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Everything posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. I've been reading this thread with interest. The long lasting ill-effects of dictor paul's whacky interpretations of B.G. Leonard and J.E.Stiles ( among many others) show themselves in the daft acceptance that dictor's "insight" into the "holy spirit field" somehow still applies to 21st century REALITY. Let me assure you, in no way is this "hooky-pookism" relevant to ANYTHING real. It is a drunken, malignant narcissistic delusion DPW came up with to continue to bedazzle his followers with his hyperthalmic babble. DogLover's entire question rests upon Vic's goofy advanced class "definitions" and anecdotal ramblings. Who, besides dic and B.G. says "everything with life in and of itself is spirit"? Who, besides dic and B.G. "define" discerning of spirits as those two do? Who says "cancer has life of itself"? Who says cancer is a debbil spurt at all? Who says such things as a "spirit of infirmity" or a "spirit of cancer" actually exist? Who interprets the Old Testament and gospel events of "exorcisms" as they do? Why are their teachings and doctrines ASSUMED to be worth anything let alone "rightly divided scripture"? Answer? NO ONE BUT WAYFERS and LEONARD's disciples. These fantasy myths are not worthy to be a logical, reasonable basis for any meaningful conversation outside the confines of wierwilleism and Leonardism IMO. There is NO basis in fact for any of this garbage. It's ALL a matter of what you choose to believe and accept as "rightly divided Truth". Well......I reject ALL OF IT as the insane ramblings of a drunken, malignant paranoid narcissistic personality disorder, and the accompanying COMPULSIVE pathological lying and numerous character defects which also accompany it. It is not sane, logical, replicable, or documentable. It is not "equal" to science, psychiatry, clinical psychology, or LICSW counseling. It is purely and only anecdotal. It depends completely upon the belief of the followers of these men.....i.e. faith. Therefore, it bears no responsibility for objective, logical critique because it is a "matter of faith", not fact, science, or logic. With the wonderful advancement of scientific and technological diagnostics, both somatic and psychological, the understanding and effective treatment of all forms of cancer and psychiatric disorders, has made phenomenal progress to the benefit of millions of people. The mapping of the human Genome, advanced diagnostic tools such as the PET scan, quantum physics, electrochemistry, biology and physiology, 3-D printing of human organs and body parts, the ongoing synaptic and electrochemical mapping of the human brain along with specific effective medication regimens which did not exist previously, have all gone far beyond vic's dead bible interpretations and drunken ramblings. To use his teachings as a context for anything REAL is a fruitless waste of time IMO. As an RN, I have spent much time in education and training in psychiatric nursing and pharmacology. I have over a thousand clinical hours in actual clinical dealings with hundreds of patients. I have seen hundreds of patients who TWIt-n-vic would have "automatically" diagnosed as " possessed", by so-called "revelation" manifestations as defined and taught by Leonard and DP. Unfortunately for you wierwilleites, none of his BS ever helped any one of them! In current Psychiatric Medicine and Psychiatric Nursing, there is diagnostic room for matters of "faith and demon possession". There is recognition in Psychiatric Nursing of the spiritual component in EVERY Nursing Care Plan for each individual patient. Experientially, I have personally participated in "the casting out of devils" during my 16 years in TWIt. Yes! I did see miraculous results and instant healings in the name of Jesus Christ. That is one of the biggest reasons I choose to be a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, The Boss! I have seen "spiritual things", and, in my spiritual life I stick with Christ by free will choice. I do not believe my experiences are either the norm or standard for all "Christian believers", nor should they be. Dictor Paul Wierwille DID. He was WRONG! As a Christian, I believe in the "realm of the Spirit" as defined and demonstrated in many parts of the Bible. I DO NOT believe one single thing DPW ever taught. Not one. However, I will never discount the reality that God, and The Boss, Jesus Christ can do whatever they want anywhere at any time and in any manner They choose. I simply don't limit them to any man-made boxes, most especially those which came out of dp's diseased brain and drunken mind. No theology, ideology, religion, or dogma can define or limit God and The Christ. NONE. Those who think they can are sorely self-deluded. So......I don't think ANY cancer or any other somatic or psychiatric disease is caused by debbil spurts. I don't think "everything gives off something" like debbil spurts. The definition of "anything with life in and of itself" as "spirit" is ABSURD in any context IMO, both as a nursing professional and a spiritual Christian. The current science and medicine leaves room for "spiritual components" without relying upon first century beliefs, practices, or "science". I believe in REALITY. And as Jesus said: "The Truth (REALITY) shall make you free." GET REAL people.................peace.
