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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. Hi brainfixed, You remember a time before twi was in your life? Do you remember a difference in your mind? assuming the soul exists for sake of discussion, what "piece" did they take? What does that mean?
  2. there won't be any surprises. They will be under spiritual pressure as they stand on the word by expecting their unbelieving children to support them. They will bless vpw and curse their own flesh and blood for the rest of their lives.
  3. You should tell them your longsuit is working really hard at menial tasks for 12 hours straight with no breaks and no money. Maybe they'll make you and overpaid executive in order for you to grow spiritually.
  4. Way disciple is one of those things where years later you're walking along and you suddenly get a chill and stop in your tracks. Your arm starts to twitch and your head vibrates as it cocks to one side. You then realize something like terror. Then your spouse shakes you out of it. You tell her of a Way D incident you just remembered and suddenly she begins to twitch and stare off into space . . .
  5. that uh, "prophesy" was published in a way mag. I don't know if it's on this website or waydale . . . just wondering what else was "prophesied"
  6. a lot still come back glowing.
  7. I didn't think anything of it at the time, though I remember it and those words. I don't know if lcm had the prophesy pre-written or if he was speaking from the "sub-conscious". If the innies want it to be healed, then it is healed.
  8. oh I may be going nowhere still, but in a different direction. if ignorance is bliss, would enlightenment be a curse? are wayfers not peaceful? They are a confident bunch.
  9. It was at least implied positions would circulate more. Young folks were coming up with all sorts of damned ideas. People have been expecting rosie to step aside for a long time. her role as "healer of the ministry" as was prophesied is supposedly done
  10. sorry, loss of eternal rewards is the answer . . . .loss of eternal rewards. All of this life will be forgotten. for the joy set before us, we suffer, or something.
  11. when you believe you have eternal life, what's to be afraid of?
  12. yep. also got family who've left cause things aren't done the way vpw would want it.
  13. some are financially trapped or so they seem to think many are content too
  14. I'm probably am an abuser because that is what I know. I was in past 18. twi isn't going to just leave you alone you have to go face it. even then it won't stop. I've thought of moving to Germany. and twi is a lifestyle, not "incidents". "incidents" are maybe just more recognizable to others. It's a constant. How can you spend more than two minutes with a wayfer and not notice something manipulative? You have to constantly push back. I really don't see a difference in the hearts of the leaders and the followers. They are on the same team. wayfers are bad people and the leaders are bad leaders of bad people. Of course, what's good or bad? Isn't the world just a more refined "twi"? twi provides a place where people's delusions can be cozy.
  15. It's just a matter of getting on base for ellsbury. He won't be on first long. I remember he did screw up earlier this year between 2nd and 3rd, I think against the halos. I remember thinking, "ah, at least he's aggressive, he'll make up for it . . ." he is fun to watch
  16. I still am for the most part, like a lot of us, what I was bred to be. "innies" have a short memory, and bad eyesight, and are a partially deaf in both ears. If people can't remember it, it didn't happen.
  17. So have the Rangers made any adjustments to their pitching/fielding? I noticed a RS of 110 and a RA of 115 today.
  18. people probably brought pride into twi also. (not to say it wasn't founded on it). folks didn't want to deal with their own problems. "Hey look! twi says I don't I have too! I've found the magic bullet! I'll follow them and prove my friends and family wrong! . . ."
  19. Is there any value in what "they" say? Do "they" have a message they feel is important or do they simply enjoy watching others squirm at their posts?
  20. maybe in the "old days" people were motivated by "doing god's will" that's not The Way International I know.
  21. :blink: uh, I believe physical force is against the rules, serves no purpose in a marriage etc. If marriage is about literally dragging someone else by the hair, perhaps marriage is something one should avoid.
  22. :huh: Adam said the woman gave him the fruit and he ate it. He didn't say she made him do it, or tricked him. I don't see where he refused to take blame. Are you saying men are forever trying to get back at women or something? Like Lilith is getting back at Adam? Just cause men generally have more muscles doesn't mean women don't have their own set of weapons. Is it not a mental "fight"?
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