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Watered Garden

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Everything posted by Watered Garden

  1. I have read this with rapidly sickening stomach. My experiences were so mild compared with some of you. ExC, once again I apologize. Mandii, I hope those creeps rot in hell for doing that to you. Rascal, I don't know what to say. WG
  2. Daryl, I am offering you my sympathy for the loss of your sister. I can't really say anything other than that I'm so sorry this happened. Cancer sucks! And the lies TWI spread about how it's caused by a devil spirit possessing the unfortunate patient also suck! God bless you and comfort you. WG
  3. This is probably the first time anyone has EVER politicized a panty raid. In 1974 we were not concerned about being politically correct. I don't want to start anything. I'm not a famous published author, I know little about politics, I am dumb enough to believe God is in control in the long run, and I really don't care what anyone thinks. But Jumpin' Jehoshaphat, making a big fat deal over a panty raid. You guys must be so much younger than I am. Good grief, lighten up, get a life, and leave poor ole' Oakspear be! WG
  4. When I was a newbie to TWI, I thought it was by revelation and the ordainee had to have one of the gift ministries. Then I started seeing people ordained who showed no interest in loving, helping and above all serving God's people. I saw people who would never get ordained who cared a lot more about God and His people than those who were ordained. Thankful to be a non-ordained peon, me ownself. WG
  5. Way humor? Isn't that an oxymoron? WG
  6. Yeah, that sounds like some kind of plaigerism. It would embarrass me no end if someone published any of my posts. So, thanks but no thanks. WG
  7. And I remember some very specific instances of personality suppression. Being told someone didn't want to talk about their life's work so they could devote their entire being to becoming Way Corps. Were you the subject of that or was it someone else? Seems to me I just blindly accepted anything anyone told me. Being told not to say "Jumpin' Jehoshaphat" because there is no biblical evidence Jehoshaphat ever jumped! Gee, what fun times! Wonder why I don't miss 'em? WG
  8. Friday afternoon spouse & I were driving on a country road, hills and curves and more hills and curves. I was driving and the sun was directly in my eyes, I mean, I slowed down to about 20 mph and couldn't see a damn thing as I came up to a hilltop. "Can't see a thing." I murmured and without thinking pulled the car hard to the right and speeded up a bit, noticing as I did a glint of yellow paint on my right. Immediately as I got back to my side of the road a huge dump truck roared past in the opposite direction, about 50 mph. I hadn't seen it for the sunlight. We would've been killed in that Civic. God? Reflexes? Instinct? We're alive. Didn't see it coming at all, got out of the way just in time. Spouse said very quietly. "Woh." After a minute I said, "Now thatwas God." And to Dot... So glad you've been freed from the curse of the Loy! WG
  9. "what drives his intellect is beyond me..." Intellect? What intellect? This guy is an idiot wrapped in a moron encased in an anal orifice. He was always thinking with the wrong head anyway, if he did any thinking at all. WG
  10. Dot, Wow! Yikes! Whoopie! God is still in business today as He was then, and I just praise Him again and again! Folks, God is the real deal! Not TWI, not any organization or man or anything else! It is GOD Almighty Who hears us and takes care of us. I wish I could share my heart bigger with all you nay-sayers. We're not talking about a man, a movement, a cult or an organization. God is so much bigger than anything we can ask or think or hope or dream! Love y'all, WG
  11. Never thought to ask for the films. He wanted to know more about healing. He was reluctant to believe, however, because he had had a patient who said God would heal her of whatever she had and she died. And there is no real answer for that question that I know of. Charleston is a real social town, who you're descending from who you're related to (or married to) where you worship, etc. I think he was concerned about losing his community prestige if he went out on THAT limb. WG
  12. Okay, here's a personal one. It did not happen today or yesterday, but in 1982. However, it happened to ME, and I am the witness of my own miracle. In 1982 we moved to Charleston SC and I went to work at a hospital. (Same one where the lady coded, but at a later date). I had to have a chest x-ray which to my terror was abnormal. It showed enlarged nodes in my chest. The diagnosis was either Hodgkin's disease, a form of cancer, or another potentially lethal disease called Sarcoidosis. After several tests, the doctors decided to wait six months and take another x-ray. If the nodes were stable, it was sarcoid, which can work its way into many systems of the body, destroying the lungs, nervous system, brain etc. If they were enlarging and multiplying, it was Hodgkin's. Either way my goose was cooked. Before the second x-ray, I went to ROA 1982. I went from registration to the House of His Healing Presence. I sat down and I asked God to heal me. I told Him I would sit there until I had an answer, if it took a year. I stayed there in intense prayer for about 30 minutes, and when I left I KNEW I WAS HEALED. In November the next x-ray was stable. The nodes had not disappeared. There were no more and the ones that were enlarged were no bigger. I told the doctor it didn't matter, because God has never let me down, and I knew I was healed, no matter what the x-rays showed. Next x-ray was clear and normal and has been ever since. Was it a natural healing process? Were the first two x-rays flawed? Was it a miracle of healing from God? Take your choice. All I know was, I had a disease and God healed it. How He took care of it was His business. My business is saying I was sick and God healed me.
