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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Will I understand them better by you answering mine?
  2. So I should stop answering your rhetorical questions then?
  3. Do you really want me to start listing out all the possibilities??? On the anonymous interwebz?
  4. To me that reads “don’t get all high and mighty with your brothers and sisters as your shiz also stinks”. Now the line for all the fundamentalist corrections of my interpretation starts over there ->
  5. 100 percent. I haven’t talked to the splinter moglets directly. But that bath water stinks of stolen BS and despair! Which is probably why I haven’t talked to the splinter moglets directly. That is the stupidest damn statement anyway. Who here has actually bathed one of your children, but instead of using clean water you recycled it? Thats exactly what joining a splinter would be like.
  6. No you didn’t say anything about God whatsoever when bringing up forgiveness. From p. 1
  7. Dude I am commenting on a forum not “proclaiming on the internet”. There’s like less than 10 participants here. Maybe you just need to chill a slight bit.
  8. Hmmm. The “utter BS” that OS was referring to pretty much was started by Stayed who held a different position earlier that God did require forgiveness on the part of the wronged. Now he has flipped the script. To me that is clear evidence of either a complete change of heart or of the fact that Stayed is deliberately trolling topics he has no belief in.
  9. The difference between a religion and a cult is what happens when you try to leave.
  10. No I do not. VPW clearly lied about so many things I don’t trust his accounts anywhere. I think he had other motives for many things like the India trip, chimes hour, etc. PFAL included an extended account of a man with a withered hand being healed just like Jesus did. That account has logistical holes in it but the homiletic reason for making it up is very clear. Calling himself “The Teacher” and “The Doctor” are narcissistic terms that also play into his constructed persona. His true personality was narcissistic, mean, and entitled.
  11. Imagine if at all possible that instead of a human father, you have instead an entity that is the Creator of the Universe. Does being unlimited with respect to time and power change any aspect of your “gospel according to STL”? If the only mental model your mind will accept is another entity just like you, what does that say for the future of mankind? If you want to help others escape you have to accept diversity of opinion and belief.
  12. Actually I meant the quote was literally autocorrected. But please carry on with your inner dialogue.
  13. You’re easily entertained. Wait until the real autocorrect power kicks in.
  14. This answer is disengeneous. You are drumming up arguments here not “merely stating” an article quote.
  15. Let me ask you, what does this post have to do with TWI? It more belongs in the “About Faith” sections where people talk about their beliefs or not.
  16. Trolloolllolloolllolloooollllllolioo Every man is right in his own eyes.
  17. What it does mean is that you are still trolling up disingenuous arguments that have nothing to do with your beliefs. To me that distracts from people like the one on the Reddit article that really want to recover from TWI. And yes your beliefs have everything to do with what you can and can’t read.
  18. I hope she comes over here and interacts. There are only about 10 active posters and many have different beliefs and agendas, but if she wants the truth about the history of TWI and all of the detail about the Corps she will have to dig up some stories here.
  19. https://reddit.com/r/cultsurvivors/s/KmD4qsE1Ye
  20. It was a pretty well known statement or fact. I remember using it to refute a cult accusation when I was in. I’m sure I said those exact words “how can we be a cult when there are no members except trustees?” The answer is the BITE model, and that they shun people just like the other cults.
  21. “Uncle” Howards line was “we have no strangers at the Way”. He also wore shiny red boots that he would declare the purpose of was to catch a glimpse of ladies undergarments. However TWI has used that as “proof” they are not a cult - “we don’t even have members see?” and a denial of manipulation techniques for decades. This still doesn’t make Uncle Festus any less creepy.
  22. It’s mainly a rubber stamp of control. However it does leave open intervention at each level. Yes it is completely absurd and goes to illustrate the level of control they endeavor to force on people. I do not have a good sense of how long a coordinator will continue to keep people on their books while not attending regularly. Probably as long as it is to their advantage. But they say that they have no “members”. That’s the public line anyway.
  23. Each fellowship has a spreadsheet with a numbers count, names, phone numbers, email, addresses. As does each branch, limb, region and the trunk. Each level is required to request changes from the next level above. The trunk has to approve removing a name from the region roster and down the line. That is how they plan classes and assignments.
  24. Yeah you skipped over the part of the estimate that probably has the more real numbers. The 40000 was somewhere recent I heard on content related to cults. It pretty much would be an estimate of modern attendance. I dunno you could probably look at all the anniversary photos in the magazine and derive something. 40k including the continent of Africa seems reasonable to me for scale. JWs are at 8 mil, LDS has 16m. You also skipped the part about TWI hiding those numbers, so unless a region coordinator recently detected and shared them you’re not gonna know. Sarcasm however does seem to be a strength.
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