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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Ahhhh. Okay. I see. :)
  2. Rocky

    Just curious ...

    Indeed. I think FRC may be based out of Colorado Springs. When I flew into that city (cheap airfare) to spend a week in Denver (July 2014), I was astounded at the pervasiveness of two things in that city. 1) Military installations (including the Air Force Academy) and 2) Dominionist and other self-described Religious Right churches/organizations.It's so thick there that the county refused to license any cannabis dispensaries.
  3. Rocky

    Just curious ...

    FRC is a Dominionist organization (as well as being fundamentalist).
  4. Rocky

    Just curious ...

    Did you participate in sexual activity with people more than a year or so younger than you? If not, then it's not the same thing as in this situation with a highly public family. Additionally, I don't think bickering over the semantics regarding the relative evil of molesting vs intercourse is really relevant to the discussion... unless the intercourse resulted in pregnancy. Otherwise, it's still sexual activity most likely in violation of state laws, depending on which state they are or were living in.
  5. This might only be sorta kinda on topic. ... or something like that.
  6. It's not just something you get over... -- Leah Remini On the subject of her leaving the church of scientology... two years ago now. I bet there are plenty of former wayfers who understand what she means.
  7. Here's the rub, MRAP. YOU have your perspective and you're welcome to it. BUT... who the h e l l are you to say whether anyone else's energy and knowledge is misspent? Isn't that sort of overly arrogant of you? That and that you believe your insight will provide enlightenment for anyone else. Okay, I think maybe my insight MIGHT enlighten others. But if I think my insight is NECESSARILY the right insight for anyone else, wouldn't that be just narcissistic? I put my thoughts out there for others to read. If THEY decide what I have offered is useful to them, that's wonderful. I'm confident, however, that there are plenty of people who read what I write and think I'm off my rocker. And that's just fine with me. One of the primary subculture problems with twi was that others, primarily in the "chain of command" thought and acted as if whatever they decided (because it must have been revelation from God) I should do, they had a right to demand I do. That's just f***ed up. And that you expressed these concepts (multiple times), judging the words and actions of other posters here at GSC as somehow deficient, improper or otherwise not as efficient as they should have been in their lives, might (a word to the wise, etc.) help you to have the light come on in your mind as to why people respond(ed) to you they way they have and they do. Okay, so you were a lifer in the military. Good for you. I served one enlistment, so I got a taste of military life. There is NO chain of command at GSC. There is no chain of command in life, unless you specifically choose (or are unlucky enough to have found yourself unwillingly in) an organization so structured. Put plainly, you have no right and no standing to pass judgment on anyone here.
  8. Nice to see you again, Skyrider. :) I concur wholeheartedly.
  9. You certainly are still young. :) You were an infant when I first was introduced to twi at age 19.
  10. Of course, that's not necessarily the thread topic, but hey, why not set forth (probably a bit less awkward if you had started a new thread dedicated to setting forth your observations) what you have seen and how you put it all together in your perception? Your perception/observation/opinion is just as valid as anyone else's. I don't agree with it or see it the same way, but that's okay. The only concern I'd have with what you said above is to be careful in making heavy handed judgment of people. Your perspective is not the only valid way to look at it all. As to the GSC mission, I wouldn't worry so much about it. The information on peoples' experiences with TWI, Martindale and Wierwille have been spelled out in painstaking detail. People who come here can take it or leave it, just as you can. Nobody's getting paid to advance the mission, whatever that mission may be. So, as a message board, GSC has provided a forum for people to both express and read about their own and other people's experience. That's really all it's about as I see it. It's been real. :)
  11. Especially as former twi followers. Most humans, however, have an even stronger desire to belong. I can say AMEN to that! :)
  12. Why would I care what anyone else believes about God? Unless they were harming people...
  13. Rocky


    Superficially, perhaps it seems like a stretch to connect. Indeed, the loss of compassion is legitimate and connected. For people who might be interested in exploring the sociological and psychological issues beneath the surface, let me remind you of the Stanford Prison Experiment. Of course, we know that the New Testament explicitly states that the love of money is the root of all evil. But really, how robust is the human understanding of what the "love of money" entails? Could it be that when the love of money (a significant Wierwille motivation, most likely) causes an individual or social groups (churches, ministry organizations, corporations, etc. are certainly in there) to supplant compassion for living beings with self-interest and personal gain, tremendous evil is expressed and manifested. That's really why twi fell apart. Wierwille talked from time to time about his (and others') appetites. Well, appetite is just another word for desire. When one can't put off self-gratification, and instead uses people all hell breaks out. Anyway, that's the connection as I see it. And no, I don't think it's a stretch, in the least.
  14. Rocky


    Wonderful insight. This current column by Chris Hedges shows how similar things happen with people around the world.
  15. There's always eBay. A couple of month ago, a friend of mine sold an entire TWI library on ebay. I think he may have gotten a couple hundred bucks for it.
  16. Hi Broken Arrow, If you click the link in penworks' tag line (her real name), it will take you to her website where you can subscribe for updates on her book and blog.
  17. Hey Bolshevik, From the description of the television offering this thread links to, that potential pop culture vehicle might provide some movement in the direction this thread inquired about.
  18. I bet it's got Rosie's panties in a bunch! :)
  19. Had not heard of it. Sounds intriguing.
  20. Rocky

    Ohh the irony

    Too many of us bought that BS.
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