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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. So you are making up a new interpretation of “needs and wants parallel” from PFAL? And it is “needs and wants are balanced and parallel to the ground”? And this is represented by some hand motion of Wierwille in the class? You are getting farther and farther from reality. And your ego is inflated to the sky and beyond. You seem to hate all of the people with a different viewpoint than yours. I guess by your own self diagnosis that is the cause of your stupidity.
  2. I wonder if we will ever find the true origins of the Lo shonta language spoken on film by VP. I know it’s a dialect from a small Italian fishing town on the Malakasita coast.
  3. Ok I just find it hard to believe that one person can be this dense. Did you realize that to write a book that involves reading? You haven’t even shown the ability to get through a book in a year.
  4. 142. PFAL = landlords No PFAL means you don’t need to have a landlord if you don’t want one.
  5. Yeah I don’t believe that there is no good outside of God and religion. There is plenty. I experienced years of my neighbors and coworkers and community members treating me better than “believers” did. I truly look at my faith as personal and a motivator for me. Not as a club to beat others with.
  6. 141. False name - Power for Abundant Living So you would expect the vast majority of the followers to be middle class mostly. They would be living with power and abundance. Yet they are not middle class as that is next to impossible without home ownership. Debt for starting businesses and advanced education are given elements in most normal peoples pursuit of power for abundant living. They are unavailable to most of the masses in the Way unless they are quiet disobeying. Except those with inherited money they live more like the false name. And the Pharisee leaders who have relatives carry their mortgage notes to be in compliance. And the minimum wage earners at HQ who qualify for Pell grants for kids earning college degrees from our taxes. The vast majority of the Way followers have little power in a subservient organization and have no abundance after the mandated beyond the tithe “abundant sharing” and being unable to borrow money for home ownership, advanced education, starting a business, or medical or other emergencies.
  7. “Bless patrol” Way creepier than the “to protect and serve” goal of most police departments they are getting challenged on in modern society.
  8. Mikes back story is sketch. I’ve questioned this line a few times. We are anonymous on the internet. This easily could be a fictional account whose logins are circulated among certain clergy who want to do something about GSC. So they engage and keep coming back on fronts that I don’t think a normal single person would. If this were the case and I’m not stating it as fact just raising the possibility due to the circumstances then the mental side would present as not normal as it’s not one person all the time. I know that he protests greatly and talks about one person he actually met who can vouch for his identity but in reality other than those who have disclosed it we don’t know each others irl identity here. Just being logical not trying to be a conspiracy theorist. Maybe I’m wrong in observation maybe not.
  9. Yeah I’m thinking I could have chosen a different example than Darwin that seemed to trigger things in a different direction
  10. On the first half your message I wasn’t saying that at all. On Darwinism the example I can come up with is the white settlers in America with firearms who helped each other but not the natives won out for survival of the fittest. Natives were forced into horrible treaties and expelled - like the march of tears. Until the Alaskan deal where they got a better deal - all the oil money. With that they protect each other - Aleut, Inuit, Athabascan. On the second half appreciate the world picture. I’m not as inspired by one in a million odds- I’ve seen Vegas thrive as a corrupt empire for all my life on a 52/48 odds split. On the live forever stuff I believe everyone experiences a resurrection. And is rewarded for good done in their life. Not just those who are in “my religion”. The son who is a murderer and the servant who is a saint included. I think Buddhists believe you re incarnate to the next higher level then the life cycle repeats. It has a similar vibe but different beliefs. Anyway the world is the same it seems. Just our views on motivation in life are different.
  11. Yeah wasn’t implying that at all. Self-centeredness is not a disease that only affects atheists. Christians and Christian orgs are among the most self centered everywhere. Like Twi who won’t lift a finger to help anyone - Christian, non, etc. Yeah a lot of the Buddhists I know are genuine and helpful to anyone. Im just noting people getting more and more selfish and self centered in society as we move along in general. There are plenty of exceptions.
  12. It would take that to discuss the multi professions of Mike the explorer. The baseline is window cleaner in San Diego. Which is not believable with city conditions and border scenarios driving down the oldest Way profession. Next coder. Philosopher and writer I know I’m leaving some out. What are other Mike profession claims when he slips up? A very plausible explanation is that it is a shared account passed around TWI leaders to spin up arguments at gsc.
  13. So why are you cherry picking two words I used to describe a world without God and starting a fight over it rather than talking about what a world without God looks like to you? I was just describing general description of what came to mind about the topic. But people like to pick at shiz and debate. Which actually proves my point more than you think. Also humans hunt deer. So yes.
  14. whether individual or collective I would say the Darwin concept is the promulgation of self or one’s own kind over that of what is perceived to be a lesser kind for the purpose of long term survival. People help those they perceive to be “like them” and typically do not help those they perceive to be “not like them”. Most won’t help across these constructs. I actually don’t know who helped N though so I can’t say whether they fit that statement or not. So if I’m presenting a parody of Darwin please help me out on how the mechanics of natural selection work in your world.
