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Posts posted by Kevlar2000

  1. Hi Seth,

    Have you already looked at the Way-speak + Greasespot-speak thread?

    Actually, I think there have been a number of threads talking about Waybrain and the way words were used in that high-demand religious organization to control and manipulate us. Could someone more search-capable than myself find these threads?

    (Not to hi-jack Seth's thread, but I'm also wondering if other sensory input act as "triggers"; certain sights, sounds, even smells and tastes.)

    After almost 20 years of being away from that group, wayspeak doesn't hold me in its thrall like it used to. I think time and distance renders much of their control impotent.

    I came across some old Way East and Way of New York Grapevine newsletters the other night. Reading them and trying to remember what I was thinking when I first read them was like examining myself from another life. I read them and thought, What did I see in this group? I volunteered nearly 16 years of my life toward the establishment of this group, wrapped my life around its schedule, all because I thought the "leadership" were working honestly to strip the bible of myth and error, and present it to us as it had not been known since the time of Paul and the other apostles.


    Seth, that's one of the things that helps me with wayspeak (and Wayworld in general): these people were (and are) liars. They didn't honestly research the bible. They found things during their research that clearly contradicted Way dogma, and they were either extremely slow to correct them or else never did. They took other people's work and "made it their own." Literally.

    And, they allowed the doctrines, policies, and edicts of abusive madmen to become "the law of the land," even when they knew better from what they knew the bible said. They ignored the many clear verses of living and conduct, and wrapped themselves in the few "difficult" verses. And usually only made them even more difficult to understand, much less to live.

    When Waybrain occasionally pops into my head, I use my own version of wayspeak:

    "Go a-way!!"

  2. I'm guessing if VP could get away with it at the time he would have made the founding date of TWI the year his first ancestor immigrated from Europe to the United States.

    or maybe that's why he was so interested in pinpointing the date of Jesus' birth in Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed, so he could date the beginning of the ministry from then.

    Hmmmmmmmm. :thinking:


    I thought I remembered reading in The Way: Living in Love Mr. Wierwille dated the beginning of his independent ministry from the start of his radio show, the Vesper Chimes Caravan Hour (I'm not sure of the exact title, someone help me out here), which was around October 1942.

    (edited for spelling)

  3. Does anyone else remember that Corps Night when LCM played the Eagles song called "Get Over It?"? It was the topic of his teaching that night. He ripped into everyone and anyone who had any doubts about how he was running things, and he kept repeating that we should all just "get over it".

    It would have been better had he played, "Take it Easy":

    "Take it easy, take it easy

    Don’t let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy..."

    (lookin' at the entire lyrics and thinking about a certain former president of TWI

    man o man o man!)

  4. (lol) so true. I am hard pressed to imagine anyone surfing past this site acquiring any meaningful impression from such pitifully bland material, presented like dried white toast on a stick.

    "We have dried white toast.

    It's on a stick.

    Write us."

    Actually, they might be able to sell that at the local renaissance festival. Foods on sticks sell fairly well. Steak on a Stake, Pork Chop on a Stake, even (yes, it's true!) Fried Mac & Cheese on a Stake. :)

    As long as they have ventured onto the devilish realm of the internet, I'm surprised The Way hasn't thought of having on-line versions of their classes, at least the basic (foundational) ones. Oh, of course, you would have to register, and fees would be involved, but it would relieve them of the onerous task of getting together a mininum number of people to have a class. It might even be more revenue than what they're now getting from ABS.

    Of course, this would mean they'd have even less control of "the household" than they do now, but I think they will eventually have to admit most people (especially in this country) won't continue to allow a religious group to have as much micro-managing control of their lives as TWI has. People get tired of being screamed at, brow-beaten, told on the one hand they are "more than conquerors" then treated "less than dirt" on the other.

    Frankly, if I were the BOD (and thank God I'm not), I would be looking for ways to re-invent this organization. I would remove the "and fellowship" part of their organizational title and go back to just being all about "Biblical Research and Teaching", as it used to be. Whether their "Biblical Research" has any merit, you be the judge.

    I would think having the "and Fellowship" in their title would imply they ran, were in charge of, and (by implication) were responsible for the actions of those who were in charge of running their "fellowships". Hmmmmmm. :wink2:

  5. 'member when LCM was all excited about the Sphinx and sent the Corps a handout of all the sphincter muscles in the body. Turns out there are like 26. The sphinx is like a sphincter in that it "puckers together" the constellations of LEO and VIRGO.

    I am still chuckling over this!

    I wonder if this was one of his "red-balloon" revelations';

    you know, came to him in a dream where it went like:

    Sphinx - What goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening?

    LCM - I don't know, but here's one: What has four wheels and flies?

    Sphinx - I don't know, but you're an @ $ $ hole!

