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Everything posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. Another one for "The Bone":
  2. Skyrider: TY again for your intense effort to put together an extremely emotional and insightful "book" for all of us here and the thousands who will eventually read it here. Your thanks to Pawtucket is echoed by every one of us who have been here and the 10s of thousands of people his faithful, dogged work keeping the Spot open and relevant to every stage and iteration of that destructive, fundamentalist "Christian" cult, TWIt. Sky.....you've been a stalwart truth teller here since WayDale. Your efforts here have not been in vain. The purity of your heart to walk with and serve Jesus Christ has been evident throughout all these years. I am so thankful you got out in time to save your family and your mind and your dignity. And, that you have told your story so wonderfully and kindly here at the greatest internet Cafe we know of. I bid you and your's Godspeed and.......peace brother.
  3. TY Steve Lortz and T-Bone! Excellent posts. Well articulated and relevant to the topic. IMO, there is no critical value to the "REV" or any worth other than to bolster Schoenheit and Lynn's MLM Jesus scams by plagiarism and personal hubris. It is another wierwillean ego trip couched in faux academics. They got real used to this "systematic theology" con and the money making structure involved in "teaching the rightly divided word" which was neither rightly-divided or Biblical. Thanks Again for your time and the info you shared.
  4. Among the most egregious assholes who ever walked through TWIt. Barbara was in the 4th corpse. One of the sluts in there like Lombardi, Gustke, Oriard, and Ms. Gray back then. A whole lot of zeal with no morals or real concern for others. Strictly self-centered "ladder climbers". The boy Tom was just a dope on two legs. Just a dope. They were cowards. They left like cowards too. Lying little weasels. Karma is a bitch you two. Sure glad I won't have to answer for what you will at your phony "bema". Losers.
  5. I could tell you plenty about those two idiots.....Tom and Barbara. But, no need at this point. However, Skyrider is being "kind" to them in this thread. I do not need to interrupt. He's on a roll!
  6. Thanks Skyrider! Well done. Many, many great points and facts. Hopefully, your "introversion" won't keep you away for too long. It would a bit hard for some of us not to see you around here regularly as you have been since WayDale. Love to you and your's, and...............peace upon you all!
  7. For DMiller.....think this boy has a future??
  8. A REAL Doctor......of music!
  9. Nice seeing you again Steve! So sorry about your physical ailments. I am glad you have continued your education in spite of the medical challenges. Your posts concerning the scriptural farce called STFI, TLTF, and their prepubescent REV are always filled with excellent Biblical information documenting their blatant incompetence at "translating" and at the same time "not privately interpreting"(sic!) the Bible. Schoenheit has been at this for a long time now. All lynn does is nod his head and take what he wants for his idiotic Bible road shows and ridiculously hyperbolized "classes", which are simply piffle do-overs! Latest example is their JC:DOA comedy sketch. Filled with ego, arrogance, and error upon error along with the requisite plagiarism of every pfal redux. MRAP has been whining about "not getting any answers" to his redundant and annoying REV posts since 3/15/15. He has a hard time listening to all the answers he's gotten over the last 2 years. Still asking the same banal questions as if there is ANY value of ANY kind to the REV. He may need a remedial reading program or something, I don't know, but his reading comprehension seems somewhat "challenged" to me. Good luck down there in Doctrinal! Thanks for posting Steve! Always good reading you. I pray your health will improve and afford you the opportunity to complete your studies to your satisfaction. I bid you Godspeed and peace.
  10. Thanks Skyrider!! So much excellent firsthand information and insight. Thanks again for all your time and effort in the series of posts you have given us. Very interesting to me, since I was gone by 1986. I can relate to all your details and yet, I am astounded at how rotten da forehead and all the boyz in the hoods became. Thanks again!
