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Everything posted by Ttessa

  1. Mandatory Draft Bill Snuck In - To Be Debated 6-6-6 On February 14, 2006, Congressman Charles Rangel (Democrat - NY) introduced a bill (Universal National Service Act of 2006 - HR 4752 IH) aiming at drafting everyone - men and women alike - from the ages of 18 to 42 into the military for a minimum period of 2 years. Or to quote the bill: "To provide for the common defense by requiring all persons in the United States, including women, between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes." The House is to convene on June 6 (06/06/06] to debate and possibly adopt this bill, that is, unless a vast public outcry succeeds in derailing this insanity, which you can do by writing a letter of protest to your congress person through http://www.conservativeusa.org/mega-cong.htm or http://www.webslingerz.com/jhoffman/congress-email.html Phone calls are even better. The numbers of all US Representatives are at: http://clerk.house.gov/members/index.html If you question the validity of this bill, go to: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h109-4752 http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c109:H.R.4752
  2. If you have a Cracker Barrel Old Country Store in your area, you have a lot of the old-timey candies & gum. I've seen Mary Janes, Bit O Honey, the wax bottles filled with colored 'water', Black Jack gum, Beeman's gum, Teaberry gum (the old chewing gums are my favorites). Apparently, Ace Hardware still deals with Lestoil. Online, you can buy it by the case. I've bought Bon Ami in the last few years - but can't remember where. Probably Dollar General store. Are they only in the South?
  3. The Billboard Days In those days, I was using the nick 'Redeemed'....long story why I changed it (nothing to do with the billboard project) . My participation in the project was to help Jimextwi coordinate and communicate the details. There was also a military guy, Jeff, who tried to help with collecting the contributions for the costs of the billboard. There were lots of ideas & suggestions of what to put on the billboard, where the billboard should be placed, etc, etc. 'We' posted on Waydale the goals, and the hurdles (being the expenses) and asked those who wanted to contribute to send what they could. We didn't want to post anyone's address directly on the Internet, so a system had to be worked out to 'screen' givers without offending them (emotions ran high on every topic, it seemed) before giving them Jim's address. As money started pouring in, Jim had some personal problems - I can't remember now, if it was moving several thousand miles or his health or his wife's health. But I quickly found out that trying to e-mail Jeff & Jim was not an acountant's dream LOL. Communication was a challenge I didn't expect, and emotions ruled over practicality IMO when it came to accounting for the contributions. At some point AFTER the billboard was up successfully, I realized that there were many questions about how much money was contributed and where it was because Jim claimed that much of the expense came out of his pocket. But no one was actually keeping track, apparently, of how much money was contributed. At some point he or someone else told me that the quoted cost was covered. I still have paper copies of all the e-mails, posts, and notes I took - in case anyone ever seriously questioned what happened to the money that was contributed. My memories are foggy of the whole event, but I thought there was another billboard that said something to the effect of " The Emporer has no clothes." - or "Grease spots by midnight? No, I don't think so."......or maybe those were some of the submitted ideas for consideration. We held some kind of Waydale vote, didn't we? Those were the days......
  4. I can't remember exactly what I heard, but I thought one of the tv newscasters said, before Katrina, that Cat 4 was the worst on the scale, that a Cat 5 had never been experienced yet. Is Cat 5 a new category? Will the NWS make a new category if the next one is stronger than Cat 5? Where can I get this information?
  5. Paw I've been using Mozilla for some time now - love it. What is the name of that plug=in?
  6. Yep - it IS faster. And that's quite an accomplishment for a computer (mine) on dial-up! Thanks Paw
  7. This takes a few minutes to load - but it's worth the wait...... http://mypage.bluewin.ch/screenclean/
  8. Ttessa

