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Everything posted by WordWolf

  1. I really wish WTH would stop pretending he understands science. He keeps pretending he understands what peer-review, the scientific method, and proper experimentation are. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m081...32/ai_n13664949 "Hertel didn't actually find that microwaved food caused cancer. And his "study," which no researchers have tried to reproduce, was never peer-reviewed or published in a scientific journal." That means that any of hundreds of things could have interfered with, and thus INVALIDATED, his findings. It's a CURIOUSITY, but scientifically, it's MEANINGLESS since it wasn't controlled properly. WTH also thinks it's relevant that someone found that microwave cooking is uneven (as if any other type of cooking is), and that the relative densities and chemical compositions of the cooked food affects the heating. The differences he's getting from elsewhere make it sound like altering the salinity radically affects whether heat even penetrates into the food, which is silly. Either it's being misread, or was written poorly. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m081...32/ai_n13664949 "Without knowing more about how he conducted his study, what he measured, how he measured it, and what he found, it's impossible to even begin to evaluate his findings," says Barry Swanson, a food scientist at Washington State University in Pullman." WTH, of course, never read the linked article, which gave the same description WTH announced like it was news. The description, contrary to what WTH thinks, is the difference between knowing "NOTHING" about the study, and "knowing more" about the study. He didn't hide everything, but he didn't release enough information for scientists to consider the results VALID, which is why respected scientists have waited for something USEFUL and only the fringe-and the financially-benefitting- are embracing this preliminary study. "Hertel has dropped out of public view." He hasn't followed up with something actually USEFUL, nor supplied the data that SCIENTISTS could use. "The Soviet research was never published and the institute where it was conducted, in what is now the Republic of Belarus, no longer exists." That means that all information on their research is third-hand at best, and all hearsay. Nothing any scientist could trust. That didn't stop WTH from quoting someone on it, which is about as reliable as "this happened to a friend of a friend..." Supposedly, some tests-which were never published and never duplicated- showed that the earliest microwave ovens in Belarus were not safe. That's FAR too removed from reliability to consider them useful or applicable to us. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m081...32/ai_n13664949 "While Hertel and Kopp are no longer around, their unsubstantiated charges are all over the Internet." WTH replied to this with "Only WW could make an unsubstantiated claim like this." Which shows that WTH skipped the article and where I said it was a quote, and is ready to believe someone substantiated their claims. WTH said "The truth of the matter is, Dr. Hertel's discoveries are being corroborated by evidence cropping up here and there all over the world." And the link he provided is- wait, supposedly, this has been well-documented, and there's no links? Supposedly, any lab with access to a microwave oven, a few scientists, and food, is able to conduct all sorts of experiments to confirm this. And there's been, what, more than 30 years for them to do so? But WTH says they've been proven, and we're supposed to just believe him blindly. (I linked my answers...) ======= Wait, here's some non-scientists without labs who make money convincing people to buy their products, who have something to say on the subject! "The prolonged eating of microwaved foods causes cancerous cells to increase in human blood," says "10 Reasons to Throw Out your Microwave Oven," an article by Joseph Mercola, an Illinois alternative-medicine physician who operates what he says is the "#1 Natural Health Site" on the Internet (www.mercola.com). Foods cooked in microwave ovens are "a recipe for cancer," adds medical journalist Simon Best on his Electromagnetic Hazard and Therapy Web site (www.em-hazard-therapy.com)." ========= Does WTH even understand this subject well enough to evaluate his sources? Apparently not, because after everything else, he still was foolish enough to quote this from one of his sources: "Microwave ovens heat the food from the inside out." "Heating the food from the inside first is what gives rise to cold spots in the food - hence the need to rotate the dish constantly." After they come up with both statements of considerable ignorance, they embrace Hertel's findings. =========== Anybody who bothered reading my first post on this thread saw a number of links, each of which explained how microwave ovens work- CORRECTLY. Anyone who bothered but was too lazy to click any of the links saw me post this: "One of the most common myths is that it "cooks food from the inside-out". Many of you've proven otherwise, cooking something and finding the insides still cold. Mythbusters did it too, just to make it official." I also reposted some other people saying the same thing: "What a scam. Microwaves don't "cook from the inside out", but rather "outside in" just like any other form for heating." "Since when does a microwave cook from the inside out? Haven't you ever seen Mythbusters?" "Microwaves cooking from the inside out is a myth from the 70's, and I've seen it on Engadget before. Try heating something frozen in the microwave. The outside gets boiling hot while the inside is still frozen." WTH might have noticed this if he understood the subject. After all, his own post said this in one place: "This would also explain why commercial food heated in microwaves boils on the surface but is cool on the inside" (Nature, 1990; 344:496). and then his own post said further down: "Microwave ovens heat the food from the inside out." So, if WTH is to be believed, microwave ovens heat food from the inside out, and this means the inside can remain cool while the outside cooks. It's no crime not to understand something, but if he wanted, I posted plain links from governments, and universities, in plain English. To choose to refuse all those in favour of tinfoil-hat websites is his own choice, but not one the rest of us would make. Sharing it with the rest of us, however, is just plain foolish. It's so easily refutable. It's so easy to see the actual scientists said "A", and the "anti-establishment" said "not-A". "A LITTLE learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again." (Alexander Pope.)