  11. No worries Krys! Just keep posting and it'll become easier each time.
  12. Skyrider! Your posts are terrific! Even after all these years, I did not realize you were there until 1998! Your detailed info from the perspective of being a Limb guy during the Okie Dope's Reign of Terror is unique. Therefore, keep em coming! Great documentation from firsthand experience. Accurate, documentable, FACTS about TWIt throughout its various iterations is THE single greatest weapon in their battle to avoid the throes of their inevitable death. The recent posts by you, Chockful, Shortfuse, Krys, Penworks, and many other greasespotters of late, have been the best info on TWIt since the 2007-2010 period IMO. That means tangible damage is being done to the cult of Crotchaven as it prepares to go through the optics of another mantle toss! Some things seem to just refuse to change. Thanks Skyrider for ALL the many hours you have devoted to the mission of this website. Almost 5000 posts! You have helped many brother. The Boss is happy I'm sure. Fuggedabouddit!
  13. DontWorryBeHappy

    ten years

    Hearty congrats potato! Glad to hear all is well! Keep on rockin' in the free world!
  14. Excellent posts AGAIN, Chockful! Keep em coming, please! Very interesting for me to note da forehead's complete ineptitude at "outreach". Thought some understanding into what caused that would got appropriately here Chockful. The OKIE Dope was witnessed to by Joe Coulter at KU. Of course he immediately went waybrain in about a week and never turned back. He went to Wichita a lot to see Donnie Fugit and his revival. Waited until he graduated from KU with a undergraduate degree in Psychology, and then begged his way into the second corpse in the summer of 1971. His only "on-the-field" assignment was for the 2 years immediately following his graduation from the corpse. He was the first guy in OK & the first LC there from 1973-1975. In 1975, he was made Corpse Director and led the slave labor reconstruction at Emporia with some interim 5th and 368 brand new slaves of the incoming 6th corpse. That was the last time OKIE Dope ever left a root locale until he was run out of Dodge in 2000 by Rosie and his wife! Da forehead never had a clue how "the Way tree" worked! Never! He was used to being mister moggie Coordinator and director of everyone around him. There was nothing in OK when he got sent there. Dictor threw him a few WOWS, and then Mr. Future dancing president rammed into virgin territory and applied every bill maize Carnegie technique and dpw PR stunt he had just been brainwashed to, and got the girls in the Price Family and some other impressionable young talented kids to bite the TWIt bullet in OK City, and that was his great outreach rite-of-passage. A bunch of those talented kids wound up going into the 6th corpse where OKIE dope was now King. 2 of the Price sisters were in that 6th corpse. The older one was briefly the royal fiancée. The younger went on to "seed-of-the-serpent" fame. So, da forehead had no knowledge of how the outreach, money making machine of TWIt functioned. He simply assumed that since he was the assigned man-o-god (MOG) everyone and everything around would carry out his every word cuz he was the closest thing to dictor paul in the area and he was to be treated and obeyed the same way. Now that's easy to do when you've been surrounded by nothing but adoring sycophants who believe the same delusion you do. And, they are told by the big MOG that everything you say and do is the best example of what it means to "be corpse", you have an instantly captive audience. We all know that is NOT reality! The "field work" was always left up to Howard and the "general management kids". Any of us who had gone witnessing, run fellowships, branches, areas, classes of every kind, especially piffle, encouraged and collected abundant sharing, cast out devils, ministered healing, drove hundreds of miles back and forth on a weekend to attend some youth advance or class at HQ, ran all over the state running public exes, while lugging around TVs and those huge SONY 3/4" video players, and a whole bookstore in the trunk of your car! LOL! Da forehead was always envious of us "field guys", and frankly, intimidated by several of us. It !s easy to be King when you are given your own campus, castle, and concubines. But to "fight the spiritual battle" 24/7 out there among the seed-boys and the debbils....."well I could do that, but I'm here teaching the future!". Da forehead was always very jealous of binnie finnegan. Beence was the "working believers" MOG. Brash, bold, irreligious, and from the streets of NY. He put together the real practical application of DPW's vision for Way productions. He was a master showman. With the help of the original Joyful Noise, a group of really talented 4th and family corpses, he put together the take