  15. Of course that’s true I just would say the same folks perhaps are operating outside of a Darwinian construct.
  16. As usual if Mike stops spewing horse manure and says anything coherent please let me know so I don’t have to wade through all of that to see it.
  17. The “word” or supported example taught to The Way Corps was in a little book called “VP and me”. This was given to VP as a present at the Living Victoriously celebration and transfer of authority. In this which was read to and focused on by the Corpse there was a statement about how Craig needed to “loosen up” in some areas from VPs advice. It was shared in the context of growing in spiritual maturity. The lockbox was also taught to keep sexual assault victims silent.
  18. Why tell the world? How exactly otherwise do you think those who “believe it happened” would come to “believe it happened”? Osmosis?
  19. After reading this I think I certainly am influenced by people baiting me into arguing for the last word. I do feel the dual nature of answering a fool according to his folly or not. I think most of us are “winning” by living well free of the clutches of TWI. That shouldn’t be happening by their explanation we should be experiencing all sorts of consequences from leaving “da ministry that taught us da verd”. We should all be greasespots at midnight. But we aren’t.
  20. There is a lot of practicality involved with this post. I actually approach things in this fashion when I am figuring out what I need to do in situations. What actions do chock need to take? If I don’t then the mind normally defaults to complete passiveness along the lines of “let go and let God”. And this has led to long bouts of depression and inactivity. Neither are productive. Although at times in life simply waiting for a more opportune time has proven beneficial for endeavors. I guess I could sum up my faith by “act as if there is no God, pray like He’s the only difference factor”. That other thread is a Mikey troll job and responses. Posit a world without God. No inspiration. No hope except for eventual extinction. The drivers in life being completely seeking the benefit of self or self seeking. Man does not help fellow man in general in a Darwinian construct. The scripture quote of “without hope, without God, in the world” come to mind. What does your world look like without God?
  21. What I see in the premise of the story is how far TWI leadership has officially distanced themselves on the topic of the supposed 19 whenever promise supposedly from God. Yet unofficially they still buy into it 100% doubling down on the original teachings and whitewashing the bejesus out of VPWs image. Including constructing golden images of him where he is supposedly “Timothy” instead of “plagiarizing lecher VPW”. VPW never published an official version of the revelation unlike good ole Joe Smith. It was only ever recorded in Elena Whitesides account in her book. Then discontinued from the bookstore. However as OS has shared about top leaders communication RR revels in and loves the ambiguity. The rumors that circulated in the Corpse were substantiated by the top leaders. Those rumors were the special uniqueness of VP and his life and how he fulfilled all 5 “gift ministries” when other mere mortals could only at best hope for one or two. TWI leaders if Plaffy truly is divinely inspired then stop dancing around the topic and come out with some kind of definitive statement about this promise and what you believe about it. Because every day you don’t do that is another day where you are promoting lies and false rumors.
  22. One more completely delusional post with the poster assuming what God is happy with or not. This is easy to do when your god is an idol of VPW and his works. This thick headed nonce describes VPW idolators like he is not their king. Mike is the king of VPW idolators. Also the condescending tone about “close but missing it”. Dude you have missed it for 3 decades despite your parent child tone. And w/r to the JCNG debacle no uncapitalizing god and lord and combining them does not come close to handling the doubting Thomas scriptures despite your condescending tone. It is just repeating the same BS that is in the book and is just as sketchy when quoted here. Doubling down on your idolatry and arguing with everyone here gives you an emotional payday that is why you keep it up. But in reality it really would not practically matter if what you were selling was VPWs plagiarized BS or Joseph Smiths fictional Book of Mormon or LRHs nonsensical ramblings to reach “clear”. Destructive cults are destructive to all who are not high up enough on the Pharisee ladder to benefit from the pillaged riches. Which leads me to the logical conclusion that is what you are in some undisclosed way. High enough up in the cult to benefit. Either that or you are about a 70 IQ nonce. Take your pick.
  23. Aaaaand the VP worship comes out again. Now we rightly divide NOT THE WORD OF TRUTH but we rightly divide PFAL. What more evidence do we need that VP as an anti Christ needed to replace Jesus Christ by PFAL? That is the fruit of PFAL - anti Christ. It takes the adulation meant for Christ and twists it to go to man. VP. The man who bronze statues were made of. 140. PFAL is anti Christ despite the labels on the inside
  24. All without exception or all without distinction. I remember questioning those during the PFAL class. The coordinator ignored the question and handled me. Because of course VP couldn’t make a GASP …. mistake in the teaching of the holy Plaffy the best text available since Arius of Alexandria.
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