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Everything posted by TheHighWay

  1. Shifra, I'm not sure what pain you are talking about... the place was a spa during the days when people believed walking in mineral waters would cure just about everything. If you read about Charles Darwin's life, he was a big fan of such treatments. From what I understand the "electrical looking things" with the tubs were simply whirlpool-thingies. I'm not aware of anything like shock-treatments, etc. taking place on that site. It was not a place for the mentally disturbed but those looking for physical or spiritual rejuvination. If I am mis-informed, I'd like someone to point me to the information. Thanks, THW
  2. I remember Andy and Krista fondly... we were in the same corps together. But most of the time we were at different campuses. Only really got to work with them at Rome City. Very nice guy! Hope you all find him.
  3. Wow, such memories! NoWayHozay's pics are fabulous!!! Linda Z, you are correct. You would go down those big stairs on the east end, and turn right or left to go to the Rec Room or the workout room. And if you continued westward, I'm thinking that they had a little "sundries" store with stationary and drugstore type items for sale in case of emergencies. And do I remember they actually had a soda vending machine down there or am I dreaming that up? It was definately the section of the basement under the kitchen that was CREEPY. You got there using a narrow staircase off the back of the kitchen where we washed dishes (I think) and there was a washer and dryer down there for doing the linens. And the saurkraut tunnel was on the south end of it. A low, cool, dark passage where they would store containers of home-made saurkraut to let it ferment. The unlocked walk-in that opened to Adam's Alley. I had forgotten!! I knew it was there but never made use of it. But I vividly remember trundling carts full of fresh chicken cuts across the alley from the building (man, I'm having a hard time with names) where we had just killed and butchered them. And that makes me think of the walkway that crossed over Adam's Alley on the second floor. I had friends that lived in the hall just off that corridor, and I worked on the cleaning crew that cleaned that section so I walked across that thing hundreds of times. I only lived there in the warmer months of the year but was told in the dead of winter some folks never set foot outside the buildings for months because they didn't have to... they used the walkway to get to the laundry room, get their hair cut, visit the clothing give-away (again, names escape me... dang I hate this getting old stuff!).
  4. What a great topic for a thread! I loved Catcup's lurking cat's eyes avitar, and ex-twi's steaming cup of coffee. Those avitars will always be linked with those people. And that's what I was looking for: something that would be uniquely part of TheHighWay... something that captured my personality. But that caused me to spend a lot of time looking, because I tend to be a perfectionist, and I couldn't find just the right one. I have a lot of different sides to my personality, so sometimes a tiger or jaguar seemed like the right avatar, and sometimes an American flag, and sometimes a cute kitten or a funny looking frog. And I like moving avatars, but sometimes the repetition gets annoying.... oh, what to do? what to do? And then I ran across this picture and I knew I had to use it. It is just so very "me". Common but uncommon. Serious but silly. Industrious but goofing. Cute and cuddly looking but not someone you want to back into a corner. Yup, that's me.
  5. Rovers!!! That's what they were called... and you helped put together the Rec Room? That was a fun spot! Wow, thanks Belle! I didn't know those pics were in the gallery. Great shots of the grounds! Yeah... I really did like that campus best of them all. I think I would have like Gunnison best except it was run like a prison camp when I was there so all the lovely environment was lost on me. (except the hummingbirds... they were wonderful)
  6. Chas, Any remarks regarding the basement aside, I loved the place, too. HQ was so extremely rigid and paranoid about their rules (I started wc training in 1987). Rome City was so much more relaxed. If we needed to go to town or run an errand off campus, we just signed out. This was NOT an option at HQ... you could only leave grounds on Saturdays (and sometimes not even then). But then again, I was "regular" corps -- as if family corps were 'irregular' somehow -- and I think they treated us with kid gloves. Marrieds got rooms all to themselves, and had less 'kid' duty. (what the heck did they call it when one adult roamed the halls watching after all the sleeping kids while the other adults went to class?) I wasn't there a whole year, but during my stay I picked strawberries, killed chickens, worked woods crew, cleaning crew, kitchen crew, did children's fellowships, and staffed an Advanced Class and a Teen Camp. And I spent a lot of time walking the grounds and local area. I found it all very peaceful. Of course, I was still pretty naive back then... very much a newbie... I wonder if I had known more if I would have a completely different opinion of the place?
  7. Personally, I have found John's articles informative and insightful. I don't really care where he comes from or what his agenda might be... if he is speaking truthfully about what TWI has been trying to keep hidden all these years... God bless him!!!
  8. I don't know the man, but would this be him? http://www4.wittenberg.edu/news/2007/03_06.html
  9. Well, I'm no expert on anatomy, but I thought the Timothy statue was beautiful... I would hate to think of it stuffed in storage somewhere! Was it Dan Goheen that carved it? That name just popped into my head but I don't know if that's right. Somewhere I have a picture of him, and the statue.
  10. Oakspear, May your day be truly GREAT!! As I was reading through this thread of greetings and felicitations toward the mighty OAK, this song came, completely unbidden, springing forth to my mind... Happy, happy birthday From all of us to you Happy, happy birthday May all your prayers come true May you have happy birthdays All your whole life through Happy, happy birthday It's God in Christ in You
  11. It looks like the campus is still being used... they have Retreats scheduled through the end of June, anyway... I repeat: Weenie Roast, anyone?
  12. The write-up says that the owner would like the property to be used for the same thing it is currently being used for... says he wouldn't mind just taking on a partner. Sounds like he likes the campus but is too overwhelmed by the amount of work, etc. that goes along with it.
  13. I liked the place. But then again, I didn't have to go down to the basement alone very often... (and ANYTHING was better than Stalag HQ). It says they rent it for weddings and things. Wonder if he's still renting it out while he's trying to sell it? And how much he'd charge to rent it out for a Weenie Roast? I would love to get inside and see what's the same and what's changed.
  14. mstar1, I believe that is a stinging nettle. I wouldn't have recognized it either, but from your description of the needles and the reaction, that was my guess, and when I googled it, yup, that's the plant. This may sound disgusting, but there is a natural remedy... banana slug slime. I learned that on a nature retreat at some park north of Seattle years and years ago. The ranger said, "You may all hate slugs, but at least the banana slug has some good use... it's slime will take the pain away after a nettle sting." Of course, I didn't have the guts to try it!! Sorry this "cure" came too late to help you. (of course, I don't know which would be worse, the sting or the slime!) EEEWWWW. Oh, here you go... Wikipedia says: Stinging nettle has many uses. It is used by many different cultures for a wide variety of purposes in herbal medicine. Cooking, crushing or chopping disables the stinging hairs. Stinging nettle leaves are tasty and high in nutrients. The young leaves are edible and make a very good pot-herb. So, once the sting goes away, you can go back with leather gloves and collect some!
  15. Yeah... I remember that teaching, too. Something about "it's our job to take believing action, and it's God's job to provide the results." So, if you've done your part and there are no results, just enjoy the fellowship anyway. Wow, what a different story it became in the 90's when we were asked to write down (and turn in) what negative thing in our lives was keeping the Word from moving in our area.
  16. TheHighWay