    Terri Schiavo Dies

    I originally heard aboutTerri Sheivo at least two years ago. A friend who emails me often and who also sent many emails regarding his desire to see Roe vs Wade overturned, was the first one to tie this Sheivo matter to abortion. He is my friend but we don't agree on every issue that we've discussed. I don't understand (I can't relate by imagining) many points on either of these issues. Which makes me think that I'm not alone in not understanding some of the arguements. So, at what point do I, Ttessa, decide to allow my 'feelings' (intuition) to color my final opinion? That's always a hard question and I instinctively lean to the 'rational thought' side rather than the 'emotional'. For some reason I suppose it's 'smarter' to suppress the feelings & emotion. But the feelings and emotions are there for some reason. So, maybe it's not so 'smart' to squash them. Mark, Thank you for your comments. I agree that "truth was a victim in this case." I don't have enough information about Terri Schiavo to say that I "advocate" permitting her death. I don't think any of us who must rely on the media reports can possibly be confident about which pertinent facts we believe. If Terri was only functioning with her brain stem, If Terri actually could not swallow on her own ability, if, if if........ There are a lot of factors that that I would consider if I were to systematically analyze the issue. But honestly, I've just spent about 45 minutes writting the last two sentences (trying to find the right words to express what my thoughts are). I grasp at facts and they dissappear ......it's kind of like trying to grab mercury. I don't know. I'm just glad it wasn't me who had to make that decision. Should I have been euthanized rather than rehabilitated? Um, my understanding of the concept of 'euthanasia' is that the act is a purposeful, intentional act to end the life of a living person, although motivated by mercy for their circumstances. That wasn't an issue with me. I was never on life support of any kind. I am not opposed to the concept of euthanasia, but think every person merits individual consideration. For those of us who have the ability to make a Living Will - I think we should. And we should make a legal statement about how we wish our dead bodies to be treated. Autopsy or not? Burial or creamation? I do not like the idea of 'policy' or 'law' deciding those issues for myself. My opinions about my own circumstance are complicated; they're affected by many many experiences, both good and bad. Overall, I am proud of my accomplishments and grateful that my circumstances are mine. I deal with what I've been given. I've experienced hardships that very few can understand. So, as I wrote my post a wide variety of feelings surfaced. I know of no one who shares my exact circumstances, so whether my "opinion is universally true" or not doesn't figure into my purpose for relating my thoughts and feelings. Some of the posters on this forum are really complete in their writtings and I marvel at their ability. I appreciate the effectiveness of presenting one's opinion in such a manner. I am and have been frustrated at the limitations I experience. Truth is, I don't know if "complete expression" is a learned ability or a cognitive function. Either way - I had to think long & hard about whether or not to post anything at all. On that Ben Franklin T technique - the Don't side had a lot more reasons than the Do side. The Do side said - You have a unique perspective, a gift, you should share it for the benefit of someone who might be comforted by a your perspective. I wasn't sure than anyone would read my post. I am surprised at the responses to it - both in variety and number. But I hope you will try to understand that I'm not willing to get into any more specifics than I've already revealed in this public forum. My email address is available for anyone who wants it. Thank you to all of you who posted supportive comments. They lightened my heart. MJ412 - yep, I've often offered my perspectives and experiences to motivate others who can benefit from my help. I am active in Brain Injury Support groups locally, and always try to inspire hope.
  9. Ttessa

