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The L.E.A.D. accident. What happened?


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For what it's worth icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

I've read HCW's account of what happened, and it is pretty much the exact same story that I heard shortly after the accident happened, and then later after Rochelle died.

HCW, you've done an amazing job of telling your story, and expressing so many of the thoughts and emotions that went along with it. Although your perspective is unique, I can safely say, maybe suggest, that your experience of what really happened mirrors that of many who were involved. Thanks for so eloquently verbalizing what needs to be said.


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Thanks for telling us this was Rochelle. I assumed it was...but wasn't sure.

OK...you asked, so I'm gonna have to say.

Yes, I have felt snubbed. I thought it was because HCW ... you and I got off on the wrong foot in the chat room the night before you decided to post this story. So, I didn't want to say anything and figured you had enough to deal with on this thread.

And, I also thought it was because I felt that what some of what Satori had to say had some validity to it.

I figured I was just on the poop list. Not the first time I guess. I wasn't hurt, just puzzled I suppose.

I'm not the 'in your face' kinda poster, so I shy away from harsh, confrontational posts. I don't engage in those sorts of battles here on GS or in my life if I can avoid it.

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Notice how the suspenders match the red stripe in the socks.

I told you, I took extra stuff. anim-smile.gif I had softsoled running shoes for when we were hangin around camp. Kept my boots for climbing & hiking.

I bet had this been during more recent times they would think me to be gay!

Just a little style is all.

Can't tell you how much it means to me to share these pictures with you.

Special thanks to BLUEZEMAN for making his server space available!

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I wasn't mad about that night in the Chatroom! You were only expressing yourself, honestly.

It really didn't bother me. I wasn't ignoring you, I just didn't know if it's illegal in New Mexico to transport people in the back of a pickup truck.

I would never blacklist anybody. Growing up a poor black kid from "da hood," I've been blacklisted all my life. When one has experienced people changing the side of the street they're walking on or locking their car doo in the mall parking lot because you walk by one gets sensitive to blacklist type of stuff.

Sorry you felt that way.

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I dunno. Here's a hypothetical. If I were the Corps Coordinator at Emporia, and I had a young woman under my responsibility come back from LEAD with terrible injuries, and depression, and on prescription pain killers (at the very least) - I might have two choices, give or take:

1. We make every effort to nurse her back to health right here on the premises, arrange for a good doctor, and physical therapy, and surround her with the love of God in Christ, and all the longsuffering and believing of "God's best," the Way Corps, setting a great example for the entire Corps of unconditional love - yeah, "No one left behind!"


2. Now that's she's become a real pain in the foot, and I'm getting flack (a.k.a., "nazi'd") from upstairs at HQ, she's outta here! Pack it up and hit the road, baby. You're somebody else's problem, as of now. Don't let the door hit you in the foot on the way out! Bless you abundantly, and elsewhere.

Decisions, decisions. Hmm, WWJD? (What would Jesus Judas do?)

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Originally posted by satori001:

I dunno. Here's a hypothetical. If I were the Corps Coordinator at Emporia, and I had a young woman under my responsibility come back from LEAD with terrible injuries, and depression, and on prescription pain killers (at the very least) - I might have two choices, give or take:

1. We make every effort to nurse her back to health right here on the premises, arrange for a good doctor, and physical therapy, and surround her with the love of God in Christ, and all the longsuffering and believing of "God's best," the Way Corps, setting a great example for the entire Corps of _unconditional _love - yeah, "No one left behind!"

Decisions, decisions. Hmm, WWJD? (What would Jesus Judas do?)

Virtually every other christian church in the US would consider charity giving and helping people as things on their must do list. Especially so if a member of the congregation were injured while participating in some church sponsored activity.

They would do everything they could do and then help you connect with others that would help you.

Yeah, VP was pretty slick about that, He said let the others provide soup kitchens and help the poor, we are going to teach people the word. If TWI helped it's discards at all, it helped them get some sort of welfare assistance. The last few years, even HQ staff was directed to get government assistence for health problems as I recall.

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Whatever our differences satori, I have to agree with that one.

I believe there was ONLY one choice. If one SAYs he's Christian, the only choice is completely immerse the injured party in love & caring.

The other choice, the Judas way, is NOT very Christian, now is it?

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Howard, thank you for continuing your story and for the wonderful pictures. Love your suspenders man. icon_razz.gif:P-->

Recently someone taught me about the care for what I'll term as homeless. Being raised in an area of the country where the welfare and government programs encouraged dependency on others rather than personal accountability helped form an opinion. Then I was taught twi's hard edge on charity towards those not in the household. I'll not then state the obvious as to my mindset. But recently someone taught me about helping to restore a person's dignity. Like a light bulb I knew I had erred and although I still believe the system (programs) to be broken I see the person in a different light. One never encouraged, to my knowledge, especially in the latter years where we were not even to witness to someone unless they met a minimum requirement. They had to be at a certain station in life to be worthy to come to fellowship. Yeah, charity fell real short there.

Thankfully it didn't fall short in all lives.

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Yeah HCW,

Don't you know we were the best, the holy ones who knew it, dare I say; the superior ones. Let the plodding ordinary christians do the plodding ordinary things.

[With the music of The Impossible Dream in the background]

We the Royal Knighthood of La Mancha would be tilting at the spiritual windmills.of The Enchanter to gain the "Golden Helmet" of Mambrino. Meanwhile, The Padre and his co-conspirators are playing with Dulcinea backstage.

(Beware the Knight of the Mirrors!)

Besides, ordinary christians really couldn't understand our advanced selves anyway.

Actually, I got along with regular christians quite well, though it was good to agree to avoid certain subjects with some folks. All born again are in a spiritual brotherhood of equals that can in no wise be broken.

Through all the self concratulatory rhetoric, you sort of ended up expecting we would end up on the hill at the base of the throne of heaven. All the other christians would be out in the suburbs somewhere.

(Can you imagine that VP and The Loy'd expect to get seats near the throne, next to Paul and Peter.)

posted by HCW

I wanted to help people, not just OUR people, they weren't OUR people anyways...

Amen to that. The good that was in twi was in the good christian hearts of those 'ordinary' wayfers who kept the real truth of God's Word. We were humble enough to know it was God and not us that was special. We wanted to do good with people because God had been so good with us.

But TWI had other plans for us.

Thinking of the picture with you in it, I know I remember seeing a young black man with similiar coordinated clothing, probably at HQ. You stood out in your quietly elegant way, and were not unnoticed.


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I can tell you I've answered every private message I've recieved and ever email that I've received also.

Well, actually, I wrote you a private msg. the first day I saw the thread saying hello and sending you well wishes AND spoke to you several times on the thread and was never acknowledged until now. So, hello and thx!!!!

Not whinning, just trying to communicate.

I do wish you well and thank you for posting all of this. It brought back the anger I had when we were told in residence not to talk about it anymore.

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