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Everything posted by GrouchoMarxJr

  1. I propose that next year at this time, we all meet at twi headquarters in NewKnoxville...we storm the place, dance a jig on Vic's grave, film it for YouTube and then boogie off... ...What say ye?
  2. The so called "corps principles" were nothing more than a cloaked recipe for walking in lockstep to twi's programs and getting them money. Spiritual perception and awareness?...What the flock does that mean? I can understand wanting to live a life that is based upon personal integrity, caring for others and being a good friend...but twi slogans leave me cold.
  3. ...Thought I would weigh in on this thread...my monitor crapped out and I was off line for a few days (and missed the celebration on the 20th :( )... ...For those of you who think it morbid to celebrate the death of Wierwille, I say hogwash! Wierwille was a monster who devastated hundreds (if not thousands) of lives. I'm glad that he's no longer stalking about...as for his punk grandson who is trying to emulate him...may he get his just reward. ...can good fruit come from a bad tree?
  4. Isn't that the truth...It was when I openly questioned Wierwille's doctrines to twi leadership (1987), that my name went on the "spiritual poop list"...It's fair to say that twi looked at Vic as the catholics look at the pope...and the whole ball of wax was based on the snow on the gaspumps story....hard to believe that I was that dumb. Oh well, at least now I am qualified to post on an anti cult website... :)
  5. Let's face it, Wierwille was a great conman. PT Barnum would have made him his partner...Sucker born every minute? Wierwille played his role to perfection...so called "revelation" was his fix in the con...it was the bread and butter, no lose crapola that he used to take our money and our women. He was a human scum bucket...he destroyed people's lives and did it by lying in God's name...
  6. ...and let's not forget when king okie got the "revelation" to shut down the 3 biggest money makers for twi...the pfal class, the roa and the wow program. These were the cash cow programs that Vic put together...loyboy pulled the plug on the whole shebang! Revelation?...can anyone say dufus?
  7. As Dylan sang... ..."and I'll stand on his grave til' I'm sure that he's dead". ...the countdown continues
  8. Some good points Linda...I am certainly in favor of seeing people recover fully from their cult experience but who gets to define what "recovery" is? I probably shouldn't say this because I don't want to slight the good folks who are having problems dealing with their "cult recovery"...but when I left twi in 1987, it took me about 10 minutes to "get over it". I never really let them get past a certain point with me...I just moved on. What's the difference between John Lynn and John Knapp? One makes a living out of filling your head with baloney and the other makes a living out of emptying your head of the baloney. If you need your head emptied of baloney, pay the $25 and help yourself out...as for me, I'm just fine... :)
  9. I think most of us appreciate that Paw... ...but here's my concern...GSC is a community of people who relate to each other because of their involvement with twi. People open up here...they share very personal things about their lives. Suddenly a newcomer shows up (who was never in twi) and says..."even helping PROFESSIONALS have to charge fees in order to cover our education, rent and utilities and for money to live on"... ...in other words, this is his job. I work in retail sales to pay my bills and have money to live on. John does it with his business...and there's nothing wrong with that...however, when he shows up here at GSC pitching his wares, some people start thinking about the words "ambulance chaser". I don't know of anyone else who posts here that makes a living out of it...maybe I'm a bit cynical about it and I certainly don't want to discourage anyone who wants to involve themselves with this seminar. I'm sure that there is a lot of valid information and interaction that occurs...for all of you who involve yourselves with this...God speed...I wish you well. I realize that communities (and websites) evolve and change...maybe I'm just an idealist at heart because all the years that I have been at GSC and before that...Waydale and Trancechat...the thought of making a living out of helping people who were struggling with their cult experience...never crossed my mind.
  10. ...and only $25?...What a bargain! Can I start charging for my posts?...or is that not allowed? ...just send your check or money order to Groucho...afterall, we all have bills to pay.
  11. Pleasure from the task itself? It wasn't enough that twi was conning us into providing free labor for them...they wanted us to LIKE IT as well! Bend over and smile? I suppose the modification of the behavior wasn't complete until they had you LIKING IT... ...thank you sir may I have another?...when the twi "poobah" turned and walked away, somebody should have run up behind him, grabbed his hair and ran his face into a wall.
