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Everything posted by Oakspear

  1. Revised Updated Version of the New Revision of the Revised Update and Updated Revision Version: Here are the folks who have claimed via the thread or chat room that they are going. I have heard rumors of a couple more. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...but I don't wanna spread rumors :D--> Herbiejuan Rascal and the 14th Tribe (husband + 7? kids) Abigail & The Man of A Thousand Screen Names Sudo Littlehawk & son Bowtwi & daughter Shellon Oakspear AHAT (on good authority - maybe) do ya wanna confirm or deny AHAT? Jardinero AND Jardinerito Ttessa Oenphile That looks like about 24 counting children. See Ya at The Roast Oakspear
  2. Revised Updated Version of the New Revision of the Revised Update and Updated Revision Version: Here are the folks who have claimed via the thread or chat room that they are going. I have heard rumors of a couple more. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...but I don't wanna spread rumors :D--> Herbiejuan Rascal and the 14th Tribe (husband + 7? kids) Abigail & The Man of A Thousand Screen Names Sudo Littlehawk & son Bowtwi & daughter Shellon Oakspear AHAT (on good authority - maybe)wanna confirm or deny AHAT? Jardinero AND Jardinerito Ttessa Oenphile That looks like about 24 counting children. See Ya at The Roast Oakspear [This message was edited by Oakspear on September 08, 2003 at 14:18.]
  3. KiloNames: Here are the folks who have claimed via the thread or chat room that they are going. I have heard rumors of a couple more. Herbiejuan Rascal and the 14th Tribe (husband + 7? kids) Abigail & The Man of A Thousand Screen Names Sudo Littlehawk & son Bowtwi & daughter Shellon Oakspear AHAT (on good authority - maybe) Jardinero AND Jardinerito Ttessa Seth (maybe) Oenphile That looks like about 25 counting children. Maybe anyone who is bringing spouses, children or assorted others can post so we can update the list for Sushi or whoever else needs to know. See Ya at The Roast Oakspear [This message was edited by Oakspear on September 07, 2003 at 0:42.]
  4. I may have a connection who can hook me up with an industrial sized coffee pot...I will look into it this weekend. Jardinero: I will personally bring you a cup of coffee to your tent in the morning... ...by morning I mean when I get up.... ....at the crack of noon :D--> :D--> :D--> See Ya at The Roast Oakspear
  5. Oakspear's schedule of events: Drive Drink Coffee Drive Some More Drink More Coffee Drink Coffee While Driving Pull Over and Pee Arrive Find Sudo & His Cabin Hug All The Wimmins Eat Hug All The Wimmins Talk & Laugh Hug All The Wimmins Bind Wounds After Getting Beaten Up By Wimmins Who Got Over-Hugged Sleep Drink Coffee Drive Home See Ya at The Roast Oakspear
  6. I will be driving 14 hours (am taking a vacation day on Friday) I will be bringing a digital camera, A La P. See Ya at The Roast Oakspear
  7. It's been about ten months since I posted on this thread. I'm finally divorced. My ex-wife still has no contact with TWI, but I believe she still receives the mag and tapes. Happy to say none of the kids has anything to do with TWI, or wants to. My son who joined the Navy is in fact very much anti-TWI and recognizes the evil that they perpetrated. I have been very sucessful at my job, since I have now been giving it due attention, rather than putting going to meetings first. I've made many friends, some of whom are committed Christians of various denominations, some agnostics, a couple of atheists, a few Muslims, and one pagan. I feel richer by knowing them all. Yeah, I'm still an agnostic and enjoy the debates in the doctrinal section, but am keeping my mind open to seeing God at work. Life is good. I'm happy. I'm not in a cult anymore See Ya at The Roast Oakspear [This message was edited by Oakspear on November 02, 2003 at 14:24.] [This message was edited by Oakspear on November 05, 2003 at 0:03.]
  8. Thanks Shell...besides, it's twenty-three skidoo, not 21 :D--> See Ya at The Roast Oakspear
  9. Just trying to save this thread from pge two! :D--> See Ya at The Roast Oakspear
  10. This is what I'm seeing so far: Herbiejuan Rascal and the 14th Tribe Abigail & The Man of A Thousand Screen Names Sudo Littlehawk & son Zixar (maybe) & Zixette Bowtwi & daughter Shellon Oakspear AHAT (on good authority - maybe) Jardinero AND Jardinerito Ttessa (thinks so - info gleaned from chat room) Looks like 13 GSers plus any spouses and kids! See Ya at The Roast Oakspear [This message was edited by Oakspear on August 25, 2003 at 20:50.] [This message was edited by Oakspear on August 26, 2003 at 21:49.]
  11. Happy sesquimillenial post Mike I've got 32 to go :D--> See Ya at The Roast Oakspear
  12. The West Coast is a long way Mike, but I doubt you'd be roasted at the roast. I believe that a truce between the Christians and the Agnostics will be observed as well :D-->See Ya at The Roast Oakspear
  13. Bowtwi! You quoted Lou Reed! Cool! Oakspear In theory there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
  14. Ah...fun...one of your human emotions (Spock, Paraphrased) :D--> Oakspear In theory there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
  15. Sudo: I've got your emails...I'm guessing you got mine, but anyway...I'm in. Abi: Aren't you and 1000 sharing a cabin with Sudo? I might be able to help anyone needing a lift from the airport if your luggage volume is small. Email me Oakspear In theory there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
  16. :)--> :D--> :P--> The Oakmobile is sold!!!!!!! Oakspear is coming to The Weenie Roast driving Son of Oakmobile!!!! I'm not the greatest cook, but I can possibly get some good deals on meat and I'll even wash some dishes Yeeehaaaa! Oh, and if anyone in Missouri or eastern Kansas is going, I'd welcome some company along the way. :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> Oakspear In theory there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is [This message was edited by Oakspear on August 18, 2003 at 22:26.]
  17. Possible change in plans - if the Oakmobile sells, I'll be able to go :D--> If anyone is going from between Nebraska and Tennessee, maybe carpooling is possible? Oakspear In theory there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
  18. I wish I could make it, but the fundage is low :(-->, although I've got available time off. Have fun everybody! Oakspear In theory there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is [This message was edited by moddishwasher on March 15, 2004 at 18:14.]
  19. Thanks Jardinero. ¡no te preocupes mi hermanita! Oakspear In theory there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
  20. What exactly is a "gringo"? It sounds vaguely insulting. Here's what Merriam-Webster says: Main Entry: grin·go Pronunciation: 'gri[ng]-(")gO Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural gringos Etymology: Spanish, alteration of griego Greek, stranger, from Latin Graecus Greek Date: 1849 often disparaging : a foreigner in Spain or Latin America especially when of English or American origin; broadly : a non-Hispanic person Oakspear In theory there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
  21. Actually that's pretty basic :D--> Oakspear In theory there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
  22. It was the best of Mikes, it was the worst of Mikes... Oakspear In theory there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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