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Everything posted by Pirate1974

  1. The idea that these idiots encouraged people to carry wooden spoons to whack other people's kids is just insane. The first time somebody did that to my kid, I'd be sticking that spoon where the sun don't shine. Spanking may not be child abuse, but "beating" definitely is. My wife still has the marks on her legs where her father whipped her with a curtain rod when she was 12 years old. He obviously believed in "spare the rod & spoil the child," didn't he? He threw her brother down the stairs one morning when he was late for school. I guess that taught him a lesson for sure, but it was still abuse in my book.
  2. I'd rather my kids (15 & 11) see "The Passion," gruesome as it might be, than any of the Friday the 13th/Nightmare on Elm Street/Halloween/Scream garbage that packs kids into theatres.
  3. A local father watched his daughter playing in the garden. He smiled as he reflected on how sweet and innocent his little girl was. Suddenly, she just stopped and stared at the ground. He went over to her and noticed she was looking at two spiders mating. "Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked. "They're mating," her father replied. "What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?" she asked. "That's a Daddy Longlegs," her father answered. "So, the other one is Mommy Longlegs?" the little girl asked. "No," her father replied. "Both of them are Daddy Longlegs." The little girl thought for a moment, then she stomped both spiders flat and said, "Well, it might be okay in California, Vermont, and Massachusetts, but we're not having any of that here in North Carolina!"
  4. Scenes from San Francisco where 665 same-sex couples were "married" on Thursday and Friday, defying California state law that only recognizes marriage between a man and a woman. Whether or not these "marriages" are valid will be up to the courts to decide, I guess. Some of these couples were in their 80s and have been together more than 50 years. Not long ago, I would have been 100% against this, but now I'm not so sure. Why should I really care? I don't pretend to understand this one bit, but I can't see it being the end of civilization as we know it, as some seem to think.
  5. Terry Bradshaw gets paid to read what's put in front of him, nothing more. Obviously, his script was written by some way p.r. hack, and whoever produced this thing did no background research at all. When you get right down to it, what the way has posted on their website is a bald-faced lie. They claim that this Pick of the Week chose them because of how wonderful they are, when in fact they paid Pick of the Week to say how wonderful they are. Can you say "bull....?" I knew you could.
  6. This is the quote that I really liked: "The Way International was chosen as one of five excellent nonprofit companies in the United States and, after going through a selection process, was named number one." Selection process? Number one? Translation: they ponied up the 29 grand to get this thing made, end of "selection process." For a former English teacher, Rosalie sure doesn't know much about public speaking. That dull monotone when she reads her lines almost put me to sleep. Did anybody else think that Harve Platig character bears a strong resemblance to VP from back in the PFAL days?
  7. Wow. It makes you want run right out and sign up, doesn't it? --> Does anybody know if the way paid for this thing or not? This "Pick of the Week" website makes it sound like they do all kinds of research to find these great companies and organizations to feature, but my guess is these are nothing but infomercials. Pick of the Week Is it my imagination, or does Rosalie look exactly like Dale Evans?
  8. This is a subject I had not really thought much about until I stumbled across Waydale a little over three years ago. Did I get anything positive at all out of my way experience? I would have to say no. I met some nice people, but nobody I really had anything in common with outside of a twig meeting. Heck, most of them could barely carry on a conversation that wasn't centered on "the word." I grew up in the Methodist church going to Sunday school every week, so it wasn't like this was all new to me. Of course, I never bought into the whole thing anyway, so I never thought the way had all the answers and every other denominattion was in error. The Weirwille-worship that I saw everywhere was completely ridiculous. The bottom line is that I spent a lot of money that I didn't have on a lot of useless classes, books, tapes and other junk. I didn't really learn anything important that I didn't already know and it cost me a once in a lifetime relationship. The hell with the whole thing.
