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Everything posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. I remember those guys! Good throwback JayDee! Here's one of my faves from Loggins and Messina. 2 really nice Strats they're playing.
  2. Pic of Willie Sisneros' 1964 Fender Mustang Bass.
  3. Thanks T-Bone and Jay Dee! Great selections! Ya know......I used to spend hours at a time in this thread with fellow spotters back in the day. Many were expressing their feelings here through the music they posted. Lotsa times it was just, "Hey I really loved this song." Or, "was feelin' a little blue today and thought of this.......", or "remember this one?", or just plain "For fun!". Lots posted and some weekend days we'd go all day for hours trading tunes and thoughts and emotions and memories. I really loved that. Maybe this one thread will kick in again like that. If it does, it sure will be fun!
  4. Alison Krause is an angel of music who makes everyone around her better IMO! Beautiful song.
  5. OK.....one more......for now.
  6. Thanks Dave! LOVED IT! That was very kind.
  7. OK.....enough schmaltz! Had 2 very dear old friends pass away in the last coupla days. Both bass players I've know for over 40 years. That's what set me off. NOW BACK TO JAMMIN'!
  8. Some more nostalgia........ talk about cultural impact......Leonard Bernstein, Stephen Sondheim and Jerome Roberts. Three immensely talented humans with a bean (forgive the pun Bean!). West Side Story had an incredible influence on me. My 6th grade teacher at PS 191 in Queens, NY, was Dr. Virginia Carr. She had a PhD in Physics and was also the school principal. Her son was in the theater in Manhattan, and he worked as a production assistant on Broadway. He was close friends with Tucker Smith, who played Ice both on Broadway and in the film. The play won a billion Tony Awards, and the film won 11 Academy Awards, and Bernstein/Sondheim won a bunch of Grammys for the soundtrack. Truly a cultural monster! Dr. Carr decided our graduating gift to PS 191 as 6th graders, would be to do our production of WSS. She got her son to get Tucker Smith to direct us. We worked on it for 3 months after school, on weekends, etc. It was a smash, and we took it "on the road" to 5 other schools in our school district! Hence, the incredible impact this musical theater masterpiece had on all of us who participated....36 students. Plus, I got to play Tony so I was involved in most scenes. i've picked 3 pieces which I think best capture the expanse of the work. The cultural relevance to our current national debate is astonishing. Immigration, inner city poverty and crime, racism, community policing, bigotry, and gang violence....all there. You'll recognize all the tunes and probably remember a lot of the words. Enjoy!
  9. For me, this man represents one of the greatest pure musical geniuses who ever lived. He took the world from Baroque to Classical in a 39 year life. The amount of music that streamed out of this Wunderkind is mind-boggling! This is my all-time favorite Mozart composition. My dad first played it for me when I was 5 years old and I've never forgotten it! ALL 4 MOVEMENTS are a must!
  10. Greatest American composer IMO.
  11. Hey Bean!!! i see you're keeping my favorite super-thread alive here! Have not been here in years, but I'm baaaack.....LOL! Been listening to some of what I consider to be some of the most influential pieces of music of all time and my faves. Eclectic, but that's the mood....... Pick # 1.....mainstreamed jazz worldwide. Composed by Paul Desmond who plays sax and performed by the original Dave Brubeck Quartet.
