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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. That's when the eggs hatch and the larvae emerge from her corpse.
  2. Wasn't this a rumor here at one point? I know a lot of the younger crowd like him. I have my own opinions.
  3. I'll wait for a few more votes before I say here.
  4. Well, the spike for the fog years was expected, although I thought it would be sooner for whatever reason. That six people don't know about the guppy sign is a bit surprising.
  5. Isn't there a story in acts where Paul is teaching and a dude falls asleep, falls out the window and dies? (Paul rose him from the dead or something I think). There, if you nod in approval at a STS you could die. So pay attention.
  6. OMG, that reminds me, my wife was bad mouthed before el presidente of el ministry by el stupido leadership for not submitting to me. Where that came from? I'll never know. Nobody ever confronted me on anything. Maybe because they knew I would ask "WTF are you talking about!?"
  7. I wonder when they'll start making coloring books of vpw for the grandchildren. Protect the legend. That's all that matters.
  8. Hi WayGB Do your kids read this stuff? If they did, I doubt they'd care. They're an odd bunch.
  9. ah, pre-arrangement, sounds icky to my mind. That would take some effort.
  10. Rascal, I think Job was asking some of those same questions, if not very similar. Job repeatedly pointed out he did not deserve what he got (let alone his family and servents). God's response to Job is hard to accept I think. I doubt I'd respond as Job did.
  11. A bear and a rabbit were sitting in the woods taking a dump . . . Bear turns to the rabbit, "Hey, do you problems with poop sticking to your fur?" Rabbit says, "Why no, not at all." . . . Bear grabs the rabbit and wipes himself with it. Happy Easter!
  12. Do you remember D@ve P@tterson had his STS edited, and an announcement was made at least? What you hear on the tape and what was said live were two different things. I think this is when they were trying to change the idea that fear causes bad things to happen to you, and he wasn't taking the hint. I don't think a correction teaching was done is this case though.
  13. More useless data, for inconclusive discussion . . . The second question can be a multiple of answers *oops*, meant to put this in the "about the way" forum . . .
  14. If I were twi I'd want to get rid of most folks involved in the U.S., they know too much. Once they're gone beliefs can be rearranged and such.
  15. this makes me think that all that stuff lcm and everyone did in the 90s wasn't really that bad (in comparison)
  16. So you've seen this stuff happening too, Garth?
  17. ah, I didn't catch that it was folks outside of twi. so i haven't seen anything like that.
  18. It was often said (one of the threats leaving I guess) if you left twi, you'll revert back to your "old man". All the work you've done to renew your mind and grow, mature, become more godly and blah blah blah would be undone. It would all unravel. I think that silly, since if it(the unraveling) happens that quick, nothing had really changed inside in the first place. You're mind is "house of cards" waiting to be blown over. (and I believe I've witnessed this too). (snapping?) I've heard from christians that they pray to god for a change (for whatever issue they have) and they change. Something that happens too them, no work put in, but (they say) a real change had occurred. (I bring this up because I find the contrast/similarity to twi interesting if anything). Much of the behavior was people acting (IMO). Just behaving like they thought they should, to get the response they want. I think time and repetition, or a good dose of fear, just made it easier to forget it was all an act. But it was still an act, which The Law of Believing would support, because folks could hold their imaginations in mind. You think that incident with the lady reinforced the leaders' own minds that they had some special power to cast out spirits? (The leaders themselves became more convinced of what they did?)
  19. I know I've seen people change, suddenly they're more assertive, they dress and groom themselves, exercise and schedule, do all the "right" things . . . that was common. Sometimes after a teaching, class or a good yell session. . . .
  20. your saying this lady changed her personality in one weekend? She did have time put in w/twi prior though?
  21. Mrs. B makes the coffee in the morning, and it smells goooood. So I get out of bed . . . I keep going cause, what other options are there?
  22. that sounds high for HQ and gunnison, There could be a lot more in central/south america and africa than in the U.S.
  23. Ha! I get so irritated with students who don't want to be this "arrogant", but that's another topic . . . I thought that too. "stop trying to reinvent the wheel" they said, "dr w has done the work for us! Now we can walk with confidence!" :blink: I think I "harassed" 3 or 4 cabinet/region coordinators on their so-called "longsuits" in research before I figured out nobody knows any more than I do, which isn't saying much. so many notes, so little info . . .
  24. I don't think there's really any deceived. They just refuse to consider the idea that those rumors around since the 1970s might be true etc. IF there are any real deceivers, that group is very small, and will be replaced in time, by the uh, "deceivers". There's really just one group, IMO.
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