  2. "Great Treasures (.org) and Bible(in Facebook) are dedicated to helping people read and study the Scriptures. This site is a quiet, theologically-neutral safe haven for reading the Scriptures, chapter by chapter, and book by book. It is provided as a service to the body of Christ at large, to the glory of God. Rev. Walter J. Cummins, Working Translation: A Journey through the Acts and Epistles (2013) is given on this site". This blurb appears at little gerry's "speaktomefather" site under the category of "resource materials". That used to be where little Gerry posted all of bullinger's stuff along with dic wierwille's stuff, and little gerry's letters to the in-Rez corpse at emporia, George Muehler's book, a Grace Bliss bio, and a number of audio tapes by dictor Paul himself. Don't know where he hid all those. Birds of a feather, or birds of their faddah-in-da-woid, dictor paul wierwille. Cummins, Wrenn, Crouch, and others teach at JP's son's (V2P2) cult in MS, SOWERS. Cummins is still "working" with the busdriver geer on the advanced class redux that dictor commissioned them to do on his deathbed(sic!). Little gerry is hooked into his ECU pirate buddies earl "the pearl" burton, geoooooorrrrge hendley, "rev" Dougie super-secret-double-probation-security-killer-guy macmullan at SOWERS which sits on dougie's old family farm, jallyroll francencough's TLTF, and their old 1st corpse brutha, Bo Reahard, Bruce Mahone, professor ludwig Von schoenheit, Jim Melton, Maurice goulet, Lester Wiley carver, and a dozen other offshoot cults. These are the REAL corpses ya know! Faithful to their dead, waterlogged, cancerous idol under da fountain. They're all just so socially proper yet remain deluded by their right-wing JBS-rooted theology. They NEED TO RULE! No matter how big or small, they need to tell the world what's right. A bunch of pompous, self-important spoiled brats like the old landed Confederate Aristocracy, with very similar political beliefs. Final thoughts? CAVEAT EMPTOR.
  3. So.....here's the latest manufactured "need" for "rev" gerry to meet. A couple of interesting changes from the last one of these I posted. "NO CHARGE"! That's a switch. Little gerry used to charge a "registration fee" of $25-35 per person made payable to whatever poor sucker was laundering the "fees" straight into little gerry's wallets. Now, it looks like little Gerry had to straighten that out after we pointed it out to him here at the GSC. His pal Joe Block lets little gerry know what his enemies are sharing about gerry and his minustray. I suppose "rev" gerry just does the professional begging abundant sharing "teaching" for an hour or so on Sunday, and just takes the cash for himself. "The laborer is worthy of his hire" dontchya know!
