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Everything posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. "Yeah, silly me. Thinking the thread might be useful for something other than tearing down. (And for thinking that someone might have wanted a deeper or more meaningful discussion to a question asked of me.)" Yikes! Poor little TLC..... I did not realize that part of the Socratic Method was playing the whine of being a victim of the answers to your own questions. Is he talking about the same Socrates as Aristotle? Just wondering.
  2. In my opinion, I think those letters are evidence of the drunken, malignant paranoid narcissism, and pathological perversion that dpw acted out for 5 decades. It is the closest he ever came to playing the charade of "godly sorrow" to express any phony regrets he had about "ever doing anything to hurt my prayshuss corpse keedz". AS IF! Personality disorders have no conscience, not even a seared one.
  3. A funny aside to all this........when da forehead supposedly got his large cranium unstuck from his own derrière, in 1989 after geer's November epistle from that year. Supposedly, this was when da fawg cleared and all dem debbil spurts flipped out of Loy-boy and right into geer......LOL. The entire groundwork of his paranoid revelation, which eventually led to his revelation on how to " mark and avoid" the debbilish cop-outs he hated so much, and publicly excoriate them after they already left. The whole "leadership tapes" series on Galatians was lifted straight from my article in that "festschrift", The Living Word Speaks. That's why I've been looking for a copy, because I wanted to re-read it. I threw mine into the Douglas Dump fire in Douglas, MA in March of 1987. One of the 17th corpse sent me the info on da forehead's deliverance. The 17th corpse was the younger corpse in-Rez when I left in 12/1986. The dancing pwesident separated all those who were "exposed" to my leadership and began his interpretation and exposition of how dem debbil spurts in me got all the corpses I worked with so possessed......LOL. My article from that book became the textbook for coming outta dem fawg years. Plagiarize and demonize was the procedure which eventually led to the publicly private conclusion that I was a dreaded "seedboy"! Pretty old but effective disinformation campaign of which Josef Goebbels would have been as proud as dictor Paul himself. Scapegoating in absentia is debased cowardice, imo. Eventually, those "Galatians tapes" became a requirement for the entire 17th corpse, and quickly became required listening for all of TWIt. The 17th corpse who were "directly affected" by me at HQ in 1986 while I was in the Yuk Twig, were intimidated into acceptance of all this or getting "marked and avoided" and publicly shredded. Several of those 17th flew under the radar in order to graduate and then "trip-out" to make a statement. Remember.....there was no internet at the time, no social media, no alternative avenue of communication. Once WayDale got up and running, it was all over for those liars and their unbridled hubris. GSC continues the uncensored exposure of all those behind the curtain of the OZ and "the walls of Zion" in the promised land of psychotic delusion which is TWI.
  4. LOL waysider! Short, sweet and spot on.
  5. LMAO johniam!! That was funny! Best post I've ever seen from you.
  6. I think you quite accurately provide for us TWIt's practical use of the "law of believing", waysider. It was more of a demanded obsession to accomplish an impossible mission.......e.g. make God do what I want or think I need. Guess that worked for 'em eh waysider?......LOL.
  7. Jesus Christ spoke truth always because HE indeed, was the word of God incarnate. That's my opinion. Thank you for expressing your's JayDee.
  8. Trying once to more to return this TLC-derailed thread back to the purpose of examining and exposing the latest pseudo-intellectual "biblical research" and false teaching which takes place daily at STFI & TLTF. Please retread the first three posts on this thread and offer your comments and counterpoints. I'm sorry for TLC's persistent attempts at hijacking and redirecting the purpose and point of this subforum and thread. I can't do anything about his lack of logic and maturity. Apparently neither can he. Thanks for your interest in what STFI/TLTF are up to these days. Cult awareness and exposure is necessary. Your opinions regarding TLTF & STFI, and other malignant offshoots of TWIt are welcome......pro or con.
