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Are these THE end times?

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I'm pretty sure there hasn't been a generation in existence - EVER - that didn't believe they were in the "end times". Even in the Bible there's ample evidence that they believed they would see the "end" soon.

Another noteworthy example of the endtimes thinking was the Reverend Miller in upstate New York in the 1830's and 40's. He had worked out the timetable and concluded that 1843 would be the earth's last year. All the congregation got together on a specific day to meet the Lord and be taken away to Neverland. Musta got a tad awkward after a few too many hours of waiting. Anyway, the Reverend - still unabashed in his prophetic beliefs gathered his followers again a few months later, as he had revised his calculations and was sure this time. Alas, the results were about the same as before, save having surely alienated a few more parishoners by then.

Eventually the whole "ministry" broke up over the failed predictions and formed up into "splinter" groups, the most noteable being The Seventh-Day Adventist Church and the Jehovah's Witnesses...

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I was looking at a diet book, and the author had another one she'd written, "How to have a great bottom."

I think it's important, not when the Lord returns, but that we have our bottom covered -- we are good to go from the bottom to the top of us.

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Very good Kit ! With all the guesses/guessers someones bound to get it right eventually. I like Revvels synopsis about end times; I think how could anyone really be prepared for the second advent ?

As Revvel says " what if you woke up one morning and the world as you knew it had changed forever ? "

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In America, USA, where I live, there has been very little cruel bodily torture, which is the routine for such places as Iran, China, and India (Persecution.com or Open Doors for example).

I have long thought that people who were being tortured, burned at the stake, and otherwise killed because they loved the Lord Jesus Christ, would not be wont to engage in an "is this an end times" discussion. And that maybe this is what believing it's the end times is all about: Coming to the place where the importance of everything except Christ is ended.

The little Amish girl who said, "shoot me first" to buy time for the others, the little girl at Columbine who did not deny the Lord Jesus as well as the Christian whose "distinctive barritone" voice could be heard singing hymns from outside the prison where he was incarcerated -- these all had reached that place where they lived only for Christ other things were ended in their lives.

I think that's how we need to be ready for "the end times."

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A lot of people spend a lot of energy and time calculating when the end will come. As vague as the bible is on the subject, to me it doesn't make sense to try and figure it out. If the world is going to end it will end whether anyone has figured the date out or not. I would much rather spend my time enjoying the day rather than worrying if it is going to end.

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With so many countries enamoured with nukes and other deadly weapons that poison soils and atmosphere, I suspect that we could all go at any time. Or maybe it'll take a couple generations, with families dying off from radiation caused cancers etc. Not the Biblical end, and maybe not really the end of the human race, but end of life as we know it. The God of the Bible doesn't stop man from cruel and evil decisions, after all.

Where's that hundredth monkey!

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hi all


plz pardon the thickness of this simple rant

but it seems to me

that any such divine or ultimate reality

always only moves and flows in cycles within cycles of birth and death

which are always also eventually followed by rebirth into some higher order of birthing and rebirthing

a galaxy

a moon

a leaf

a forest

a life

a faith

a perspective

and this is so stubbornly






tenaciously so...

that one could even call it something like divine

and it seems that as we find all the ways there are to basically stop flinching at all the gazillion aspects of this most awesome and violent kind of truth, we can come to rely upon the endless waves of transformation that are always already upon us and will never stop coming.






as for the sign of the times o changing

there is no need to look reall hard for mysterious hidden signs

cuz signs of any eternal and radical passing are everywhere






and in one sense

in the blink of an eye

the big bang happens again

genesis happens again

and not because the world finally changed

but because we finally opened the eye to see such a thing

and like a newborn babe's....it was an eye that was already always only here

the we see that the end of time is always now

and the moment you realize that

the very awareness of Christ is here

and you are here

and we are here

and so is God

and everything that is

is simply here

as it always is

time itself vanishes

but remains as the usefull illusion it always was and will ever be

as it always has been

prior to our forgetting

the names and words we use to remember

and to tell the story of our remembering

simply always only ever changes


and so sure enough

as it is for every single person

and as it is for every single nation, tribe, or CULTure

the earth itself has its many many cycles of death and rebirth

many ages and times and come and gone





as always

yada yada yada...til the end of time

i think most anyone could agree

that some part of most everyone started to die on the year 2000

or on 9-11

or when the internet came together

or when we dropped the bomb

or invented the stirrup

just as they did in 1492

just as they did in the first century

just as they did at the dawn of humanity

in the twinkle of an eye

worlds are born

and worlds die


and so these days are different

no one can deny

many things are new


no, we dont fight and kill each other the same ways in which we used to

but we have surely gotten better at finding ways to kill each other more slowly

overpopulation of addictions, delusions, news ways to be crazy

and new things to be crazy about

widespread societal loss of adequate meaning and hope

and in mechanical, uncreative, unimaginative ways

is a kind of programmable poisonous hell on earth

that far outweighs any pagan experience of slavery and genocide


so yeah, it seems to me that are obviously in the end of many big somethings all at once