  4. Hi all! "rev" gerry is still at it. The absolute smarmiest dictor paul worship sites of them all, are still polluting the worldwide web......LOL. However, despite little gerry's feeble intellect and numerous character defects, he just doesn't want anyone to contradict his "truth" nor his faddah-in-da-Woid's "great teachings" on how to take the place of their absent Christ, (who is indeed absent from their "minustray"). They are as anti(against)-Christ as vic was. They are as accurate as their plagiarist-in-chief, and as full of lies and false doctrines. I'm going to post a few quotes from some of his garbage sites, with some comments. Tell me what you think. "My page is for the edification, comfort, and exhortation of God's people. It is not for arguing about doctrine. If you wish to discuss something with me message me. This page is for speaking things that make for peace, to confirm who we are in Christ, and our hope in him. Thank you. P.S. Please don't use my name in any arguments on other pages." aww.....poor baby doesn't want anyone to "use his name" other than to praise and coddle his sorry little narcissistic self. He's just as opposed to people knowing the truth and facts of all the sexual assaults, incredible ego-trips and money grubbing for gifts schemes he carried out while he was a corpse coordinator and region dope in TWIt. So blatant that even dictor himself didn't want him around anymore and banished him to Cincinnati, OH to abuse those poor people. I love to use his name. I do live in a free country as does little gerry. So, I can use his name anywhere I want to. He presents himself as a "christian minister". He does so publicly and daily. He is therefore "fair game". Sorry little gerry, but them's the facts. I present the real "rev" gerry....the one he wants to make sure everyone knows that he and his idol, DPW, are completely forgiven for all their sins against the church and its members in particular. Oh yeah baby! Anyone who brings up FACTS about dictor and his boyz is just bringing up their "dead" past. This, despite the fact that they've NEVER repented and made restitution to those they raped and robbed, a la Matthew 18. Those ARE the words of the Word of God Incarnate, not some phoney moggie-boys. It's nice to know that "rev" gerry is aware of people "using his name"....LOL. It's forced him to make some changes which I'll point out. This'll be fun!
  5. Hey Paw! Thanks to you and GT! Getting used to the new layout is the only slightly difficult adjustment, but it's just like getting used to any other "new thang". You guys are great!
  6. During my time in da corpse, which began in July, 1973, and thereafter all the way to 12/'86 when I left, I never heard vic or dotsie ever say ANYTHING about dictor ever attending University of Chicago Divinity School. Ever! The Moody classes Schtick he talked about as if it were actually true, was already a DPW standard in his magically growing curriculum vitae by 1972, AC at Summer School. All this stuff from dotsie's book, written in the mid-nineties(?), is new to me. And, I can see from what Skyrider's posted excerpts contain, that Dotsie either bought Vic's bs, or Karen did. The entire roster of his "influences" at Lakeland Mission House College appears to me, to be written to "verify" vic's influential (in dpw's own mind) meeting with Karl Barth! I never heard any of those Mission House names (Ernst, Hesstert, et al) during the entire time i was in TWIt. The only name I heard over and over again, from his "old denomination" was that of Dr. Kunst, the pastor of the UCC Church in New Knoxville. Remember him? Cigar smoking old German preacher to whom l'il vic lovingly looked up to and spoke those beautiful words, memorialized by Harve Platig and Braindead, "I wannabe a man'o'gawd like YOU sir!".........ROFL! All the rest is news to me! Again, look at the doublespeak mention of "Princeton Theological Seminary". Anyone else think of Princeton University "Seminary"? I bet! Just like You're supposed to. You don't question it because moggievic must have told dotsie, and, of course, he'd never lie, nor would the lovely "First Lady" of TWIt", would he??? Sorry folks, but anyone who still thinks any of this hyperbolic self-importance is actually true to fact will be sorely disappointed. Dotsie was a classic, co-dependent enabler. Unable to escape vic's increasingly pathological sphere of influence, she was basically bullied into accepting it along with all the rest of his increasingly bizarre and overt pathological behavioral disturbances. Donnie was the oldest, and he did everything he could to escape that same abusive sphere of influence which swallowed up the entire Wierwille family as long as dpw was alive. The next two kids, Karen and Mary, were unwitting targets of vic's vicious misogyny, as was Dotsie herself. The youngest kids, JP and Sara, were brought up in the "ministry" of the 1969-1972, and thereafter, so they both were exposed to the MOGFOT version of dictor more than their older siblings. Both JP and Sara went into the corpse and both graduated. JP still keeps "the dream alive" down in MS at Dougie super-secret-double-agent-security-killer MacMullan's family farm, another ECU macho-jerk from the turd corpse like jooorrrrrrrge hendley. Still lives on the Kool-Aid served at his old homestead in NK I guess. As if his biological AND spiritual father was some "great one" like Simon the Sorcerer in Acts. Sad, but true.