  2. One last try, another song. Which you may have heard. A lot, at some point. "Darkness Falls Across The Land, The Midnight Hour Is Close At Hand. Creatures Crawl In Search Of Blood, To Terrorize Your Neighbourhood. And Whosoever Shall Be Found Without The Soul For Getting Down, Must Stand And Face The Hounds Of Hell And Rot Inside A Corpse's Shell. The Foulest Stench Is In The Air- The Funk Of Forty Thousand Years, And Grizzly Ghouls From Every Tomb Are Closing In To Seal Your Doom."
  3. Ok, apparently those who know this (and we have some of them) aren't reading this thread lately. That was "Tweeter and the Monkey Man," by the Traveling Wilburys. The song has a number of Springsteen references in it, like Thunder Road and Jersey Girl. You may recognize the names of the guys in the band. Jeff Lynne, Tom Petty, Roy Orbison, George Harrison, Bob Dylan. I figure the people who're following the thread would have picked up "Volume 1", or should have.
  4. Sounds serious. Odd how Hans Hertel didn't treat it as serious. ======= http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m081...32/ai_n13664949 Here's how to separate microwave fact from fiction. It all started with Hans Hertel. The Swiss food chemist and seven fellow vegetarians confined themselves to a hotel for two months in the late 1980s. There, they consumed milk and vegetables prepared in the microwave oven and in other ways. Hertel emerged with an astonishing pronouncement. Eating microwaved milk and vegetables caused changes in the men's blood that "appear to indicate the initial stage of a pathological process such as occurs at the start of a cancerous condition." Hertel didn't actually find that microwaved food caused cancer. And his "study," which no researchers have tried to reproduce, was never peer-reviewed of published in a scientific journal. "Without knowing more about how he conducted his study, what he measured, how he measured it, and what he found, it's impossible to even begin to evaluate his findings," says Barry Swanson, a food scientist at Washington State University in Pullman. Hertel has dropped out of public view. So has William Kopp, described only as a "U.S. researcher," who wrote an article in 1996 claiming that Cold War research in the Soviet Union had proven the dangers of microwave ovens. "People who ingested microwaved foods showed a statistically higher incidence of stomach and intestinal cancers, plus a general degeneration of peripheral cellular tissues and a gradual breakdown of the function of the digestive and excretory systems," Kopp wrote. The Soviet research was never published and the institute where it was conducted, in what is now the Republic of Belarus, no longer exists. (The former Soviet Union may have banned microwave ovens for a short period, but no countries ban them today.) Kopp himself reportedly changed his name and vanished, believing that the appliance industry was out to persecute him. While Hertel and Kopp are no longer around, their unsubstantiated charges are all over the Internet. "The prolonged eating of microwaved foods causes cancerous cells to increase in human blood," says "10 Reasons to Throw Out your Microwave Oven," an article by Joseph Mercola, an Illinois alternative-medicine physician who operates what he says is the "#1 Natural Health Site" on the Internet (www.mercola.com). Foods cooked in microwave ovens are "a recipe for cancer," adds medical journalist Simon Best on his Electromagnetic Hazard and Therapy Web site (www.em-hazard-therapy.com)." ====== Same article: "If you microwave your food, "you're zapping away nutrients and risking your health," charges physician Joseph Mercola, who recommends that consumers get rid of their microwave ovens and eat at least a third of their food raw. "Actually, microwaving retains more nutrients than other forms of cooking, if you don't use a lot of water and don't overcook the food," says food scientist Barry Swanson. "For some reason, people think heat breaks down vitamins, but most vitamins are really very stable to heat. Nutrients are mostly lost into the water, and there's no reason to add water to vegetables or anything else that already contains a lot of water." Too much water was apparently the problem in a 2003 study in which European researchers reported that microwaving broccoli in a bowl of water destroyed nearly all of several flavonoids, while steaming had only a mild effect on them. (2) (Flavonoids are plant compounds that may help protect against heart disease and cancer, though the evidence is scanty.) That research isn't relevant to household microwaving, says Swanson. "Basically, the researchers added far too much water and microwaved the living daylights out of the broccoli." ================ Tinfoil should never be used in microwaves, and it's not useful for hats, either. There's 2 schools of thought concerning the Twinkie. 