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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. There were lots of "little" things, of course; but I think it was really the beginning of the end for me when my BC asked me if I was homosexual. There's spiritual insight and awareness, for you! --> George
  2. I remember when I first heard that the Corps were all going to be salaried. I thought, "Either LCM is believing for a miracle, or he's an idiot." Turn all the cash-supplying Corps into cash sinks, all the while running off everyone else who was sending in ABS. I guess the miracle never appeared. --> George
  3. Perhaps a needle next to his name would be more appropriate! ;)--> George
  4. I saw a production of "Godspell" recently. The "Jesus" character wore a T-shirt with "WWID" imprinted on it! :D--> George
  5. Indeed. Whether we agree ar disagree on various subjects, I wish you all the best in the coming year. :)--> :)--> :)--> George
  6. I have the ABILITY to kill whomever I choose. I do not have the RIGHT to do so. Free will gives one the ability to make choices, it doesn't make all choices RIGHT. George
  7. God gave us freedom of will so that we CAN choose what to believe. He also told us WHAT to believe; we don't have the RIGHT to believe otherwise. George
  8. Ex10, I agree with Galen. The man needed furniture, and you helped him out. If he came in screaming about "gay rights" and DEMANDED service, I would have pointed out a few "gay wrongs" and sent him on his way; but he was apparently very respectful, and it was right for you to treat him in like manner. George
  9. 1. What time do you get up? Mon.-Fri.: 5AM; Sat. and Sun.: 7:15AM 2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? President Bush would be cool. 3. Gold or silver? Gold 4. What is the last film you saw at the cinema? Spiderman II 5. What is/are your favorite TV show(s) Most sci-fi shows, especially Star Trek (and sequels). 6. What did you have for breakfast? Oatmeal, Coffee, OJ, and a banana. 7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? Michael Moore 8. What is your middle name? Michael 9. Beach, City or Country? Suburbs, actually. (Close enough to stuff without all the hustle and bustle.) 10. Favorite ice cream? Baskin-Robbins Pink Grapefruit Ice, but I'll settle for mint chocolate chip. 11. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? Butter 13. What kind of car do you drive? Chevy Impala SS 14. Favorite sandwich? Hamburger 15. Favorite flower? Gladiolus 16. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? I'd visit my relatives in Italy. 17. What color is your bathroom? Depends on what color my wife painted it THIS week! 18. Favorite kind of clothing? Brands? T-shirts and blue jeans. Brand names are irrelevant. 19. Where would you retire to? I like it here (Texas coast), though my wife would prefer the hill country. 20. Favorite day of the week? Why? Friday. Here comes the weekend! 21. What did you do for your last birthday? I honestly don't remember. 22. Where were you born? Evanston, Illinois. 23. Favorite sport to watch? Baseball, though football is a close second. 24. Who do you least expect to respond? Just about everyone!! 25. Person you expect to respond first? I have no idea who will respond next. 26. What fabric detergent do you use? Gain 27. Coke or Pepsi? Coke (and none of that Coke II nonsense). 28. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night Owl 29. What is your shoe size? 10 30. Do you have any pets? Two dogs, Zook and Snapper. 31. Are you happy with your job? Usually, though the company reorganization has turned everyone into an accountant. I'm happiest when I'm making stuff in the lab. 32. What is one thing you want to do in life that you have not done yet? Have the marches that I've written published. 33. If you had the chance to get married again- would you? I plead the Fifth Amendment. (I AM married, after all!) 34. If you won the lotto what would you do? Thank the person who gave me the ticket. It's the only way I'll ever have one. 35. If you had three wishes - what would they be? 1. Unlimited wishes!!! Thus -- rendering the other two redundant! (Got to agree with DMiller, here!) 36. What are your hobbies? Music, comic books, weightlifting, Bible study 37. What are some things you always hope you get for christmas? Some of the comics I'm still missing from my collection. George
  10. I appreciate intelligent discourse like this. Thanks for your insight. George