  9. Like I said, I don't waste time arguing with crazy people or TWIt-n-Vic apologists. Accept your personal and doctrinal failures and try to move ahead without embarrassing yourself. TTFG.
  10. Yo! TLC...... Do your own "research" and answer your own stoopeed questions OK? I have a rule....don't argue with crazy people, or TWIt-N-Vic apologists. Your fantastic ability to remain completely enthralled with your own status as a Wierwille sycophant is really boring. You ask questions.....well sort of.....they're so arrogant and opinionated and accusatory full of phoney red herring, ad hominem, and straw man logical fallacies, it's like a little boy constantly saying "I know I am, but what are you?" No one here as any responsibility to prove anything to you. Who are you any way, Igatius Loyola? You spout off as if you know what you're talking about, yet every post just proves you don't. You come across as some early college division ding-don loyalist who is still bitter that your great abilities were never really respected. Maybe you were in the 5th corpse and were one of those mindless losers who wanted to be more than some robotic staff member. You're still happily stuck in dictor and ethelbert worship and their Pauline cults of hyperdispensationalist hooey. That's fine.....free country. But just because you decide, in spite of reams of evidence and facts proving how perverted TWIt-n-Vic were and are, does not validate any of your subjective prejudice for what YOU think really happened. Your idol dictor was a total package of sociopathic, malignant paranaoid narcissism along with serial rapist and longtime alcoholic. Yet, for you to still believe Wierwille that he was somehow "of God", is fine...FOR YOU and the rest of you knuckle-dragging sycophants. But, most of the rest of us here tell the other side of your made-up bible fantasies and your mighty drunken "man'o'gawd". You seem determined to carry on vic's perverted bible cult as if nothing ever happened but lambs and roses. I know, now you're going to whine about how I have no idea what you believe, when you left TWIt or why, how hurt you and your family were when you left.....if you ever really did. Then brag about how much about you we don't know. Nobody cares. You enjoy hijacking threads to your own satisfaction and overwhelming need for approval and validation from your faddah-in-da-Woid. You like casting aspersions at everyone who does not agree with your revisionist history of Vic-n-twit. Quite a bit of pathological and criminal behavior took place which you choose to equivocate and avoid, diverting attention to your twisted versions of vic's ridiculous cult and how well you know all about it. Well, I don't buy your personally biased revisionism of Twit-n-Vic history and facts. Still stuck in your own delusions and your version/interpretation of really goofy "biblical research". Your right to believe whatever you want is not questioned. Stoopeed is as stoopeed does. Physician heal thyself. TTFN.
  11. "(And no one has mentioned yet anything about this great "research" they did uncovered and/or taught others. I guess that don't matter one whit. They MUST have been right, given how wrong VP was on everything else...)".....TLC. Well let's get that cleared up then. Dr. Bernegger and Dr.McRae had come up with the working manuscript of what was to be "Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed". They had worked for months on this. Peter on the astronomy and astronomical events, and Marty on the MSS and texts in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Syriac. John worked on Greek textual criticism, and later, as the pre-emptive wierwille attack began to mount, fanning confronted the entire psychodynamic of the corpse program, and had it nailed, which of course nailed not only dictor, but da forehead, wally cummins, gerald wrenn, John crouch, Gary Curtis and beence finnegan to boot! And he was spot on then. Then, da forehead and wally took the manuscript from them saying it was "ministry property" and would be copyrighted under Vic's name, since it was dictor who gave them the assignment as well as "all the resources of the research department". And, more importantly, their work "did not line up with the word as Dr. Wierwille knew it and would be published according to his and the research department's final edit. When the three refused to edit out accurate textual and scientific evidence and references to martin's and Bullinger's works on the same subject, which the 3 amigos had thouroughly examined and had airtight evidence of