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Spiritual Discernment in Aurora, CO


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I listen to Bill O'Riley on Fox regularly. Sometimes he makes me want to pull what's left of my hair out. He's brilliant but he hasn't a clue about the very essense of life which you and I know is spiritual. He's got that microphone that millions of people, mostly Christians listen to, as if he has something so important to say hat we need to put down whatever we have in our hands or minds and take heed, and yet he demonstrates regularly his lack of understanding of what is truly important. Tonight in his "Talking Points Memo," he said that "no one understands why something like what happened in Colorado in that movie theater take place. Something so basic as how good and evil works and he's a blank making tens of millions a year. Geezzz, he must be brilliant, someone, I want to listen to, to heed. Then, because of his influence, he tells the country that they do not know why things like this happen either. Some people, born again Christians, heard his compelling statement and swollowed it hook line and sinker, because of their lack of conviction and understanding of the Scripture and it strikes uncertainty and even fear in their hearts. Neither God nor the Adversary work in mysterious ways. Being stupid in this day and time is a personal decision. This tradgedy was done by a troubled and devil possessed man who had no friends or close associates who were instructed in the manifestations of holy spirit. Or, who were familiar with the Stability of Our Times, God's Word, or, frankly, even good horse sense. Had that power-filled circle been in place, he'd probably not have been in that theater last night. He planned this for weeks, gathering fire arms, explosives, body armour, chemicals, wireing, etc. He dropped out of medical school a month ago. Hello! These things telegraph that something very unusual and probably important, not to mention, devilish, is going on to anyone who cares about this man. I cannot imagine that someone displaying this behavior around believers and true friends would have gone unconfronted. Not to mention being delivered as he sat in a teaching or sharing of God's Word by someone being energized by God's spirit. Or reported to the authorties. Life is real damn serious - exactly why we all need a savior and why we need a household of friends who speak the truth in love.

This was penned by none other than John Reynolds.

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The whole thing comes off like regurgitated party line talking points used to sell the class and reads like it was written by an 18y/o.

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This tradgedy was done by a troubled and devil possessed man who had no friends or close associates who were instructed in the manifestations of holy spirit. Or, who were familiar with the Stability of Our Times, God's Word, or, frankly, even good horse sense

Too bad they are hoarding those kind of resources in little old Auglaize County..

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"Neither God nor the adversary works in mysterious ways."


So you know as much as God?

And a convenient way to make yourself feel safe - after all, YOU would have known. The shooter couldn't have gotten you. You are special.

No sympathy for the lives cut unnecessarily short. No sympathy for the families.

After all, those people are less than God's REAL believers in The Way.

And if a "believer" had been one of the victims, they would have been deserving of being shot, because God would have told them, right?

F**king a$$#oles. They are less than human.

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Devil spirits!!

Yeah, if only they'd had the greatest class the world has ever known since rocks were invented, they would have exercised the revelation manifestations and averted the whole scenario.

"I cannot imagine that someone displaying this behavior around believers and true friends would have gone unconfronted. Not to mention being delivered as he sat in a teaching or sharing of God's Word by someone being energized by God's spirit."


I guess he's forgotten that 1,000's of piffle grads sat through the advanced class, listening to the ramblings of a man who, by his own definition, must have been RIDDLED with those pesky, little rascals. Do I really need to cite the advanced class silly-bus on this? (pages 20 & 21, if you're interested.) So, if this stuff is real, how come nobody got "revelation" about Wierdwilly?


I love this part, too:

"He dropped out of medical school a month ago. Hello! These things telegraph that something very unusual and probably important, not to mention, devilish, is going on to anyone who cares about this man."

Yep, any time someone drops out of medical school, it's an obvious sign something spiritual is going on.....

Hello! Med school is a tough row to hoe...boogie man or no boogie man.


"I listen to Bill O'Riley on Fox regularly."

Oh, OK, now I think I see the problem.

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"I listen to Bill O'Riley on Fox regularly."

Oh, OK, now I think I see the problem.

I was going to say something like that, but I refrained myself..


I wonder what part of *Mr* O'Rileys tirades made him feeling like pulling the rest of his hair out..


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His whole rant is just plain harsh. Complete lack of empathy, sympathy, no love whatsoever. Just railing on people because a tragedy happened that claimed innocent lives. I am sure John Reynolds would have been able to avert the tragedy. Oh wait, he hasn't left New Knoxville in years so all his spiritual prowess is tucked away in the corn fields of Shelby County/Auglaize counties. :evildenk:

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I was also going to mention the pressure that grad students face. Yes, I was one.. competing against twenty-some olds..

The pressure is incredible..

it's like.. well..

I could see how somebody could really go over the deep end here..

myself.. I entered in with the realistic thought that there would be no results guaranteed.

The best thing that happened to me was in the first semester I received a C- in a required course. That in itself almost guarantees failure..

