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Everything posted by Nottawayfer

  1. My first WOW Family Coordinator contacted me and apologized for his actions during our short tenure together (about 4 months of hell with an alcoholic). He was kicked off the WOW Field and out of the Corpse. He had an alcohol problem. I could tell his apology was because of one of the 12 steps. He didn't care for contact after his apology. Oh well....I had forgiven him long ago. I'm glad he got cleaned up and is living a better life.
  2. I was thinking about this shared incident, and I remember that happening a few times during my TWIt years. I think these guys wanted to seem like they had real integrity, and maybe even thought their tactics would encourage people to be at the "awesome" Bible class because they would never hear the Word like this anywhere else (yeah right). However, I do believe it was a tactic that blew up in their own face. It alienated these people, and it proves what an EFFED UP ministry TWIt is. So much for showing mercy or even winning friends and influencing people. TWIt was a bunch of talk and that's it. They will never amount to any more. Their exclusive appearance these days is only because they have a death grip on those who are too scared to dip their toes in the cold water to find out what real freedom feels like. Too bad.
  3. Well said! :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :beer: :beer:
  4. No, there were no other dance things he was involved with. His time dancing must have tuckered him out. Rumor has it he boinked most of the women dancers in Athletes. He knew darn well he was a big goofy jock, not a dancer. He wasn't good. I saw Athletes twice in 1985 when it was at the ROA. It seemed like such a high time in TWI even though VPW had just died. I thought I was involved in something that was going somewhere. Sure it was.....to hell in a handbasket. Too bad it took me 17 1/2 more years to figure it out.
  5. Would you be blessed to help scrub my toilets, wash my dishes, and baby-sit my bratty kids? If I had a nickel for every time I was asked to be blessed to help......
  6. I wouldn't expect to make sense of every teaching ever done by VPW or LCM. They taught what was convenient for them at the time. I don't know if you were around when LCM got really nutty, but he made a new class called "The Believer's Family". It was supposed to be a replacement for "Christian Family and Sex". He shared that the Word never said premarital sex was a sin. He then went on to share if his son was in his late 20s and never married yet, it was perfectly OK for him to find a piece of @$$ because it wasn't realistic to expect unmarried adults to not act on their sexual desires. All of this based on one thought: The Word never says premarital sex is a sin. What about what it does say about sex before marriage? What about what it says about sex within the marriage? The woman who was found in adultery was saved from stoning by Jesus, but he also said to her "go and sin no more." I think that speaks VOLUMES!! This was just the start of LCM justifying his lust. When LCLM got the boot, I guess Rozilla had Joe C*ulter and his wife do a class about premarital sex. My impression is TWI does not advocate premarital sex. I think that was just a good cover-up. I guess that applied only to heteros and male homos, not closeted lesbians. I would even expect that Rozilla and her lesbo clan call it something else so they can officially say they aren't lesbians. Afterall they are lovers of women in the household of Gawd.
  7. I'm thankful I was on Staff. Had I not been, I wouldn't have seen the top leadership in action. It was while I was on Staff that I realized there really isn't a MOG. Anyone claiming that title is full of $h!t because they put their shoes on and think the same way anyone else does. I saw LCM's limitations, flaws, and eccentricities. They weren't pretty the majority of the time. Then Rozilla isn't so great either. She does not go out of her way to be friendly, and her lack of public appearance lead me to believe she was full of $h!t as well. Then when she personally chewed my arse, I knew she was no better than LCM. My time at HQ and the leadership wanting to take control of my life once I left Staff made me realize I didn't want any part of them ever again.
  8. Now knowing what went on TWI without so many knowing, it doesn't surprise me one bit that lesbians are protected from being outted in TWI. It is so hypocritical. I don't have the same attitude toward gays as I did in TWI, but be honest about your life! I wouldn't doubt the next uproar in TWI will be everyone in finds out about the secret life-style of their WOG. Maybe that will be the final straw for many. We can only hope.
  9. That rug is too nice to represent the hag. You need a tattered, dirty rug. Maybe one with fluffy white stuff on it. I would like to add that I was told by an innie that they are not allowed to go to advanced class or large ministry functions because they have a mortgage. It was so hard for me to bite my tongue and not say "AND why are you still fellowshipping????"
  10. I remember the SNS which was canceled because LCM was in a rage. That's when he did the video on plurality giving. Knowing most of his lunch time sharings were based on things that recently ticked him off, he must have been p1$$ed off about the lack of abundant sharing. BTW: any spiritual partnership of Way Corps could not be counted as abundant sharing. I remember our whole Branch had to listen to the tape and everyone had to share their thoughts on it. I was flabbergasted since I was already sharing 15% of my income, and now I had to share everything I didn't need? I didn't dare share my real feelings, yet I was disgusted with myself for not coming to terms with the MOG's idea. I was a MAJOR Koolaid drinker.