where they were wrong, or right, or not privy to the most recent knowledge and/or research on the subject from various sources. Then, the 3 Amigos demanded the intellectual rights to their manuscript so they could work on it themselves without pressure to prove Vic right, as well as attribute all the research to himself and the faceless research department. Vic refused and the "possession" accusations began to fly along with verbal threats. The three threatened to sue, and then the banishment and disinformation and cover-up were thrown into full steam ahead. So, the original biblical and scientific research and the manuscript were stolen from them by dictor and wally, and then given to wally and his keedz in the research dept., including von schoenheit and crouch among others, to edit and rewrite according to Vic's specifications. It was published by American Christian Press as "Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed" by Victor Paul Wierwille. He took full credit for a book he purposely stole and had re-written for himself, and then took the credit for writing the whole thing himself. That's where that oh-so-"great" research wound up TLC! And, this was absolutely not in any way new. This was how every book dictor "wrote" was written. The techniques of intellectual theft and plagiarism, and taking credit for everything you never did as if it was part of gawd's calling and minus-tray given only to you. Another perfect example.... "Jesus Christ Our Passover", again, by dictor paul wierwille and no one else. The pattern for what was in store for the three amigos had been well-practiced and well executed many times before the three ever ran into vic's research buzz saw. I'm glad they did not buckle under. They were right back then, and they made their post-TWIt lives meaningful to themselves and helpful to others. All dictor accomplished with his life was wind up drunk, possessed by cancer spirits, an unconfessed and never convicted serial rapist and sexual assaulter, a pathological malignant paranoid narcissist, and sociopathic liar to the second he died. The three amigos are alive and helping people daily. Dictor is dead and rotten in his waterlogged shrine at the farm. Thank god.
  12. Hi JayDee! The very first place for them to start is by personally apologizing directly to each of their victims as Matt18, in the words of Jesus, teaches. As a matter of fact Matt 18 covers the entire spectrum of what they SHOULD DO as far as Jesus Christ is concerned. That part, personal apology, is private, not public. If there is no repentance one on one, the rest of Jesus' words tell us EXACTLY what to do and how to do it. Remember, the 4 canonized gospels were written after all of Paul's contentious epistles had been passed around. I believe there is a reason for that. That is, Christ-focused Christianity, had been interpreted, ritualized, and institutionalized so much by the efforts of that former Pharisee of the Pharisees, Saul of Tarsus, that forms of worship, prayer, liturgical practices, Christianized rituals, church polity and structure became more important than the living relationship with God Jesus gave his life for in order to enable us to live that new lifestyle as a glory to God and His Son, our Savior. Pauline Christianity is helpful to many Christian churches and organizations of people. But it's focus is the topics aforementioned. The focus of the Gospels is to focus the disciples of Christ back on to the life and mission of Christ, whom Paul never met while Jesus was in His earthly body. The other Apostles, the original 12, all knew Jesus face-to-face, eyeball to eyeball for three years or so. They actually saw what he did and heard firsthand what he taught and said. JC is The Word in the flesh, incarnate Truth, and the true apex of all revelation given to humanity by the God of Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, and Jacob. He needs no explanation or interpretation. He needs disciples. He needs followers who will live His lifestyle, not Paul's, or Peter's or John's, or James'.........nor dictor paul, jallyroll, professor Von schoenheit, "rev" gerry wrenn, "rev" beence finnegan, "Dr." Dale Sides, "levitical rabbi" Michael rood, the busdriver geer, doug seed, Maurice goulet, wally manthey, Charlie quillen, Terry and Melanie Wilson, Doug "super secret double probation agent" macmullan, JPW and SOWERS, and another 20 or 30 offshoots of TWIt. Wierwille worshipping cults, all of them. Forgiveness? Absolutely! AFTER genuine repentance Matt 18 style. Check it out...............peace.