    Terri Schiavo Dies

    I really think that the folks who've taken a 'position' on Terri's demise, have done so with 'good intentions', little accurate information, and even less honest thought. I realize that what follows will not change everyone's position. I admit that I am lacking in skills of persuasion but perhaps my experiences with 'brain damage' will help a few understand some of the issues. I was ( still am) significantly brain damaged due to a stroke when I was age 21. It was caused by a blood clot. I was totally paralyzed on one side, and left with aphasia. In my case, I could not speak nor could I understand language for a time. I still have difficulty speaking and hearing. To this day (more than 30 years later) an MRI shows that a significant portion of my brain is 'dead'. There are certain, specific mental tasks that I cannot do in spite of a higher than average IQ. Physically, besides the weakness on one side of my body, I also have a difficult time swallowing and have choked while drinking water to the point of fainting. (Swallowing is, I'm told, a common problem among stroke survivors) Losing brain cells is a far, far cry from a coma! The cells are dead - they no longer function. They are not 'asleep'. There is no function - no memory, no thought, no awareness - to the dead cells. The best way I can relate the experience of "dead brain cells" is this - For many years, each time someone asked me a question that I'd not been asked before - I would pause, search my brain for my response, and often I would simply say, "I don't know." Because, if you can imagine, my brain had NO response, no answer... nothing - a huge empty cavern. This would happen no matter the type of question. "Would you like to meet for lunch this week?" "What year is this?" "What day is it today?" "Would you like to teach our Bible Study group about this topic you've studied?" "Why didn't you see that?" "Who is the President of the United States?".........the first time a person posed these exact questions to me, I had no answer. I 'drew' a total blank. Answers to questions sometimes warranted a systematic analysis of facts known to me. I can not do that (it's a higher cognitive function). The questions that simply ask for facts became easy, once I discovered the answer - I retained it. (Some might call that "learning") To this day, I must use specific coping techniques to recognize when the situation calls for me using more coping techniques to respond to situations that require systematic analysis. (Writting is much easier for me, than speaking. And in this statement, I am using some of the coping techniques to relay my experiences. I do not claim or intend to persuade by means of logic or any 'system' of thought leading to a conclusion - except what seems to me to be obvious ......although, it is hard for me to 'stay on topic' because I do have a lot of emotional baggage hanging on to these memories). Shortly after my injury, neurologists told my friends and family that I would NOT recover, that I would stay mute, non-responsive and paralyzed. (Just goes to show - doctors don't know everything). I have been able to relearn some cognitive skills - basically, I understand the process like this: Unaffected, healthy brain cells, somehow, accepted the electrical impulses that allow new skills - much the way a new baby 'learns' to associate certain stimuli to a corresponding function. A normal baby learns that she can respond to the feeling of fear, lack, danger, or hunger by crying. A normal baby learns that her fingers are attached - they can be seen, moved, and felt.......all of the truly basic things that humans learn. Some areas of my brain were affected by the stroke - some were not. Some functions were lost, some are retained. For example, the 'filters' that we humans develop in order to be social creatures were lost. Until I was re-taught that using the F-word is not acceptable in certain situations, I used it often, not comprehending the relationship between my actions and the responses of others. I had to re-learn publicly acceptable posture and conduct. Now, I am often confused so I stay quiet, and check to make sure my body is covered. Neurological medicine has made huge progress, generally, since 1970. The therapies that are common and expected today, were not known or widely practiced then. My circumstances are such that, most therapy is not available to me. I was released from the hospital 12 months after being admitted to the ER. Afterwards, I struggled immensely with basic tasks of living for many years. But - it could have been worse. I am thankful to God for the healing I have realized. So, you might assume that I would champion the cause for Terri to continue to be sustained artificially. I do not. Without memory, there is no awareness of life. The possibility of being retrained to function as 'normal' is, in my experience an absurd myth. Yes, I function well, now. In fact, most people never find out that I am 'brain-damaged'. But - I KNOW what I used to be able to do, and will be frustrated for the rest of my life because I can not attain that level of ability. We live in a cruel world with mean people. I will need to use medications for the rest of my life. I struggle each and every day, with living in a limited vessel ( prison) and have daily asked my God why I wasn't spared from this continuous, lonely, life-long struggle. But many more fundamental Life-questions determine what makes a life valuable. I don't have all those answers. I only know that helplessly living in a human body with absolutely no control is a horror that I don't wish on anyone. In fact, it seems to me, that anyone who would want to prolong Terri's existance, could not possibly want that for her sake. To be blunt, it seems quite selfish to want Terri's body to continue to exist.
  10. Labrador Retriever.....hahahahaha.
  11. People who know me well, really like me a lot. The 18th was my birthday...I turned 55.
  12. Back when she was first arrested, I read that she had suddenly stopped taking a common anti-depressant (maybe Prozac?). The drug companies don't want that information well known, but if you want to blame anyone....please consider her medical 'team'. The woman in NC who killed her 2 kids also suddenly stopped her anti-dpressant. In both cases, I have not been able to find out WHY they stopped suddenly - but Prozac, Paxil, Ritalin and others are extremely dangerous to quit suddenly. I believe Yates' actions were drug-induced, and therefore she should be set free with close medical supervision (and education).
  13. psssstt.....anyone wanna tell her that her number of posts has not changed from 1142? ......not me!
  14. Ttessa

