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Everything posted by alfakat

  1. I KNEW I had her info somewhere--forgot it was on a bookmarks page with her website, though... sorry, sogwap 51--at least somebody else had a brain....
  2. all right, all right, 6thpppth kork comin through, stand aside... what in the name of big-head loy is GOING on here??? 14 outa da last 15 posts by interlopers??? Why, I'm of half a mind(watch the wise-cracks!) to induct the whole lot aya as honorary 6kckthppth kork and see how ya like it!! You'll be sorry, just you wait and see('enry 'iggins)... NOW CLEAR OUT!! THE WHOLE LOT OF YA!!!! can't ya see we're sleepin through 5:30 Sunday English with Pat Saunders??????? in the damn wooden-pew chapel, no less???
  3. excie--I used to live in hell, also known as soCal. I have lived back up in NoCal, my native land for 4 years now. edison field is not visited by life-long Giants fans such as myself, after last fall's debacle and melt-down. Sorry--maybe mike could head over and check it out....or whyteduv, she's not far away.... [This message was edited by alfakat on August 08, 2003 at 16:11.]
  4. very insightful, sirg--sounds like a good summation of how we got good ole twi...
  5. I did it because ... it was there!! seriously, we had from 19 down to 6 in order--tell that wasn't at least as spiritual as stringing chairs in the old brc.... :P-->
  6. alfakat

    19th corps

    ezcie--you're HOOKED!! watch out, afer ya start buyin string in MASS quantities.....
  7. alfakat

    19th corps

    thatlll learn ya, tgn--dont mess with sickkkkork, we're crazy docha know????
  8. alfakat

    19th corps

    shhhhhh, don't let it get around.... . . oh, yeah--I knew somebody who started 19th kork but quit 8 months in...too wacky, what with lcm comin outada fog at 110 mph, like some crazed okie loco...motive, that is.....
  9. sure, we gotcher 18th kork... as of 8:54 PDT, the order is---you knew it had to be...18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6
  10. alfakat

    17th Corps

    WHHEEEEEEEEE!!!!! as of 8:52 PDT the order is 17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6
  11. alfakat

    16th Corps

    not done yet!!! as of 8:50 PDT.....in order----16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6 can I keep this up....
  12. alfakat


    all right, who's next??? 15, you're UP!!! as of 8:48 PDT --in order 15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6---WOW!!!!
  13. hey this is gettin outa hand!!! as of 8:46 PDT --ta-duuhhh!!! 14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6--in order!!!
  14. alfakat

    13th Corps

    goin for broke.... 8:43 PDT 13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6 in decending order of elder ship muuuwaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  15. ok, here GOES!!!! now the order should be as of 8:40 PDT 12,11,10,9,8,7,6 ... 12th kork content--my wife, the wonderful ms alfakat, was 12th kork....
  16. alfakat

    11th Corps

    yes, yes this is all well and good BUT what about the dirty doz???? NOW they want some air time....
  17. alfakat

    10th Corps

    you will have to wait for the planets to line up correctly, tgn...sorry...see, if you had come along and posted on YOUR kork thread, it would have been 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6. oopppsssss
  18. alfakat

    10th Corps

    I'm posting this so that at this moment, the listing will be 10th, 9th, 8th, 7th, 6th, in that order....'sides, my sisters and their husbands are 10th kork, so I got THAT goin for me.... :D-->
  19. poor, poor Mike---wouldn't worry about Mike, GT--here's a "nice" quote of Mike's as reply to the normally low-key Mark Sanguinetti: "Mark, You jumped on the “mike’s got a devil” bandwagon weeks ago. Are you now telling me that you renounce that position as an error? You did recently ask if I was “unable” to comprehend what was being written to me for the last 7 months. Am I wrong in interpreting that little word “unable” as you trying to poke around for devils that could cause a person who normally has a pretty decent handle on words to be “unable” in one particular area to understand? Why would you want to “minister” to me? To show off your ministerial skills to your friends here, for status, so you could feel good about yourself and your ministry. You look at me like the wild horse at a rodeo and if you can break me, it means a trophy on your mantle. Pretty soon, if you and a few others don’t get it through your thick heads that I absolutely will not consider changing from PFAL for even one second, and if you continue your rude change of focus to me, I’ll develop a paste post and just blast by you without even reading your posts, much less responding. Right now one of the only reasons I haven’t already done that is I can still use some of your religious idiocy against me as a springboard for presenting new ideas. When religious people like you get on my case it gives me huge motivation to fight all the harder the devil spirits that you DO listen to and act on. What do you think has crippled christianity for 2000 years? If you think you are not subject to the inspiration and interference of the same devils that have made a laughing stock of christianity, then have at it. I’d rather die than get stuck in your mud puddle. Instead of focusing on me, why don’t you show the readers here how spiritual understanding is achieved over 5-senses understanding? Try riding that horse, why don’t you, and see how many people take lessons from you to try and ride it themselves."...from "The Spiritually Divine over the Naturally Factual", page 2. ********************************** Mike has plenty of moxie--fear not for him, GT....
  20. alert--sorry to bust in like this**** mstar1--could you please email me, I have an article you might be interested in... ..alfakat alfakatz@hotmail.com
  21. sorry,mj--I was a bit cryptic...the full version: If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bull.........
  22. also: the line about..when you can't dazzle, baffle--...comes to mind. ...and Mike is ONE SERIOUS baffler...
  23. it tells me that WTH is one sharp cookie when it comes ta numbers.... --> :P-->
  24. GT--you emailed me at my Hotmail address many moons ago and I remenber replying...if I didn't, my apologies. I cannot remember ever ignoring a direct post from you but sometimes I am away for weeks at a time. You have 1708 posts as of the time of this posting; I have 387 and we registered a day apart--I don't post as much, in general, to ANYONE . .. ...cept on silly threads like "Thread Killers"--cuz I'm MOSTLY a silly person. For Mike, I make certain rare exceptions.....YMMV ps "read me right"?? is that a little like Raf NOT knowing your heart?? my point was--you portrayed yourself as unaffected, unlike the rest of us--was I misreading that, or not??? fair question, no bias, no over-emotion...if you post, people WILL respond, GT...facts o' net life, it seems...again, YMMV [This message was edited by alfakat on July 18, 2003 at 10:02.]
  25. maybe it's cuz you come off so "above it all", gt...maybe it don't matta for u, that's cool. maybe others just don't see it YOUR way, either--maybe THAT was raf's "heart" objection--neh???
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