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Second James

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Everything posted by Second James

  1. Second James


    Satori...is this a subtle means of promoting Momentus....as the lifeboat "thinking" is definitely JAL ish!!Just curious (tongue in cheek of course) LOL
  2. Yeh Abigail..I can't imagine shaving arm pits either...even plucking eyebrows gives me the willies..LOL
  3. Here, I thought you were Radar..as she's still posting now & then right? Frankly speaking (not Frank Burns) when I PT..it really should go no further than the party I'm e-mailing, otherwise we're in the gossip mode. Oh I'm Hawkeye Pierce btw...gosh those were good shows eh??
  4. Yeh I mean you chatty Cathy..did you ever have a "chatty cathy " doll btw? I enjoy tactful replies, aside from some of the obvious stupidity that shows up now & then (even some of what I write I'm sure looks pretty dumb to many) You just seem to be a nice person & is reflected by how you write..like a "peace maker" of sorts..
  5. White dove..you've ruined my day, as I thought the name of that song was "lyin' eyes"..heck before I guessed THAT title..I heard a friend tell me it was Hawaii'n eyes...dang..now gotta re-think the whole song..LOL..you sure its private eyes??? huh? huh?
  6. "You don't want our ministry to become another religion do you?" quoted from a variety of "leaders"from my past..talk about a self fulfilled prophecy..one they DID get right!! LOL
  7. T'was just sitting here thinking about all the GREAT dialogue I've had over the past few years.here on Greasespot & ..Waydale included & it hit me that "we " hadn't heard from Lowly LollyPoppy for awhile..t'was just curious if he/she (I think it was a she)..is still in or out and how ya doin'? Anybody heard anything??
  8. Guess the whole question is "could/would the punch line of a joke.... insinuating what is does... could it cause "devil spirit" infiltration upon any of us "right? Mike, (& I'm trying to be respectful to you)..the paranoia that comes out of that mindset, for any of us, is "old news" to alot of us..if we're wrong then so be it, but the fear motivation because of this mindset(speaking of peoples past experiences) has done much more harm than good..after all GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN US THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD..you either trust that or you don't..if you don't then the devil spirit "doin' us in" just by reading this thread is a pretty lame concept. Cathy..you sure have a nice way about you.
  9. Golly HiWay..where's your "Miles of Smiles" tape by Bev & Steve Str!ck?? I still play that tape now & then..musta made VP crazy with some of the off da Word lyrics in THAT tape..circa around l975 ish??But still fun & peaceful tunes.as I can still picture Bev playing her flute!! LOL
  10. Ya know...what comes to my simple mind while reading this thread is/was all the emphasis put on the 9 manifestations in PFAL & the other classes..The whole idea was for "us" to rise up in our so called believing & get to the point, while faithfully SITing & all the rest, that we daily or whenever receive revelation...SITing for me is/was as easy as falling off a log & revelation...now is it to be THAT easy as well? Same with healing..same with discerning of spirits..???? So if VP is asking for & receivng heavy revy on the successors choice..to me then..(l982) it would have just been the most natural thing for him to utilize & quite frankly I didn't see it as some "big deal"..after all VP was the motivator in "us" "climbing towards revelation in our lives on a daily basis.
  11. Satori..yeh I agree about the "new age" connection with "what the Bleep"...in dealing with my friend..to her, was & is a very powerful movie which helps her explain "who she is" ..and the state that she is now in...either able or unable to unwire & re-wire herself. A few of you referred to me as wanting to "fix her" earlier in this thread & I see that I basically have nothing to do with any such notion..I do have the freedom to encourage her to read Gods Word & consider the possibility of her creator being able to "re-wire " her. if thats what she desires. Thats where it gets "tricky" from my viewpoint, as I can tell her huge affection for the ladies & yet the social implications seem to really weigh on her the more we talk. If Lesbianism is sin..& lets call it a "tough sin" to overcome or not be tempted by...& if overcoming this "sin" is based mostly upon wanting to escape its clutches..then I can see the possibility of a lesbian getting spiritual help from her creator...BUT being wired as she is & still desiring the affections of the same sex...I'd guess the odds of her getting "rewired" are very slim... (Now thats my opinion & entitiled to it..for all of those who are fuming right now!!lolol) The Way I think placed the homo thing at the "bottom of the totem pole" (is their wordage) in that its IS a tough sin to get out from under..thats what I "heard"...besides their purging mentality..& desire to not let "it" "spread" amongst the flock. Is my foot gwetting any further into my mouth by writing this..probably..BUt does anyone else see it l00% opposite to this?? Now there's a fun word for ya'll...GWETTING..LOL
  12. Heck,..I thought this was a thread about "what'll happen if we derail a thread!!"...LOL thus I passsed it by until today,.. Men ARE from Mars & wimin is from Venus...so answer me this why do the gals do the head toss & hair flip thingie..a great mystery to me. Makes my neck hurt whenever I see it, & its very very common & almost without thought...
