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Stayed Too Long

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Everything posted by Stayed Too Long

  1. Are you using Orientalisms as a way to explain and understand God’s actions, in requiring a ransom of death be paid to justify man sinning in the Garden of Eden? Not only demanding the death of his son, but burdening the rest of mankind with a sin nature they must carry with them for the rest of thie lives? Are you saying if we fully grasped the full meaning of orientalisms (the 30,000 foot view), we would understand why God did what he did in the Garden of Eden, and then everything Raf suggested would be a moot point?
  2. I can’t wait for someone to declare thay are in different administrations. Haha
  3. Who can square II Peter with Acts 8:26-31? 26 Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Go south to the road—the desert road—that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” 27 So he started out, and on his way he met an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of all the treasury of the Kandake (which means “queen of the Ethiopians”). This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship, 28 and on his way home was sitting in his chariot reading the Book of Isaiah the prophet. 29 The Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.” 30 Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked. 31 “How can I,” he said, “unless someone explains it to me?” So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. According to Acts, someone must explain the scriptures, so the scriptures do not intrepret themselves.
  4. Whether the verse has plan or purpose, to me, is neither here nor there. God had the ability to make a perfect world when he introduced Adam, because we are told that is what is going go happen at the end of time, so he knew how to do it. Why force a son to suffer and be crucified just to remedy a situation that happened years before the son was even born? I am really not attempting to find a way to justify, or not justify, Adam or Jesus. My purpose is to point out the whole story is so ludicrous it is not believable.
  5. What does dying and rising have to do with the god of the bible being a completely irresponsible father, specifically to, Adam and Jesus? And then passing this sin nature to the rest of his chosen children?
  6. Same garbage spewed Yesterday, regurgitated Today.
  7. The events I am describing come from the bible. If you have another source you are referring to other than the bible, please share it with us. I am not sure of your belief in the bible, but if you do, what passages do you consider factual, and which are not literal/factual truth/reality? What is your method for determining fact from story? You say some modern day Christian fundamentalists lamented what they see as a trend toward atheism. Who are these folks and could you expound on how it relates to the subject A Loving Father? And how do these people subject more than 6 billion humans to mindless fear mongering?
  8. What would you say about a father who allowed his son to suffer unimaginablly and be finally murdered? And at any time, this father could have intervened and put a halt to all this pain. This father stood by and allowed his son to go through a mock trial, allowed false witnesses to testify against him, watched as he was whipped, and thorns put upon his head, and finally murdered. And why did this son have to endure all this pain and death? Because previously, this same father, set up another son to fail. With the full knowledge his son would not successfully complete the task, he put his son through it anyway. This failure would not only affect this son, but all future sons throughout eternity. Because of this son’s failure, the second son had to die to overcome it. This is not a good track record of a loving father; one son setup to fail, and the second setup to be murdered. This father should be reported to Children Protective Services immediately. It is too late to help these two sons, but current and future sons need to be protected from such an irresponsible parent.
  9. It is quite difficult to following the logic of Quiet Colors and what your point is.
  10. Did you figure out who is responsible for your observation? Please expound on exactly what your observation is?
  11. Can you please expand on your opinion? It seems you are saying God has an opinion on Lonnie, and that is also your opinion? How do you know what God’s opinion of Lonnie is?
  12. Let’s take the subject of going to heaven. All religions believe they will get the same results..i.e. going go heaven. However, the way they get someone to heaven varies from group to group. Each group inserts their own beliefs, which can vary wildly, but in the end, all will end up passing through the gates to eternity. I used this example in a previous post: “Mormans have to jump through hoops with Moroni, and wear wierd diapers to bed. Not sure what the Jewish folks have to do. Guess they are still waiting for Jesus to come the first time. The Baptists believe once saved always saved. Muslims pray all hours of the day. And let’s not forget all those virgins for the warriors who die for Alluh.” How can all these differing beliefs accomplush the same thing? Getting their believers to heaven.
  13. I used a rather extreme example, Drink, Sex, dope, whatever, to illustrate my point. I do none of those in my life as it would be very detrimental to me and those around me. It was to point out there is seemingly nothing in life too extreme that would cause one not to go to heaven, if at the last moment, they were sorry for doing it. The point being you can prove anything from the bible if you want to. A verse here, a chapter there, this religion, that religion, any will somehow get you whatever you want. How I believe in good and evil. Medical studies and life experiences show that excess drink and dope use is harmful to your health. I did partake in booze in my younger days, even though my religion at the time, said not to, so religion was no deterrent, but waking up with a hangover was. I saw how drugs screwed up my friends lives so it was natural to avoid them. My friends and I were raised in Catholic schools, which was absolutely no hindrance for some to steal, curse, drink, have premarital sex, yada, yada, yada. I have no desire to grab a weapon and kill people. I was raised in a religious family after the age of 9, but prior to that age, religion did not play a part in my life. It seems to me by the age of 9 I was aware not to lie, steal, or kill, etc. My parents taught me rules in life.
  14. Without a doubt I am saying the bible promotes hypocrisy. Plus I doubt believe in the bible or God. Catholics find salvation through confessing their sins to a man in a black suit. Mormans have to jump through hoops with Moroni, and wear wierd diapers to bed. Not sure what the Jewish folks have to do. Guess they are still waiting for Jesus to come the first time. The Baptists believe once saved always saved. Muslims pray all hours of the day. And let’s not forget all those virgins for the warriors who die for Alluh. There are literally thousands of organizations who intrepret the same book (the bible) thousands of different ways. I’m sure at least one believes you can live a life of hell, and slide into heaven at the last minute. And don’t forget all the other religions who don’t know what the bible is. Religion is the one thing that allows us to believe anything or anyway we want, to get the same results.
  15. Your belief viewing the bible as a historical document is one version. I personally do not look at it as a standard of living either, but many do. The subject of the thread is addressed to those who do feel the bible is a book to live their lives by. I believe it points out the hypocrisy, in my opinion, of the requirements needed to live a bible based life to enter heaven; and in contrast, a person who does not live this lifestyle, being allowed to enter heaven at the last minute, simply by a, “I’m sorry.”
  16. Now you throw out another perspective to try and fit your narrative of humans not needing other humans, “Our world is a projection…” Let’s use FB as an example. People hiding behind a keyboard can “project” what ever they want. Many arrive at an inaccurate conclusion of the message that was sent, and rant on and on, destroying any type of understanding between the two. Post something about Covid on FB,, and thru AI, your post can be competely deleted if it doesn’t fit the AI’s version. To many, the belief of AI is completely wrong, but it cannot be debated. It is used to stop any debate and only frustrates the losing party. Again, all human interaction is a destroyed by AI. Those in power determine what is right.
  17. The questions don’t seem confusing at all, but your quote, “..human interaction is wrong…” is confusing. No culture I am aware of believes this. I think you are digging a hole you will not be able to climb out of.
  18. There are thousands of religions out there waiting for you to stop in so they can tell you. Choose your poison carefully.
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