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Everything posted by GrouchoMarxJr

  1. If LCM were president of Home Depot, he would probably declare half the employees as being homos and then close half the stores...
  2. ...Even in twi's peak years, when Vic was on top of his game, very few people liked to go "witnessing"...Now, it must be akin to water boarding. Can you imagine?..."Would you like to join a ministry that's led by a boring bulldyke?"...For the life of me, I can't imagine why anyone stays in twi...a cult without a charismatic leader?...Isn't that like trying to eat a hamburger without any meat in the bun?
  3. My first one was 1975...a lot of hippies doing their own thing...unstructured, free for all...it was fun. Of course, they changed all that...the creepy little control freaks started regulating everything...it went down the toilet fast.
  4. ...and I won't deny you the right to believe it...or any other baloney that Vic taught...was ANY of it true?...probably not but if it was, he did a disservice to the truth by his lifestyle and track record of stealing and lying...no credibility.
  5. The minstry that king okie had was the ministry of a buffoon... ...and he fulfilled it nicely.
  6. Ya gotta laugh...call it a consolation prize... :B)
  7. C'mon...be honest...how many of you guys believe even one lousy thing that came out of the piehole of Vic the lowlife Wierwille? Believing equals receiving? If you believe THAT one, you need professional help...the rest of it? The louse lost all credibility with me years ago... I see too many people paying lip service to "Doc's doctrines"...the guy was as phoney as a trombone player with a hair lip...(whatever that means )...C'mon, you guys don't still believe any of that crap...do you?
  8. INTERVIEWER...We are looking for a man who can wear an apron and unload trucks. MARTINDALE...God has spoken to me and I walk with the power of Green Lantern INTERVIEWER...Ummm, We really need someone who knows about moving backstock onto the shelves. MARTINDALE...Lo, I am with thee always...I stand in the gap... INTERVIEWER...Ummm, sir, this is not the "Gap", this is Home Depot...
  9. Yeah...I see the pic of the okie with the forehead. He hasn't aged well...I noticed that his bio was "unavailable"...gee, I wonder why? What would it say?...Narcisstic, loud mouthed, egotistical predator of women? Former cult leader with delusions of grandeur?...how about bulls h*t artist and bully? ...not only the president but also a client?
  10. The worst verbal assault that I witnessed was when this guy (10th corps, Emporia), snuck into town for beer and pizza and got caught. Martindale waited until 3am and woke up the entire corps and had them meet...he then proceeded to rip this guy to shreads in front of everyone...it was mind numbing...had I been that guy, I would have turned and walked out...he stood there and took it.
  11. hee hee...I forgot I had started this thread 5 years ago... ...but the sentiment remains the same. Oftentimes I wish that I would have cracked a few of these guys in the jaw...
  12. We were warned?... The entire way ministry was based on Wierwille's claim that God spoke audibly to him..."I will teach you the word as it has not been known since the first century if you will teach it to others"...the snow on the gas pumps story...When Vic made this claim in piffle, it was the lightning bolt that exploded in people's minds...it was the HOOK. This drunken schmuck was God's chosen one! If you questioned him, you were gone. 13 years after I first took piffle...I was confronted by twi leadership and asked if I disagreed with "dr" wierwille (this was 2 years after he croaked)...I said yes and was considered to be a spiritual leper. Looking back, I can honestly say that questioning wierwille was the same as being "out of fellowship"...warned?...what? are you kidding me?
  13. In regards to the recent trend of "is twi worth our efforts anymore"...my opinion is that if twi is faltering and shrinking for "various" reasons...it's not the time to let up on them...now is the time to put the boots to them and finish them off...after that, we can go after the splinter groups like nazi war criminals... This entire Wierwillian philosophy of "power of the mind" should probably be labeled as witchcraft...his disciples continue on like mold growing in a dark damp place. I am repulsed by what they do to people. They rape the mind and ravage the soul. ...Because of what they have done...I will continue to do the Mexican hat dance on their faces.... Any thoughts?
  14. As I grow older I see more and more that a person's "spiritual journey" is an individual and private journey. Whenever a group of people organize it and give it a name, it begins to evolve into a controlling, egotistical bunch of whoremongers...toxic faith? sure...works for me. As far as I'm concerned, as soon as they give themselves a name, I have a target. As Robert Hunter once wrote..."Don't lend your hand to raise no flag upon a ship of fools"
  15. You may be a twi tool if, when you give someone your opinion on something...it sounds word for word like the latest twi teaching tape.