  11. With this kind of crap going on, you would think some of the staff would smarten up and get out of that place!! Murmuring and complaining was not new to TWI Staff. It's pretty crazy when you think about people who stay in a crappy situation. It's almost as bad as the victim refusing to leave the abuser.
  12. I heard a Branch coordinator's wife contstantly say to other wayfers "You don't have to tell all you know." She was a liar and a thief.
  13. I remember a few times while on Staff that many people were recruited from several departments to help do a thorough cleaning of the Chalet while LCM and his family lived there. It was a huge job because the logs had to be cleaned. It was also considered a privilege to get chosen to help. I'm so glad I have a REAL life now. Good God! Slave labor isn't fun! That information about M*rc1a L and M3l1$$a G don't surprise me. I worked with ML in Printing Services. She was always very nice, but she seemed jaded to anything which didn't seem to line up with the ministry thought. It's almost like she didn't want to make DM look bad. I thought it odd she wasn't looking to get married. Maybe the answer has been revealed. More power to them. Too bad they can't live authentic lives. It must suck to live a lie.
  14. I was there when they were working on the Prevailing Word edition of Studies in Abundant Living. That project took years to finish. I'm almost sure they had to update doctrine based on new light. I took the manuscripts from the printer up to Way Publications, and there were always more changes, and I never looked at what was being changed. I wished I would have. I remember going to a fellowship study night on Are the Dead Alive Now?. Some of us had old versions of the book, and other had a newer version which had updated doctrine in it. I remember it being very confusing because nobody knew it had been updated. There was a huge discussion, and then the coordinator just closed the meeting because it was causing too much havoc. They never had those meetings again. I wish I could remember the change in that book too.
  15. JavaJane, JM is J*net Myr*cle. She definitely had the air of lesbianism while she at HQ in the late 90s. Rumor has it she shared a bed with another single corps girl in Rozilla's home. I say it's a rumor because I only heard about it. I trust the the other staff person who saw the situation when they went to work on something in JM and SC's room. Supposedly the department coordinator of MSP had a cow about it. She and SC went out on the field TOGETHER!! Then they left TWI. LCM was really peesed off about that one and they were lunch time topics..... [edited to correct typo.]
  16. The books are not printed at TWI. They are printed by a vendor hired by TWI. I worked in Printing Services. The Way Rag and their boring anniversary posters are printed by a print shop in Lima, Ohio. At least that's the way it was when I worked there in the late 90s, early 2000s. BTW: Teachmevp. "Book's" is not the plural of books. It's not a possessive or a contraction.
  17. I don't know if LCM ever won anyone to da verd, but I do know he bragged about a time when the Ernst and Young auditors asked for his autograph on their TWI coffee table book. It was such a joyous occasion that someone from the world was so impressed with the MOGFAT. It was shared at lunch one day. [trying to find the puke emoticon.....]
  18. I wonder how many fans the Forehead really has. I suppose there are very few, if any.
  19. Benevolent dictator? That sounds like an oxymoron to me!
  20. This is a great thread. It's so true we were taught to take God out of the picture. I remember many prayers where people told God what they wanted him to bless and do. There was no asking God to reveal HIS WILL to them. It's almost scarey to think about how much trust and reverence was given to the ministry. I think there's something to being vulnerable to God and allowing Him to show you what HE wants you to see. Remember Mary saying "Be it unto me according to THY will." Remember Jesus saying "Not my will, but YOUR will be done." I am no longer a servant to a ministry. I'm freed from bondage of the ministry, and I'm still figuring things out. There's a freedom in being OK with not having all the answers. We don't need to IMHO.
  21. Isn't it unbelievable to think of the crap we watched and experienced? I still shake my head in disbelief thinking about the personal things of others' lives LCM screamed his fool head off at lunch time in the OSC. The Kool-aid will numb your brain. If I had it to do over, I would have stood up and said "F*** you! You are no Man of God, you are nuts!" And that would have been polite....Not that he deserves politeness.
  22. You DA BOMB Oldskool! Thanks for finding that video and posting it. The syrupy sweetness is so FAKE! Especially from Rozalez.....GAK!!
  23. It's too bad the clip is gone.
  24. I remember several years back someone posting a TV promo for TWI. I can't remember if it was for TWI or da class. I can't remember who the host was. Does anyone else remember this?
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