  13. Wrestle, We prayed for a gentleman in our small group at church who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Not like TWI, we gathered around, anointed him with oil, (James) and took turns praying. Sensation returned to his feet and legs within a couple hours. Best I know he's still fine. God cannot be limited to one group or another. He still loves you and wants your hip to be fine. I am praying that you find your answer. WG
  14. Oops! [This message was edited by Watered Garden on December 19, 2003 at 10:55.]
  15. Actually, from 1974 to the late 70's I did see miracles from God. One example and then I've got to finish the dishes: I was working in a hospital in Charleston SC in the early 1980s. Coming back from lunch out of the building, I heard a "code blue" called for the cafeteria back hall. Coming around the corner, I saw a woman lying on the floor, surrounded by cafeteria workers, and other fools. I walked up, set my diet coke on a cart, and studied the woman. The head of dietetics tried to shoo me away and I ignored her. Now I didn't check for a pulse but this woman sure as hell wasn't breathing or moving or exhibiting any other sign of life. So I silently spoke in tongues and thanked God for reviving her from whatever was going on. And she opened her eyes and looked right at me. I smiled and whispered God bless you and the code team finally wandered up to carry her off to the ER. Here's a better one. This gives me chills yet today. In 1981 in Jacksonville, Florida, I was working in yet another hospital. I went into the chapel to pray, unhappy about something, and a man came in who was nearly 7 feet tall, in a sheriff's deputy uniform. He was shaking and crying. He had been told that his wife, who had had major surgery, was failing and had hours to live. I also learned that his last name was the same as ours. "Sir, I said, "I'd like to pray for your wife." I really didn't "witness" to him, but I took his big old hand and I prayed for his wife, and baby, it was GOOD! God told me everything that was wrong with her. At that very moment, her electrolytes began to normalize. When I left that chapel, I knew that woman would be all right. She was. He came to find me the next day, to be sure I was real and not his dead grandmother sent to witness to him and not an angel. I was just a little dumb believer and God allowed me to have that experience of His healing that woman through my prayer. I am still so grateful I was allowed to do that. WG