    You know... my dad died many, many years ago. And he was a difficult person to love when he was alive: very smart, almost always right (and didn't admit it when he wasn't), very stubborn, quite sarcastic, and definately quick-tempered. But, aside from all that, we all knew he loved us. He worked his rear-end off to make sure we were all taken care of and looking back I can see where he indulged the whims of his children a lot more often than it seemed at the time... I mean, I really had a very good childhood, and I'm very thankful for that. And every year I watch "A League of Their Own" on Father's Day because for many, many reasons it reminds me of my Dad, and it reminds me to be thankful for what I had. He was a good man. God bless all you fathers out there!
  17. What an amazing voice! How many six year olds have that kind of tone quality, pitch, and breath control? Wow. But what I liked best is that she just LIKED singing. It wasn't about winning, or singing for the Queen, it was about SINGING. I sure hope she gets managed by the right people and she can keep it just that simple through all the complexities of a career!
  18. What a wonderful and unique service you offer! I remember when friends of mine had a judge come to their home and do their ceremony. It was, by far, the best wedding I've ever attended. And, I don't think judges will do that anymore. Keep up the good work!
  19. TheHighWay


    Add my prayers to the heap !!!!! ((((((MO))))))
  20. Wow, that was fantastic! (Bumpy, I loved your comment about us having to "wear a hat at work to get by for the money" and not being able to let our talent surface all the way... spot on!!)
  21. Well, unfortunately as the Peeler lawsuit proved, there is simply no worldly remedy for that... we trusted the wrong people and gave them rights to our lives and resources we shouldn't have... oops. The end.
  22. Excellent point, Rascal!! Let's see... 4 hours a day, 23 days of the month, 5-10 people per crew -- figure: repair work, painting, landscaping, clean-up, etc. For how many years and how many pieces of property? (Kipp Farm, Ambassador Farm, Airport House, Emporia, Rome City... what am I forgetting?) Add to that, 10% of gross or 15% of net, or any various combinations of same, collected from thousands of folks, for decades... Yeah... somebody definately owes us all some money!!! (of course, how many of those properties were sold for a profit? Emporia and Rome City sold at a loss, didn't they? Or was twi just being greedy in their original asking price?) ----------------- SORRY, Didn't mean to derail the original thought of this thread... ---------------
  23. Glad, Unfortunately your premise "when they are gone" is probably not a valid one. TWI may shrink and shrink, and be a shell of what it once was, but I suspect it will never be "gone" in the way we all hope and dream for it to be no more at all. The copyrights, the properties, and all BS will simply pass to the next MOG when Rosie gets too old and feeble to maintain her strangle-hold on it. But, just for fun... if God should wipe them all away with a swipe of His finger... what is the legal path of ownership/responsibility of all things twi? I suspect the lawyers would sell everything off, and then all the cash would end up being spent on "legal fees" while they sort out the details.
  24. Boy, I remember having to write letters to sponsors and knowing that I was expected (either by them or by leadership) to state what great and spiritual things I had been learning through the corps training. It was often a struggle, because I didn't want to over-spiritualize what was really going on day to day... I often decided just to relate something that had blessed me or made me laugh or something like that. Looking back now, it probably made for better letters, but at the time I felt so condemned about it!!!
  25. Yeah... I was typing that up thinking, "... what that really means is, Controlling your thinking so you don't kill your spouse and your leadership for being jerks and ordering you around with no thought to your time, heart, life, longsuits, or desires by THEIR decisions... wasn't nothing PROPERLY ARRANGED about it!!!"
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