    the Penguin Game

    Okay - now try the High Scoring one. http://www.onechance.com/penguin/penguin2.html
  15. Ttessa

    the Penguin Game

  16. http://www.saltforkresort.com/dynamic/mz_v...tm?articleid=77 Salt Fork State Park Lodge Salt Fork Lodge, scenically overlooking the lake, has 148 guest rooms. Lodge features include a dining room, coffee shop, snack bar, gift shop, lounge and lobby areas, indoor game area and meeting rooms accommodating up to 450 people. In addition, guests can enjoy indoor and outdoor swimming pools, sauna, the tennis, volleyball, basketball, and shuffleboard courts, 400-foot swimming beach, as well as boat launching and docking facilities. Cottages Thirty-seven two-bedroom vacation cottages in hillside and lakeside locations offer fully furnished living and dining areas, kitchen equipped with cooking and eating utensils, bath with shower, and screened porch. Seventeen chalet cottages also feature gas log fireplaces and hot tubs. All cottages are available year-round. Map (location): http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/parks/parks/default.htm here are prices: http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/parks/resorts/index.html
  17. "I am currently dating a TWI member" This is an extremely COMMON practice for 'recruiting' new members into the Way. The 'attraction' factor for recruiting new members has been well documented all over this forum. Few of the Way Members would do anything to discourage your interest in them. (They've been taught that your interest is NOT personal - but that you "see something" that equates to your desire for their god). The attraction is a hook, trap, bait. IF the parents don't openly object to their child dating dating you, then suspect the worst. Eventually, you'll be offered an ultimatum. " I am not really a religious person, and i am open to everyones beliefs." Way members are eventually taught that EVERYONE who has other beliefs than their teachings is, at best, an 'outsider'.......at worst, a Devil-Worshipper (even if you worship nothing). "If you're not with us, you're against us." " Do WAY parents not like their children dating nowayers? If they don't seem like they will become a part of WAY? " The family's beliefs may not be apparent yet - but if you aren't "one of them", then you are definitely 'disposable', and considered a non-person who is beneath any loyalty or respect.
  18. Voice of Reason heah..... Y'all oughta know that reservations for the cabins begin up to a year in advance. So, dont think ya kin lollygag about makin decisions on cabins n such. Me - I already told a few that I wouldn't be able to make it. What I dint tell, was that I had Uther plans......but the Uther plan turned out to be worse that a TWI hubby!!!! UGHHH .....so, I change my mind, I'm gonna try fer the 3rd Annual WR. It might be too late fer me n Xena to get the one and only pet-friendly cabin, but I will try to reserve it. Umm - thats only half the battle for me, though. I need transportation for me & the Most Beautiful, Sweetest, Friendliest dawg you ever did see. So, again, this year, anyone driving from East to West (perhaps I-40) through Knoxville, TN.......please contact Ttessa430@yahoo.com. Here's a pic of Xena on somebody's lap last year (aint she inspiring??):
  19. MMMMM - yes! Equal parts of mayo & PB stirred together to make very creamy mix. Spread on white bread, dunk sandwich in milk. A childhood treat taught to me by Daddy (he was from Ft. Worth, if that has anything to do with it).
  20. Happy Birthday Bob. And prayers go out for you, too. But please celebrate the date you were born - I do. :)-->
  21. I've been planning to see it - if only to support Mel-baby. I'm not a big fan of blood & gore (the teachings I've heard & read make me nauseous) but in spite of that, I feel it my duty to support someone who shows uncommon valor - it's such a rare thing, these days. Wouldn't the discussion be complicated to do, via Priv. Topic? If there's more than two discussing the movie.....it would get confusing, trying to post the same comment to how-ever-many are in on the discussion. Just label the Thread and make the first post a gentle disclaimer that warns not to read further, if ya want to keep the plot or ending a secret until you watch it.
