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Everything posted by GrouchoMarxJr

  1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/adria-petty/tom-pettys-dont-pull-me-over_b_797020.html
  2. ...We all knew it would happen someday. Eyes have been opened, hearts have been healed, friendships have been forged and people have fallen in love and have found new roads to travel... A community, a microcosm of life with all the trimmings...bickering, honest debate, laughter, tears, understanding, sharing, giving, name calling, marriages, divorces, children being born and others dying... Thanks to Mike and all the others who have helped...I know it hasn't been easy but I hope that it has been rewarding. I believe that scores of people were healed in this old cafe...I will miss all the familiar faces and am grateful for having found this place...the place where I found Dot Matrix sitting alone at a table and she allowed me to sit next to her... I'm sure that in the final days many will stop by to say goodbye and express their thoughts...a new years eve party to end it all?...I'll be sure to stop in...to shake a few hands and give a few hugs...I'll probably bring several cases of beer with me...to hell with the two drink limit...
  3. This song reminds me of a different time...
  4. Thank you...and you would certainly win that bet...
  5. Thank you one and all for the well wishes... ...David, thank you for those beautiful and appropriate songs...very heartfelt. I've always considered you to be a friend...and I'm grateful for your sentiments. Dot is very kind in her words towards me...but in reality, I am the fortunate one...to find a heart so precious and she actually wants to BE WITH ME... ...That's all I ever wanted and needed...Life is short...and in the final analysis, talk is cheap but actions speak loudly. I am just me...doing the best I can to live my life...just like you...
  6. I wanted to tell everyone here that I am in love with a wonderful woman... Her name is Paula and she is absolutely fantastic...She's also a poster here who goes by the name of Dot Matrix... So there you have it...ain't life grand...I think so :)
  7. With Veteran's day in our recent memory...allow me to play this.
  8. Wierwille was a master of the bait and switch game...There are no strangers at the way turned into...he's possessed and we've turned him over to satan... They can all kiss my foot...
  9. Excie...When you copy and cut the song...simply hold off on pasting it. In other words, hit reply, type your message and THEN paste the song...:) This song is GREAT...he recorded this after 28 radiation treatments for throat cancer...and he's now over 70! Talk about music with heart?...listen to this. God bless him!
  10. All this stuff blows my mind...I got out in 87 (after 13 years)...I remember when some top twi guy asked me how much money I made and I told him that it was none of his business...whether I was in debt or not, was also none of his business... Seeing the extreme that it was carried to...I know I never would have come close to putting up with that. I left when I saw it beginning to happen. Sell my house because I have a mortgage? I would have laughed in their face...and I was corps...how did folks get sucked in that deeply? During my entire involvement with twi, which included going wow and going into the corps...I ALWAYS kept my options open...by that, I mean that twi was nothing more than a vehicle to me. ...and like a car, it eventually falls apart...I drew lines in my personal life...it was simply none of their business. ...I suppose this post sounds like I'm being critical of those who DID get sucked in that deep...and I apologize if it comes off that way...I'm only trying to understand.
  11. Oh, the contradictions between what Vic taught and what Vic practiced... Greatest servant?...Wierwille was not only waited on hand and foot, but he INSISTED on it!...and what was the justification? If I remember correctly, they called it "spiritual protocol" or some such thing. They said that is was based on how "men of God" were treated in the bible! Baloney!... ...and we bought it and put up with it...no more for me...as Frank Zappa once said, "be careful who you follow because you might end up snorkeling the sausage of some guy in a brown suit"...Wierwille was the rock in the sea of copulation...the harmony in the home that comes from delusions of grandeur mixed with alcoholism...he was the sure foundation that comes from stealing other people's work...in genesis he planted his seed, in exodous he was passed over, in leviticus, he got high with the priests, in numbers, he was the drunken shadow... Who was that man?...You tell me what you think of Victor Paul Wierwille and I'll tell you how far you've come in your cult recovery. Greatest servant?...Don't s** t me, I've got a turd in every pocket.
  12. ...I suppose it was when I heard that martindumb wanted all the twig leaders to report weekly who was "faithful and who wasn't"...I said aloud at the meeting..."you gotta be kidding me!"...and I got nasty stares...I started looking for the exit door about then.
  13. Here's one that is crazy and true... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=br_KeK3nsWo
  14. This one is interesting...Keith Richards, Willie Nelson, Bryan Adams and Hank Williams the 3rd...and listen to how tight they play together... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ojXKbYFnus
  15. Of course there are unanswered questions...that's because these hucksters are all scrambling to see how many "followers" they can recoup to provide them with a paycheck...they learned well from their father in the word...
  16. Yeah...it sure did. Wierwille was the master con man and he taught his protege Martindumb, but Martindumb couldn't figure it out and he ended up hitting the wall harder than Mr MaGoo playing alai
  17. You guys are posting some good stuff...here's one for ya (you listening dmiller?)
  18. Always liked Jonathan Edwards... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyTJqn7GT5s
  19. ...and I wonder why that is...if these people still buy into Vic's teachings, why don't they give credit to him?... Is it because he has been shown as an abusive fraud?...or is it because Wierwille himself set the example of taking the credit for other people's work? From what I see most of these guys took away the lesson of how to make a living selling God...
  20. LOL... http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.sgn.org/sgnnews36_03/pictures/Crumb%2520(WinCE).jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.sgn.org/sgnnews36_03/page20AE.cfm&usg=__djkV1AHXM8_KJeWKakw8TqXgF7g=&h=320&w=235&sz=21&hl=en&start=211&zoom=1&tbnid=-DJaXiHdh2YF1M:&tbnh=175&tbnw=126&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dr%2Bcrumb%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D677%26tbs%3Disch:10,8114&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=795&vpy=316&dur=2564&hovh=256&hovw=188&tx=131&ty=212&ei=29PETPC-LoT58AacqbjwBg&oei=cdPETJTSB8SBlAeytYkE&esq=16&page=16&ndsp=14&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:211&biw=1024&bih=677
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