1) Since there's no chocolate outer coating, germs can get in through the pores. 2) The preservatives give it a 20year shelf life. I like eating Twinkies that are 10 years old, but not 20, myself. ;) http://www.snopes.com/food/ingredient/twinkies.asp
  5. http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/consumer/microwave.html "A Federal standard limits the amount of microwaves that can leak from an oven throughout its lifetime to 5 milliwatts (mW) of microwave radiation per square centimeter at approximately 2 inches from the oven surface. This limit is far below the level known to harm people. Microwave energy also decreases dramatically as you move away from the source of radiation. A measurement made 20 inches from an oven would be approximately one one-hundredth of value measured at 2 inches." "There have been allegations of radiation injury from microwave ovens, but none as a direct result of microwave exposure. The injuries known to FDA have been injuries that could have happened with any oven or cooking surface. For example, many people have been burned by the hot food, splattering grease, or steam from food cooked in a microwave oven." On the second, you just recently heard wrong.http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/cookplastic.asp As to the first, microwave ovens cook UNEVENLY, which is why some spin to even out the cooking. The "dangers" are eating food that's too hot in spots, or food that's insufficiently cooked. Microwave ovens have not been shown to "change" food, except to make it hot, cold, or dry by cooking off all the water. (Read the above links and that will make a lot more sense.) Mind you, I still like to keep a wall between me and a microwave oven that's running. That's more paranoia than caution, but I don't lose any sleep over it.
  6. Microwave ovens is a subject where I'm reminded of the saying that "A LITTLE learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again." (Alexander Pope.) Plus microwave ovens have been targets of urban legends for a long time- and twi was a great place to accumulate urban legends. I'd heard several when I was in, passed along as if the person was an eyewitness to something they passed along. (Nowadays, it's SO easy to disprove them.) Microwave ovens use radiation to cook food. So does a campfire, just in a different wavelength and frequency. How do microwave ovens work? Pick your link. http://www.physlink.com/education/askexperts/ae379.cfm http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/consumer/microwave.html http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/phys_agents...wave_ovens.html http://www.ccmr.cornell.edu/education/ask/...x.html?quid=163 http://www.arpansa.gov.au/radiationprotect...s_Microwave.cfm One of the most common myths is that it "cooks food from the inside-out". Many of you've proven otherwise, cooking something and finding the insides still cold. Mythbusters did it too, just to make it official. Then again, some of the companies have been spreading this one around. Check out this article- then check out the replies! http://www.engadget.com/2007/02/22/sanyo-a...ih-oven-hybrid/ "Dubbed the Enegreen, the oven doesn't simply offer two ways to cook your food, instead putting both cooking technologies to use simultaneously, with the IH component cooking food from the outside in and the microwave cooking from the inside out. Supposedly, that'll translate to about an 85% reduction in cooking times" The replies: "What a scam. Microwaves don't "cook from the inside out", but rather "outside in" just like any other form for heating." "Since when does a microwave cook from the inside out? Haven't you ever seen Mythbusters?" "Microwaves cooking from the inside out is a myth from the 70's, and I've seen it on Engadget before. Try heating something frozen in the microwave. The outside gets boiling hot while the inside is still frozen."