  7. Good info Rocky! Thanks for posting it. I thought it was the PC(USA). WordWolf....... I personally heard vic say, "Princeton was sure as hell no degree mill!" I also heard him say, "You think it's easy getting through Princeton Theology?" And, " nobody wants to say anything about my masters' at Princeton Seminary. Because it ain't easy to get that from Princeton ya know. I think most of you keedz are too lazy to handle a top notch school like that, let alone the Word of God!" And, again " you bet I got my master's at Princeton Theological! Hard to counterfeit their sheepskins!". There are many many more like that both about Princeton Theological Seminary and the amazing Pike's Peak Seminary where vic forged his ThD. Absolute, purposeful FRAUD imo.
  8. So, including travel time from OH to CO, to be "in residence" to finish his "Doctorate" degree, took a total of 23 days! Yup! That's accredited alright. The Master's Degree from Princeton School of Theology has absolutely NOTHING to do with the titans of the Ivy League, such as Princeton University in southern NJ. That's what vic always tried to get people to assume. However, The Princeton Theological Seminary was and always has been a completely separate institution from Princeton University, and remains so to this day. There is no academic, scholastic, or degree granting status that it shares with the REAL Princeton. I believe that Princeton Theological Seminary has accreditation and degree-granting status from a denominational system......maybe Presbyterian (like Emporia College), but honestly, i do not remember which denomination. So, dictor paul's Masters degree was not from Princeton University, but from a completely non-affiliated institution sharing nothing with the REAL Princeton other the name of their location, Princeton, NJ. DPW just let the assumptions continue to make himself look better educated than he was. The charlatan never went to a decent real school. He went to third rate schools with a 4th grade intellect.
  9. Well.....it is finished! And what a feat of personal believing and commitment it is. One for the ages ya know. JCDOA is in the can! Here's jally francencough's version of how great jallyroll was and is: "My heartfelt thanks goes to each of these stalwart saints, with whom I now have a special bond. And when you see the finished product, which we hope to have by sometime in early November, I think you will agree that, by the abundant grace and mercy of our Father and our Lord, we succeeded. Jesus Christ: The Diameter of the Ages looks to be about 18 hours of priceless truth presented dynamically, poignantly, and humorously, while being enhanced by Franco Bottley’s heart-grabbing graphics and versatile use of state-of-the-art technology. I think you will love it!" "We began each day with prayer, manifestations, and inspiring music (which JCDA will contain LOTS of). We prayed for each person who was praying for us, and if you are among them, and if you are among those who contributed financially to this project, THANK YOU! We could not have done what we did without the prayer support we had.We had an absolute riot! The blood test I had on July 20, the day after I got home, showed that my numbers (RBC, WBC, Platelets) are all down, meaning I have less energy, so I know it was their love, plus God, Jesus, your prayers, two oxygen tanks (free, courtesy of Marc’s doctor friend) the Bemer electromagnetic circulation stimulator (courtesy of Daniel), a throat steamer (courtesy of Christina), MRET water, Marigold bars, Epic meat bars, and Dana’s foot rubs that energized me to get through a rather grueling endeavor. THANK YOU for praying for Franco and me as we put the finishing touches on this vivid portrayal of the most unique man ever." WOW! What a faithful moggie! Even better than his faddah-in-da-woid. What a hero ! What a fantastic bible salesmen to the glory of his own narcissistic personality disorder. I knew it would be self-obsessed and self-aggrandizing, but it has far exceeded my expectations. More of the same old cult tripe that's going on 50 years old now. Is this gonna be it? I sure hope so! There are already enough destructive JBS, right wing "Christian" nutjob cults out there. Does jeeezus really need or want yet another one? Your opinions, comments, or snide remarks are welcome.
