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Is "Dr. Laura" broadcast in your areas?


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Do you guys get this Dr. Laura that counsels people over the radio? Is that just here in Oregon, or farther away?

She is very smart, and has a lot of good principle.

What stood out one day, was a certain conversation. She told a caller that it was foolish to counsel the person or advise them based off talking to that one individual, without having another person involved.

She said basically stated it was not possible to handle a 2 person problem with only one side of the story.

I suppose it's like determining that money is genuine without examining all the aspects.

After a couple of weeks of listening to the show, it hit me, most of this lady's counsel is about mulitiple person problems; giving advice to one person with only that person's side of the story.

Do you have anything like that in your area, and what do you think about that form of counseling?

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I think call in shows are fairly unreliable ways to get personal counselling from what I've heard, although they are entertaining in a voyeuristic kind of way I guess. I've heard Dr. Laura's show a couple times, not enough to really know much about her. The whole thing seemed very weird but a lot of people enjoy that stuff. "Principle" - I dunno, MD, not sure what you mean by that.

I do like Bruce Williams though, listened to him on and off for years. Whole different deal, business and financial advice.

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It isn't "counseling." It's entertainment.

I listened to Dr. Laura years ago. Her show was broadcast during the late afternoons and I would listen while I was picking up kids and running errands. At first I liked her no-nonsense approach. But over time I became increasingly annoyed with her until her screeching became intolerable. I still remember the last radio broadcast I listened to -- it must have been eight years ago or so -- a woman phoned in because she wanted to know if it would be ethical to have her husband's best friend since childhood (who was traveling from another state) stay at her home as a house guest. Evidently the friend was recently divorced and newly engaged, and the caller felt she would be disloyal to his first wife, whom she still considered a friend. What do you think? Should she have had him as a guest?

Well, it didn't take Dr. Laura long to diagnose this woman's problem. Evidently (according to Dr. Laura) she had some sort of personality disorder, else she wouldn't have married a man who had a friend who was so fickle. Dr. Laura spent the few minutes she had her on the phone reaming her out for being such a poor judge of character, for not having chosen a better husband. I turned off her show and never tuned in again. Now I listen to Fresh Air if I'm out and about around that time. I have no idea if her show is even still broadcast around here.

If you enjoy it, by all means, listen in. I wouldn't take any of it too seriously, though. It's all about ratings and market share. Good principle? You may be giving her too much credit.

socks: I used to love Bruce Williams. Is he still around? It's been years and years since I've listened to talk radio.

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I used to listen to a talk radio station at work and they took off a really good local call-in guy to put on this Dr. Laura. Trying to save a buck, I guess.

I listened to her for a while until I couldn't stand her any more. It amazed me that people would even call her to subject themselves to all that abuse. Some goober would call in and say he was living with his girlfriend, a subject that really sets her off. She'd go ballistic and rip this guy a new one about "shacking up," and 20 minutes later another dork would call in with the same story and get the same treatment. I didn't get it.

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Yes it's really her. The photos became quite the bruhaha when they first hit the net, about 8 years ago. First they denied that there were any photos, then that the photos must be fake, finally, "yeah, O.K., I did it. But I'm reeeeeaaally sorry about it now."

Here's an article about it from Salon:


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I CAN'T STAND Laura Schlessinggooper or whatever her name is. Where does she get the "dr." part from anyway?

I think her and Nancy Grace should team up. We can have two self righteous judgmental bitches standing on their pedestals telling everyone how screwed up everyone but them are.

To answer the question. Last I heard in "Robert Feders" column in the Chicago Suntimes. Chicago said good riddance to the self proclaimed anointed so holy I can walk on water witch years ago.

Hey sorry if I sound harsh, but you asked!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh I just read Oaks part of why she's a Dr. Okay. I guess I'll go around calling myself Saint Rottie since technically according to the bible I'm a Saint.

Again I'm sorry if I sound ignorant, but as far as I'm concerned the only ones who I'm going to call DR. are the ones who can prescribe me drugs.

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We live in San Diego which picks up KFI in Los Angeles, which is where Dr. Laura broadcasts from, or started at anyway.

I've been listening to her since 1991 or so. I think she's interesting, but I don't take everything she says totally seriously.

I'd NEVER call in! She has gone through different phases, it seems to me, as far as her harshness.

One woman called in and said she couldn't decide whether she wanted to "commit" herself to the guy she already lived with and who was the father of her 3 kis.

Naturally, Dr. Laura went ballistic!! I thought the caller was pretty dumb too, both because of her attitude towards her kids' father and that she was stupid enough to call in.

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socks: I used to love Bruce Williams. Is he still around? It's been years and years since I've listened to talk radio.

SWEET! I don't know Laleo, I have't been able to get him regularly on the station up here in Northern Cal, in our location. I'll have to check around. He's great.

I agree, these personal counselling shows are mostly for entertainment, otherwise why would they be on the radio? You could have call in counselling without broadcasting it over the airwaves to the whole world. If it's for the benefit of the listeners there's a limited value there. MD, you hit the nail on the head. Unless you AT LEAST have all the parties involved with a situation all you can do is give best-guess advice. You have no way of knowing if what you're hearing is the truth. All you can do is make some basic assumptions based on what you're hearing.

Take a site like GS - you won't find all the parties involved posting about a lot of the situations that end up here. How much is one side's opinion? How much is being left out? How much forgotten?

I made a joke once, not trying to be mean, that WayDale was populated by all the good people from the Way because rarely did any of us posting there (or here for that matter) portray themselves as being wrong, bad or evil. We were never the "corps nazi's" that hurt 1000's. Can't remember anyone saying "I got in the Way to get some tush and maybe pick up a few bucks on the side". It's always the other guy/girl person that did that or acted like that. All of us just got in the Way because we loved God and wanted to do some good. Right? icon_smile.gif:)-->

Which isn't to say that may not be the case. I only know a few posters here outside the board, but overall the general impression I get is that while many of our own past circumstances may have been difficult, for the most part if a loving and common sense approach had been taken by anyone in a "leadership" capacity AND some basic lines had been drawn as to what was up for discussion and what should be left personal (instead of so many people insisting that they were qualified to advise in every part of life because they'd have a little exposure to some bible teaching) things would have been a lot easier to figure out and deal with.

That's what I tried to do, let others make their own decisions and help and support as I could. But then....I was one of the Good Ones, right? icon_biggrin.gif:D--> I was just trying to do some good.

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