a shit caravans. and, later the basic framework for Takit and the outreach cities/weeks which followed. He inspired several productions which were very popular at the cultural center in New Bremen, and several which took the ROA by storm. He also was the Trunk guy, in charge of everything in the USA, not just some puny Little campuses in the sticks of rural America some where. Beence was always up there next to DPW at corpse week too. As a matter of fact, more people at corpse week and the ROA cared about what finnegan was saying or doing than what the corpse Director was doing. All of us on the placements teams at corpse and WOW placements were quite aware of this. It was an inconvenient fact. so, it does not surprise me at all that da forehead relied completely on behavioral control as his management style. He had no knowledge of business. No natural aptitude for business. No training other than the bill maize classes. No biblical education or "training" outside of TWIt, no great intellectual prowess, No practical understanding of HOW the WAY worked any where outside of his own four root locale walls, and no one to confront him on his paranoid delusions and sexual perversions. Donnie always intimidated and manipulated da OKIE king intellectually. Coward intimidated him in the practical, business, living life sense, but more importantly, made him feel like Dictor was never really his friend like he was Howard's. When Rosie came plowing in, with Donna breathing flames from her nostrils, the dancing Prez was totally exposed and the maggots began eating the carcass right away. What you've described above reminds me of King Lear. It is tragic for those who put themselves through this. It is also criminal and therefore MUST BE TOLD. Martin fake is a malignant paranoid narcissist. He is a serial sexual predator and batterer. He is sociopathically self-deluded. He is still living off of TWIt money. He is most miserable above all men.
  15. Just an interesting FYI, regard Bill Greene. He was a finnegan asskisser, 8th corpse. He was married to one of donna's earliest gal pals, Marcia Faulk, 5th corpse, originally from Greenville, NC. Finnegan had planted Greene into the Trunk Staff that I inherited from him as he ascended to World Wide Emperor (the original WWE). Greene was the "public relations coordinator" for the outreach weeks scheduled for that 1980-81 minustray year. I had never known him before. The "famous" anecdote from his pre-TWIt curriculum vitae, which we used with brutal sarcasm whenever we wanted to bust Bill's chops for being such a hustler, was to remind him of the "secret" he told us one time while we were playing cards at HQ. That secret was that Bill said he had appeared in a porn flick once. You can only imagine the merciless NY sarcasm that shot his way! LOL! one more thing......the Greenville, NC connection brought together a "notorious" reunion of Greenville lovers. Donna and Rosie fell in love there, and it was Marcia's hometown. The three amigas had quite a little Team growing with Myracle and Crowther already trolling the caves of Crotchaven. What an incredible zoo of psychosocial dysfunction. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.........peace.
  16. Absolutely!! I posted my thoughts on this somewhere around here. And, I see you've already put a whole bunch together already, WordWolf! Thanks man! It's gonna be a busy but rewarding reading time. Thanks for the early Christmas present to the Spot!!
  17. Absolutely WordWolf! This thread was really informative! I was very active at Waydale and involved much with the Allen lawsuit as a witness. I remained active with the early beginnings of the GSC, but took a hiatus from 2001-2007 to attend to the messy things of life. I returned to the spot in September, 2007. On October 1st I started the IS the Crisis over thread now in the CES/STF subforum. That's when I got to know all the cafe regulars and was often involved in the various threads, mostly in About The Way. So, all the threads and info contained here in the GSC booths from 2001-2007 are basically new to me. That's why I really appreciate you bumping this one up WW! I think your idea of a year by year or multi-year "diary" is excellent! And, if there was ever a perfect man for the job, it's you for this! To me, the mission, purpose and reach if the Spot has always been the single best place anywhere to get the REAL scoop about TWIt in all its iterations. As I said somewhere before, with Charlene, Kristen, and Karl's books, and the treasure trove of information here at the Spot, we have an opportunity to once and for all just wipe out TWIt beyond its crumbling New Knoxville walls of lies, obfusfcation, and disinformation. We stand a good chance destroying their MUST precious commodity.......income! That's all they care about and it's all they understand. Peace all.
