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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2016 in all areas

  1. I think the realization they were able to keep so much hidden speaks volumes about just how corrupt and deceptive the whole operation was.
    1 point
  2. Direct the question to yourself. Without ANY tangible anything, you made a comment that has one purpose: to say it wasn't as bad as the first hand testimony and accounts on GSC have described it. You stated a claim but provided ZERO evidence or even description of conditions on which you based that claim. So, the question applies to you, not me. I'm not the expert. Those with first hand experiences that they dared to set forth at GSC ARE the experts on that experience and culture. If you intend to refute those experts, you have to do more than just make a statement that it wasn't as bad as they led you to believe.
    1 point
  3. Twinky, you are so right!! I had no idea until I came to the GSC that so many women had been assaulted by VPW, LCM, CG, ect. Hell, I had no idea of all the evil games that people played in Way World. I think many of us were never told of what happened behind-the-scenes in various Twigs. Coming to the GSC, has been so eye-opening in so many ways!!!! Twinky, I was in Way World from 1978-1988. I met some really great people who wanted to live Godly lives, and asked for nothing in return. I know this because, I was one of those people. Twinky, when I first read that so many women had gone thru hell in trying to live Godly lives, I felt so angry!!! I wanted to go to NK and p--s on VPW's grave. I felt so betrayed!!! Not only had I been betrayed, but I had been lied too for years, and years. Twinky, now I know that for so many of us in TWI, we had given so much, only to find out years later that we had been taken advantage of. Twinky, I felt so guilty that I gave my money to The Way for so long without knowing the evil ways it was being used.!! I know God has forgiven me for this, but it was hard for me to forgive myself. When that woman described in detail, here in GSC, how she had been assaulted by one of the top men in TWI, I cried, and cried.!!! How could so much sin, and wickness be allowed to continue in TWI??!! If I had known about about all the wickness going on in TWI, I would have left and taken my ABS with me!!! Twinky, I can not believe that so many people in leadership positions knew that women were being raped, and did NOTHING about it!!!!! How sick can people be??!! Now, I know why; it was always about the money!! Money, lust, and power!! So many of the leaders of TWI craved these things. They did not care that so many people were hurt so badly just to give these a--holes what they wanted when they wanted it. OMG!! How damn evil and sick can men be??!! Twinky, I have learned so much about the sinfulness of TWI since coming to the GSC. But, I wish I had known back in 1978, what I know today about it. I would have gotten out much, much sooner!! hell
    1 point
  4. Grace, it wasn't just one woman who was raped or otherwise sexually assaulted by VPW. There were very many. Very many. And it wasn't just assault by VPW but by LCM and other top leaders. Well - some weren't even "top leaders." And they weren't even all just American leaders. What I'm saying is that "Word over the World" aka Assault over the World, was just that. Assault over the (Way) World.
    1 point
  5. So, let's see. VP (You know he wasn't really a Dr., don't you?) Wierwille died from cancer. Uncle (He was somebody's uncle, but not mine.) Harry died from cancer. Don Wierwille died from cancer.....I'm starting to think they may not have known as much about cancer as they thought they did.
    1 point
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