as always, but bigger then before, as always

and never what we thought it would be

and never when we thought is should be

but always now

and always coming

and alway passing


my advice...we need to find better ways to stop flinching so much

as the world dies again again again in so many infinite pieces and ways

some how

some way

cuz regardless of anything else we learn

if we learn at least this little kind of thing

we wont be such jerks to our neighbors

which is helpful if the world is falling apart around us again

as usual

happy Sunday



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and to add

i think that for some

newness = the devil

which is sad

and somewhat troubling

i think that just as predictors throughout the millenia seemed to be saying

is how its easy to spot those who reject the newness of a world being reborn

is because they cannot stand to lose the old world

there is a reaction that is akin to reacting to a mortal threat

such as a death grip on a doctrine

or a person

or a food

or a drug

or an enemy


and of course,

this is true in any age or time

"the coming of the lord is always terrifying"...naturally

especially if "the lord" simple means that wave which is simply inevitably and unavoidably coming

regardless of what we say or do about it

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and so, Dot

so as not to speak around you

or above you

i just want to say that i can also understand this fear of the end times

that, in and of itself, seems an obvious sign of the times

a lot of big changes have just passed

and we are reeling like drunks in pain

and there are more shockwaves of change upon us

and we are not ready

technological changes

environmental changes

social changes

personal changes

floods of new information

new kinds of crazy

and god knows everyone's pool of dear family and friends and enemies wont stop changing on us

we need an anchor that is real

and something better than what we have now

which is what drives us to reach deeper and higher than before

of course

because out of the collapse of any system comes a higher order

and out of new problems come newer solutions

and it seems to me

that the way of Christ is always some radically new way to die and be reborn

and so the good news is not always considered good

to those who simply dont want to die and be reborn

so we go kicking and screaming, instead

those parts of us that dont want to die

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God first

Beloved Friends

God loves you my dear friend

Are these the end times?

first I must ask for who?

If I am going to live until the age of 70 and I am now 46 it not the end of times for me but if I am going to live until age of 46 and I am now age 46 it is the end of times for me

When it is close to the time I will take my last breath then to me it will be the end of times to me

What if there are many returns of Christ and many first comings of Christ?

one first coming of Christ into your life and one return to lead you into changed -- the new body

While it seems by numbers time will run out before we enter the seven 1,000 year as we are now in the 6th 1000 year of hisory or the 6th day of God

For God's 7th day will be a day of rest

but there do we begin to count

at creation, or the day sin came

from Adam creation day in God's measurement day 1 to the 1st 1,000 years for one day or from Adam sin day in God's measurement day 1 to the 1st 1,000 years ?

The year 1997 was the 6th day to God by God's measurement from the creation begining

But 2027 will be the the 6th day to God by God's measurement from the ministry of sin

While I personally believe we are in the last days for me there are too many questions to answer

so what I say watch and be ready as if you might die the next 1,000,0000 of a second -- as a figure of speech

but we all reach to live long lives on this earth

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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i especially love the way you started that, Roy

Are these the end times?

first I must ask for who?

If I am going to live until...

cuz i think it really points at a few really important things

especially how one's very sense of identity is found in how we answer that first question

and how we have found amazingly diverse range of ways to answer it throughout the history of human experience

the shape of our perceived place in time seems very closely connected to the shape and texture of our self-sense

i mean...are we not also made of star dust?

which is already billions of years old?

are we not also the clear space between our thoughts?

btw...when did that sense of self first enter time?

did we not also mostly think the world was closing in on us

and coming to a violent end on our original birth day?