    And that's how you earn a salary at TWI as a reseach coordinator.

    (The above is parody, satire, humorous protected speech. It is not intended to imply anyone had such an actual dream, vision, revelation or otherwise unprovable experience. It is also not intended to imply this is how a certain organization actually conducts its research.

    Although if anyone can tell us where they get their policies, we'd like to know, because most of them seem like they've pulled them out of their....) :biglaugh:

  6. Even though he was assigned to the Research Department after his stepping down from the presidency, I don't think he actually worked in that Department. His face was unseen at HQ for at least 2 months after he was found out. There was an actual office for the Research Department. He was never in there before he left HQ. I think that was just a cover to make people think he actually had a job to do and that he wouldn't be collecting money without working (if he ever did do that while he was president.)

    Naw, he was telecommuting. Via revelation.

  7. Hi bowtwi,

    It sounds like she might be "instrument-surfing", trying out different instruments to she if she really takes a fancy to any one of them.

    I would definitely recommend renting, if the school doesn't provide the instrument. (The school I went to, back in the dark, dim days of the'60s and '70s provided my French Horn. I don't know if schools do that anymore.)

    You might also try placing an ad in the paper to see if anyone wants to unload their no-longer-played French Horn.

    And, of course, there's eBay.

    Sudo plays (or used to play) the French Horn. He might have some ideas.

    Wish Annie good luck (yes, I said luck :biglaugh: ) and good success for me. The horn is a beautiful instrument, and has some amazing music written for it.

  8. Good morning lori, and welcome to this site for ex-Way adherents.

    As you may have read, there is a multiplicity of opinions, viewpoints and experiences here on these forums. These serve as a challenge to think through your beliefs and experiences, and may help you to separate truth from error more than TWI (the Way International) ever did.

    TWI did not promote individual thinking or critical analysis of its policies, edicts, or interpretation of the Word (and yes, the Way International had its own interpretation of "the Word"). This site (like the Waydale site before it, and others) is primarily a discussion forum. You're encouraged to discuss, to throw out ideas and see where they land, to have your own opinion about....anything.

    I also encourage you, if you have not done so already, to check out the information on this site's Main Page. You may already know some of this, but I'll bet some of it will (pardon the expression) knock your socks off.

    Some of it will be so amazingly terrible, you may not believe it. All I can say is, Keep reading.

    Some people here have recently left TWI, others (like myself) left a long time ago. You will find a wide range of Way experience here, from household (or twig) fellowship level to Way Corps to HQ staff to Trustee Cabinet level. Stick around long enough, and you may be surprised who posts here.

    My time in TWI was from 1971 to 1987, and , even though I saw petty abuse from time to time, I did not and could not imagine the evil perpetrated on people who only wanted to love God, know how to read the bible, and live a more abundant life. This and other sites detailing the abuses opened my eyes.

    Someone will be around soon to offer you coffee and a danish here at the Greasespot Cafe (I'm a Guinness man myself :) ). So enjoy your time here, and prepare to have the eyes of your understanding enlightened.

  9. I remember, years ago, we were watching a video narrated by (I believe) Meg Kish about the Word in culture or art or some such thing...

    As an example of what not to do, a painting was shown having a natural, rural setting (trees, flowers, etc.) with a Bible in the foreground. Because the shadow of the tree fell across the Bible, the painting was putting the Word in a dark shadow and (supposedly) had a negative effect upon the viewer.


    I'm so glad I don't have to listen to that crap anymore.

    Meg, do you still really believe that stuff?

    (btw, I thought it was a pretty, peaceful picture. Shows you what I know!)

  10. kathy, i really have a problem with you calling craig an @sshole.

    he was much, much, much, much, MUCH worse than that!

    (my apologies to his kids: i'm really sorry your dad was such a nasty, deluded, dangerous, thick, egotistical, neanderthal @#$%^&! really, i am.)

    And I have a problem with comparisons to "sphincter regions"!

    What's the difference between a "sphincter region" and LCM (really, TWI in general)?

    A "sphincter region" helps to eliminate waste which would otherwise poison the body....

    (you can take it from there) :wink2:

  11. At this point I don't feel hatred toward Wierwille - rather, great sadness and disappointment, at the thought of one having had at one time the resources and opportunities to effect so much good for so many, but rather, having used all this toward committing evil and selfish gain, and now, being dead, has no more opportunity in this earthly plane to rectify make up for those wrongs, in any way possible. Man, did he really blow it.

    Coincidentally, Invisible Dan's post put me in mind between another "invisible" character and one to whom the "mantle" was passed:

    "You are fettered," said Scrooge, trembling. "Tell me why?"

    "I wear the chain I forged in life," replied the Ghost. "I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it.

    "...But you were always a good man of business, Jacob," faultered Scrooge, who now began to apply this to himself.

