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Everything posted by Oakspear

  1. Oakspear

    My story

    CHWESTER!!!! (intoned in James Earl Jones-like voice) I AM YOUR FATHER In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  2. Yes Suz, they are mine...FOR ALL THE CRAP YOU ARE GIVING ME!!!! ;)--> In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  3. He said "fuzz" In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  4. Never mind...just found her! A newbie came into the chat room tonight, we were talking about places we lived, WOW years etc when I mentioned Nebraska. The newbie said that she had been a WOW in Nebraska also. When I told her my real name, she quoted the last two lines of a poem that I had written 20+ years ago. It was Donna! In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  5. Eclectic would describe this year's Weenie Roast music, so bring it on! Jazz and country seemed to dominate, but we did enjoy some ELP, and Stevie Ray Vaughn too. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  6. Tom Strange: seems like Greg Lake added "Epitaph" to the end of the live version of Tarkus...Lake was in King Crimson, correct? In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  7. I, for one, saw the signs prohibiting alcohol. Since this was an event of great spiritual significance, I reasoned that it did not apply to us, just those rank unbelievers. Those not in the household could obviously not handle the spiritual depth of what was going on at the Weenie Roast, but their feelings would be hurt if the sign obviously targeted these poor, "empty" souls. It was obviously the adversary attacking us when the ranger/deputy/cop/boy scout/nascar driver informed us of Tennessee state laws. Boy, don't underestimate the ol' adversary! That's my story and...no, I don't think I'll be sticking to it :D--> In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear P.S. Hey Tom Strange...is that a quote from ELP's Tarkus?
  8. Regarding pouring out beverages: While "Son of a Cop" Oakspear was pouring out bottles of beer, Sudo was pouring it down his throat (and you wonder why they insisted that I drive cavity-boy? :D-->) In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  9. Hawk Yer my hero! :D--> (AND I got a dollar!) In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear
  10. Am I the last one to get home? I decided to go on a diet and weight training program since Paw's Fabio-ness made me feel inadequate. Highlights (gleaned from my little black notebook that I carried around): Best Food Name: Sudo's "Sex-In-A-Bowl" Stew" Best Possible Thread Title: Benadryl and Beer Best Wildlife Name: Bonsai Deer Best Out-Of-Context Quote: Bowtwi to Pawtucket - "I wish you would have slept in my bed last night" Best Story: Hawk's Suicidal Deer Tale Most Surprising Revelation: Tied between 1. Sudo's "There is a difference between a redneck and a good ol' boy" and 2. Hawk's explanation that "the south did not lose the Civil War but gave up when they figured out that the Yankees weren't after their women" Saddest Quote: "Pour Out ALL the alcohol" Scariest Quote: "I can't do out-of-state tickets..." Best Cooking Tip: "Milk Slopping is the Key" by Rascal Best Drink: Hawk's Special Recipe with the pears floating in it Entertainment High Point: Sudo dancing for dollars to kazoo accompaniment Tenderest Moment: Rascal receiving her doctorate from an somewhat accredited organization (the Weenie Roast Board of Guv'ners) Funniest Name Mangling: OLEOphile Greatest Act of Toleration: The Christians NOT using the word 'unbeliever' around Sudo & me Seen Ya at The Roast Oakspear [This message was edited by Oakspear on September 23, 2003 at 0:33.] [This message was edited by Oakspear on September 23, 2003 at 1:12.] [This message was edited by Oakspear on September 23, 2003 at 3:39.]
  11. hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm HMM hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm HMM (Pawtucket humming Smoke On The Water) See Ya at The Roast Oakspear
  12. I be packed! :D--> Son of oakmobile be gassed up! :D--> The coffee pot is in the trunk! :D--> The digital camera is in my bag on the front seat! :D--> Weenie Roast, here I come :D--> See Ya at The Roast Oakspear
  13. Gettin' close! I'm leaving Thursday, since I have a few days off owed me, and it's a long drive...son of oakmobile is serviced and ready to ride! See Ya at The Roast Oakspear
  14. This thread was slipping off the page...can't let THAT happen! See Ya at The Roast Oakspear
  15. Kit: If Martin was correct (and if Wierwille passed the info on accurately) Tishri 1 was Jesus' birthday. And this year it is September 27th. All Martin and Wierwille were doing was showing what his date of birth would have been if we extend the current adjusted Gregorian calendar back 2000+ years. And Kit, where do you get that 60,000 year anniversary of the devil getting kicked out of heaven? I seem to remember you posting that your husband heard from "Holy Spirit" about this. Is there anything else that indicates this? See Ya at The Roast Oakspear
  16. Henry Bollocco was in the witness protection program, using the names Herman Bollocco and Henry Sollocco. See Ya at The Roast Oakspear
  17. I wasn't gonna bring my asbestos jock strap, but with all this talk of sacrficial weenies getting roasted... :D-->...maybe I'd better! See Ya at The Roast Oakspear [This message was edited by Oakspear on September 10, 2003 at 19:18.]
  18. ...AND a mug for tent-bound Jardinero ;)--> See Ya at The Roast Oakspear [This message was edited by Oakspear on September 09, 2003 at 2:49.]
  19. I do have access to a 40-cup coffee pot and will be bringing it as well as some coffee See Ya at The Roast Oakspear
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