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Everything posted by Twinky

  1. So (on now having looked at the document included by James Trimm) here we have an alleged plagiarizer (James T) defending a claim from another *known* plagiarizer (TWI). Are we being asked to adjudicate? To take sides? Even VPW in PFAL makes the point that a translation is one thing, a "version" is another, when people start to work on the rough draft of a translation and sort out nuances. (And that's before you get into "literals according to usage.") Any translation, version, has an element of doctrine attached to it. The choice made to use one word instead of another to express nuances in the original language is partly translation, partly doctrine - even sometimes for quite everyday objects - never mind amorphous concepts like love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, longsuffering etc which you will recognise from Galatians 5 - but the words aren't the same in every version of the Bible and sometimes one word is used to represent another. Very loving, though, the way TWI goes after smaller groups to pick them off.
  2. I'm sure this is covered in all classes run by this organization, and has been fully canvassed in Corps meetings...not. If what you report is accurate, not a whisper of that will have reached the ears of any innie at lower level. Maybe the BoT has discussed it. Sounds like some lawyers' ruse, actually.
  3. An active w/e in the garden... Nothing on Fri. Sat rained most of the day...bought a rake (my birthday presssie!!) and checked out prices of sand and cement. Sun afternoon we re-layed the upper part of the path. That's probably right, now. I uplifted some baby leeks and some dismal purple sprouting broccoli which were likely to get squashed by the uplifted pavers. Today friend assaulted the lower path which has some steps that are steep and appear to be some sort remnant staircase. He has spent nearly all day hacking out an area about 3' square and 6" deep. Ideally the staircase needs reducing some more...the hire shop has equipment which will be enjoying a trip to my garden (!). Like most tasks, this fairly simple path re-laying is turning into a major exercise. So while he was chiselling out the breeze blocks and old cement...I turned my compost heap and pulled up some beginning weeds. Much more enjoyable. The soil is lovely - the cold in the winter has done good. It's rather a pity that all along the path, the rubble from under the path is piled up, including scraping off some of the clay bed. Just when the garden looked like it was going to flourish, this year.
  4. Lots of little ones is good. It's when they stop that the worrying starts...what's building up somewhere? Which was 7.2? That's fairly fearsome.
  5. The original thread topic: There has been talk in other threads about the seeds for faulty doctrines having been sown in PFAL. And the seed for this doctrine was also sown there. "No friends when it comes to the Word." And later (though not in PFAL) pointing to the gospels where it talks about opposition between family members (eg Mt 10:35; Lk 12.53). As if people are discardable - family in particular. You'd think a genuinely Christian ministry would work hard with both individuals to help them reconcile differences - pointing out (lovingly) how either or both could improve. Instead of which, we got arrogant bossiness saying men should lord it over their wives, and women (whether wives or not) should submit to any male in "authority" - whether the man was right or wrong - because God spoke to the man and how did you (a mere woman) know he wasn't acting by revelation? So yes - it was deliberate, to get rid of anyone who didn't "submit" (male or female) to their doctrines. Culling the strong, you might say.
  6. I think I heard someplace that the silo that housed the lift in the Auditorium was a missile silo. But I musta got that from within TWI when they said that people on the outside had said... So I don't know if people on the outside actually did say that, or if TWI was just saying that to laugh at outsiders.
  7. I do know of cases where a break-up was "engineered" - then one would be banished and the other invited to stay. Then they would try to get the one who remained into another relationship with some other pliant believer. The banished one probably hadn't (in reality) done a thing wrong except perhaps retain some shred of his or her own ability to think and to challenge TWI on some of its practices (or just ignore some of the practices) - thus showing they weren't fully committed. If any of 'em had a single skill in the matrimonial counselling area, I'd be amazed. All they did was encourage and endorse dominance/doormat relationships.
  8. Happy Easter to you too, Dot! "New every morning is the love "Our wakening and uprising prove; "Through sleep and darkness safely brought, "Restored to life and power and thought." New Every Morning - tune
  9. Leafy, feel free to come over here with a very large water butt. Will give you surplus stocks of water free.
  10. Ham, tell us more about these. What were the miracles, please describe. And who forbade you to put the name of da way on them, the beneficiary of the miracles - or TWI for some odd reason? (Not like them to pass up an opportunity for God self-promotion.) Maybe you could start a separate thread.
  11. Rise and Expansion... :( LCM used to say that authors shouldn't write until they had something worth saying; a lot of books were written because of the ego of the authors. This was his reason for not writing anything before R&E. (He seems to have forgotten at the time the number of books published under VPW's name. Or perhaps he thought he didn't know as much as VPW.) But R&E was important now as we moved into the Decade of the Whatever Word (I dunno the sequence of the "Decades" now, nor do I care to try to remember.) Interesting that he should write R&E right after a mass exodus of people after the Loy-alty letter. A sort of oxymoron, perhaps. Also, with the internet being more widely accessible, it would be easier to spot plagiarism and he had enough other litigatable things that needed to be covered up, without covering up any plagiarism.
  12. Not Rosie unless she has moved to the Philippines. mmm...the currency is quoted in US$ and Philippine currency. Seller appears to be in Seattle. Pretty expensive for a bit of fire starter material.
  13. Twinky