  7. I think you meant Acts 16:16-18 "16And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying: 17The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation. 18And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour." This doesn't address the original question which was:
  8. I can't find it easily online, which tells you something. I think it's related to Muesli- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muesli Hm. Here's one recipe: http://www.vegan-food.net/recipe/405/Familia/ "INGREDIENTS o 1 1/2 cups rolled oats o 1/2 cup rolled wheat o 1/3 cup sunflower seeds o 1/2 cup soy milk or rice milk powder o 1/4 cup toasted wheat germ o 1/4 cup diced, dried apples o 1/4 cup diced, dried apricots o 1/4 cup raisins o 1/4 t salt METHOD Stir ingredients together and serve with non-dairy milk or yoghurt. Makes 4 cups. NOTES Variations 1. Use different dried fruits. Familia is traditionally made with apples, but yours can be daringly different. 2. Traditional familia also contains almonds and hazelnuts. 3. Add chopped fresh fruit when you serve the cereal." From what we've heard, the twi version was light on the fruit, but I may just have misunderstood. =========== Wheat berries are, apparently, unprocessed wheat. (No berries in wheat berries.) http://www.ehow.com/how_2069771_cook-wheat-berries.html "Wheat berries are the unprocessed kernel complete with endosperm, bran and germ. All the nutrients that manufacturers remove from white bread are here, including fiber, folic acid, protein, B-complex vitamins and vitamin E."
  9. He probably passed on some science class or other, but they just didn't cover microwave ovens. Microwave ovens is a subject where I'm reminded of the saying that "A LITTLE learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again." (Alexander Pope.) lcm was the Poster Boy for shallow draughts at the spring of knowledge. Plus microwave ovens have been targets of urban legends for a long time- and twi was a great place to accumulate urban legends. I'd heard several when I was in, passed along as if the person was an eyewitness to something they passed along. (Nowadays, it's SO easy to disprove them.) Microwave ovens use radiation to cook food. So does a campfire, just in a different wavelength and frequency. How do microwave ovens work? Pick your link. http://www.physlink.com/education/askexperts/ae379.cfm http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/consumer/microwave.html http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/phys_agents...wave_ovens.html http://www.ccmr.cornell.edu/education/ask/...x.html?quid=163 http://www.arpansa.gov.au/radiationprotect...s_Microwave.cfm One of the most common myths is that it "cooks food from the inside-out". Many of you've proven otherwise, cooking something and finding the insides still cold. Mythbusters did it too, just to make it official. Then again, some of the companies have been spreading this one around. Check out this article- then check out the replies! http://www.engadget.com/2007/02/22/sanyo-a...ih-oven-hybrid/ "Dubbed the Enegreen, the oven doesn't simply offer two ways to cook your food, instead putting both cooking technologies to use simultaneously, with the IH component cooking food from the outside in and the microwave cooking from the inside out. Supposedly, that'll translate to about an 85% reduction in cooking times" The replies: "What a scam. Microwaves don't "cook from the inside out", but rather "outside in" just like any other form for heating." "Since when does a microwave cook from the inside out? Haven't you ever seen Mythbusters?" "Microwaves cooking from the inside out is a myth from the 70's, and I've seen it on Engadget before. Try heating something frozen in the microwave. The outside gets boiling hot while the inside is still frozen."
  10. I wasn't one of them, but if I was, it would have been because I didn't have the time to compose a WORTHY RESPONSE when first glancing at it. Sometimes, I say "I'll respond when I have time", and that means I'd consider it an insult to the poster and post for me to rattle off anything off the top of my head. Of course, I can only speak for myself. Given how busy some of us were with a national holiday, it's possible I wasn't the only one with limited time. ================ As I see it (and others have said), there's no one single thing I'd call "depression." There's the biochemical thing that can be inherited and treated partly with medication, there's the cognitive thing that can be treated with counseling, there's the inflicted behavioural thing that can be treated with both in parts. Rarest of all would be anything spiritual in origin. Even in those cases, I find it ridiculous to think that a demonic attack in an area would exist in a void, that a demon would just hit someone in the abstract. Consider the example of worshipping graven images. You don't see that too often in the US. The people are not predisposed for it, so there's nothing for a demon to exploit in that fashion. So, if someone were already vulnerable to a DIFFERENT origin for depression, it would be possible (but rather rare) for a demon to compound that by attacking in that vector. The idea that someone can just go around and pronounce all sorts of people as possessed or oppressed by demons is ludicrous to me. Such things are not common, and this being casually-known strains credulity. Far more common is some showboat who dislikes someone and decides to "demonize" them by calling them possessed. We saw that LOTS of times in twi, under different leaders (and often with vpw or lcm pronouncing the spiritual judgements.)
