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now I see

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Everything posted by now I see

  1. Ah, I see, thanks for the backstory, unfortunately I was a seldom watcher of Ms Mcbeal, it was a good show. :)
  2. This is one of the all time great threads thanks to the contributions of many who were "there" with pervy vic in the day, it warrants rereading again....I especially like this gem of a post by Don'tWorry, and there are many other posts in this thread that are equally significant:
  3. Are you speaking of the one made by Bud Morgan of Wide World of Sports fame? I don't remeber the title, maybe someone else here can...
  4. Ding! Ding! Ding! You are absolutely right Steve!!! Congrats!! And honerable mention to Raf! :)
  5. Hint: Third pic is of a woman who could be referred to as a .......
  6. What would make them freak now is a good question, they seem to be satisfied in closing themselves off from the rest of the world now, the bigwigs seem to be coasting till retirement.
  7. Mchud, Welcome, I always do a word search, which is located at the top of the page, whenever I want to find something here, there are a few keys to an effective search here though. One thing to keep in mind is there's a common practice here of substituting a letter of the person's name with a symbol or a different letter, or shortening the name or even making up a psuedo name. This is true with both bob and dottie moynihan...there's about 1 page of individual posts when you do a search (be sure to click on a post search rather than threads) on the shortened word Moyn....there's 5 pages of individual posts using the full name of Moynihan, and there's 13 pages of search reslult posts when you use his nickname, Moneyhands, which is significant if you are searching to find out all the available information on the subject located on Greasespot. Also, Georgio Jessio, a poster here, is still in contact with innies at HQ, and might have some contact information that might help you, you should send him a message. Hope this information helps you in your future searches!
  8. Cheap thrills for the students, stiff penalties for pilots buzzing school fields! You're right, the pressure loss is the main thing that affected all on board Payne's airplane, if no pressure was lost, then it probably would have been an uneventful flight as oxygen is present in the atmosphere even at 30,000 ft, just not enough pressure. Another similar case recently was Helios Airways out of Greece, flight 522, where under a slow depressurization, all 121 souls on board lost their lives as the plane lost altitude, ran out of fuel, and descended into a hillside.
  9. Payne Stewart's plane was on auto pilot and went down in S Dakota when it used up all it's fuel. The NTSB concluded crew incapacitated with lack of cabin pressure as the cause, but no one knows exactly why since all the evidence was destroyed when the plane crashed, they pretty much went straight in at a high rate of speed. The fighter jet pilot's that were deployed when Air Traffic Control (ATC) discovered there was no response while in flight, noted the windows were all glazed over from the inside, which suggests a rapid decompression occurred at altitude, the ATC reported the Lear cruised up to about FL 450, or about 45,000 ft at one point, and if the rapid decompression occured at that altitude or above FL 300, all onboard would be passed out within seconds. The Lear 35 series jet the crew was flying had known problems with their O2 system and had departed without filling the canisters. This flight became famous because of the relatively small numbers of runaway plane flights and because Payne was a well known golfer. A birdstrike would be an unlikely cause, but it could be possible. Rocky, I have been to Stellar Airpark, great place, there's a guy there that has a P-51 (WWII fighter plane aka P-51 Mustang) there, awesome plane, very distinct sound to it's piston radial engine, similar to what you might hear on a WWII war movie. Music to the ears of aviators..btw :) . Also Stellar has a flight training center there, which may be part of the reason you heard low level a/c noise due to student's mistakes, and from the pic, if the school was due north of the runway, it would be in the flight path on approach to land or take off, which may account for low level flying by some. There are notices to all airman that fly in or out of that airport to be aware of overflight of residential areas and noise, so those should have been observed. Noise is a big problem due to urban sprawl and the fact that when alot of these airparks, airports, and runways were built, there were few houses there at the time. Too bad not everyone likes that sound ..
  10. Well...I meant more like this...
  11. LOL!!!! Some people gladly pay hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars to live next to airports. :)
  12. You have the first two, the third..and fourth need some work, think past tense.
  13. How bout this one: "Truth needs no defense? He probably coined that one because he knew he made up everything and anything he didn't, he stole. And what was that one about "every time you see the word 'adultery' in the text, it really means fornication" does anyone remember how that one went?....he put that distortion out there to minimize the abject wrongness of his extra curricular activities.
  14. No clue Waysider, can U give more of the song?
  15. Where'd that saying, "the only rule for faith and practice" come from?? Wasn't it the Geerite clan that came up with that? Was it ever said at twi? Regardless, used by people who thought they had the market cornered on truth, but who didn't, it can be a very dangerous thing to use against people in an organization who'd rather have it's people line up lockstep behind them than really espouse the truth.
  16. Well done! It's so simple too, why didn't anyone think of it sooner?? Great invention, and very altruistic I wear eyeglasses too, I've been buying mine on the internet lately, you can get the same lenses and frames anywhere from $19-$70 online when they would normally cost hundreds at a brick & motar retailer.
  17. Just think about the kind of man it takes to have sex with a limp passed out young victim lying there in the back of his coach in a drug induced state because he and his bus driver gave them a drink with a micky. What kind of person is it that would have facillitated that for the old vile 55+ rapist, someone had to help vpee do this and get the drugged victim to the back of the coach. Those who were clergy or corps who knew about it but allowed it to continue gives a clue about how deeply defiled the whole organization was, and how much twi was a man made religion. I would expect almost everyone in the first 4 corps knew about it, were there any exceptions?
  18. That's definitely good advice, although notions of day trading just because stocks are low right now is really risky, investing in a 401k thru work with matching funds can have it's pitfalls too, and there is no guarantee that any company is going to be around in 2 years....it's going to be a bumpy ride for at least that long.
  19. Hey, it looks like the "O" man is using the middle finger to scratch that itch on his face...maybe this one should be used for another word!
  20. Are those the lyrics or are you just making a statement?? :)
  21. Thanks, Notta, I thought that the book wasn't available still, I'm glad it's still up on the website for free. She's pretty sound in her thinking regarding finances, although with so many companies folding, I'm more cautious about buying stocks right now even though they're low.
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