You don't need "friends" or dates.. or acquaintances to make it through the program.. you need mercy.. heh


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I cannot imagine that someone displaying this behavior around believers and true friends would have gone unconfronted. Not to mention being delivered as he sat in a teaching or sharing of God's Word by someone being energized by God's spirit. Or reported to the authorties.

So.. *Mr* Reynolds. Since you have all of that.. you lay the consequences of this disaster squarely at your own feet because of your own lack of diligence..

I mean.. how many other disasters of the week did you have to wade through this week? None other in the news that I am aware of..

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Reynolds was a trustee when Craig was president. Why did he never operate the manifestations to avoid the Allen lawsuit and save the many victims from Martindale's sexual predations?

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Reynolds was a trustee when Craig was president. Why did he never operate the manifestations to avoid the Allen lawsuit and save the many victims from Martindale's sexual predations?

Now, now... that was a ONE TIME CONSENSUAL affair.

Everyone knows that.

(And that is what they mean by an in depth spiritual awareness.)

And... it was an attack on The Word by the adversary. Don't you know that?

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Now, now... that was a ONE TIME CONSENSUAL affair.

Everyone knows that.

(And that is what they mean by an in depth spiritual awareness.)

And... it was an attack on The Word by the adversary. Don't you know that?

Thanks for the doctrine, reproof, and correction to get me back on the word. :biglaugh:

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I listen to Bill O'Riley on Fox regularly. Sometimes he makes me want to pull what's left of my hair out. He's brilliant but he hasn't a clue about the very essense of life which you and I know is spiritual. He's got that microphone that millions of people, mostly Christians listen to, as if he has something so important to say hat we need to put down whatever we have in our hands or minds and take heed, and yet he demonstrates regularly his lack of understanding of what is truly important. Tonight in his "Talking Points Memo," he said that "no one understands why something like what happened in Colorado in that movie theater take place. Something so basic as how good and evil works and he's a blank making tens of millions a year. Geezzz, he must be brilliant, someone, I want to listen to, to heed. Then, because of his influence, he tells the country that they do not know why things like this happen either.....

Yeah, John Reynolds......you tell 'em like you see 'em. You're standing in twi's cornfield cult with the spiritual wherewithal to know what's happening all around you [/sarc]. Wierwille built his cult on lies, plagairism, manipulation, predation and exploiting the youth's time, labor and future. Have you seen this evil, John? Apparently not.....you're STILL there.

Twi exploits and hoards every penny they can squeeze outta their followers.

What is it now? 54 Million in twi assets/investments now? I forget.

No community involvement....no food banks.....no helping the underprivileged.

Staff kids have no money for college.....so the taxpayer-funded pell grants assist them.

That's twi.....sucking every last cent to be lauded as a worldwide corporation.

Twi is the antithesis of true, good-Samaritan, Christianity.

C'mon, John. Twi is in lockstep with the world.

Their LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil.

The love of power and control.

Twi has its "demons"........just like the U.S.A. has its "demons."

The difference?

Twi exploited unsuspecting youth. The government exploits the taxpaying public.

Click Here --- US debt visualized

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Never heard O'reilly on his show. He appeared on an episode of Rizzoli and Isles. I think Isles is sexier than Rizzoli. Angie Harmon is just too pretty, too well chizzled. I wonder if she is what John Lennon meant by "she's so good looking that she looks like a man". She was like that on Law and Order, too. But O'reilly was on that show. He sounds like Rush Limbaugh. I like some of what he says, but don't agree with him on other stuff; he's got his blind spots.

As for John Reynolds, he sounds like he really really thinks twi is the only thing relevant in the whole universe. Glad it's him and not me. He probably posted that on Facebook, Ham. Jesus once referred to Galilleans whose blood Pilate mingled with their sacrifices. He didn't say it could have been prevented by anyone being spiritually plugged in.

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As for John Reynolds, he sounds like he really really thinks twi is the only thing relevant in the whole universe.

Wierwille's booklet, LifeLines, is full of this "twi is the center of the universe" diatribe.

Wierwille instituted the "salt covenant equals commitment to twi" to ALL his corps and clergy.

Martindale was known for his yell-fests of ALL THINGS TWI. He blatantly notched it up a few levels.

Geer came across the pond to pontificate "Get Back to The Word"...in other words, follow wierwille you deviants!

RosaLIE uses her "administrative control levers" to push the wierwille-indoctrination.....AGAIN.

Even dozens of splinter groups have to use twi-lite messaging to keep followers involved.

Twi buzzword phrases like "stand on the word" are still commonplace in ex-followers' braincells.

Talk about 'spiritual discernment?'......how very few to this day even see the INDOCRINATION OF EVIL by twi.

Christianity is 'relevant' when Jesus is lord, savior and mediator in one's life......NOT TWI.


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