  12. I don't know how far back vic's daily drinking began. I DO know that, he drank daily during the time I knew him, 1970-1985. I am not saying he was drunk daily, but he did drink daily. Often, he would be shitfaced at nite owls, or corpse dances or parties. Before the motor coaches, vic liked his Drambuie and coffee in the morning. Usually had some more of this concoction at lunch. Then, as aforementioned, depending on what was scheduled for the evenings, he would enjoy old fashioned "high balls".....Seven and Seven was his favorite (Seagrams 7 mixed in 7-UP). Then, in the "afterglows"/nite owls, the coffee cups with straight Drambuie. This may sound like a lot, but when habitualuzed over a decade and a half (at least), the amount of alcohol necessary to really "tie one on" increases as biophysiological tolerance and demand increase. After the 40th anniversary inauguration and installation of da forehead as prez #2, vic had to acquiesce to his first surgery, which was the removal of his left eye secondary to ocular melanoma. Throughout the 40th anniversary year, with all the Regional Anniversary Weekends (8 of them), Living Victoriously, corpse week/ROA, vic's eye generated various increasing levels of pain. Prior to the surgery, vic self-medicated with Tylenol #3 with codeine and the continued daily alcohol use. Each Tylenol #3 tablet contains 30mg of codeine with 325mg of acetaminophen. On bad days, vic was taking 2 T3s every 4 hours with the alcohol. As the year progressed, vic graduated to Tylenol #4.....45mg codeine in each tab. After the surgery,,again with now a fairly substantial addiction to narcotic analgesics plus the alcohol abuse, pain management became an increasingly difficult "problem" for vic. As a result, the codeine was augmented and eventually replaced with MS Contin, oral morphine (MS04) at various doses, starting at 10mg, and increasing to 60mg "as needed" in the months immediately prior to his death in May,1985. Again, in addition to the daily alcohol use. So, it is fair and accurate to say that ole rattler was pretty strung out for months before he finally died. Official cause of death? "Ocular melanoma with metastatic liver and lung disease." That should fill in some detail for you Bolshevik. Peace.
  13. "TWI never called it a tithe... but there was more than a little pressure to give (financially) to HQ. But if you're going to quote scripture on instructions to the church on giving, the best I know of is going straight to 2 Corthinians 9:7 (which pretty much says it all:)" Wrong. Refer to "Christians Should Be Prosperous" please. TY.
  14. Couldn't happen to a nicer, destructive, neo-Nazi hate group!
  15. Happy Happy everybody! Enjoy your day with friends, family, football, The Wizard of Oz, and Thanksgiving!..........peace all.
  16. Politics is extremely toxic to this wonderful cafe. It almost destroyed the Spot. Idiots who wanted to run down this site and it's founder Pawtucket purposely posted as much inflammatory and vitriolic political propaganda in order to undermine Paw and the mods, as well as siphoning as many members as possible to John Richeson's (GSC "handle" was Igotout) Ning Way corpse site. Posters like Johnny Lingo, Iona Cheryl Ware, Oldiesman, Whitedove, Bimpy, Larry N. Moore, Dot Matrix, among others, PURPOSELY posted their inflammatory, vitriolic right-wing nutjob propaganda as much and as often as possible in their attempt to disrupt and usurp the GSC. Anyone who was here back then can corroborate everything I've posted here. There are more GSC members who were involved but have since expressed regrets for their disinformation and attempt to undermine and drag down the GSC. Therefore, I have not mentioned them. You want to repeat that??? I sure as hell DO NOT! Keep the politics ban! That way we'll keep The Spot. TY.
