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Everything posted by OldSkool

  1. Only 5 days! Lemme get my WOW mobile gassed up for the trip! See you here, there, or in the air!
  2. Oh, I speculate that he wants to attract mature, rich donors to support him and his board of trustees, while recruiting young people to go work for free bringing new followers to his organization. Much like TWI did. Second verse same as the first.
  3. Thanks for the update, I will read this a little later. As always, I appreciate your efforts in exposing Wierwille and his group. It has gone a long ways in freeing my from the clutches of this cult.
  4. Don't forget you can buy their DVDs as well.
  5. No, you'll get a worthless bachelor degree if you already have a real one, from a real college.
  6. I tried working with a Naturopath to help my son. All that happened a few thousand dollars later was nothing.
  7. ^^ The way's methods are very bullying in nature. They depend on intimidation and harassment to coerce compliance with their heavy handed mandates. This is evidenced most clearly at headquarters. For those of you on the field who like to keep your head in the sand, this is what you are supporting. This is what your donations are enabling. Leaving is the honest thing to do. Withdraw your support.
  8. I believe God communicates with people. However, I desperately tried to get Wierwille's teachings on revelation and healing to work and was met with abject failure. I mean I spent two years engulfed in his writings and worked with many people who had health issues, I desperately worked to get my son healed, and all I ever got in return was disappointment. I had full faith in his teachings and was very enthusiastic. Now I realize the sad truth, his teachings are false. What's worse, I reached out to several clergy to heal my son as well and they could not. I had full faith in them as well. Did I mention his teachings are false? In retrospect, and this has been covered around here for years, Wierwille's law of believing gibberish taught us to have faith in our own ability to command the power of God instead of having faith in God. That is the basic problem, reliance on self instead of faith in God. Believing as it's taught by Wierwille is interwoven through all of the advanced class teachings on revelation and impartation.
  9. How many people were pushed to follow Wierwille's reckless behavior and "push through" problems that eventually caused them harm?
  10. Oh, Rosalie is keeping the devil at bay with her believing so way of abundance power classes can be taught.
  11. Ya, and he married Wanda Wierwille.
  12. Some in TWI like to believe that the way international has changed for the better. Well, I put forth that it's changed for the worse. I can't argue that all the yelling and defamation of character (and other terrible things) done by Wierwille and Martindale have ceased in a cleverly orchestrated maneuver to make themselves lawsuit proof. But the sexual predations and trail of broken lives have never been rectified. Justice has not been served. Those victimized sexually by Wierwille and Martindale are left with injustice. But the idea seems to be that nobody else has "the truth" like the way international so let's excuse the evils in the name of grace. People are convinced that Wierwille's "research" was taught to him by God himself! People are convinced that Wierwille taught "the word" like it has not been known since the first century, even though all of his materials can be traced to contemporary sources. It's been proven that Wierwille was mentored by Albert Cliffe's who was quoted as saying "Many of the subjects I have given in my Bible class have been dictated to me by my loved ones long since passed on...that is, dictated via "my psychic work." (http://www.empirenet.com/~messiah7/rsr_lawbelieve.htm) And folks hang on to the law of believing as if it's the greatest secret known to man. So now we have a kinder, gentler way international that seems to no longer abusive. Yet, they have dedicated themselves to hiding evil and white washing a thief's work just so they can maintain their positions of authority in a corrupt organization. Pathetic! Rosalie not only knows the evils of her predecessors but supported them when they were in power. Now she has dedicated her life's work to hide it all so the way international continues. Hiding evil in God's name. How jaded. In my opinion the only ethical thing the way international could do is close and donate their millions to a worthy charity. Ya, I'm dreaming. <_< In my opinion anyone who supports the way international needs to stop immediately. I did and have spent the last 4 years educating myself on the truth concerning victor paul wierwille and the way international.