  9. I really wish that somebody who was very special to me had never heard of twi.
  10. In light of such highly publicized cases as William Kennedy Smith, Kirby Puckett, Kobe Bryant and Bill Clinton, Dr. Ava Cadell, a California sex therapist, has created a "sexual consent form," that she suggests should be signed before entering in to any consensual sex act. Herewith: SEXUAL CONSENT FORM & RIGHT OF PRIVACY AGREEMENT I,____________________, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am over 18 years old. I further declare that this agreement is of my own free will and that neither I nor anyone near or dear to me has been threatened with harm or embarrassment. Both parties agree that this is a private agreement not to be disclosed to third parties except in case of accusation of sexual misconduct by_____________________of____________________. If he shows or makes public this agreement with accusation of sexual misconduct, it is agreed that he will be liable for damages for invasion of privacy, whether or not his signature appears herein. By initialing____________________, agrees to engage in all or some of the following consensual acts. Sexual fondling, petting and kissing____________ Sexual intercourse____________ Oral copulation (mutual)____________ Unilateral copulation by____________only. Other, to be specified: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ I further declare that I am at this time not under the influence of alcohol drugs or medication and agree to engage in consensual sex with____________________and not to change my mind before the sex act is over. However, it is further understood that if I, for any reason, say the words "Code Red" that means I have serious emotional or physical problems and my partner agrees to stop instantly. Signed__________________________Date____________ Signed__________________________Date____________ Copyright Dr. Ava Cadell, Clinical Sexologist, 2004 ********************************** Romantic, is it not? "Code Red?" I guess a simple "No" just doesn't work these days. Unilateral copulation??? According to Dr. Cadell, this document is not just for the rich and famous, but anyone who needs to protect themselves from false accusations. The good doctor says that this agreement can enable you and your partner to "literally open up a form of intimate communication prior to rushing into sex." I'm sure that whipping out this form at the appropriate time would open up some kind of communication for sure. No mention of whether or not you should have the document notarized. [This message was edited by Pirate1974 on January 30, 2004 at 15:43.]
  11. The body movements are him and the voice is him. All the facial expressions are computer generated. The design of Gollum's face was based on Andy Serkis, but all the expressions were animation. According to Peter Jackson, the computer animators created more than 600 different facial expressions for Gollum. Tough call. It's hard to know where the real character stops and the animated character begins.
  12. Yeah, but what made it funny was those rubber-faced bug-eyed double-takes he did when he hollered "Sam!!" just before he was turned into a toad or something. The original Darren, not Darren II who was never as good. I think Carey would be great at it.
  13. A mind-numbing read. Jeez. This Stephen Roberts has apparently decided to use the old Bill & Hillary "I don't remember/I can't recall" defense.
  14. I'm Cyclops. Darn. The Angel was always my favorite, but he's not even one of the choices.
  15. Well, I remembered the year for sure but not the exact month until I did a little searching on the net. Her name was Melinda Windsor, by the way. I wonder how she looks today. She's probably about 60.
  16. Aaaah, Playboy. The only way most of us first found out what the female body really looked like, unless you count National Geographic or those line drawings in our health books at school. Still remember the first one I ever saw - the February 1966 issue. The centerfold was a very nice looking young lady who looked like she was dressed for a day of skiing, except that she had forgotten to button her sweater. An amazing sight for a 13-year old. Memories.
  17. What have I kept from PFAL? Only the thought that it was a waste of $150.00.
  18. We had one leader who told this chesnut over and over and over again: Why couldn't they play cards on the ark? Because Noah was sitting on the deck. Aaargh!!
  19. The first time I visited the Way Home in Greenville, NC, I went to use one of the bathrooms and there was a big sign above the toilet that said "SIT." I thought, "Thanks, but I really don't need to do that this time."
  20. "Way humor" is a lot like "military intelligence." Example: What was the first car mentioned in the Bible? When God drove Adam and Eve out of the garden in a Fury. Heard this one more than once.
  21. "you've got 2 labia on your face" Yep, every chance I get.
  22. This should be interesting. Nicole Kidman is going to play Samantha in the big-screen version of the 60s tv show. Will Ferrell is going to be Darren after Jim Carey and Mike Myers reportedly turned it down. No word yet on who's going to be Endora, but Shirley MacLaine would be a great choice. Set to start filming in April for release in 2005.
  23. Was Wierwille's Christian Family and Sex Class Any Good? Well, some of the pictures were kind of interesting.
  24. You probably couldn't find the lyrics because it's Ethyl, not Ethel COLD ETHYL Alice Cooper One thing I miss is Cold Ethyl and her skeleton kiss We met last night making love by the refrigerator light Ethyl Ethyl let me squeeze you in my arms Ethyl Ethyl come and freeze me with your charms One thing No lie Ethyl's frigid as an eskimo pie She's cool in bed Well she oughta be 'cuz Ethyl's dead Ethyl Ethyl let me squeeze you in my arms Ethyl Ethyl come and freeze me with your charms Come on Cold Ethyl Freeze me babe One thing - it's true Cold Ethyl I am stuck on you And everything is my way Ethyl don't have much to say Ethyl Ethyl let me squeeze you in my arms Ethyl Ethyl come and freeze me with your charms Come here Cold Ethyl What makes you so cold? Ooh so cold Cold Ethyl Cold Cold Ethyl If I live 'til ninety-seven You'll still be waiting in refrigerator heaven 'cuz you're cool You're ice Cold Ethyl You're my paradise A lovely romantic tune, isn't it?
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