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Triple Movie Links Game


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Legally Blonde 2

Sally Fields

Mrs. Doubtfire

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Actually Cuba Gooding Jr. was in Gladiator from the early 90's about some teen boxers. But no need to backtrack. Of course the Gladiator movie with Joaquin Phoenix is a much better movie, and more well known.

To continue . . .

Pierce Brosnan

The Thomas Crown Affair

Rene Russo

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Cape Fear

Robert DeNero

Analyze This

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Billy Crystal

When Harry Met Sally

Meg Ryan


Raf, in regards to

May as well keep going (but in the future, try to clarify which movie you're NOT talking about, so we can make sure the links are good).

is this what you mean I should have done?

As Good as it Gets

Cuba Gooding, Jr.

Gladiator (not the most recent one with Russell Crowe)


Suda (still struggling with the rules, but trying to play nicely)

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Whatever you think works: and you're playing nicely. I was just trying to offer a suggestion to help avoid a similar misstep in the future.

Maybe: Gladiator (1992: not to be confused with the best picture winner from 2000).

Or something like that.

Of course, YOU're not the one who blundered.

George St. George: did you ACTUALLY think Cuba Gooding Jr. was in Gladiator (2000)? Oh my God, Becky! Back to the Traxx marathon for you!

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Actually, a lot of people have bit parts that I've missed in movies, so CGJ in Gladiator wasn't out of the question. I does make sense to put a year on a movie title that's been used more than once, to keep us from getting Matthew Broderick...The Producers...Gene Wilder, etc.


Lori Petty

Tank Girl

Malcolm McDowell


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