  16. Hurricane Hugo was in 1989. I lived in Chas SC so also love and remember H. Hugo, Onion!
  17. Galen, Explain a "General Discharge." On my e-mail because I don't want to go into details, please. Thanks, WG
  18. Thanks! I'll have a go at it! WG
  19. Please e-mail me. It's on my profile. I have a Navy question and I don't know how to do a private topic. Thanks WG
  20. One would be tempted to vacuum his house with a lawnmower, just to be sure one got it right. When Eisenhower was President, there was very thick plush carpet in certain parts of the White House, and Mrs. Eisenhower required every servant to carry a little whisk broom and back out of the room, whisking busily to erase little footprints they made on their way out! WG WG
  21. Cool Waters, you can e-mail me if you want to about the diabetes thing. It's on my profile. Hope you're doing fine now. WG
  22. I'll go see it for sure. I think Mel Gibson has developed as a man and an actor a lot over the years. His faith has undoubtedly played a part in that. With all of the ultra-liberaland ultra-vocal Hollywood elite, I think Gibson has a lot of guts to carry out his mission. WG
  23. Oldies & Cool - Oldiesman, I never ever saw anything written or heard an official teaching "Thou shalt not take medications or seek advice from a physician, dentist, chiropractor, herbalist, etc." But.... and that's one heluva big big BUT.... There were a lot of individuals who taught that illness equalled unbelief. Maybe it does, I dunno, but that's beside the point when someone is actually suffering a physical illness. On many occasions, ranging from my first year in TWI, I heard people encouraged to believe God rather than seeking help with a physical problem. The conversations went something like this: "Hi! How are you today?" "I have a lousy rotten cold." "WELL! Where's YOUR believing? Have you thanked God for perfect health every morning when you wake up? Have you committed some sin that has opened the door for the adversary to ensnare you? And where is that negative confession coming from, anyway? Now, repeat after me: 'I feel great! I am more than a conqueror through him that loved me!' Now, don't you feel all better?" I damn near DIED from associating with people with that kind of attitude. A WC grad, one of our former twig coordinators, blew me off for an entire summer when I tried to tell her I was sick and needed a doctor. She complimented me on my "weight loss program" and wouldn't listen when I tried to tell her how bad I felt. I was a f'n type 1 diabetic and didn't know it. I went from 140 lb to 111 lb in six weeks, because I could not eat, I nearly went blind, and I was so weak I could hardly walk. I spent ROA 1994 in an hospital in Ohio on an IV insulin drip. Then, when I returned to the left coast and was recuperating, a sister of DM had the nerve to ask me "Do you understand what it is that you did that caused this to happen to you?" The ballz of that woman! I still can't believe I didn't do bodily injury to some of these morons. People who reprove their kids for getting sick and refuse them medical attention. I saw one kid fall off a stone wall he was climbing on against his father's orders, and badly injured his arm. He was screaming in pain and got a spanking for disobeying. His father refused him medical attention because he deserved to have what I think was probably a minor broken arm. He disobeyed his father, now he could suffer! How do I know? The kid told me. I should have kept him right there and called DSHS! But I was a good little wayfer and kept my mouth shut. No there was no TWI doctrine regarding medical attention but there was one heck of a lot of practical application. I was condemned for whatever sin I had allegedly committed that caused me to become diabetic, when my real problem was a bad set of genes. I've seen more evidence of that hard hearted attitude than I care to. It must really .... God off when one of His kids is abused like that. Oldies, if you got away with taking medication for 17 years, and no one told you you had committed some evil sin, you were quite fortunate. (I edited this to make sure no one thought the Medical WOWs themselves discouraged people from taking medication, following doctors' orders, etc. Far far from it! they were good people. [This message was edited by Watered Garden on December 11, 2003 at 20:49.]
  24. Wonder, I do understand what you mean, but I think you would be looking for something that doesn't exist any more, if in fact it ever did. I really don't think TWI has The Whole, Pure Truth of God's Wonderful Matchless Word, rightly divided according to usage and held forth in the Exeedingly Great and Glorious Light of the PRESENT TRUTH, which God has revealed only unto His man for this day and time and hour, the Rev. Mr. LCM. Also, keep in mind, you would have to admit that whatever reason you had for leaving - YOU were wrong, evil, and possibly possessed with evil spirits. How dare you doubt TWI - that is identical to doubting God! Did you disobey your leadership at any time? The MOG clearly stated that it is impossible to obey God without first obeying your leadership! Try looking for something deeper than that pesky Trinity doctrine, like love, tenderness, and caring, what the South calls a "church family". Read a few books, like the one WA Weather mentioned and a great book I've been reading is called "The Purpose-Driven Life". God bless and good luck! WG [This message was edited by Watered Garden on December 11, 2003 at 10:37.]
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