  13. Hopeful! God bless you for sharing with us about your husbands passing & of course my humblest condolences to both you and your family. Had he been posting here in the past, or was he just "lurking"? These next several days are the hardest of all, and I'll sure keep you in my prayers. Agape..Jim
  14. Satori...to answer your initial question..an emphatic no. I'm l00% horney male...not fulfilled unless I'm with "eve"...BUT could I be deceived somewhere along the line to be convinced to "try out a guy"? If I were in doubt of who I was sexually because of a past expereince..then perhaps I would & could let my mind CONSIDER something that is "against nature " (I think the Bible refers to homo as "against nature" in Romans) Having truth at my disposal...I can clearly choose what to believe...so if a deception came along..I'd "run" to my Bible to find God's answer (at this point in my life) Satori..have you ever seen the movie "What the Bleep do we know?"..one of its "statements" is how a person "rewires" themselves, as time goes on, and in the case of homo..I believe that people do "rewire" themselves..perhaps for the sake of sanity...or fulfilling lustful suggestions made in their minds..or experimentation...& yet I believe we have a god who can help "us" re-wire back to his original design. After all "Father Knows Best" ...he's the inventor of life...he knows what will bless his child , and we're the variable in the equation as to our obedience in what he's shown each of us. You make valid points in regards to whether or not I am a minister or therapist or whatever else. I've NOT driven a wedge between this gal & myself by TWIT thinking & condemnation..otherwise she'd been long gone. My goal is to help in a way I can..and I've drawn the conclusion at least in my life that "God's word will do the work" if we let it..let it soak into ones heart & let God do his thing in helping her. I get that! I don't mind you judging from your standpoint, as I've read many others who don't come from a biblical perspective..& right on..you make much sense..from a worldly perspective.. Just don't see much "Godly deliverance" from the carnal viewpoint ..thats all. I don't side with those who condem..its of no value to point a finger..as sin is pretty prevalant, as most of you have pointed out...So is there no help? Or is no help necessary...the latter is what I hear alot of you saying..I just simply disagree. Love the US of A!! where we can believe what we want to ! :^)
  15. My middle daughter Emily just espcaped Chi-town, as she lasted 6 years (4 college..two teaching) & basically "had enough" of the windy city's winters..so off to AZ she went..high of 101 today..so there's a trade off for sure..Poor Cubbie btw.,..but hey the White Sox are in the playoffs...also my past-poor Bengals whipped up on the lowly Chi town Bears!! LOL
  16. Excie...hey I'm back FINALLY, as once the forum changed..I couldn't get back on till today!! HOOOOray Yes I've seen some honest attempts to refer me to different groups that could possibly help my friend..I've seen alot of people pretty supportive of Lesbianism, which quite frankly suprises me, but I realize that this is NOT a "Christian forum" of sorts...what I beleive at this point is that Lesbianism is deviant behavior & I believe a type of behavior that has serious consequences.. I realize that there are posters who don't see it that way..I believe its sin & a "tough sin" to be relieved of in the "guilt category of life". I also KNOW I'm not the judge..nor is anyone...as if my judgement of anyone who trips on drugs or is uncontrollable with alcohol use needs my judgement..all of sin in our lives has an "escape"..by "hitting the mark" instead of missing it.My take is..to escape lesbianism must be a very very tough concept for anyone desiring to be different than they are. Alcoholism is a tough one & yet I know of a few personal friends who are no longer alcoholics, based on doing the l2 step plan etc.. So alcoholism is available to "escape" Doesn't seem possible to "escape" Lesbianism, according to many of the posters here..& yeh I get it from a few of you "WHATS TO ESCAPE FROM?" Some of you state that its a "life ruiner" of sorts (my words)..others acceptable..even before our creator..since God loves us all........I believe God loves us all..no matter what sins we're into..but ya gotta figure God would love to see us not tripped up over these different sinful practices & their consequences. As I stated earlier..this is a very wonderful gal..very intelligent..very much seeking & finding I still hold to the fact that God created Man for woman & visa versa..no Adam & Steve ..& in enjoying that plan, there are great blessings.. Sorry if this offends ya'll..but at least you know where I stand on the subject and willing to consider others opinions of course. Funny joke Wingnut..the cowboy in alot of us males eh??