  22. yeah, me too Sadie. I know Binkley, Stinson & Lee quite well. Roberts, from what I understand is smooth-talking s.o.b. Lee and his wife are scummy. They all definitely have Hitler-like tendencies. And when K. Binkley screams, "You are M &A'd!" You figure he would know. But nooooo......they can't get their act together enough to decide that. Roberts comes along and says, "No, you're not M & A'd." (duhhhhh) The damned fools are all acting like the devil spirits I was taught about. The left hand can't agree with the right hand. And they WILL expose the sewage of TWI if given enough opportunity on the witness stand. Hey Peelers! You GO! Good for you, hang tight, and if you need any support in the courtroom, let us Tennesseans know!
  23. hmmm....I don't think that the word "trade" is exactly what's going on. I read and believe though, that men use love to get sex, while women use sex to get love. We (men & women) are built differently, both physically, and mental-emotionally.
  24. If you are an adamant non-smoker, don't bother flaming this piece of fiction or me for posting it. I plan not to address any 'flames'. Otherwise, here's the funny story, enjoy ... Do You Suffer From Third Hand Smoke? The Surgeon General?s office today released a controversial 1,346-page report outlining the dangers of third-hand smoke. ?We have decades of well-documented evidence on the dangers of smoking,? announced Health Department spokesman Moe Gadeeshu at a Washington press conference. "The costs in health care, missed work and shorter life spans is horrendously high. Just recently, we discovered the dangers of just being in the same room with a smoker and labeled that as second-hand smoke. Now, it is a historic day in American health care. We have pinpointed yet another smoke-related disease: "THS." According to the World Health Organization, which co-authored the study, Third-Hand Smoke, or, THS, is a malady that strikes 99 out of 100 people daily. "Due to several decades of political correctness and an egocentric sensitivity bordering on the pathological," Gadeeshu noted, "just the very mentioning of cigarettes, smoke, smoking or people who smoke can cause increased risk of depression, anxiety, heart attack, cancer, and sexual dysfunction." In hospitals, psychiatric wards and clinics across America, more and more people exhibiting symptoms of this new disease are being admitted. "Last weekend, the waiting room's was filled with people across America all with the same, curious expression" said Dr.Pap Schmear, a respiratory specialist. "They were all holding their breaths and looking as if they were imagining smelling something bad. Smoke, I?m guessing. Most were worried that they were just one generation away from contamination. I mean, if second-hand smoke kills, why not third-hand? We?ve had a lot of over-insured needlessly fragile people drop by." Third Hand Smoke has given rise to several interesting questions. Are we somehow manufacturing more diseases or just becoming more adept in our hypochondria? Has the movement to become more sensitive caused Americans to morph into the vanguard of a new species: homo sapien sissyitis? That very question was asked at a health symposium in Santa Barbara. Unfortunately, before there was an answer, a militant anti-Third-Hand Smoke group calling themselves the WCE (Words Cause Emphysema) drowned out any answer by angrily blowing whistles. "There were several arrests made of the whistle blowers", said Lt. Drebens, of the Smoke Police. Perhaps the people who believe in the dangers of Third Hand Smoke have something. Recently, in a small clinic in Florida, the United States suffered its first case of FHSS, or, Fourth-Hand Smoke Syndrome. Someone was sitting next to someone who was thinking about someone else smoking. This could be a job for the Thought Police, perhaps.
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