  11. 1 Kings 19:11-13 (King James Version) King James Version (KJV) 11And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: 12And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. 13And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah? ======== This can be found ONCE in Scripture. In the Old Testament. And twi made a big deal about the "still small voice", and a practice and doctrine around it. How shaky was this premise? Here's the same verses in the New American Standard, a more consistent English translation. 1 Kings 19:11-13 (New American Standard Bible) 11So He said, "Go forth and stand on the mountain before the LORD " And behold, the LORD was passing by! And a great and strong wind was rending the mountains and breaking in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. 12After the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of a gentle blowing. 13When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave And behold, a voice came to him and said, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" ========== The NIV? 1 Kings 19:11-13 (New International Version) 11 The LORD said, "Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by." Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 13 When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" ==================== I will, however, disagree slightly with waysider on a particular. As I've seen it, the ability to directly "access" or "interface" with God Almighty is miraculous, supernatural. You may ask whenever you wish. That's really something. Whether or not you get a response- and the TYPE of response should you get one- THAT is entirely up to God Almighty, and all our "manifesting" can't squeeze an answer from God. That's not the same as "reach into Daddy's cookie jar", of course- which was used generally to say that God will ALWAYS give you a response. Sometimes He will not. Sometimes He will-but it won't be what you wanted. Sometimes He will tell you when you didn't ask. (There, we agree completely.) I can't think of one. I'd be VERY interested if someone can find one- of course, I reserve the right to read the same passage and conclude someone's engaging in "private interpretation" to transform its meaning to that one.
  12. "Everyone feeds on death, even vegetarians." "Computer – this is a Class A Priority Directive: Compute, to the last digit, the value of pi." "This is the first time I've heard a malfunction threaten us." "Scotty – here, they use the lights." "Now, no one has to tell an old Aberdeen pub crawler how to applaud, captain!" "Die! Die! Die! Ha,ha! Everybody die!" "Well, Mr. Spock for the next five or six hours we're going to have the happiest crew in space... of course, we won't get much work done." ""An entity which feeds on fear and terror would find a perfect hunting ground on Argelius, a planet without violence, where the inhabitants are as peaceful as sheep." "Captain – since you came to Argelius to rest, I suggest you take advantage of the opportunity." "That's a splendid idea, Mr. Spock. I know a cafe where the women are so–" "I know the place, Jim!" "Let's go see!" "You gentlemen? In your condition? Don't be ridiculous. Mr. Spock – this cafe has women that are so... No, I guess not."
  13. I'll take one last shot. "The undercover cop never liked the Monkey Man. Even back in childhood, he wanted to see him in the can. Jan got married at fourteen to a racketeer named Bill She made secret calls to the Monkey Man from a mansion on the hill." "It was out on Thunder Road, Tweeter at the wheel. They crashed into paradise - they could hear them tires squeal. The undercover cop pulled up and said 'Every one of you is a liar. If you don't surrender now, it's gonna go down to the wire.'" "And the walls came down All the way to hell. Never saw them when they're standing, never saw them when they fell." "Next day the undercover cop was hot in pursuit. He was taking the whole thing personal, He didn’t care about the loot. Jan had told him many times, 'It was you to me who taught In Jersey anything’s legal as long as you don’t get caught.' "
  14. WordWolf


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  15. "The undercover cop never liked the Monkey Man. Even back in childhood, he wanted to see him in the can. Jan got married at fourteen to a racketeer named Bill She made secret calls to the Monkey Man from a mansion on the hill." "It was out on Thunder Road, Tweeter at the wheel. They crashed into paradise - they could hear them tires squeal. The undercover cop pulled up and said 'Every one of you is a liar. If you don't surrender now, it's gonna go down to the wire.'" "And the walls came down All the way to hell. Never saw them when they're standing, never saw them when they fell."
