization. now we're better. self-understanding is the greatest thing I've gained since leaving twi. it wasn't something they encouraged or wanted me to have. they told me how I felt, what motivated me, they verbally pummeled me to get me to replace my memories with their version of events. for someone as naive and trusting as I was, due in good measure to the fact that my brain is wired the way it is, twi's system of mind-control did much damage. the self-doubt led me to question my sanity. well, I'm not crazy. in fact, my memory and cognition are both quite excellent. the damage to my son will take longer to treat because my ex is not on board with his treatment plan, but I have enough determination to overcome my bad choice of spouse and make sure my son has what he needs. I also have enough determination to overcome the bad luck of having been sucked into such a corrupt and evil organization as the way international.
  5. heh, I didn't even remember it was the anniversary. I am indeed quite grateful that I did not have to waste any of this wonderful weekend at a boring "service".
  6. ain't that the truth. I got to the point after a while that I didn't trust my own memory because so many people always contradicted it. since I got out, I realized my memory is actually excellent, and those people were really abusive, manipulative liars. history can't be rewritten just so people feel good about themselves, yet they do it all the time.
  7. I'm afraid I have to agree with the posts that point out that RR supplied girls to be used. I read the transcripts, she did indeed admit to knowledge of lcm's activities. she was a participant in supplying the MOG with young sex partners. she is NOT a good person. she hasn't set out to heal people. her purpose in life is to preserve her lifestyle. the video shows exactly the same type of performances that were put on under lcm's leadership. the people who go on stage are drilled to perform like that. the clothes and dance moves haven't changed, the lyrics are reruns, and the facial expressions are a requirement per twi doctrine.
  8. so sad that people have their lives invested in twi :(
  9. he was either spying on in residence corps to make sure they were "redeeming the time" or mowing the grass in straight lines, moping in his office about how he wasn't appreciated, or having a three way with some college girls.
  10. what is your point exactly? truth is relative, so wayspeak like "certain truths" just muddies communication. can you rephrase in regular language? if this is a doctrinal discussion I'm not interested, but if you're attributing knowing these things to being involved with twi, I do have an answer for you, so await your clarification.
  11. hey, that's some very good news, JeffSjo!
  12. wow, this is an awesome thread. I was recruited right in the middle of the poop paper and the splintering and everyone turned really pro-LCW and there were all kinds of M&As going on. I wanted to learn the bible, so I ignored it, but it ended up having a negative long-term effect on me anyway. the backstory is appreciated.
  13. something useful I've noticed with GSC is that not only people who leave find a place to help process what they've been through, but people still get involved with innies and have questions. we've encountered a number of those in my short time here and I'd like to think they got the help they needed to understand the cult mindset that grips long-time followers of twi doctrine. hm. I just noticed I've been hanging around nearly 3 years :) in fact, it was 3 years ago on labor day weekend that I realized I'd had enough and officially left twi for good. happy third anniversary to me!
  14. potato


    I heard a lot about how us lowly people ruined revelation by not believing, so it couldn't come to pass because of our screw-ups. imagine that, all that power we had to wreck God's plans.
  15. I really wish someone would stand up to twi bullies and refuse to change their name. no one OWNS the words in the bible, for christ's sake.
  16. did he ever claim to heal anyone, like vpw claimed? or was it only to "meet the needs of the MOG"?
  17. what I don't miss: the smell of rural Ohio. the ROA showers. my tent flooding and all my stuff getting soaked in August rainstorms. the food. the big top meetings. WOW training. driving to ROA in cheap used cars that broke down. mosquitoes. what I miss: nothing. I can keep in touch with friends by other means, and all the activities we had to be in all the time pretty much took up all my time anyway.
  18. I believed for a long time. then I didn't. I believed because if it was true, it gave a meaning to life that I lacked. if only life were that easy. I quit believing because it proved to be largely false and a horrible set of rules to live by. if there is anything to believe in anything vpw taught, it can be better understood by reading what the original scholars wrote on the subject.
  19. I think lcm fancied himself a prophet, evangelist, pastor... what were the others? whatever.
  20. I don't understand. how can you be dropped from something of which you were never a member?
  21. they wanted to give me a 20 year certificate in 2006. I'd already kinda left by the time they offered, and they offered many months after my 20th anniversary of taking piffle. now, who knows? seems like lifers must be dwindling by now.
  22. for me it really was. instead of hiding from the cult experience, I was then able to start dissecting it and disentangling myself from it. once I got past that, I was then able to start recovering from the damage done by my marriage and my upbringing. still a work in progress :)
  23. it took me several years of intensive therapy before I could admit I'd been in a cult. I was simply too ashamed, and afraid no one could relate. it's entirely possible that your friend has the same fear, which is preventing her from healing, and the hurt is just festering and leaking out everywhere. how can you get to the point of acceptance (and I don't even believe in the forgiveness bullsh!t that the touchy-feely spiritual therapies embrace - sorry if that offends anyone, but I think forgiveness is over-rated) and if you don't get there, the bitterness won't go away.
  24. hey eagle 709: if you really knew what was going on as you claim, then you probably owe apologies to some people. this is the ideal place to make that happen.
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