    Running for cover

    Doing well on this. Feel free to check out the web page, even if you don't want to donate (but feel free to do that, too!). I have 76% of my desired total, will go up a little when the charity gets the tax back from the taxman. Am very grateful to all my donors. What's surprising is the number of people who say that they themselves ran marathons or half-marathons in their youth...looking at them now, it's hard to imagine some of them in fit enough shape. Alas, age and gravity affect us all; also, too much sugar in the coffee... (he he). My link
  14. Now for a slightly different take on PooP... I knew Geer from Gartmore, hated his arrogant self-satisfied smirk, and had early encountered that he said one thing and didn't follow through what he was spouting off in public. A lot of things flowing from Gartmore and the hard attitude there caused immense hurt and confusion to me, a mere "twiggy". The fog years were there and Geer was making a play for power and re-working PFAL. God took me out of that and I ended up in another country, where the believers were kind and tender and really cared for each other and the BCs were great. That aroused a desire in me to want to serve better and I ended up going in rez. When in rez, I was shown a copy of Poop. It was presented as being something special for me because of my knowledge of Geer - it wasn't shown to other in rez WC. I was appalled at the venom, vitriol, vileness of the language in the document. I was so utterly completely shocked at how any so-called leader could let such abusive language and outright evil spew forth. Any vague doubts I might have had about Geer being the "right man" were instantly dispelled and it deepened my commitment to TWI, and the BoT at the time. :wacko: <= koolaid Little did I realize that they were (are) ALL vile, venomous, and abusive. :asdf: Choose your poison wisely! So it "rocked my world" in a bit different way to the "rocks" others have described. In fact, it put some real big stumbling rocks (blocks) in my Christian walk. (edited cos my little symbols didn't turn out right!)
  15. I never heard this one before, soul searcher. Barffff....just when you think it couldn't get any worse.... I really do think I have to thank Rosie, yes, that Rosie. He told me he'd wanted me to be in the Green Room but she told him that I wasn't "spiritual" enough. Guess that means she knew I wouldn't (not even going to name it) and furthermore might make waves about it, being as I was never "meek" enough. Ps 84:10 I had rather be a dish washer in the dishroom of my God, than to dwell in the Green Room of wickedness. (with apologies)
  16. Officially spring!! And actually it is. Was out and about over the weekend and there are snowdrops everywhere, absolutely wonderful, great carpets of them, wall to wall little white flowers. And now there are some in my garden, not saying how they got there but I have a few clumps. As to the rest of the garden, guess I should be planning what to put where and getting things started but I have a Project which will take place over Easter which might negate any planting that I do. The Project: my garden path needs relaying. It was very ricketty when I bought the house and I started to re-lay it last fall but the weather suddenly turned inclement. All the paving slabs went back as best they could and now this temporary arrangement is showing signs of having had a hard winter. So the plan is to re-lay the path properly over the longer break. Exciting decisions to be made: how many steps, how deep, what sort of slope on the path, what to use to form the steps.... Frankly I'd rather take my tent and go camping, but Easter is when I can get some help with The Project.
  17. Bit late in the day to think of this, but "teaching" and "style" with regard to LCM - aren't these two complete opposites? Now if you said, "screeching style" ... that would be accurate ...
  18. That would be PFAL sign-up cards, wouldn't it? Hey word of knowledge and word of wisdom go hand in hand... like a WIZ with a WOK...to cook up some new enchantments, no doubt.
  19. Gen-2, you talk about learning to ride a bike. You have a saddle, a chain, handlebars, pedals, wheels, tires, brakes, gears and gear levers without which the bike is useless; and parts that you don't use so often but which are still necessary: a bell, lights, perhaps a basket or panniers... Sure you could learn how each one worked correctly. You still wouldn't be learning to ride a bike until you used all the parts correctly, all together, working properly to make one powerful and useful item. If you want to ride your spiritual bike, you need all the parts, too. But hey, Tom, what a great idea - break it down, and teach it as separate classes - hook 'em in with SIT then another cute little class called TIP (ha ha, interesting name) which was "fun" with practice sessions. By now they're well and truly hooked and you can smack 'em for a big payout on the Advanced Class. All part of the MLM strategy.
  20. I was there when he was teaching some Class live - Adv Class? DTA? Started out teaching it to the in-rez WC live (in the auditorium) but after a few sessions shifted the Corps to the room at the side (to the left as you enter the aud). Said this was because he was "teaching to the needs of the Corps" rather than teaching to wider more general needs that was appropriate to a class to be widely released (those weren't his words but the general import of what he said). I guess he might be right on that. Anyone presenting a lecture, show, play, whatever, does to some extent feed off the audience response...even though the WC was ordered to be silent. I do remember him getting het up about ...who knows what? being "spiritually angry" about something. Perhaps that was coming through in what he was teaching when the WC was present.
  21. Jeff, I realized Sky was out but my gut response to what he posted was just - GET OUT! to people still in. I see now my post was slightly misleading in that respect. Way life did acknowledge the wisdom of "a multitude of counsellors" - but those counsellors were always people higher in the Way tree than the individual seeking counsel. And so some sort of linear counselling developed. It was never counselling among equals nor seeking counsel/views from those affected by a decision. Hence "leadership" and "counselling" were detached from the lives of those affected (most here can attest to that). That's how it became "lockstep." Never mind that in "one body" all have a part to play. And the "head of the body" has a specific part to play. But then, the head of the body in TWI is not Jesus Christ, is it?
  22. GET OUT !!!!!! (if you're still in) and find a church where your God-given talents and abilities can be put to use and not buried in the ground, returning a profit to no-one.
  23. Twinky