  17. Thanks Skyrider! Another tremendous series of posts from a long-time GSC stalwart. Honest and forthright with volumes of FACTS to substantiate your every word. A reason your continued presence here, IMO, is critical to the continuing mission of the Spot! Now, Monsieur de Liar, here's my open letter to you and your TWIts big apple style. A bit less comfortable for you perhaps, but, IMO, the last thing ANY "president" of TWIt deserves IS comfortable ANYTHING! I left the TWIt gulag in December, 1986 after 16 years in the cesspool. I "graduated" from the Way corpse in August, 1976. I was in that thing Johnny the drunk Townsend called the Yak Twig after Chairman Geer the bus driver destroyed TWIt with his putsch paper about some legendary, supposedly benevolent "patriarch" who was put one step above Saul of Tarsus as this man-o-gawd (MOG) for this our day and time and hour and minute and nanosecond. I bought that purulent horse manure too, UNTIL I returned to your little mud hole in new Knoxville. I was on staff there from 1979-1986, when I left. That's where the truth and FACTS regarding dictor paul wierwille and his cult of perverted personality disorders began staring me in the face. Slowly but relentlessly those FACTS were oozing from the belly of that beast daily. The cognitive dissonance and abject immorality of what dictor and his boyz in da hoods were doing was horrifying. Truly and wildly against everything our Lord Christ stands for today. Psychopatholigical, alcohol-driven madness which literally killed innocents and drove a significant number of others to suicide! ALL in the name of "God's rightly divided Word" lived "in the renewed mind in manifestation" with complete and total allegiance to the MOG, "The Teacher", wayfers' "Father in the Word". Unlike you de Liar, I did not bury my head or heart in that TWIt toilet. It did not take me 28 years of blatant ass-kissing and personal compromise to realize that something IS very rotten in TWItville, Ohio! So wrong that, no authentic Christian could ever in good conscience before the Lord stay there and continue to poison the waters of life for the genuine Christians who wanted just to love God and serve the bread of life to those in need. And yet, here you are in 2016 agreeing to preside over that fraud of a minus-tray as if nothing bad enough ever happened that you must repent of before God and His Church, and ask for forgiveness from BOTH! That should be your number one task. But, I'm sure YOU don't "see the need" to do that, because you'd never agree to be pwesident if you even hinted at doing this right thing. This after 28 years at the vortex of sin and spiritual illness that your precious headquarters continues to live and promote. That means you were there during dem fawg years. That means you signed da forehead's loyalty oath. That means you went through and SUPPORTED, the homo purges, the ending of the ROA and the WOW program due to "homo infiltration". The screaming, spit-filled propaganda and hate speech against all us possessed cop-outs, non-stop every day for years. The public humiliation and destruction of ANY & ALL opposition or perceived "rebellion" against his MOGship. The incredible fascist, neo-Nazi malignant paranoid narcissism which eventually threw out any bible and replaced it with "genuine spiritual suspicion" as the main rule of "faith and practice". The "no debt" lunacy. The fun enforcement of "mark and avoid". Taking the "prevailing word" and locking it up behind the newly constructed walls of Zion that you morons consented to. The remake of dictor's PFAL into an even more incoherently insane WAP class. The pathetic Way Disciples program to replace WOWs. The overt and persistent pathological serial rape and sexual assault that Da Forehead's perverted "father in the word" taught the boy to do so well, and with rabid enthusiasm. And, your pal Ros-a-lie also participated in enthusiastically as well with dictor paul himself, and Howard and Don, and literally scores of other MOGs including members of my corpse which she was in-rez with when she began in the Family Corpse II in August, 1975! Male and female Monsieur de Liar! Ask Ms. Lombardi-Martindale about that! Denial. Obfuscation. Outright pathological lying. Blameshifting and finger pointing is what you've been taught to accept and demand. That's what you accept with your revisionist history of Da Forehead's two "settled" serial rape and sexual assault charges, along with Rosie's whitewashed version of her own admissions to the criminal sexual behavior of the Da forehead and others that are in the sealed settlement documents. If you know all this after 28 years and you're still there, my de Liar moniker fits you quite well Monsieur! And, you'll wear it with PRIDE I'm sure. Unlike the far more kind Skyrider, I'm not wasting one nanosecond of my Christian prayer life on you, or any of the rest of you hypocritical, whited sepulchers. You are anti(against)-Christ in words and works. You are vain babblers, ever learning yet never coming to the knowledge of the truth. You are an insult to the Lord who bought you. You are a false teacher. You and your rosie suffer from the root of all evil.....the love of money. You preach for filthy lucre's sake. You plagiarize the plagiarizers. You bow your knee to Baal. You are anathema to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Heavenly Father. You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting. Your "ministry" is a sham and a fraud. You serve the god of this world. REPENT! Ask God for forgiveness and apologize to those whom you have despitefully used. You have raped and plundered The Good Shepherd's precious flock. Their blood is on your hands. You cannot fool God! You cannot hide from the Righteous Judge either. You return to your own vomit, day after day, year after year. The blood of the righteous which you have shed screams through the ground against you. My only prayer for you is, "May the Lord have mercy upon your souls." Have a nice inauguration and installation asshole!
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