  10. I left in '86 so I missed all dem fawg years and then the crazed Nazi years under da forehead. From what I heard it was just a smaller freaking zoo. You guys provide an extremely important perspective that many of us here do not. You sound like you were "Junior" corpses in the family corpse at the TWIt Vatican in RC. Man, that must have sucked big time! I've talked to several jcs and the accounts are really awful! Especially the ones where the parents are still in! Thanks for posting your experiences.
  11. To TLC, TWIt'n'vic apologist extraordinnaire: YOU define nothing about me, most especially my "mission statement". Here it is from the horse's mouth instead of your's located at the other end of the horse: "I will continue to do so until they repent and make restitution to those whose lives they destroyed and sometimes even took, according to the words of the Lord Himself as recorded in Matt 18. Until then, I promise you, I will never shut up or change my style. These lying, self-serving pigs have been doing their mud-slopping for 30 years now. They're still doing it. I will continue calling them out until I take my last breath or they do." Feel free to return to the topic everyone. I apologize for the brief detour.
  12. I appreciate your opinions Twinky. I do not agree. And, NOBODY thinks I'm Jesus or that I ever could be. Thankfully, HE loved sinners, hung out with them and "publicans", and called them unto Himself. I'm one of those, aren't you? Whoever reads or lurks here can think and post whatever they want. By their fruit shall ye know them. I happen to feel responsible to confront the Pharisees who inhabited and still run TWIt or any of the little splinter cults. I do so by factually and sometimes graphically describing their fruit in the lives of their followers and their "leaders" past and current. I will continue to do so until they repent and make restitution to those whose lives they destroyed and sometimes even took, according to the words of the Lord Himself as recorded in Matt 18. Until then, I promise you, I will never shut up or change my style. These lying, self-serving pigs have been doing their mud-slopping for 30 years now. They're still doing it. I will continue calling them out until I take my last breath or they do. If you are serious about comparing my "rants", as YOU term them, with dictor paul's "face melting", neck-vein popping, spittle splattering, drunken "doctrine, reproof, and correction", or da forehead's even more bizarre psychotic breaks, then maybe you must have never really experienced a real one. Was your life "put together" by being in da corpse? How much did their "Christ-like ministering" do for you? How much like Christ were they? How calm were they? Serial rape and sexual assault, rabid homophobia, flaming neo-Nazi hatespeech, and you want me to not "call them names"??? Sorry, but I will NOT oblige you or them. Call me stubborn, call me vulgar, call me rude or disrespectful, or off-putting to all those lurkers and readers who YOU tell me are so intimidated or offended or scared of the big, bad, DWBH. Think of me and call me whatever YOU want. I simply don't care. As I've posted before, often.....I enjoy your posts, perspectives, and how you and your churches in England really do help people as Jesus taught. However, I will leave the editing and censorship to the Mods and Admins. Your's are just way to "proper" for me. Just another American rebellious freedom lover who has chosen never to be "ruled" by anyone other than Jesus Christ. Love to you and your's, and............peace.
  13. I firmly believe that exposure of the self-serving VPW offshoot minustrays is necessary. They are every bit the destructive cults that dictor's Way was. Jallyroll, "rev" gerry wrenn, "rev" earl burton, "rev" joooorrrrge hendley, Jim melton, geer, seed, professor von schoenheit, "Dr." dale sides, "levitical rabbi" michael rood awakening, maurice goulet, dandy don alexander, sha-na-nandra higgins, franco bottley, JP Wierwille and super-secret-double-agent "rev" douggie macmullan at SOWERS, "rev" beence finnegan and his fake kingdom cult, living hope ministries int'l, "rev" charlie "bless patrol" quillen in IL, "rev" franklin smith, and the scores of other waybrained wierwille worshippers with their own slimeball minustrays to beg for their retirement of easy donation living......LOL. That's the purpose of these offshoot subforums. Inform, expose, drain donations. These megalomaniacs and paranoid narcissists need to held to account. Thankfully, GSC provides an extremely important venue for exposing these cults.