    Running for cover

    I put some pre- and post-race photos on my online page. Unfortunately the official photos are all copyrighted and they want megabucks for permission to download. If any of you would like to support me financially, my online donation page is open till June 2010:Twinky's page
  24. Twinky

    Running for cover

    My time was 2 hours 22 mins 04 seconds. There are some photos on the web of me (and all competitors!) and I look really...blessed... to be doing this. Kind of a rough style, but hey, I did it! It took 45 mins to get from the start gate to the start pen, so although the race started at 11am, I didn't actually get to the start line until about 11.15. Everyone has a microchip on their shoe, which records times at (personal) start, 10km and finish. I was lapped about a mile or so in by the winning little group - the winner was a Kenyan and boy, did he have style. He was past before anyone near me realised what was happening, just so smooth, made it look nearly effortless. A collective groan went up from those near me at the though of his speed and our slowness. He was closely followed by two other black men (one last year's winner, also Kenyan who came third). A white local (UK) male came next and his style was really ponderous compared with the Kenyans - different sort of body shape - but hey, he too came in in excellent time, about 1:06. It was quite something being in this seething mass of bouncing heads. Looking forward up the road, it was bobbing solid ribbon of multicolored shirts. Looking back was the same. Some were quite fit, others definitely lacked style, and some you might think should never attempt such an undertaking. Big crowds all the way round, a samba band, other musicians, lots of encouragement. Lovely sunny day, dry, but a very cold strong wind blowing. A mile or so from the end I had to put my sweater and gloves back on. And now I'm the delighted possessor of a Race Finisher T shirt and a commemorative medal. Got a round of applause when I walked into the place where I'm a volunteer worker, yesterday. Thanks for your good wishes and prayers . I'm sure they helped . Every year there is a casualty rate but I saw only three emergency vehicles rushing people away (to hospital presumably), which is quite good for saying there were 15,000 entrants. If any of you would like to support me financially, my online donation page is still open and will remain so for the next three months:Twinky's page
  25. Twinky

    Running for cover

    Well. I did it. Something between 2h15 and 2h20mins, I think. Results are posted on the organisers' website, but can't get on that. Everyone else wants to know their times. Quite tired. An early night beckons.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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