  17. Since the "stick" broke from the dead wayfer tree of life...I can't see what kind of point Craig was trying to make in calling us sticks....guess its just about ones perspective eh??
  18. Satori & rascal...I appriciate your responses & I've printed them off & want to re-read them Just a quick Question to all of you..how do you then "deal" with the consequences of "Sodom & Gamohrrah" as I had read a posting a few ago, that it was more about the "hospitality" issue rather than the "gay" issue. Don't think its about my TWI "mind set" so much, Satori, but rather my "bible" mind set. Before TWI I trusted the Bible on this subject & didn't stand in LCM's rock throwing line in terms of the anti-Gay agenda he had.. I think I'm a super friend to this gal btw..as I haven't read any verses to her about the gay factor..its been mostly about who she is in Christ & no condemnation...that part of the subject she's having much difficulty with, which accoriding to many of you alot of gays do beat themselves up in. I'm glad we;re discussing this, and retract my apology for starting this thread...things unspoken of leave us with a comfortable "head in the sand mentality"..so I'm happy this is being discussed..thank you all...wish I could make the weenie roast in Oct to meet a few of ya's..JJ Ron..why would you want pics? Seems a bit cruel..but thats my humble opinion.
  19. Like Rog G..I figured it was about BARRY SANDERS of the Lions...LOL All I know is he made some great moves But the Lions were still mediocre..hope this REALLLY helps Cowgirl ..REALLLLY
  20. Good to know that I'm in a select "elitist" group of sorts...thank God I now know who & What I was innitiated into when I took Momentus years ago. I got alot out of the training As others...I saw great compassion on the part of the trainers, who were dealing with those of a more timid nature. If I had to do it over again, I would gladly have attended & gave of the extra donation at the end..proportionate to the blessings I received... No coercion from the end of it I inhabited! HONEST ENGINE
  21. I get what you're saying Satori, as my initial post does reflect alot of my past TWI mindset..I DO BELIEVE that God designed people in certain ways for our benefit..I don't believe that woman was designed for woman..nor man for man. Otherwise we'd see encouraging words in God's word about that being desired by God..instead we see words like "abomination" etc. So yeh...guilty as charged I suppose...hers has been a miserable life (according to her words)..lack of any kind of long term relationships and much more.. I live in the good ole US of A & can believe what I want to believe. I believe the lesbianism is detremental to her..she speaks of the time when she "fell" for the bait & tried it out & then continued in it. I am not to judge..but dammit, its what I think & there's a time when my eternal judge will straighten me out, if I'm wrong..in the mean time here's this gal FINALLY seeking something other than what she was caught up in. I'm sorry folks..I just see it with my way blinders on I guess, or Bible Blinders on...sorry Rascal...sorry Satori My hope at this point is to see her reconsiled with her creator & her savior..sorry I started this thread & sorry I asked for advise..dumb me.
  22. Longgone..I think Galen was making a joke K?..re-read his post..Love Ya!
  23. Bramble...like I said..she's a very fine person IMHO..very enthusiastic & sure of herself...seeking is the word for her at this point, for an early 30's gal. I know she lives in "guilt" of sorts (not from me, but from friends & parents) & her search has taken her into Native Indian philosophy..of sorts.. Jonny... Yeh...I enjoy just us reading the word together & her questions having never "churched it"...guess my original post was on the confusing side, as her major need at this point is physical health. For her good looks..she's had major difficulty maintaining any kind of even short term relationship, so thats played heavily on her mind & heart...I'm not entirely at a loss in helping her & had heard of an organization a few months ago that really helps lesbians..but don't think I had read about it here. For you others with your chicken sacrafices...you've totaly misread my intent, but of course you can probably discern the intent of my heart "just like God"..hey good for you all! Your words have been noted & prayed over!!
  24. The deliverance I was referring to when I first posted was in reference to two health issues she has...she has made no plea for me to fix her...& I'm not in a position of KNOWING if she needs fixed. I agree with one of the posters above that lesbianism is a sin..I see that in the Bible...if its a detrimental thing to her..I honestly don't know..With my TWIT background, obviously you know what I was formerly taught. I didn't come here to argue...nor to uphold LCM's doctrinal position (I left in 87 so the WARP class etc is not in my mindset) Rather I came here to seek information on the Topic I posted... She IS a very fine person IMHO, & yet I see her physical ailments that are of great concern to her & was wondering if the two are linked or what. Satori..I've read you in the past..I was pretty suprised by your answer & saw absolutely no profit in reading it..BUT I did read it entirely and hopefully you can share something in this thread that will help her.
  25. Satori..thanks for nothing
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