    "Business!'' cried the Ghost, wringing its hands again. "Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all, my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!"

    - Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

  12. This weekend be Adventure Weekend (formerly Pirate Weekend) at the local renaissance festival. I'll count up how many Cap't Jack Sparrows there be on shore leave.

    Although counting be difficult for meself, what with 5 fingers, 5 toes, one hook and one pegleg. :biglaugh:

  13. My reply, "When you start paying my bills then you can tell me how to spend my money." The End! Zilt--Never Again was I approached!

    Ya hear that, innies?! It's your money.


    You decide, not some "overseer". You.

    You don't have to discuss your financial decisions with anyone.

    They can't force you to do so.

    They don't know where best to use that money. You do!

    And what will they do to you if you don't discuss it with them? Not let you take yet another class that's simply a rehash of every class you've already taken? How many classes do you have to take before you can start reading the bible on your own? How many exactly? Once I learned the alphabet, I didn't have to retake the Power for Alphabet Learning class over and over and over.

    Or maybe they'll decide you're too much of a trouble-maker, not "like-minded", not embracing the "unity of the faith", outside the hedgehog of protection, and they'll mark and avoid you from their "fellowship." Other religions call it excommunication, shunning, but you know what it really is:

    Kicking you out on your foot.

    If they (and the people in your "fellowship") can so easily separate themselves from you, maybe you were never really a member of the "Way Household" to begin with.

    But here's a thought - If they can so easily deny you, you who was bought with the price of the life of Jesus Christ, you for whom Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice, you whom God so loved, because you won't let them manage your money - then perhaps they were never part of the Family and Household of God to begin with.

    You are free to determine which way you wish to go.

    And by the way - your money will still be...your money.

  14. As much as I'm chuckling about the "thumbtacks in the bra" suggestion, my thoughts about this are:

    What the man is doing is assault. He is not ignorant that what he is doing is wrong.

    Several women have complained, and family members have cautioned Uncle Harry about his behavior.

    Yet he keeps on doing it.


    Putting thumbtacks in apparel with the intent to stick them in someone is also assault. Perhaps not the best solution.

    The pastor, deacon, priest, whatever of this church needs to have a one-on-one with this guy, and emphasize what he is doing is wrong, it is assault, people will leave the church if it doesn't stop or Uncle Harry will be asked to leave the church, he could be arrested and jailed because of his actions, or even worse, the husband of one of the fondled women might just beat the living .... out of him.

    He needs someone he respects telling him how wrong this is.

    (I keep thinking about those cone bras Madonna used to wear in her performances. That might work! ;) )

  15. I remember an album that was put out by Sue Pierce and Lynn Perrigo called "Timothy"...

    Great songs and vocals...but they never "shot it through" the twi prism of censorship and control and they were pushed out the back door...

    ...Another example of how Wierwille insisted that everything was to be be controlled by him...I remember his arrogant rhetoric of "teaching" musicians how to be "right on" spiritually. What a crock of sh *t...

    ...Irregardless of how much talent they had or didn't have, twi musicians were never allowed to explore the depth of their inspirations without the cornfield preacher standing over them with the hammer.

    I liked "Timothy" as well. I'd actually like to get a copy of that on CD, if it were available. (One of the few Way-era albums I would still like to have.) I loved the voices and the lyricism. And the gentleness of tone throughout the entire album. When I would hear the songs, the phrase "the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance" would spring up in my mind.

    I guess you past Way Productions members would know far more than I, but I got the impression over the years Mr. Wierwille was more interested in hearing the type of music he liked rather than letting the Sprit of God inspire you, especially if it wasn't Way ® brand approved.

    Not that I'm a professional musician by any stretch of the imagination, but after a while, I wasn't excited to hear anything more from Way Prod. It seemed even when you were performing, you were holding something back. Nothing I could put my finger on, but just a feeling....

  16. I only have one thing to say about the Way's "no-debt" policy

    (well, I actually have several things to say about it [and I have]. but the one word that seems to predominate in my mind is - )

    stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid


  17. You can't force music to be written. And there has to be something to write about. Which there isn't.

    Unless you write something like:

    I'm so glad to be a robot for The Way.

    They tell me how to live each day.

    They tell me what to read and teach.

    They tell me how to brush my teeth.

    They tell me where to eat and sleep.

    They treat me like a little sheep.

    Oh I'm so glad to be a robot for The Way.

    There's nothing left for me to say.

    La dee da dee da......

    You're hired! :biglaugh:

  18. Vinegar on fries???!!!??

    Oh yeah, malt vinegar on fries. Been eating them for years. They do taste best on Thrasher's fries down on the Boardwalk in Ocean City, MD.

    Then again, many things taste better when you're "downy oshun, Hon." (down at the ocean, Hon. :) )

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