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allan w.

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Everything posted by allan w.

  1. Also...following on from the statement that pfal had its' own system etc.. that would be true of just about ANY of the churches or religions that are attended by, say for example, some of the GS posters. I think of say, the Catholic, Mormon, heck even the Baptists, Lutherans etc.. They all have their own 'systematic' way of thinking the way they do and yep..they all think 'their' system is true, I mean, can Mark O' say that there are no glaring errors in the Catholic teachings ? Can Mo come out and say that the book of Mormon is not 'infallible'. I mean, like, VP's statement of 'snow on the gas pumps', is that any better or worse than saying an angel appeared and showed you where some 18 ct Gold tablets containing 'new revelation' is buried and then goes and hides them again ??!! Is the statement that the pope is the link between God and mankind true ??!! Just about all religions, churches have their own 'systematic' beliefs and way of thinking. I am comfortable with my belief system and I dont mind 'dumping' on other beliefs, which I think if gs'ers were honest, they would admit to as well; heck, thats what Greasespots about isn't it ??!! p.s. I've started back at the gym and have felt an almost immediate increase of energy, (I'd forgotten what it feels like to be fit !) I'd like to encourage fellow gs'ers to think about exercising some..coffee and donuts in 'moderation' ay !!
  2. Is that the same Isaac Hayes from 'The Mod Suad' of the seventies (he played the Afro American cop dude)??!!
  3. And yet I also remember twi saying that some people do have a 'long-suit' in some of the manifestations and not so much in others. That is even evident in a number of the postings here. I think I have a 'long-suit' in tongues, interpretation, prophecy..yet I have also received revelation when and where needed (a few times even to the saving of my childrens souls, ( lives). Maybe it's better to expound and say "Be READY, to OPERATE all nine all the time".
  4. Well George..must disagree with your 'rationalist' approach..GOD does indeed walk AND talk to us (as Mo also stated). Depends on ones definition of 'walk and talk', many sick ARE healed, often in MIRACULOUS ways that the worlds best doctors, experts, RATIONALISTS, cannot explain. As for children dying everyday..mebbe da debil DOES exist, thousands have had personal experiences from that side of the fence as well.
  5. Great..it's called 'like-minded beleivers'. As I said on a previous thread, one doesn't own a Yamaha 125 motorcycle and expect to ride with Harley owners ya know. All power to the off-shoots ! Yes we run an off-shoot ministry that is growing (albeit slowly) but we have 'stumbled' on a cupla 'keys' to help produce 'mega growth' and if some of you ( I know who) who are conducting fellowships want to hear about it please p.m. me. We hold to much of pfal doctrine but run our services closer to 'Hillsong' style, bless ya !
  6. Interesting in itself that you chose 'seven' types of faiths, I guess being 'seven' colors of a prism. Q: Which of / how many of these faiths did Jesus Christ exhibit ?, as to me he is the standard of faith.
  7. Well OM, if someone believes in saved by works, that's what they'll say..this is another example of why I remain thankful for what i learnt in pfal, a whole lot of that wrong thinking laid to rest, giving me the freedom to just enjoy quality time with ma heavenly Daddy.
  8. Cw said.." OM like it or not you are 'witnessing' and what you are touting has been proven to destroy peoples lives..." Yes CW..like a couple of other posters here, come on, if it's o.k. for one to do it and get away without getting pulled up, it's o.k. for all. Otherwise that thinking makes this forum another one where the worst kind of biggoted, hypocrites hang out.
  9. Addendum: I also have stated before that I have way much more respect for Mo than many others because of how she still holds to her Christian tenets of belief and actively carries it out. I look forward to one day catching up (unless we're in differn't heavens of course !!) with Mo and others who are of Christs church. Many 'unbelievers' are wonderful people, but that's ALL they are..wonderful people. One day they will be DEAD wonderful people, that's all.
  10. The five crosses would be more accurate than five wounds don't you think ?! Five wounds ? Me thinks he had a few more than five wounds ??!!
  11. Wasn't at a loss for words Oaks, just don't see the point in getting into a 'bitchsnitchin' comp with someone who obviously has injected themselves in the head with their anaesthetic needle once too often ! If Mo thinks I'm getting too personal towards her or 'attacking' her I'm sure she will let me know, criticizing someones beliefs( especially if just about every post of theirs mentions their church )is not a personal attack, geesh, I thought some of you would know that by now.
  12. I think shes' already married, dildo, er..sorry...sudo
  13. Well, if you're ever in Aussie let me know, try saying those things to my face, little man.
  14. Well Galen..you should have known that any of us who still 'dig' pfal (without all the heavie-handedness of twi) cop flak here ! SOME of them even try to 'mark and avoid' us !! Biased, one-eyed, hypocrites, as bad as some of the 'innies' I tell ya. You know what I just realised......that some people obviously assume that because they are no longer part of the evil way that that automatically makes them a 'nice' person again.....WRONG.!!
  15. Mark O' ..thats basically what I said, they're not TEACHING it ! They may pray about it, they may have it in their catechisms, but they're not TEACHING it. CW, I wish the adversary was more widely taught outside of twi, the Bible tells us he still walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Bad things happening to good people is not right.
  16. Been inhaling the mercury fumes again have we ?! Married for 22 years, how about you ? I'm wondering why you think the way you do about extra-marital sex ? They say there is often hanky panky between dentists and their dental hygeinists, are you speaking from a bit of remorseful experience yourself ? I don't harbor animosity towards any religious group, however I disdain hypocrites highly. And btw, after reading some of your posts, especially in politics and tacks forum I'd have to repudiate your statement about you being open to other peoples beliefs !
  17. Smoeone mentioned stuff in pfal used as 'bait' to 'hook' people into their church. How about this one..." we ask that you take this book of mor*on home and read it and 'pray' to God to show you that it is 'true' ! How about this one... Jos**h Smi*h was a 'true' prophet, therefore his book of mor*on is true, etc.. Please don't be so hypocritical !
  18. Mark O', with due respect I didn't say 'pray' about it, I thought I said TEACH it !!
  19. Have to agree with ya Olds..things have a habit of getting twisted by smoe people ! Yea, good article, even if it is the 'same old, same old'. The DARN SHAME is that twi forgot HOW TO transfer their 'teachings' into the 'practical realm' !! I guess they're walking in 'practical error'.
  20. Wayfernot..that's why people can carry on all they want about a new 'softer' side of twi now being displayed but when I hear that callous 'bustards' like him have been promoted, I know twi is still on track to hell.
  21. Add to that a couple of couples having (clandestine) meetings in the sauna downstairs and Selina and I began to realize that something was not quite right in the Rome City campus plantation !
  22. Of course one could say that holy spirit and demons cannot coexist in one body but then you would have to 'describe' the 'breakdown' of what the 'holy spirit' and demonic spirit is ! One thing that still bugs me is the catholic churches ( along with others) that really don't teach on the 'wiles' of the adversary (sorry Mark). It's almost like they don't believe he exists, or that he and his angels are somehow only 'subjectively' involved in the woes of mankind.
  23. I didn't see our country co-ord. name on the list !! How about this..encouraged a couple to have a baby (against their wishes) I think it was a new twi policy @ the time, to increase their numbers or something. Baby died, due to incompatible blood types from parents. After they had 'grieved' were then 'reemed' along with all of us about lack of believing. TOLD to have another baby (against doctors advice) Guess what ? second baby lived for 10 days then passed away. This happened one more time again (hard to believe but true). Then they left twi, later on divorced. J Lingo knows the gal. This Oirish idiot now has apparently been 'promoted' to a position of leadership at h.q.
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