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Everything posted by GrouchoMarxJr

  1. A loaf of bread, a pound of meat and all the mustard you can eat...TEN CENTS!!!
  2. The real stuff never is for sale (it's free)...but the grifters are always putting a price tag on their snake oil.
  3. Bolshee (if I may call you that), You are in a very unique position...You still get to plan your grand finale. The way to really stick it to them as you walk out the door...and eventually it WILL happen...might as well plan an appropriate departure...any thoughts?
  4. I checked out his website and he seems like an interesting guy who's probably quite smart...in other words, hold on to your billfold...I smell bullsh *t.
  5. ...Thus, the waytree. God was such a failure at dealing with us individually that VP Cornfield had to step in and do the job for him...set up his own chain of command and hierarchy. God's will was delivered this way to each little leaf. Wierwille told us to walk by the spirit but nobody in his organization was allowed to. Not only did Wierwille do a better job of communicating his true meaning but also took his place in specific daily guidence...in other words...VP Cornfield WAS God...
  6. Nice link Tony... The one I liked... They are now reporting that Michael Jackson may have died of an allergic reaction. They discovered that he had eaten some 12 year old nuts.
  7. The genie Jambi!...but of course! I always did mix Wierwille up with the genie... I stand corrected.
  8. I'm wondering when the Jackson impersonators will start making the scene... This guy ended up as a freak show...
  9. I tend to agree with Oakspear...After spending 13 years in twi, including going wow and corps...when I left, I never looked back and was over it in ten minutes. I think every person is different and of course, some have had trouble with "adjusting their thinking". I believe that for awhile my thinking was heavily influenced by twi (Wierwille was a great con man)...but "rewiring" by brain?...never happened. I never let them get that deep inside me...but that's just me.
  10. ...and I was taught that his last words were "Mecka Lecka Heiney Ho" ...which of course,is a well known Italian curse. This phrase is usually followed by sweeping the top of the hand under the chin and immediately biting the hand. No doubt...the Cyclops was attempting to conjure up the power in his mind.
  11. You are absolutely right...there is no wonder why they would bolt at 18...The twi culture has always been repressive and controlling towards young people...kids were never allowed to be kids. I feel for you guys that were raised in twi...not quite the same as eating a lot of lsd and listening to Jerry Garcia.
  12. Devil spirits?...I don't pretend to know anything about "spiritual matters"...but I do know that twi has zero credibility when it comes to ANYTHING they claim as truth. They have disqualified themselves by their unChristian behavior, their false doctrines and the methods in which they "gathered" this so-called doctrinal material. The "devil spirit game"that was played within twi was designed to bolster egos, manipulate people and create a culture of control. The only spirits that Vic ever saw were the ones in the bottom of a glass.
  13. Looking back...Twi's treatment of children can be described by a phrase used by Frank Zappa..."A sinister form of toilet training" Children were mentally, physically and emotionally abused...Being pushed into a box of "way think" at an early stage is insideous and destructive in my opinion....being raised in twi borders on criminal behavior...at the very least, immoral.
  14. No pictures...This stuff reminds me of the book 1984...the thought police and the ministry of truth. They never existed, we shall no longer speak their names...we shall purge any pictures of them from the eyes of the people. They live in a fabricated fantasy land. Twi's history is made up of the very people they now hide from. Pathetic? You know it.
  15. I think it was all bogus...Wierwille's experience was especially bogus...Twi was to legitimate spiritual experiences as Wal Mart is to the American dream... I only wish you could see it in the "original"...
  16. I tend to agree with doojable...my good times came BEFORE twi...I walked away from some good times in order to "be right with God"...The twi people I ended up hanging out with were people that I would NEVER hang out with otherwise. I gravitated away from my natural inclinations towards a repressive religious cult...good times? Anything that can be construed as "good times" were a part of the con...part of wierwille's dog and pony show. What kept me around was my belief that twi was spiritually legit...if it was good times, I would have been following the Grateful Dead around the country in a mini bus...which, by the way, I SHOULD have been doing.
  17. The judge was threatening to release a confessed rapist if the victim didn't stop crying?...What a sense of justice!...and this happened just down the road from me here in Ohio. Perhaps the most disturbing part of this story is that most major news sources seem to be ignoring the story...this thing should be all over the news and this judge should be run out of town on a rail.
  18. A charismatic cult without a charismatic leader is nothing more than a "bible society"...they live off the money from the glory years. They keep the trains running on time and meet the criteria for keeping their tax exemption...that's about it. They don't need to "rise and expand"...they live off the assets of the 70's and 80's... These people are loathsome. Their only interest is to suck off the teat that Wierwille "provided" through his flim flam operation. If you took away all of Rosie's money and put her on a street corner with a bible...she wouldn't last a day. Within 2 days, she would be sucking **** for beer money.
  19. I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. Perhaps part of the problem was your method of approaching people on this website. Most of us here are not trying to make a paycheck out of posting on GreaseSpot...Maybe an ad at the top of the page would have been more appropriate. Best of luck to you in your efforts to help people.
  20. Deception?...We followed a man who was a master deceiver. What other fruit could have come from following Vic the flim flam man?...honest Christian service?...green card my arse.
  21. Hmmm..."Ultra Critical Judgement Box"? So...as long as I trash VPW and the Way generally, my "shields are up"? C'mon Socks, Was VPW your pal?...not mine! Are you saying that we shouldn't be criticizing him? In spite of what he did?...I will continue to call bull sh *t on VPW and the Way as long as I post here and I certainly don't consider it having my shields up! Anyone who wants to defend the pervert Wierwille or their time spent in a cult is free to do so...if you interpret the responses to someone who defends them as being "branded and tattoed"...well, that's merely YOUR perspective and speaks for itself.
  22. I suppose you could find a few guys who spent time in prison together and they could talk about the "good times" too... The fact is...we were conned into a cult...and in my opinion it was a total waste of time.
  23. A minimum of 10 students at $755 a pop? Sounds like a decent profit being made... ...and no college credits to boot! Hmmm, let me think about that one for awhile.
  24. Training in the whole word?... ...Considering that the majority of what twi taught was erroneous, I doubt that I received training in ANY of the word. I mean...how much "training" can you get from liars, thieves, drunks and rapists?
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