some people find their sense of identity in their physical bodies alone

and some include their clothes

and some include their house and car

some people identify with their dreams

and visit their body as a guest would visit a house

some identify strongly with their tribe, or team, or nation

and react much like a flock of birds turn as one on a breeze

and back when we were all little perinatel podlings

we thought that when our bodies were being pushed out of the womb

we identified with the womb at the time, and thought we were being ripped out of our own bodies

any such "coming of the lord" is awesome and terrifying, indeed

of course, whether we scream bloody murder or not

depends on a lot of lot of lot of things

and the end of time, it seems

comes differently to each whole

in waves and streams

and cycles and seasons

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God first

Beloved Todd or sirguessalot

God loves us all my dear friend

I wanted to just say yes but something within me moved for me to say more

O how I see a endness amount of questions on many things

Like when I was talking about the age of the earth on another board

I said more or less to true-ly answer that qustion can not be done because the math problem is so big

just for one grain of dust

one would have to know its born?

what is its purest state?

how pure is it now?

how long is it in the womb or egg?

how long is it in the stage of baby, child, in its prime, middle age, and old age?

the differ in health of a grain of dust?

does it have enough to eat?

how many things does it need to live?

what kind is it? dirt dust, mental dust, the list is endness

how fast did it decay it its purest state?

how fast does it decay now?

and everything above on the needs it needs

and this is just one thing and one have to do this on all things a lone and in every way they are mixed.

I believe everything is born, lives, and dies,

I believe everything eats, drinks, breaths and has offspring

just not in the same way we do like birds used egg out layed outside the body and we just eggs inside the body

than we could get into things like the spirit within us

how healthy is it?

how must do we feed it?

how fast is it growing?

do we know its there?

this is endless to

and how well we watch for the coming depends on how in tone we are with our spirit

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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Every minute that passes bring us closer to "the end times".

If Jesus is to be believed, no man knows the hour.

I like to say that this means the longest warning we could get would be 59 minutes,

since that would mean a man knew in LESS than an hour. :biglaugh:

Now, soon, or far in the future, I am confident there WILL be such a time.

Others are confident there will not. Some aren't sure.

Somebody's right.

No matter how you slice it, none of the positions affect how I live my life.

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Yes I think we're getting closer to the end times. I remember the day of 9/11 – I actually thought it was happening! It's scary how quickly reason can go out the window in a major catastrophic event! :confused:

When it comes to the topic of the Rapture, the Return of Christ, end times, etc. I often recall the irresponsible attitudes TWI's teachings fostered. I remembered traveling to a big area meeting with our branch coordinator – the whole trip he kept encouraging me to loosen up on my purse strings at restaurants [what little money my wife and I had living the "more than abundant TWI lifestyle" :biglaugh: ] – and it was usually chipping in more than our share towards the check. As always he'd launch into one of his polished, slick salesman mode of monologues referring to the imminent return of Christ justifying such a cavalier attitude towards finances. Sorry to bring this up in doctrinal but I thought it's an important aspect – how doctrine affects practice.

Since I left TWI I try to focus more on the here and now – and what my Lord wants me to do – and the short answer is ---- live responsibly! That is His point in Matthew 25:1-13 about the 10 bridesmaids – 5 wise bridesmaids brought extra oil since they didn't know when the bridegroom was returning. And I also think about Paul's words in II Thessalonians 3:7-13. After talking about the Rapture and the Return of Christ [in both I and II Thessalonians] Paul in this passage mentions how he and the others with him did not live an undisciplined life – but they actually worked for a living! Not like the busybodies in verse 11 that didn't work.

I think sometimes when we focus on end times stuff – we forget about our own "end time" – what time we each have left to live. I think of Jesus' parable in Luke 12:16-21 of the rich man planning to build more storage barns – not knowing he will die that night. Jesus' comment was that the man didn't plan on storing any riches with God. This passage makes me add some forward thinking to the idea of living responsibly here and now from Matthew 25 and II Thessalonians 3. I'm to gear up for whatever is next on God's timetable – by living responsibly for God right now!

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HERE"S a guy with a really strange take on the matter, that I found while reading the papers today.

GOP delaying 2nd coming

Even if you believed in a literal second coming , Im hard pressed to think Bush has all that much power to stop JC from doing his thing, but then again he is the devil isnt he? :wink2:


This guy is taking donations and flying around in his own 747 to preach this.

gee who woulda guessed?

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Voters should oust congressional Republican leaders because U.S. foreign policy is delaying the second coming of Jesus Christ, according to a evangelical preacher trying to influence closely contested political races.

He is probably making the IRS sit up and take notice since he's directly calling for the voting out of specific politicians, and the IRS don't like that coming from groups who are exempt from paying taxes.


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