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Everything posted by Rejoice

  1. "But that would be an impossibility if I still had the same attitude as when I was involved with CES. I'll have to learn how my profs think, before I can teach them what I know." It seems that this was our problem in the past, and IS the problem of all the offshoots today. They think that telling you their view is the way to reach people to their way of thinking. But then again, empathy was NEVER their strongsuit.
  2. I know for a fact it was with those under his charge...
  3. That is a very valid fear. Many Americans are already facing this problem right now, especially those approaching retirement age but have been laid off with no pension or medical insurance. Some have lost housing too. I know three former coworkers who at 60 with a ton of experience and education cannot find any employment beyond part time retail jobs. Often they've been passed over for much younger people who can stand for hours and lift 50-pound boxes. And they are praying Christians, but the answers are slow in coming.
  4. Good heavens, he is so STUCK IN HIS OWN HEAD that he is unable to perceive reality and facts. :wacko:
  5. Thank you for the clarification Steve. And OMYGOSH...scary!
  6. He is extremely deluded, which would classify as a mental illness. We already trusted the mentally ill and evil VPW who used God and salvation as the hook. Once was MORE than enough!
  7. TWI said it was because mankind was relatively new to the earth and their blood hadn't been poisoned by toxins and evil. When I heard that, I thought, "how do you know that?" maybe that should have been an ITALICIZED number in KJV!
  8. And Bob Hope and George Burns lived to be 100! Mrs Hope lived to be 102. And they never took PFAL---gosh almighty!
  9. I was just searching for a better understanding and a true relationship/connection with God. My life was good. I saw a relative transform her life, but it didn't last. She became part of the corruption, and never warned me later. That's family for ya!
  10. And like his Grandpa...he just copies what has already been done...
  11. Speaking of the implosion, the STFI website is still "Under Construction". Does this mean they are trying to quietly slip into oblivion? Money and support drying up? I heard Dan Gallagher moved out of state.
  12. Oh Geeze...I thought it was just ME! :blink:
  13. Rejoice

    The Olympics!

    Wow Kit...thanks for sharing that about Manteo Mitchell!
  14. Wow...very true!! [sorry for the multiple posts...got an error about the database not functioning.]
  15. Poring over thousands of medieval manuscripts, the 84-year-old Cohen identified 1,500 inaccuracies in the Hebrew language texts that have been corrected in his completed 21-volume set. The final chapter is set to be published next year. And to think we thought we had perfected the translation years ago with all our TWI corrections. http://news.yahoo.com/israeli-scholar-completes-mission-fix-bible-063009279.html
  16. Rejoice

    TAKIT Band

    Oh my gosh...why is it not possible that YOU misunderstood something. Talk about dogmatic in your stance of being argumentative or right! Once you decide something, eye witnesses [past or current] don't matter to you. Sheesh!
  17. Shiftthis; I am so sorry you had such a tortuous upbringing. The rawness for your story resonates with pain. All of us have endured things that never leave us; we just figure out how to minimize them by living better. It makes sense why you avoid those who just want a place to fall in their drunkenness rather than help to get out of it. Those specific people help to resurrect yesterday for you. I'm glad you are a survivor.
  18. What you live in your heart reflects on your face. After oozing so much of God's kindness, I wonder what Rosalie and Donna look like today. Haven't seen them in years. I also noticed that Roz is the only one with a formal title; does that mean the rest are serfs? Board of Directors Rev. Rosalie F. Rivenbark, Chairman Rev. Jean-Yves De Lisle Rev. Robert Mc Culloch Rev. John Rupp Rev. Greg Shaffer
  19. Rejoice

    The Olympics!

    Here is a phenomenal biography of a former Olympian, who over came so much prejudice and descrimination and moved on to a very rewarding and productive life. not sure if he is part owner of this company or was a spokesman; I just loved his story. http://super-cool-products.com/thesammysporttowels/biographydrsammylee.html
  20. Well, it seems the operate like TWI still...depend upon volunteer or low paid staff with marginal skills to build their 'state of the art' web page for God. The previous one was pretty static. Even Google offers more excitement and potential by utilizing a word search function. I agree...any professional web builder would update/upgrade the page in a different 'build' enviornment and when it is ready, launch it. Everything they do is so old school, except they have learned to use YOUTUBE. Imagine what that megalomaniac VeePee would have been like if he could have watched himself on the computer screen whenever he wanted.
  21. Many months ago, STF took down their website and left this message; "Our website is currently receiving a makeover. We will be live soon!" How long does it take to redo a site? This is lousy for outreach of which they say is their mission...
  22. I noticed they are promoting the L.E.A.D. program. Isn't that still part of Rosalie's TWI training for the Way Corpse? Does TWI stand is support for S.W.O.W.E.R.S. org?
  23. I think Scientology does this---and the class rates are SUPER high. The 'church' finances the classes up front Because they are so incredibly expensive, people work second jobs to pay them off.
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