  14. Either way, her post seems to be a thread killer. I think this thread is a good thread.....informative, good give and take, and not offensive to anyone but an "uptight few". Why should ANYONE's personal preferences dictate the posting "style" of any other member?? I think that is overbearing to ALL posters here. To stifle factual content because of personal linguistic preferences is immature, self-centered, and rude. Just my opinion. To hijack a thread from it's topic in order to just "get your way" about how things are to be said according to your personal prejudices is condescendingly arrogant censorship. You Brits know better! I met Twinky in 2007 at the GSC Texas BBQ at Jeff and Theresa Petrosky's home in TX. I enjoyed meeting her and very much enjoyed the entire BBQ! I met NotFromKansasAnymore, Tonto & T-Bone, Tom Strange, Doojable, George St. George, Ex10, and a number of other old friends. They were all there while I posted a few posts on that "IS THE CRISIS OVER" CES thread. We all had a fabulous time. I know that there are reasons for friction because of certain people's public and written support for jallyroll Lynn's fraudulent, self-serving, anti(against)-Christ "minus-tray". I am bound by my agreement to pastoral confidentiality not to say any more, and I will not. But, Twinky, you're just incorrect on this IMO. As a former Barrister, I expected more objectivity from you. But, I certainly understand the power and necessity of close friendships. It's family by choice. However, personal friendships do not determine facts or truth. Those things need to be dealt with by every individual human conscience. Just my opinions. Hopefully, this thread may continue in the informative, debate style it has been. Personal preference should not determine one's freedom to post free from censorship. I certainly invite any relevant discussion to this thread. If the Mods think it better to take it the the Open subforum thread on decorum, so be it. If not, then I look forward to any and all replies............peace.
  15. Thanks Krys. I thought she was referencing this thread.
  16. "Thanks, modcat. Makes a much better read now. And won't put off newbies/lurkers." Who says that it "put off newbies/lurkers."? Seems to me there are comments on this thread that state the exact opposite. Care to clarify where that notion came from, Twinky? Thanks.
  17. Excellent post Shortfuse! Thanks.
  18. It's not about Socrates either. Don't blame him for your own vanity. Don't blame us for "not liking you" again. You seem to take joy playing the victim card. Momentus anyone? And, imo, your pugnacious attempts at using anything "Socratic" is more along the line of an intellectually pubescent Socratic circle jerk than Socratic method. Pleasing yourself again are you? Get some tissues......clean up your mess and try to keep your overwhelming need for validation and authority in check. It appears to make YOU hard to get along with. Blame it on the bossa nova. TTFG. Whoops! My bad! My telepathy is a little off today. I have no desire to know what dark star you're hitched to. Apparently, YOU don't even know. Looks like you have a hitch in your giddy-up pal. Limp along now. TTFG.
