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Name that TV Show [EZ quotes only]


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well, it was either that, McHale's Navy or F Troop :biglaugh:

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"I outrank you."

"And I'm such a slut for authority."

"Because we're friends, I'm gonna tell you something nobody else knows. I'm homophobic."

[deadpan] "I'm stunned."

"How can you ban red meat?"

"Well, they've got a whole campaign, they're going to go with it. They plan to promote Summersport as the seafood capital of the world."

"We're carnivores. When the pilgrims landed, first thing they did was eat a few Indians."


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Nope again.

"Hi. I'm Lori Colson; we haven't officially met."

"Hello, dear. Catherine Piper."

"For the future... I don't really appreciate comments about my hair."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just trying to make conversation. And I assumed you wouldn't want me to go anywhere near your eyebrows."

"I outrank you."

"And I'm such a slut for authority."

"Because we're friends, I'm gonna tell you something nobody else knows. I'm homophobic."

[deadpan] "I'm stunned."

"How can you ban red meat?"

"Well, they've got a whole campaign, they're going to go with it. They plan to promote Summersport as the seafood capital of the world."

"We're carnivores. When the pilgrims landed, first thing they did was eat a few Indians."


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No. Time to make it easy (unless you haven't seen the show).

"Denny Crain."

"Hi. I'm Lori Colson; we haven't officially met."

"Hello, dear. Catherine Piper."

"For the future... I don't really appreciate comments about my hair."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just trying to make conversation. And I assumed you wouldn't want me to go anywhere near your eyebrows."

"I outrank you."

"And I'm such a slut for authority."

"Because we're friends, I'm gonna tell you something nobody else knows. I'm homophobic."

[deadpan] "I'm stunned."

"How can you ban red meat?"

"Well, they've got a whole campaign, they're going to go with it. They plan to promote Summersport as the seafood capital of the world."

"We're carnivores. When the pilgrims landed, first thing they did was eat a few Indians."


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"When guys are persistent, it's romantic, they make movies about that. If it's a woman, then they cast Glenn Close."




"A fat man, trying to squeeze through a narrow chimney, and I taunt him with Oreos and whole milk."

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"When guys are persistent, it's romantic, they make movies about that. If it's a woman, then they cast Glenn Close."




"A fat man, trying to squeeze through a narrow chimney, and I taunt him with Oreos and whole milk."




"You think we're all from Mars here, don't you?"

"I never said which planet."


"Maybe you should eat a cookie."

"Maybe we should share it."


"Friendly group. They probably take homicides just to lighten up."

Hint: The last three quote might make you think of another show, with good reason. Nonethless, all the quotes are from the same show. Even the last three. Even if they remind you of another show. On another network. With good reason.

Edited by Raf
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The common link is not Candace Bergen.

The common link is not on camera, except tangentially, maybe, a tiny bit.

By "it's got something in common with the last answer," I meant the last correct answer, from the previous clue.

In other words, something in common with Boston Legal

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"When guys are persistent, it's romantic, they make movies about that. If it's a woman, then they cast Glenn Close."

Ally makes an observation about how men and women are treated by Hollywood.



Recurring line whenever someone says something that another person usually can and damn well should find offensive.


"A fat man, trying to squeeze through a narrow chimney, and I taunt him with Oreos and whole milk."

Peter MacNicol on Santa Claus



Recurring line whenever someone sounds, well, snappish.


"You think we're all from Mars here, don't you?"

"I never said which planet."

Exchange between Ally McBeal and Bobby Donnell on one of the best TV crossover episodes ever: the lawyers of Ally McBeal (FOX) need help with a murder case, so they cross the street, and the network, to visit the lawyers of ABC's The Practice. Naturally, the folks at The Practice, a very serious show, think the lawyers of Ally McBeal are loopy.


"Maybe you should eat a cookie."

"Maybe we should share it."

Not a crossover episode: more of a crossover moment. Ally gets into an elevator, and Helen Gamble (Lara Flynn Boyle) from The Practice is on it. Both actresses are known to be frighteningly thin. For the record: Helen started it.


"Friendly group. They probably take homicides just to lighten up."

Final crossover quote: Cage (from Ally McBeal) sums up his first visit to The Practice office.

Both shows were produced by David Kelley.

Boston Legal is a spinoff of The Practice.

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"She handed me a big old sugar cookie, looked at me and said, "if you had a choice between that cookie and me, which one would you take?"...that's when I found out just how fast she was!  I had to run nearly a mile to get away from her with that cookie!"

"[Disgusted] Son, some day me and you got to have a long talk."


"I need a partner who will come into Honeymoon Lane with me. I have the license, and I have the heavy equipment." 

"Well, ma'am, them's the kinda things a man likes to find out fer himself."


"If brains was lard, that boy wouldn't have enough to grease a skillet."

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