  13. Thanks for that post, T-Bone. Good stuff to ponder.
  14. WOOHOO BlueCord! Hope you love your "day of rest" at home with your wife in your PJs! It really is a much more relaxing and enjoyable "way" to enjoy that day of rest than 4 meetings every Sunday. You can think about God, pray, read your bible........or not. YOUR choice! Better than the Sunday morning fellowship, some TWIt pwesident holding court for an hour at lunch, Sunday Night Service, and then an after meeting somewhere until midnight, and in bed in time to run at 5:55 every morning. I'll take Sundays off, thank you very much. Enjoy your continued journey into spiritual, intellectual, and social freedom! It only gets better, as will your entire life. You can explore and think guilt-free. Don't look back!..............peace.
  15. So......anyone check out all the documents in the WayDale and GSC archives?? Interesting, no? So ding-dong allows Rosie the riveter to throw his mother out of the family home into a nursing home in St. Mary's. Then he allows her to ban his sisters and brother from attending any memorial or burial services on TWIt property. That's what JP's letter was all about. When I say I bet Donnie looked like Howard Hughes at his end, I was not joking.
  16. In spite of needless detours, the purpose of this subforum as well as this thread in particular, is to provide current info on one of the most destructive cults of the scores which sprang from the bowels of dictor paul wierwille's malignant paranoid narcissism, and their latent love and "need" to keep Da Woid of Gawd and its inherent and inerrant accuracy alive in this our day, and time, and minute, and second, and every possible free use of social media possible. Guys like jally, wrenn, burton, macmullan, "Dr." Dale sides, "Rabbi" Michael Rood, "Rev" beence finnegan who stole not only all the property, money, and people from the way worldwide, but also sought legitimacy through Atlanta Bible College and that Anthony Buzzard fellow. He runs a fairly large "group of churches" in his Living Hope Ministries International. Nice try vinny, but all you've accomplished is elaborate new makeup on the same old pig. This is the USA. We all have the freedom to believe whatever we want. However, if and when antisocial, racist, and xenophobic hatred behaviors are part of whatever you believe, and those behaviors reach beyond the doors of your own church and its membership, and harm or restrict or discriminate fellow-citizens, they will bear the burden of their behaviors, NOT their beliefs. Their behaviors and actions against others are subject to the same civil laws underpinning our society. That is why I post here. Information and fact about any of these offshoot cults of the way is what is necessary to protect our communities from their phoney love-bombing and spiritual ramma lamm. These are destructive mind-control cults. They are predators, sociopathic, psychoemotional terrorists. Exposure is their greatest fear. So, getting back to to original purpose and this subforum and this thread, I ask you to read the first three posts and offer your opinions and/or counterpoint to the CONTENT, which btw, is largely quoted directly from the latest TLTF newsletter, and NOT what you may THINK or interpret is the "agenda" behind my posts here at the GSC, and especially this subforum. Thank you for your interest.
  17. So where is it please?? Let's set the record straight once and for all re: the origins and purpose of LEAD. Let's get back to the psychological and ideological roots as laid out verbally to the first 4 corpses........the roots of lead which was John somerville's Total Fitness Institute, (TFI), and dictor's desire to prove to the world that his corpses were as tough and prepared for battle as Somerville's Marine Corps Recon Rangers. They were part of the roots of The Navy Seals program. Dr. John Somerville was a marine corps officer. He volunteered for 3 13 month tours of duty in Viet Nam. Vic used to brag that "My son-in-law put his money where his mouth was. He went to test out the revelation and impartation manifestations. He came back a hero all three times!". The story of TFI is somewhere around here isn't it??
  18. Regarding the "where are they now" question: Dr. Peter Bernegger is a professor of Astrophysics, Dr. John Fanning is a counseling psychologist, and Dr. Marty McRae is a professor of Semitic Languages. Dr. McRae used to post here as one of our favorites, Orange Cat. Not really a "Dr.", Dictor Paul Wierwille died in May, 1985 of ocular melanoma with metastatic liver disease. The fruit of their personal and professional integrity and honesty is quite evident. As is the fruit in the not-a-real-doctor, malignant paranoid narcissist whose goofy minustray of serial sexual assault and drunken neo-Nazi aryan supremacy, along with a proud racist, Christian bigotry got him rotted from the inside at the age of 69. Hearty congrats to the former three! Hearty good riddance to the latter.