  16. While what you said was TECHNICALLY true, what cman said was how it was taught in all PRACTICAL sense. cman said we were taught we move, THEN God moves. You said we were taught God moved first. The wording was "God has ALREADY moved-in Christ Jesus. Now it is YOUR move." (Long before Yu-gi-oh! ever hit the streets, even.) Therefore, does God move, then we move? According to vpw, God's moves were centuries ago, millenia ago, even. Therefore, for all practical purposes, He's not the one who moves NOW. He moved a long, long time ago, with the implication that if we don't move, He won't move, at all. So, to START the ball in our lifetime, WE must move FIRST, and once we have moved, THEN God moves.
  17. New song. Similar timeframe, but those of you who don't know this song, SHOULD know this song, for reasons that will be clear once it's guessed. "And the walls came down All the way to hell. Never saw them when they're standing, never saw them when they fell." "It was out on Thunder Road, Tweeter at the wheel. They crashed into paradise - they could hear them tires squeal. The undercover cop pulled up and said 'Every one of you is a liar. If you don't surrender now, it's gonna go down to the wire."
  18. Someone who knows this MIGHT check in... "O you're a vampire and baby I'm walking dead. O you're a vampire and baby I'm walking dead." "I got the ways and means to New Orleans. I'm going down by the river where its warm and green. I'm gonna have a drink, and walk around, I got a lot to think about. Oh, yeah..." "They used to dance in the garden in the middle of the night. They used to dance in the garden in the middle of the night. They were naked as the day they were born, skin all bone-china white. O, you're a vampire, and I may never see the light." ========= Ok, I'm not going to hold up the thread. This is Concrete Blonde's song, "Bloodletting (the vampire song)". Next song coming up.
  19. No, and the lyrics on that one are VERY distinctive. "Holy Moses met the Pharaoh,Yeah, he tried to set him straight Looked him in the eye, "Let my people go!" Holy Moses on the mountain,High above the golden calf Went to get the Ten Commandments. Yeah, he's just gonna break them in half! All you zombies hide your faces, All you people in the street. All you sitting in high places, The pieces gonna fall on you. No one ever spoke to Noah, They all laughed at him instead. Working on his ark,Working all by himself. Only Noah saw it coming, Forty days and forty nights. Took his sons and daughters with him. Yeah, they were the Israelites All you zombies hide your faces All you people in the street All you sittin' in high places The rain's gonna fall on you Holy Father, what's the matter Where have all your children gone Sitting in the dark Living all by themselves You don't have to hide any more All you zombies show your faces... All you people in the street. All you sitting in high places. The pieces gonna fall on you. All you zombies show your faces, (I know you're out there) All you people in the street. (Let's see you) All you sittin' in high places, It's all gonna fall on you. Very different song.
  20. They have different NEEDS. We know that because that's what he GOT, and if the "LAW" of Believing is really a "LAW", then he could ONLY have gotten them by operating it.
  21. "Everyone feeds on death, even vegetarians." "Computer – this is a Class A Priority Directive: Compute, to the last digit, the value of pi." "This is the first time I've heard a malfunction threaten us." "Scotty – here, they use the lights." "Now, no one has to tell an old Aberdeen pub crawler how to applaud, captain!" "Die! Die! Die! Ha,ha! Everybody die!" "Well, Mr. Spock for the next five or six hours we're going to have the happiest crew in space... of course, we won't get much work done."
  22. Someone who knows this MIGHT check in... "O you're a vampire and baby I'm walking dead. O you're a vampire and baby I'm walking dead." "I got the ways and means to New Orleans. I'm going down by the river where its warm and green. I'm gonna have a drink, and walk around, I got a lot to think about. Oh, yeah..." "They used to dance in the garden in the middle of the night. They used to dance in the garden in the middle of the night. They were naked as the day they were born, skin all bone-china white. O, you're a vampire, and I may never see the light."
  23. Seems doubly-true at the GSC, for that matter. "If you meet the mog in the road, kill him!" (Based on the old saying, "If you meet the Buddha in the road, kill him") [One of the good things was when we actually HAD FUN. Removing the fun from things is STUPID. Those who think twi is better without the fun, but with the "retemories" are invited to go back in. Hey, they currently have "retemories" but no fun-that should be perfect...)]
  24. [WordWolf again.] Nicely put.
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