  12. ...and is anyone really surprised? Sounds to me that their "advanced class special" was like an Amway regional meeting or something...How ANYONE can continue to follow rosie and her gang is beyond me. Twi has ALWAYS been bogus but at least Wierwille was a good con man and put on a show...these guys are pathetic. Why do they even bother?
  13. ...and by the way, I agree with wordwolf's take on this also...Wierwille knew he was conning people but the dumb okie bought it. Martindale was a "mark" just like the rest of us...However, here's where I differ...Martindale was the "fairhaired boy" from the beginning. Wierwille was grooming him for big things from day one...loyboy never had the experience of being one of 500 faces in the in residence corps program...he was the golden boy...and jumped all over it with greed, ego and mouth...he was flat out mean...victim? I don't think so...even if he was conned by Wierwille, he had his own agenda from day one. Within the phoney world of Wierwille's false doctrines, Martindale saw himself as "some great one"...the man was pathetic.
  14. ...and isn't that exactly what twi is doing?...living on something that was once vaguely alive? (Your abs at work)...Was lcm a victim?...I won't pay him that courtesy. Not when I consider the malice, coldheartedness and meanspiritedness that was the benchmark of his reign of terror. That punk didn't give a rat's a ** about anything except his own ambitions...Christian leader? Victim?...sorry, he was a rattlesnake.
  15. now I see... I actually spent the one minute and twelve seconds it took to watch that "performance"... It would seem that participating in way productions today is akin to subjecting yourself to sexual humiliation at the hands of a dominitrix...maybe some people just need that kinda stuff.
  16. Considering the bogus value of twi's "classes", I have always avoided mentioning my cult experience to others and have always left it off of my resume or any applications that I have filled out... ...but that's just me. :)
  17. This is an interesting thread...in the sense that it differentiates between those who thought twi was something that was good and went bad from those who believe it was always bad. I agree with waysider, rumrunner and DWBH...In my opinion, if you are still thinking that the blue book has some value...you are still in the "cult mindset". Twi was Amway and Jim Jones rolled into one. Face it, we got conned by a good conman. The guy was selling wolf tickets...and we bought them.
  18. ...and twi always played the mind control game. The sad truth is that they have been reduced to a sick little cult that long ago abandoned their mission. Their only interest is to keep their tax exempt business going and living off the assets of the glory years. They remind me of an R. Crumb comic book. Pathetic, twisted and perverse.
  19. I see the stack of bills on the table so I get out of bed, put my pants on and go to work...
  20. I spent a fair amount of time around a bunch of people who had taken Momentus...or perhaps I should say, Momentus had taken them. One weekend with these clowns and they were SEVERELY screwed up...I mean, these people had their lives turned inside out and upside down...talk about glassy eyes! How did it affect me?...When they tried to recruit me into Momentus, I chased them all off like vermin...no thanks, no church with you boy.
  21. Why we bought it? There were a lot of smart people who bought into it...nevertheless, it was a dumb mistake... ...many of us were hippies who were smoking dope and dropping acid on a regular basis...idealistic, looking for alternative answers, naive, MARKS!...We wanted something better and there were people who saw this and took advantage of it...Wierwille saw the potential and went for it...we fell for it. suckers?...you bet!
  22. I think that sums it up nicely...It would appear to some that Whitedove deliberately hijacks threads and leads them into his cul de sac of illogic. It's the same argument over and over...I think this kind of disruption should be unwelcome here.
  23. A factual picture?...You mean to tell me that you never went wow or were in the corps but you have a "factual picture"??? You have no experiencial knowledge but you do have a "factual picture"? "Geographical presence" has nothing to do with it...plain and simple...you never experienced these programs...Therefore, you have no credibility whatsoever when it comes to understanding what actually happened to those of us who DID go through these programs...
  24. Twinky...I really do appreciate what you are posting here but I have a question... How can someone apologize for someone else? I understand the sentiment behind it but it leaves me a little cold. I'll accept an apology from someone when they are fessin' up to what THEY themselves did.
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