  19. "Because what was/is so prominently thought and taught as believing doesn't appear to me to always square up with what pistis means biblically. " OK, so what exactly does "pistis mean biblically" define?? What does that even mean from the point of view of objective exegesis and valid textual criticism?? Nothing. When DPW croaked, he left a "dying commission" to Wally-the-researcher to ensure and enshrine dictor a biblical research legacy(sic!). 1) Produce a "rightly divided" Harmony of The Gospels, and 2) "finish the work on pistis". A third legacy DPW wanted to drop was the Advanced Class redux. He commissioned geer da busdriver to carry out that dying wish. As of this writing, Wally-the-researcher and da busdriver are still working on this project! LOL! And, Wally-the-researcher, John crouch, and several other old research department hacks still teach at SOWERS, as if nothing has changed since 1982. Eewwwwww! The only reason there was a pistis "problen" was because DPW had the intellectual capabilities of a fig. He had already botched Bullinger's research on all the uses of pistis in The Greek New Testament. Ethelbert published this in a series of articles in Of Things To Come, his research journal while he was the Chairman of the British Trinitarian Bible Society. It was always Bullinger's trinitarianism that DPW used as an excuse not to just completely endorse EVERYTHING Bullinger's ever written. That was THE chief thing that DPW used to place himself above Bullinger "spiritually", and prove his own "apostleship" as being the more "accurate" and rightly divided than Ethelbert's. Effect? We don't need to dig deep into Bullinger, since dictor has rightly divided and accurized all the truth to be found in Bullinger's works. Vic had no intellectual, academic, or scholastic capability to comprehend Bullinger. He was much more at home with the anecdotal and experiential Christianity B.G. Leonard taught than he was with the gravitas of Bullinger's intellect. He totally co-opted VERBATIM Leonard's definitions of the "gift of faith", i.e. the manifestation of believing, along with Leonard's "definitions" of "the faith of Jesus Christ" and "faith, the manifestation", and "faith the fruit of the spirit" and just plain old faith. Vp's incapable intellect, inherent laziness, and the compulsions of his pathological sexual perversion along with a love for alcohol precluded any legitimate intellectual capability to combine the two. Hence, the root of the entirely manufactured "pistis problen". There is NO PROBLEN outside the paranoid narcissistic personality disorder which drove and consumed a rural German Ohio neo-nazi with the delusions of grandeur at the core of his self-chosen Pauline MOG identity. What a mess!! All to make up the answer to an illogical presumption by a drunken, malignantly paranoid narcissist. What a wagon to hitch your "biblical research" star to, TLC. Yikes! TTFG.
  20. Imo, TLC's "understanding" of quantum theory and/or fact, is as objective as his compulsion to be a vic'n'twit apologist. Despite his cryptic, self-serving denials of being "one", methinks he doth protest too much. His persistent impulse to defend the indefensible seems to me to be a vain attempt at self-validation. Hard to rationalize insanity imo. Sorry TLC, but it ain't workin'......for you or any of us here trying to genuinely communicate with you. You have not demonstrated any authentic desire to communicate, imo. Quantum theory along with its proven scientific fact does indeed open up all the possibilities of understanding HOW it is possible for God and/or Jesus Christ to actually DO what is attributed to Them in the Bible. And, the most current scientific and medical literature uses proven quantum theory (e.g. quantum electrochemistry, quantum biology, quantum physiology, etc.), to make incredible gains in the understanding and documenting of the most detailed information on the physiology and actual biophysiological and electrochemical function of the human brain. It does not prove any specific or iconoclastic belief in that brain. It simply lays out the actual FACTS regarding how EVERY human brain works. It is predictable, repeatable, and documentable. Hence, it is PROVEN. Are there actual hormonal, electrochemical, and/or physiological changes in the synaptic electrochemistry and biophysiology of the human brain? Absolutely. However, these predictable, repeatable, and documentable FACTS do not prove any specific spiritual belief or "positive thoughts" as being "true". They simply prove the actual biophysiological and electrochemical realities of the function of the average human brain in ANY self-imposed belief system. ANY. So, as I see it, quantum indeed sheds marvelous light on the real possibilities of God and Christ, and that They can do whatever they want. It also puts ALL human beliefs on an equal footing before that same One True God......and ALL His expressions of Himself around the universe as defined by "fruit of the Spirit" as listed in Gal 5:22,23. Thanks for reading this..........peace.
  21. I continue to posit that TLTF and jally francencough teach and practice anti(against)-Christ Pauline dominated spiritualism. Again, words carefully and purposefully chosen for clarity and context for this thread. Counterpoint opinions and snide remarks welcome........lol.
  22. I admire your patience waysider. It is a wonderful fruit of the spirit is it not? Socrates ain't got nothin' on you!
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