  19. Thanks for the info Skyrider. Sadly accurate. I'm glad I never saw don again after I left in '86. He must have looked like Howard Hughes at the end of his tortured life. And, don's widow became his best friend's wife, (Wanda married coward Allen in the early 2000s. They live for free at The Way Family Ranch, in Gunnison, CO, as "Trustee Emeritus"), and his two adopted children married each other. He banned his brothers and sisters from the grounds they grew up on, for whatever TWIt phoney memorial Rosie of crotchaven rushed together. Don had already thrown his mother out of her house and stuck her in a nursing home for senile dementia. That's where she died. Not at HQ. She was taken care of by strangers and twit "M&As" who volunteered their love and care on their own for this tired, dying, elderly woman. Her oldest son, refused to allow the other surviving siblings to attend any service or memorial at TWIt HQ for whatever sick Shakespearean patricdal urges that coursed through his psyche. It was horrifying! As a matter of fact, JP Wierwille set up a one-time only thread about his mother's funeral and burial service in St. Mary's. He let us all know that TWIt refused them free access to the family home and any "memorial events". I think they're in the GSC Archives at the home page. As I've said before, an epic Shakespearean/Greek tragedy in real life. Certainly no "Bonanza".
  20. Thanks for that well-thought-out articulate post, Raf. Interesting and thought provoking.
  21. So much for the great accreditation scam. Busted in 1975, 76, and eradicated from ANYTHING and ANYONE legitimately granting accreditation and degree-granting status of any authentic validity. As I said before, ding-dong felt betrayed AGAIN, by his father. Don did work hard and diligently to EARN his PhD. He earned excellent grades in a real Aademic environment. However, everything he did was completely wasted by the old man, whose desperate search for acceptance and validation of himself at the expense of everyone and anyone in his minus-tray or in his way, was simply the outworking of his malignant, paranoid narcissist personality disorder. Again, the stuff of genocidal dictators and abject psychopaths. That's what DP was......just like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Breznev, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, both Assads, Sadam Hussein, the Iranian Mullahs, the Saudis and the Islamic terrorist jihadis, Hamas, Hizbollah, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Putin, the Kims in North Korea, China, India, Brazil, Venezuela, Greece, ad infinitum. Psychopathic totalist cultures are exactly the same psychodynamically. The words are different but the purposeful, deviant process is the same. Dictor was an inconsequential self-deluded alcoholic serial rapist. That's a given now, factually, historically and legally. His malignant, paranoid narcissist personality disorder was never confronted nor treated Psychiatrically. It raged and fulminated unchecked and untreated for his entire life. Disgusting but absolutely true. And the ungodly long list of victims is spread throughout the entire pathetic 40 years of his incredible .... minus-tray. Donnie knew exactly what he was being used for. He hated the old man since he forced Donnie and Dotsie and Karen on the Indian much-ado-about-nothing tour. He forced Dotsie to sell the furniture and abandon her newborn son, JP. Donnie hated his old man for forcing them to do dictor's thing above anyone and everyone else's. He hated him for treating Dotsie like a piece of property and not an equal human being. He hated being forced to go on that ego trip. He resented being dictated to by a father who don KNEW was a lyin' sack-o-poop. He knew the history of his old man in his hometown. He knew the old man wanted don to take over the minus-tray in his stead. But, don's total lack of effective public speaking skills, and his negatively hypnotic speaking style were obvious enough to keep him outta the presidency. But, don ran the way from the minute he became vice-prez. To see the horrible devolution of his being during the 1990's up until his death from lung cancer was horrifying. He became the destructor of his own bloodline, and the mother he once loved so deeply. It's like a Greek Tragedy, or Shakespearean. To learn how deeply dew descended into his own pathology as he knew cancer was killing yet another wierwille was deeply disturbing. Tragic. Sick. Evil.
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