  11. From this, I infer that you consider Lingo and Eagle (and, probably, me) to be dishonorable. I do not disagree that Daryl is honorable. It takes courage to stand up for what one believes in the face of animosity, but I would contend that Lingo and Eagle are honorable for the same reason. Nor is it compassionless to point out someone's error. It's not a matter of condemnation, because there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ. There still is sin, however; and we are called to reprove the works of darkness. On the other hand, there is no point in beating this horse anymore. In the short time I've been with Greasespot, every time homosexuality is mentioned (no matter how tangentially), the war of words begins anew. I think it's safe to say that Daryl and Trefor and the others will not be swayed from their homosexuality; nor will Jonny, Eagle, I, and others be convinced that it's all right. So...How about those Astros! ;)--> George
  12. I have a feeling that this "minister" doesn't get many prayers answered, anyway, so it's just as well he didn't pray for your kids! Let US know if they still need prayer! George
  13. Hindsight is always 20-20, of course; but did you ever HEAR the Beatles in their early performances? Lousy pitch, and the rhythm wasn't too hot, either. They got better. George
  14. ANYONE who accepts the Bible as the Word of God (and, I expect, this includes at least A FEW people who have not been associated with The Way) must conclude that homosexuality is sin. Every verse relating to homosexuality and homosexual acts, in the New and Old Testaments, affirms this. If you don't want to believe that that's God's view of the subject, fine. But that IS the biblical perspective. And to LindaZ, are you tolerant of someone who would sacrifice his child to an idol? The Bible uses the same word, toebah (abomination) to describe human sacrifice and homosexuality (as well as other forms of idolatry). It's not a matter of translation, it's a matter of refusing to believe what's written. I find both male and female homosexuality abhorrent. But I answered Ex10's question a while ago. Our culture may be more accepting of male couples because they dress nicer. ;)--> George
  15. I've used Intelius to find old friends. The $8 tab for a single search isn't a great deal, but $20 for an all-day pass is. These don't count criminal record or divorce searches, though. That requires the big bucks ($50, per search, I believe). George
  16. The only time the Bible tells you not to pray for someone is if he's committed the "sin unto death." The "clergyman" in question is a schmuck. George
  17. Well, if this thread wasn't derailed before, it sure is NOW! --> George
  18. Having not experienced major abuses firsthand, my reaction is shock and compassion for those so abused. I honestly don't feel sick about it, though. George
  19. Well, Gee Steve!, I didn't expect it to be the last word! George
  20. Perhaps it's because male homosexuals try to look nice and lesbians try not to? Again this is a personal observation, and in no way should be considered to cover ALL homosexuals. In the genre of erotic films, lesbian encounters are widespread, but male encounters are almost non-existent. This may be due to the fact that the viewership is predominantly male. In the examples I've seen, the women involved in the encounter are usually gorgeous. I remember a "Saturday Night Live" skit where some guys are given one wish, and they want to see two lesbians go at it. Unfortunately, the lesbians they get are a lot more like the ones I've seen than the Playboy-video kind, totally creeping the guys out. My personal feeling: two beautiful women together is a waste of two beautiful women. --> George
  21. If you can't say something nice about someone, you're probably talking about LCM! :D--> :D--> George
  22. I wonder how many of the other George St. Georges made the same mistakes I did? (Or wise choices, for that matter.) George P.S.: That was one of my favorite ST/TNG episodes!
  23. Are you still on meds from the extraction?! George
  24. One of my favorite cartoons when I was quite young was "Bat-Fink." Along with his stereotypical sidekick, Karate, he would cruise in his Battilac (thermonuclear, and plutonium-insulated, no less) righting wrongs. The reason this (incredibly obscure, I'm sure) hero comes to mind is that he had steel wings, made for him by Karate's dad. While deflecting various projectiles, he would say, "Your bullets (or whatever) cannot harm me; my wings are like shield of steel!" (That is, except for the time an amnesia ray was shot at him. Then it was, "Your whatchamacallit cannot harm me; my things here are like a something or other of, well, you know." :D--> Not exactly a Christmas wish, but it was a fun memory! (Now don't get me started on "Clutch Cargo"...) George
  25. I have no idea what your thesis is about, but as for your question: I was attracted to The Way because the Word was presented to me in a logical way that showed me how important I was to God. (Quite different from my Roman Catholic upbringing!) I also enjoyed the fellowship of people who cared for me and God. I stayed for the same reasons. I was eventually driven out by legalism. George
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