  18. Thanks for that post bro! I love hearing how music moves its lovers. Lyle Lovett and his large band. I saw them in San Antonio once and they were terrific! My sister is a huge fan of his. And, I think that car karaoke he did with Adele is the best of all the ones he's done with pop stars! He was sensational in making her feel comfortable and he really did a great job harmonizing with her. I've watched that at least 10 times!
  19. Excellent, informative, insightful! Thanks again Chockfull! Keep them coming as you can. You are teaching and helping the TWIt generation you were part of, and, more importantly, you are sounding an effective alarm to all future TWIt prospects as well as innies needing just one more piece of the puzzle to make a break for it. With Undertow, Losing The Way, The Cult That Snapped, and the stalwart GSC (Thanks Pawtucket!), continuing to provide increasingly detailed and current FACTS, I am convinced that our efforts are very damaging to Rosie's TWIt, and will continue to erode what de Liar has left to screw up. Shortfuse....your posts above are also outstanding. I respectfully urge ALL who read, lurk, and/or post here to speak up and tell what YOU know and what you experienced. The future of many innocent, good-hearted Christians will be brightened, and the coffers of TWIt will be drained. The walls of Zion hiding the promised land of da prevailing woid are seriously crumbling de Liar. The POS cult you are inheriting is dead. Your future is as bright as the promises of your hapless gods and phony idols. Have fun watching it wither like the wicked witch at the end of Oz and The Thing at the end of the James Arness version. Ding dong the witch is dead.
  20. Youse guys reminded me of a couple. Talking about pipes T-Bone, K D Lang just floors me! (So does Adele, but that's a different post). I first heard her in 1989. A guy at work turned me on to Absolute Torch and Twang, her first album. This song from that album sent me out to buy it that day on the way home from work. I still love it! I first heard of The James Gang when I saw them at the Fillmore in 1970. they opened the show followed by a band called The Flock, and CCR were the headliners! Typical Fillmore East show. Bluebird and this song got me hooked on crazy Joe Walsh and I still love his distinctive style. Dave...the last time we exchanged music before here and now, Billy Dodds and I had just seen Dawg'n'Del at a beautiful theater here in Great Barrington. I was buzzin' off of that for several weeks. I think this one is a good quickie dose of the 2 greatest living mandolinists alive today that I know of. I'm sure there's a kid in his parents' basement somewhere that's getting ready to be the next, but this'll do for now.
  21. Soooo good to read and hear your selections! Glad you got it down now Krys! And....Dave, Dave, Dave!! You always come up with stunners! I LOVE Sam Bush too. And, all the incredible pickers whose names I do not know that play with him. Just sensational! And, Mr. Bone! I was a huge James gang fan from their very first album! Saw them twice at the Fillmore and they did Bluebird both times. And that gal has got some pipes, eh? Great job on Sledgehammer! WOOHOO MUSIC LOVERS! Keep 'em coming!! Please! It's so much fun ain't it???
  22. Thanks Chockfull! Appreciate you taking all the time to think about and write the posts you have been posting. Very informative for me to hear what the deep six administration was like. Dirty bastards. I knew about Myrac£e and Cr0wthrr. They moved in as soon as Crotchaven was finished and open for business. There were 2 large bedrooms in Rosie's basement, plus a full kitchen, bath and family room. I was in that lair only once, for the mistresses tour. Never went back again. After I left in December '86, it seems the amount of info leaked about Donna and Rosie and the girls increased. It was very much squelched while I was there, and the yuk twig was nearly all consumed with covering up for the literally hundreds of victims dictor paul, da forehead, ding dong, coward, townsend, geer, lynn, wrenn, bedard, finnegan, hughes, hendley, pat powell, jenkinson, horney, greene, panasmello, licht, both lallys, both moneyhands, and a host of others left in their moggie wakes. And these were the assholes in charge of all your purges!! Talk about a den of vipers in a scorpion's nest. Putting together what I know with what you're recounting very much illuminates how utterly rotten and depraved that outfit remained and remains today. Keep 'em coming if you can. With Skyrider's input, we'll be able to expose TWIt firsthand for what it really was from 1970-2008! That's going to help a lot of people!........peace.
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