  13. Wierdwille is spinning in his grave, while RosaLIE and company are busy spinning stories about what a great man of God he was. Mostly reiterating his regurgitated BS he used back in the day. Now that Martindale has been erased from the halls, the spin machine is in full effect on ole VPW.
  14. ^^It's really an individual preference.
  15. I was handed some thinly veiled doom predictions by one of the directors, thus the "in spite" of part. Though, I agree with your assessment.
  16. Bump - Has anyone heard of an uptick in filling all the vacated positions on staff at HQ? I'm so far removed I don't know anymore, and barely care.
  17. I want to post up some personal information on my son. Those of you who are still in and lurk here may know me, and let the witness of God's goodness stand! My son was born with little kidney function and eventually was on dialysis over two years. Though he stayed healthy, he was diagnosed with end stage renal disease. When in the way international I was taught (to paraphrase) that God worked in the functioning household - which of course equated to the way international. If you were outside of the household (a.k.a outside TWI) God was severely limited in what he could do for you because you had turned your back on God and his true household. Obviously, this is a lie. I left the way after having a very hard time with the directors because of my concern to provide the best possible for my family, and unfortunately, that ran cross-purposes to a potential way corps assignment the directors wanted for me. Thus the harassment started and I eventually relocated from headquarters and left TWI soon after. After leaving the way international is where my story begins. Shortly after TWI relocated me to a nearby city, me and my family moved to Cincinnati because my son's care was transferred there when he started dialysis. Moving to Cincinnati we networked into our local neighborhood, we involved ourselves in one of the neighborhood churches, and we made many new friends. I also became a happy hour regular at the corner pub where I made many more friends. I also found employment in my neighborhood in addition to my home based business. Needless to say, it was a very good move for my family. Though my son was on the deceased donor list, he waited for over two years and never received. Though we worked through many potential donors, all were disqualified. When things looked the most bleak a young lady stepped forward and said she would donate. Now, I met this young lady through one of my friends at the corner pub. She is his daughter in-law. When she heard of his condition at a friends pig roast she was touched, but unable to do anything because she was pregnant. Fast forward several months to my bosses annual Christmas party and she asked my wife how she could begin the donation process. She was a perfect match, she passed all testing with flying colors and quite remarkably I might add. Though still in somewhat disbelief, I began to get excited. On May 15, 2012, my son successfully underwent a kidney transplant. He is doing excellent, and his doctors remark frequently that his recovery is textbook perfect. The young lady that donated is recovering very well and is back on her feet with no complications. We are supported by family and a network of friends. Our neighborhood Church is the best and has coordinated meals for us, and sent a Pastor to come pray with us. They are very gracious, loving, and helpful. If that weren't enough the corner pub will soon do a benefit for my family to cover expenses. I am astounded at the Lord's deliverance for my family and how loving and helpful people have been towards us. So, at cross purposes with the board of directors, I removed myself and family from their evil organization. Since doing so, I am amazed that the negative comparisons they instilled in me are lies. The world is filled with good people. Churches, so often disparaged by TWI, are loaded with people who actually help those in need, demonstrating the love of Christ in the process. It turns out to be a good thing to network into neighborhood associations and other families regardless of what they believe. Above all The Lord directed my steps to meet a wonderful young lady who has given my son a fresh start in life. Praise The Lord!
  18. I wouldn't lie about my involvement. I don't volunteer it though.
  19. @Chock - ya, the burn the chaff crap was garbage the way it was used in TWI. Part of expunging one's former identity if you ask me. I threw all my TWI gear away out of the freedom to do so, and it felt good.
  20. I tossed everything. I have some around a dozen .pdf files of Wierwille's works that I downloaded for reference when posting here at GSC. Otherwise, there is no evidence around my home I was ever associated with TWI and I certainly do NOT tell anyone I ever was. Frankly, I am embarrassed by them and my time spent with them is a shameful loss.
  21. Momma, don't let your kids to grow up to be DULL GRAY. Don't let em wear dove pins and drive WOW mobiles.. (I couldn't resist)
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