  16. I first posted at Trancechat and then Waydale...and now GreaseSpot...whether it's still relevant or not to post about twi depends on your personal perspective. As long as people make bad decisions there will be organizations like twi. It seems that some folks are masochistic enough to continue with their various splinter groups and re-invented cult nonsense...the nefarious nature of this beast is control and abuse...and it seems that there will always be people who enjoy this particular form of self mutilation. Me?...I still post about twi and their gawd awful "tadpole cults" that have spawned in various places...because they stole 13 years of my life and I'm not done speaking my mind about them...probably never will be either. They lie in God's name and steal the innocence of unsuspecting youths. They take your money and bleed your soul. They are parasites that suck people dry and discard them...they are lowlifes of the worst kind. old news?...no more than the third reich is old news. I see that the Germans are putting a near 90 year old man (who's dying) on trial for war crimes that happened nearly 70 years ago...As a wise man told me recently... the bottom line is about revenge...is this any different?
  17. Could be...Vic was a lowlife pervert who molested his own daughters...no tellin' if he got off on the danger of young girls hitch hiking...my guess would be yes he did. He was a sicko.
  18. Every day of my life...when I awaken, I ask the Lord to PLEASE let me run into a member of twi...my prayer is that they come up to me and begin witnessing to me... ...Of course I will give them a fake name when I attend their fellowship...and they will never ever expect me to spike the punch bowl with LSD...and my gawd what fun it will be when they all start tripping... ...that's when I'll pull out MY tapes....
  19. Believing? The catch 22 of the way ministry...if it don't work, it's your fault. Wierwille got rich teaching this baloney! Let me see now...some "power" in my mind that causes "stuff" to happen...(twilight zone theme now comes in...) Yeah, I knew a guy who was blind (my cousin Dennis) and I heard Wierwille tell him that if he sat through pfal his sight would be restored...He sat through it 3 times...his sight never got better and he died shortly thereafter...Sorry, that's the best story I could come up with on short notice.
  20. ...Good questions Jim. I don't suppose that our young Sowers poster has those answers...and if he did, they would probably be the same crapola that was spoon fed to us those many years ago... The bottom line is that these creeps are just another example of how the scam that Wierwille pulled on everyone is still alive and well...God sells...collect the money and convince yourselves that you are the "ones". Yeah right, been there, done that...and I'm the fifth Beatle too. Vic jr...get a real job before you end up in a rubber room.
  21. I cook for my dogs every day... A whole chicken baked in the oven, shreaded, mixed with brown rice and cottage cheese will feed them for two days...cheaper than the canned entrails that they shovel off the floor at the rendering plant...not to mention the chemicals they mix in with it.
  22. I began to smell something really rotten as soon as king okie took over. It took me a few years to find out about the sexual abuse, the money scams and twi's doctrines which began to unravel like a cheap suit. When I saw lcm turn on good and faithful people like a rattlesnake...I knew it was time to go...watching Geer froth from his diabolical mouth only added frosting to the cake.
  23. Garth is right...The price that one pays to speak freely is that you have to allow others to speak freely as well...and argument, debate and disagreement are healthy and necessary for honest communication. For anyone who is looking to be homogenized into some groupthink...this is not the website.
  24. Thinking about this stuff for a few days now...Sowers?.... Let me see if I got this straight...The grandson of the grand pubah (who just happens to have the same name) starts a "thing" that closely resembles the waycorps training, even borrowing their main objectives...word for word. From all accounts, their doctrine is aligned closely to what Vic taught... ...and now this guy shows up proclaiming himself a sowers grad...and wanting to be pals with everyone. As far as I'm concerned, he can kiss my foot. plain and simple...if you follow the doctrines of victor small wierwille, you are a loser...been there done that. What these people believe is flat out wrong and destructive to people. As far as it goes, they can spread their poison elsewhere. I have no toleration for these sons of britches...none at all.
  25. Sowers grad...I read the part in your post about your willingness to answer questions. Well...are you also interested in ASKING questions?...Are you here to learn?...or are you here to teach? Are you interested in learning HOW and WHY the biblical doctrine of Wierwille was/is wrong? When you claim that the young Wierwille is a "great man of God", what do you base this on?...being a nice guy? having a charismatic personality? the "things" that he teaches? What's your criteria?
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